Alternate History: The Series: Difference between revisions

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* [[Butt Monkey]] : The recurring characters Chingo360 and Alt. Luakel, who are constantly trying to get their old ship back, failing, and returning to dead-end jobs in a mall on the Hub of the Multiverse.
* [[The Captain]] : Subverted; the Ship's captain, Doctor What, is a goofy screwball who leads the crew more through charisma and imagination than command ability.
* [[Catch Phrase]] : Lots of these.
** Doctor What: "I find that strangely arousing,"; Ward: "Get your head out of your ass, boy!"; Thande: "Daring Commando Raid??"; GBW: "Sorry, logic and reason, I know..."; etc.
* [[Characterisation Marches On]]: Typically with the more minor characters. Also, everyone has tended to become less [[Ax Crazy]] over time.
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* [[Second Law, My Ass]]: Leo Caesius to some extent, especially after he gets infected with a virus in the episode "Leo Atrox".
* [[Shout-Out]]: The stories make frequent references to stuff that takes place on the discussion board.
* [[Spin-Off]] : '' the Next Generation'', written by and starring newer board members, has recently begun "screening".
** Also, via [[Commedia Dell Arte Troupe]]; [[AH Dot Com The Creepy Teen Years]], Wars and Luaky Commer (being parodies of [[High School]] series, [[Star Wars]] and ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' respectively.)
* [[Stalker with a Crush]] : Psychomeltdown with Alyson Hannigan. Later brought to high levels of squickery when {{spoiler|Psycho's [[Gender Bender|GenderBendered]] [[Mirror Universe]] counterpart went insane and declared s/he WAS Alyson Hannigan - especially since s/he continued to maintain this even after partly changing back to a man}}. In later episodes, also used with several characters - both crewmen and recurring villains - with Keira Knightley.
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* [[Take a Third Option]]: In "The Cult of the Swamp God", after a few members of the crew are forced to compete in a LARP due to a computer glitch, they are given the option to take one item from the LARP world. Dave Howery has to choose between a Bag of Holding and Keira Knightley. In the end, he chooses to put Keira in the Bag of Holding and take the Bag.
* [[Take That]] : Common targets are [[Alternate History]] authors [[Harry Turtledove]] and [[S.M. Stirling]], and of course [[The Other Wiki]].
** A take that is given to german videogame censorship ([[Command and& Conquer]] Generals?) by having Germany use "Cyborg Robots With Green Blood"
* [[Techno Babble]] : Used ironically. Notably, a powerful enemy weapon is said to use 'technobabblyon particle beams'.
** A term borrowed from ''Sev Trek'', a [[Star Trek]] parody webcomic.