Alternate Self: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.AlternateSelf 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.AlternateSelf, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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In the case of separate timelines, the two alternate selves may or may not be able to share information through [[Flash Sideways]].
== Comic Books ==
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** Richard Lawson's '' [ Definitions Of hell]'' has two Ranma's swap places before meeting up to compare notes.
** Deb Goldsmith's ''[ Equal Halves]'' has a female version of Ranma from a fanfic end up with canon Ranma due to a wish by Kuno.
* ''[[On a Cross And Arrow (Fanfic)|On a Cross And Arrow]]'' is about the main characters of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' finding themselves in a [[Gender Flip|Gender Flipped]] alternate universe and running into their counterparts (Dusk Shine, Berry Bubble, [[NamesName's the Same|Applejack]], Rainbow Blitz, Elusive, and Butterscotch).
* The ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' fanfic ''[[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|Nobody Dies]]'' has an entire story arc devoted to this.
* The ''[[Pony POV Series (Fanfic)|Pony POV Series]]'' reveals the main timeline is simply one in a ''very'' large multiverse, the [[Gender Flip]] univserse from ''[[On a Cross And Arrow (Fanfic)|On a Cross And Arrow]]'' is one of them. {{spoiler|This leads to a pretty [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome moment]] when Applejack teams up with Orangejack, her alternate self from a world were she didn't see the Sonic Rainboom, to fight Nightmare Mirror, ''another'' alternate version of her who'd not only gone [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Nightmare]], but become a [[Multiversal Conquerer]]. To defeat her, [[Gondor Calls for Aid|Applejack summons four other alternate versions of herself]] that represent the other Elements.}}
== Film ==
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== Web Comics ==
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' got several full arcs of these in continuity and about as much outside of it. Tedd exists and has self-esteem issues in ''[[In Spite of a Nail|every]]'' [[Alternate Universe]] -- even the one where aliens fought in the American Revolutionary War and every third or so guy around is a [[Half -Human Hybrid]].
* ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'' has the Mayor who traveled from the future to save the world from ninja zombies. {{spoiler|Then, he discovered that alternate versions of himself had also traveled into the past to save their timelines from various things like Rogue Super Vacuums. Usually, they finish their mission and live a peaceful life away from the city.}}
** There's also Dr. [[McNinja]]'s clone who had lived a peaceful life as a farmer. His name is [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Old McNinja]].
* The [[Portal Network|wormgates]] in ''[[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]'' could link one input to multiple outputs, creating "gate-clones". The most extreme case was a scientist named Gav, who went through a clone-gate with nearly a billion outputs, and is now an [[MesMe's a Crowd|entire marketing demographic]].
{{quote| Gav-285074072: "There are still over 900 million Gav-clones out there. My activities of the last year can only be understood statistically."}}
** Also, at one point [[Mad Scientist|Kevyn Andreyasn]] managed to go back in time to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]. The timeclone accomplished this, and then retired.