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{{quote|''"How do we know which side that bird is on? Why shouldn't it be leading us into a trap?"<br />
"That's a nasty idea. Still - a robin, you know. They're good birds [[Genre Savvy|in all the stories I've ever read]]. I'm sure a robin wouldn't be on the wrong side."''|''[[The Lion, the Witch Andand Thethe Wardrobe]]''}}
A [[Planet of Hats|whole race or culture]] of fair and benevolent beings. Obviously, inverted [[Always Chaotic Evil]]. Sadly enough, not [[Truth in Television]], but that's why these races exist: to show humans that they need to improve themselves.
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This trope is certainly [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|very idealistic]] and is used mostly in shows with [[Black and White Morality]]. The more cynical shows love to [[Light Is Not Good|subvert it]].
In more recent media, both this trope and [[Always Chaotic Evil]] are less frequently used, especially with classical versions of this trope such as [[Our Angels Are Different|angels]], [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves|elves]], and [[The Fair Folk|fairies]] all increasingly portrayed as at ''best'' just as fallible as humanity. In more extreme cases, [[Always Chaotic Evil]] continues in full sway, while this trope practically disappears, no doubt because [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]].
'''Note that before adding examples to this list, just like [[Always Chaotic Evil|its evil counterpart]], [[Lawful Good]] is only the [[Trope Namer]]. Also, like Always Chaotic Evil, [[Always Lawful Good]] also does not necessarily mean that everybody of the race is of the same good alignment. While a race can literally be Always [[Lawful Good]] and apply for this trope, this also extends to races that are also Always [[Neutral Good]] and Always [[Chaotic Good]], or races that have [[Lawful Good]], [[Neutral Good]] and [[Chaotic Good]] individuals, but no evil individuals of any kind.'''
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* Archons in ''[[Age of Wonders]]''.
* The Hazers from [[Clifford Simak]]'s ''[[Way Station]]''.
* The Organians, and possibly the Metrons, on the original ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series (TV)|Star Trek the Original Series]]''.
** For that matter, most of Star Fleet itself is portrayed as something like this (with a few bad seeds), until the existence of Section 31 was revealed (AFTER Gene Roddenbury' s death of course).
* ''[[Redwall]]'': Mice, otters, hedgehogs, moles, hares, badgers, squirrels. Shrews are generally [[Chaotic Good]] (but always chaotic); voles are good but sometimes whiny.
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* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|Metallic]] [[Our Dragons Are Different|dragons]] in older versions of, what else, ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''.
** Also, Paladins are a literal example. Or at least up until the fourth edition, where they were allowed to be any alignment so long as it matched their patron god.
** The Devas, Archons and related [[Shaped Like Itself|Lawful Good]] entities in [[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]. They even ''point out'' that [[Lawful Stupid]] is the [[Stupidest Thing I've Ever Heard]]. Entities such as them exist in a state of grace that is literally impossible for mortals to reach, meaning they forgive and tolerate mistakes made by Lawful Good characters - even to the point of such characters embracing Chaos in the form of being [[The Snark Knight]] or even a [[Knight in Sour Armor]] - as long as they are consistently '''trying''' to be Lawful Good.
{{quote| '''Roy's Deva''': ''[ People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then. They figure that if they can't manage it perfectly every waking second, then they should just pick some other alignment because it'll be easier. But it's the struggle that matters. It's easy for a being of pure Law and Good to live up to these ideals, but you're a mortal. What matters is that when you blow it, you get back up on the horse and try again.]''}}
*** Best part? This is a high quality [[Real Life]] Aesop - good people screw up. Doesn't mean we shouldn't stop trying to be as good as we can be.
* Vorlons in ''[[Babylon 5]]'' turn out to be another subversion as they are just as petty and terrorizing as their opposing species, the Shadows; while Kosh was literally [[Lawful Good]] (for certain values of Lawful; he had no qualms about encouraging [[The Chosen One]]--{{spoiler|all three parts of...him? Her? Them? Anyway, Sinclair, Delenn, and Sheridan}}--to bend the rules when necessary to maintain long-term order) the Vorlons as a whole turn out to be merely Always Lawful (Ulkesh being definitely [[Lawful Evil]]).
* The Eternals in [[Doctor Who]] were originally intended to be this, although not much is revealed about them in the show and the [[Expanded Universe]] depicts them as having their fair share of villains. Some other species, such as Star Whales and Thals, have also only been seen in a positive light so far.
* The Toads and Yoshis in [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario games]].
** Though the RPGs have introduced exceptions.
* ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'': Deconstructed with Pemalites, a highly developed and joyful race that praised life and abhored violence, so much that when [[Always Chaotic Evil]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|OmnicidalManiacs]] the Howlers arrived, Pemalites failed to muster any defence and were exterminated.
* The Houyhnhnms of [[GulliversGulliver's Travels]]. They are incredibly [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves|honourable]], [[Intellectual Animal|intelligent]] [[Superior Species|horses]] that live alongside feral, [[Humans Are Bastards|deformed humans]] (called "Yahoos") that appear to be [[Always Chaotic Evil]], {{spoiler|though this is later revealed to be a prejudice on the Houyhnhnms' part.}}
* [[Wedding Peach (Manga)|Wedding Peach]] have the angels fill this role. Even the worst of them is a [[Knight Templar]] who thinks the angels aren't doing enough to ''help'' the humans.