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* Griffith of ''[[Berserk]]'', at least before the Eclipse where he became a [[Complete Monster]] who probably doesn't concern himself with sexuality or romance anymore. Even though we know that Griffith {{spoiler|screwed Princess Charlotte just to make himself feel better after Guts left}}, he might very well have had some unrequited feelings for both Guts ''and'' Casca, judging from the fact that a) he was a complete [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] when it came to Guts, through and through, b) before activating his crimson behelit a la [[Despair Event Horizon]], Griffith did have a vision of {{spoiler|he and Casca sharing a quiet, peaceful life together, [[Babies Ever After|child and all]]}} and to top it off, c) he gave Guts and Casca the [[Kubrick Stare]] when it was evident that they had become a couple.
* ''[[Angel Sanctuary]]'''s Rosiel. [[No Sense of Personal Space]] in a [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys]]? Yes. Combine with [[Fashion Victim Villain|the outfits]] and dilute with [[No Sex Allowed]] [[Crap Saccharine World|In Heaven]]? ''Oh yes''.
* A lot of characters in ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]'' are [[Ambiguously Bi]] like Utena herself, Wakaba, and Akio as well as others.
* Yuuri and Sara in ''[[Kyo Kara Maoh!|Kyo Kara Maoh]]''.
* Sheryl Nome of ''[[Macross Frontier]]'', [[Love Interest|definitely into guys]], takes a seemingly random interest in Ranka when they first meet (and stares at her QUITE a bit), and makes an off-hand remark about Nanase's voluptuousness (which Nanase then calls her out to stop staring at her with those "lecherous eyes"). Oh, and did we mention she french kisses ''[[Beyond the Impossible|herself]]''? She has a habit of creating multiple holographic versions of herself on stage in the movies, which she uses to accomplish that. The second movie takes this one step further with the holographic Other-Sheryl [[Gender Bender|appearing to be a guy]]. In short, she may have just somehow combined this trope with [[Narcissist|Narcissism]].
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* In ''[[The Long Walk]]'', McVries seems to care about Garraty in a way that extends beyond friendship. He's also mentioned to have had a girlfriend.
* Carlisle (especially movie continuity Carlisle) of ''[[Twilight]]'' is more than a little of this. He's an extremely well-dressed (look at that coordinated shirt and tie in the hospital scene! That extremely sexy shade of blue!) has an immaculately clean and artistically decorated house, loves to cook (if only because, as a vampire, he doesn't get to very often) and has a lot of "foster kids" but none of his own. He's also a ridiculously pale, ridiculously blond bishonen. He also has a wife. He's also just a few years older than his "children" are supposed to be. You cannot tell me that if you saw him and Edward in a public place together your first thought would be that they were father and son. In fact, when Eddie's mom told him to save him, Carlisle changed Edward with the intentions of the two of them being companions. The flashback in the movie where he turns Edward is ridiculously full of subtext. In the books Edward mentions Carlisle spent a lot of time in Italy a few centuries back, where he hung out with a load of male vampires who were models for works of art. He left after he got sick of them trying to "convert him to their lifestyle" it wasn't just blood Edward meant.
* Eragon from ''[[Inheritance Cycle]]'' comes off as this, though his obsession with an unattainable elf girl indicates that he's straight. Despite this, he travels and becomes EXTREMELY close to his half-brother Murtagh, and starts getting vengeful and sulky when Murtagh turns out to think he's an annoying little twerp. Additionally he never notices Arya's sexual characteristics (read: breasts),<ref>perhaps because he's the badass MAGIC CHOSEN ONE and thus above such things as staring at boobs</ref>, but he spends a lot of time ogling his master's muscles, "port-red lips" and long, flowing hair, and starts staring intently at the guy's "hairless groin" during a naked bath scene. [[Foe Yay|He also ogles the "hard and lean" muscles of his crippled ex-nemesis]], and even drops his pants (but not underwear) in front of his cousin to show a very intimately-placed bruise.
