Anaksha Female Assassin: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Boast]]/[[Throwing Down the Gauntlet]]: Anaksha's awesome speech after coming out of her [[Ten Minute Retirement]]:
{{quote| ''This is my promise to all you sick bastards who have turned this city into a hellhole! All you parasites who've abused the system for your own gain; abused people for your own pleasure -- retribution has arrived! Go ahead. Run and hide, bury your cowardly heads in the ground; I swear I'll hunt you down and show you the mercy you deserve -- none! The angel of death is here...and your punishment is due!''}}
* [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop]]: Most of the cops of Santa Lina are either incompetent at their job (such as Sam Mitchell, who Anaksha nicknames "[[Ralph Wiggum|Chief Wiggum]]") or utterly corrupt bastards (such as the four [[Dirty Cop|Dirty Cops]] that Anaksha takes down before the final mission).
* [[Based on a True Story]]: [ Arif has stated] that some of the plot elements in "Female Assassin" were inspired by true stories - in particular, the story of a girl sold in a marriage is something that happened to one of his friends. Ouch...
* [[Big Bad]]: Vincent St. Claire. His drug dealing was foreshadowed as far back as mission 4, and it's his actions that start Anaksha on her quest.
* [[Black and Grey Morality]]: The police are useless, and the only one who has the power to challenge the monsters is a vigilante assassin with mental issues.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Anaksha's preferred method of offing her targets. Since most people in Santa Lina wear body armor because of the rampant gun crime, this is justified.
* [[Can't Kill You - Still Need You]]: In the beginning of "Dark Angel", Anaksha has to keep the drug-dealer alive to torture him for information.
* [[Chain of Deals]]: The general format of the Mini-Adventures. Anaksha even [[Lampshade|lampshades]] it at the beginning of ''A New Threat'':
{{quote| '''Anaksha:''' *sigh* Here we go again on another treasure hunt! Find this, give it to him, find that, give it to her. Story of my freakin' life!}}
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* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: Anaksha, and the whole city, earn this after Anaksha takes down St. Claire (who happens to be one of the most powerful crime bosses in the whole city.)
* [[Film Noir]]
* [[Frame -Up]]: Anaksha is targeted with one of these in ''Dark Angel''.
* [[Girls Love Stuffed Animals]]: In Anaksha's case, stuffed monkeys, as revealed in the Mini-Adventures.
* [[Gorn]]: Many of Anaksha's killings, especially [[Your Head Asplode|later on]], fall under this. And that's not even speaking of what the [[Serial Killer]] she takes down likes to do to his victims.
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* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|What happens to the man who intended to kill Jack.}}
* [[Kill It With Fire]]: Eamon and Cal do this to both Sarah and her cat. Alive.
* [[Kung Fu-Proof Mook]]: Vincent, your final target, wears headgear that renders him immune to your [[Boom! Headshot!]]. {{spoiler|You need to [[Shoot the Rope]] above a set of heavy steel girders to crush him and take him out once and for all}}.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Anaksha's company is named 'Zaranna." This is a combination of "Zara" (Anaksha's friend whose death sent her on the vigilante's road) and "Anna" (short for "Anaksha").
* [[Mentor]]: Anaksha has one in Edward, her adoptive grandfather, whom she calls "BabaJi," and who taught her how to use the sniper rifle.
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* [[Serial Killer]]: One of the targets, Edward Riley, is a cannibalistic serial killer. He's murdered, skinned and eaten at least forty people, all of them hookers. He is the first target who you get to give a true [[Your Head Asplode]] treatment to, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of work.
* [[A Simple Plan]]: All Anaksha wants to do in ''Quick Stop'' is go to the bathroom and call D. While getting the former is relatively simple, getting the latter proves to be the harder task, particularly since her cellphone is dead and the pay phone has been vandalized.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The entire Pyramid Cube cult is a shout-out to [[Time Cube]], what with the talk about "educated stupid" and such.
* [[Slashed Throat]]: How several of Anaksha's targets have murdered people.
* [[Straight Edge]]: Anaksha doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and doesn't do drugs. She's also not too fond of porn in general, and the only ink on her is the Virgo symbol on her left shoulder.
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