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* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' gives us Koh the [[Face Stealer]], who does [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: steals your face and leaves you as a [[The Blank|blank]]. Imagine being stuck, with ''no eyes,'' ''no nose,'' and ''no mouth'' for the rest of your life. Worse, it's possible that you're stuck like that ''[[Nightmare Fuel|for eternity in the Spirit World.]]''
* The fate of [[Donald Duck]] at the end of "Donald's Snow Fight", where he ends up being ''frozen alive''. This qualifies because of the [[Tethercat Principle]].
* Bluto suffers this fate in the [[Popeye]] short "We Aim To Please", where at the end Popeye lays the finishing blow, which knocks Bluto against a wall, a hook catching his shirt as he falls, while Bluto instantly transforms into "[[Visual Pun|A Lot of Bologna.]]" A [[Crowning Moment of Funny]], or flat out [[Nightmare Fuel]]? You decide.
* In ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' this seems to be the fate of anyone hit by a device that Swindle made, and Bumblebee seems to be freaked out that he had to spend even an hour like that. Bumblebee is then fine with intentionally [[Karmic Death|deflecting the beam back upon him]], [[Moral Dissonance|freezing him forever to be taken apart and sold at a police auction. Yeah...]] {{spoiler|Though luckily not the last part}}.
** Though if you think that's bad then just wait until you hear what happened to Blurr. {{spoiler|He was crushed into a cube by Shockwave and was confirmed to still be alive, He was supposedly put into an incinerator soon after though there is some debate amongst the fandom about this.}}
* In an episode of the ''[[Legion of Super -Heroes (AnimationTV series)|Legion of Super Heroes]]'', the wizard Mordru is {{spoiler|wrapped in a metal cocoon and sunken to the middle of the Planet. Pretty harsh when you consider his eyes were still moving as he was buried, and the planet probably has a molten core... so either he is buried alive or melted.}} Pretty harsh for a team that works with the police and United Planets.
* In the ''[[Double Dragon]]'' [[Animated Adaptation]], the [[Big Bad]]'s favorite [[You Have Failed Me|punishment for underlings who have screwed up once too many]] is to make them part of his mural.
* Turns up a time or two in ''[[Batman Beyond]].''
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*** This was later subverted when it's discovered that {{spoiler|a time duplicate of Fry goes back in time and gives Seymour much love and attention. (Way to spoil the sad ending, Groening)}}
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in the episode "Raging Bender" when George Foreman says, "As a head without a body, I envy the dead."
* An episode of ''[[Captain N: theThe Game Master]]'' featured a villain who turned his victims into living Tetris blocks.
* In the ''[[Sonic theSat Hedgehog (Animation)AM|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' Saturday morning cartoon (as well as ''[[Sonic Underground]]'', and the Archie comics), roboticizing a person meant turning them into a machine, eliminating their free will. However, their minds still function, causing them to be used as slaves to Robotnik, knowing what's happening but incapable of doing anything about it.
* In ''[[Thomas the Tank Engine]]'', Duke relates the story of a misbehaving engine who was turned into a generator, with his face still intact and presumably still consious. It gets even more horrifying when the [[Fridge Logic]] sets in that he was likely buried along with the rest of the old railway and might still be down there underneath several feet of dirt.
** Duke himself was abandoned in his shed, which was covered over by nature and buried for many years, until he was unearthed in "Sleeping Beauty".
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** [[Hilarious in Hindsight|...I got a]] [[Peanuts|rock?]]
* [[Wild Kratts]] has Donita Donata who specializes in "living jewelry", i.e. living animals frozen in suspended animation and attached to horrendous fashion. And yep, they're still conscious.
* Paradox in ''[[Ben 10: Alien Force (Animation)|Ben 10 Alien Force]]'' found himself trapped in the event horizon of his time tunnel for hundreds of thousands of years, unable to escape or die.
{{quote| '''Paradox:''' I went mad, of course. But I got [[Bored Withwith Insanity|bored with that after a while]], and went sane. ''Very'' sane.}}
* In an episode of ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'', "U.F.Foe", Darkwing finds his brain taken out by aliens and his body controlled by remote. Although he has no mouth (or beak) and we "hear" his screaming thoughts, amazingly he can still kick ass as he destroys the computer brain and saves Launchpad from the same fate!
** Similarly, in an episode of ''[[Duck TalesDuckTales]]'', the Beagle Boys manage to take control of Gizmoduck's armor by remote - while Fenton is still wearing it. He's not at all happy with being forced to rob his own employer in broad daylight... or stealing his crush's car, for that matter.
* ''[[Kim Possible]]'' gives us Monkey Fist's fate-- [[Taken for Granite|as a statue]].
* ''The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury'' has the eponymous hero go up against a madwoman who "collects" criminals and keeps them awake but practically frozen in artistic poses as part of a grotesque, living gallery. She created a type of stasis that slows their bodies down to a crawl but lets their minds be fully functional. It takes them a day and some excruciating pain to even blink their eyes.
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** Timmy's undone wishes are even worse, given that they had to abandon the locker concept entirely and port them all to an ''island'' (possibly [[Lampshade Hanging|a commentary]] on his tendency to hit the [[Reset Button]] every episode). It's revealed that the leader of this island is Timmy's imaginary friend Gary, who also fit this trope in his first appearance. After Timmy got Cosmo and Wanda as his Fairy God Parents, he forgot about his friend... but Gary never forgot about him, and was trapped inside Timmy's imagination, fully aware that he was being ignored. It's no surprise that he went for the revenge route.
** The fate of {{spoiler|Turbo Thunder's parents}} in ''Wishology''. {{spoiler|Luckily, Timmy saves everybody in the end, including them.}}
* "Paralytic fluid" in the ''[[Aeon Flux]]'' episode "Ether Drift Theory". The Habitat laboratory is submerged in a lake of said fluid, which [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|paralyses those who fall in it]], with no hope of rescue. ''But they are still conscious.'' {{spoiler|This happens to Aeon herself at the end of the episode. The last scene of the episode is of Aeon, paralyzed in the fluid, as the two halves of the item that would neutralize the solution slowly float in front of her eyes, collide, and go in different directions.}}
* In ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' episode "Return to Spider Skull Island", Doctor Orpheus deals with two [[Jerkass]] rednecks by trapping their souls in a Homeboys figurine. They can actually be heard screaming.
* A version of this happens in ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' where a Werewolf is [[Chunky Salsa Rule|reduced to a bloody pulp]] by [[More Dakka]], cremated, had it's ashes snorted and later crapped out and roasted in the sewage treatment. This is then shown to be a Tabletop RPG, where the Game Master states that it's technically still alive because the bullets weren't silver.
** Which is total bullshit, because if nothing else, [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Tabletop Game)|roasting via fire is just as good.]]
* ''[[The Secret Saturdays]]'': In one episode, the family face against a warrior king whose thirst for power long ago could not be quenched. Seeking to use the Methuselah tree, which makes all the water on earth, he ended up entombed in salt due to the tree protectors (giant insect-like crab cryptids) causing an earthquake. Years later he breaks out of his imprisonment when the salt crystal gets exposed to water. Anything that he touches with his right hand turns or gets encased in an unbreakable layer of salt, which he uses to almost accidently turn the tree itself into salt. In the end its revealed his thirst for power has now became a literal, unquenchable thirst, yet unable to touch water to quench it. He demands Zak retrieve the sap from the tree to finally end his suffering. Later he uses a flower from the tree to finally quench his thirst. As it turns out, he became nothing but living salt and drinking the sap from the flower reduced him to a pile of salt, finally ending his suffering.
* In ''[[Trollz]]'', {{spoiler|Zirconia}} was turned into a {{spoiler|tree}} for 3,000 years. It's a bit more complicated than that, though; at first, she was simply imprisoned within the {{spoiler|tree}}. As time passed, she became ''part'' of it. ''She was conscious the entire time''.
** {{spoiler|Spinell, her husband}}, was trapped in the form of a {{spoiler|dragon}}. That couldn't talk.
* The short film ''[ Alma]'' is about a little girl lured into a sinister toy shop by a doll that looks just like her, {{spoiler|ending with her becoming the doll after touching it and the shop setting out another doll to lure another victim}}.
* In ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'', the Gargoyles whose bodies composed the Cyborg Coldstone are given a moment of freedom by a spell that allows them to possess the bodies of their living brethren in the clan. Coldstone and his mate briefly contemplate keeping the bodies, but eventually give them back up shortly after it's discovered that the Gargoyles they're possessing are still conscious in their bodies. Fortunately, this was part of Puck and Xanatos' plan to transfer two of consciousness' into new android bodies, leaving Coldstone in sole control of his own.
* In the backstory to ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', Nightmare Moon was imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years, and it's implied she was aware the entire time. However, her sanity doesn't seem to have suffered from the experience.
** There have been fanfics written that try to describe what her isolation must have been like, {{spoiler|especially considering that the reason she turned evil in the first place was because she was lonely.}} Some of these fics imply that Celestia offered her an early release if she reformed; others aren't so generous.
** Discord [[Angst? What Angst?|offhandedly]] mentions that "it's quite lonely being [[Taken for Granite|encased in stone]]." Unlike Luna, there's considerably less sympathy to be had for him considering he's a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who desires nothing more [[Dystopia Justifies the Means|ruling Equestria in never-ending chaos, tormenting everypony for his own amusement.]]
** Also, it's possible that Discord had the ability to at least observe the outside world. Not the most consoling thing to someone in that situation, but most people would welcome ''anything'' to relieve the tedium.
* In the original ''[[My Little Pony]]'', ponies were at various times turned to glass, turned to stone, and frozen in ice.
* In ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series]]'', Grant Walker, a sociopathic millionaire, has Mr. Freeze build a duplicate cyrogenic suit for him and has him undergo the same chemical process that happened to him in order to obtain immortality. At the end of the episode {{spoiler|Walker is frozen in an iceberg, sinking towards the bottom of ocean, condemned there for eternity}}.
** Well, he ''was''. A comic followed up his story by showing that he managed to get out (cause icebergs do melt ya know?) and tried returning to Gotham to get revenge upon Freeze after finding out that Freeze's condition had destroyed most of his body and the same thing would happen to him eventually. He was captured and imprisoned after Freeze almost killed him.
* ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]''
** After coming back their first experience with the time machine, {{spoiler|they bring back a T-Rex which tries to eat Candace only to be hit by Dr. Doofenshmirtz's freeze ray turning it into a living statue.}} He wanted to use the same ray on Perry the Platypus and other secret agent animals.
** In the [[Bad Future|alternate dystopian future]] seen in "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo", kids are ''kept in [[People Jars]]'' until adulthood "for their own safety".
* The ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (Animation)|Galaxy Rangers]]'' episode "Psychocrypt" demonstrated that after having their soul torn out ''painfully,'' those tossed in the device are fully aware of what's happened, their [[Life Energy]] is used to make a construct the Queen (the person who put them there) can see and hear through, forced to do her bidding. [[God Save Us From the Queen]].
* ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'': First off, it's implied that the other members of the Heinous family are still conscious in their [[Human Popsicle]] state. There's also a throw-away joke about a gnome being completely encased in gold while still conscious.
* At the end of the ''[[Superman: theThe Animated Series]]'' episode "Action Figures", the android Metallo is left encased in lava underneath a volcano. His [[Inner Monologue]] reveals that he is unable to see or hear anything (in addition to the loss of taste, touch, and smell from being a robot in the first place). To keep himself sane, he gives us this chilling thought:
{{quote| I am Metallo, I am Metallo, I am Metallo...}}
* Anyone who ends up in the Fresnar in ''[[Space Chimps]]''.
* Dark Danny's ultimate fate in ''[[Danny Phantom]]: The Ultimate Enemy''. He's trapped in a Fenton Thermos and exists outside of time, for all eternity. [[Paranoia Fuel|Hopefully.]]
* In ''[[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]]'', after being killed by Galvatron (again), Starscream spent countless centuries as a disembodied spark, before finding a way to go back in time.
* Near the end of [[Pixar Shorts|''Monster Truck Mater'']], Tormentor ([[Cars|Mater's]] monster truck wrestler alter ego) actually traps Paddy O'Concrete (an Irish modified cement mixer monster truck) in his own cement.
* [[South Park]] gives us unfortunate kindergarden teacher Mrs. Claridge, who is burned so horrifically in an accident caused by the boys in pre-school that she's confined to a mechanical wheelchair, unable to move or speak, except beeping one time for yes, and two times for no. This earns her the sympathy of her fellow civilians, but things really go downhill for her when her chair runs out of batteries.
** the middle of the street, and the townspeople think she's trying to commit suicide.
* One wonders how ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'' villain Malchior took being imprisoned in that book for a thousand years.
* Another example of such a fate happens to Ch'rell, the Utrom Shredder, in the 2003 ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 (Animation)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' cartoon. After having battled and defeated him many times in the past only for him to return for a rematch later every time, Splinter and the turtles, despite an interruption by Ch'rell, who beats such stuffing out of them that they spend the next episode recovering from their wounds, successfully destroy his spaceship and, along with him, Karai, and Dr. Chaplin, are transported to the safety of the Utrom homeworld by the Utroms themselves just before the ship explodes. There, everyone is attending as the Utrom council places Ch'rell on trial. The council finds Ch'rell guilty and sentences him to eternal exile to his new home on the ice asteroid belt of Mor Tal, where he does very little but let loose a furious [[Big No]]. Later, he was found frozen in ice by the [[Laughably Evil]] 1987 Shredder in ''[[Turtles Forever]]'', which was proof that this was Ch'rell's fate, a fate eventually undone by the 1987 Shredder himself.
* The genie in ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'' was stuck in his lamp for ''10,000 years''! But he [[Angst? What Angst?|doesn't seem too traumatized]] by the experience. Though he is a genie. For all we know, that's standard fare for them, if somewhat undesirable.
* [[Re Boot]]
** Upon losing a game, sprites and binomes alike can get "nullified" - in-universe, that means reduced to a deformed, slug-like creature that can't make any noise above a squeak.
** The Medusa Bug episode, which proceeds to turn everything in Mainframe into stone.
* In ''[[Mummies Alive]]'', Scarab murders the son of the Pharaoh in order to obtain immortality; since Pharaoh cannot execute Scarab, he has him entombed instead. The modern-day archaeologist who accidently frees Scarab from his imprisonment many centuries later notes that the walls have multiple tallies scratched into them, caused by Scarab counting out the days of his immortal existence.
* In the [[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]] episode 'Perfect Chemistry' ends with {{spoiler|Plankton being stuck in a corked bottle, in Mr. Krabs safe, where no one can hear him.}}
* This is the terrible fate [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Van Kleiss]] suffers in ''[[Generator Rex]]''. His attempt to control time misfires when {{spoiler|Breach interferes}}, knocking him through a vortex that sends him all the way back to Egyptian civilzation. In order to get back to the present, he constructs a "hibernation" chamber that uses his Nanites to halt the aging of his body while ''staying'' '''''fully''''' ''conscious for'' '''''4,000 years.''''' Worse, he's forced to recreate the chamber each time it cops out too soon all the way up to the present, ''painstakingly'' waiting through era after era for his exodus. If that wasn't bad enough, a spectral entity is chasing him {{spoiler|though it's revealed to be a mutated Breach being dragged along each time he sits in dormancy}}. Eventually, it takes so much of a toll on Van Kleiss, nearly all of his Nanites have died and the [[Go Mad From the Isolation|isolation drives him to insanity]], causing him to forget his own identity and purpose. When he ''finally'' makes it back to present day, he manages to recover his sanity little by little after Black Knight meets with him and tells him to [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|get a hold of himself]].
* In the finale of ''[[Action Man (Animation)|Action Man]]'', this fate befalls {{spoiler|Dr. X, the [[Big Bad]]}}. He's gained superhuman abilities, [[The Needless|doesn't need food or air any longer]], and becomes [[Nigh Invulnerable]]... and then Action Man traps him on an empty rock floating in the immense vastness of space with no means of escape. He actually does scream Action Man's name one last time as the rock drifts away from earth.
* In ''[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien (Animation)|Ben 10 Ultimate Alien]]'' "Night of the Living Nightmare" {{spoiler|Albedo}} gets a Cassiopean Dream-eater stuck on his head {{spoiler|because he slipped on the spilled smoothie that Ben knocked over in the beginning of that episode.}}. As if having a skull-faced alien jellyfish attached to his head wasn't bad enough, the Dream-eater traps him in a never-ending nightmare so it can feed on the chemicals his fear-addled brain produces. Said nightmare consists of {{spoiler|an invincible Ben mercilessly beating down Albedo.}}