Angel/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Antichrist]]: According to the comics, the jury's still out on whether the Shanshu prophecy spells doom for mankind in general. (In ''Angel's'' last season, at least one character hinted that Angel is "more dangerous than you realize.")
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Default state is Type II, but spends time as Type III on occasion. The presence of Darla can cause a change to Type IV, although that is very temporary.
* [[The Anti -Nihilist]]: "If nothing we do matters... then [[Koan|all that matters is what we do]]."
* [[The Atoner]]
** [[Atonement Detective]]
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* [[Not Good With People]]: Type 1. "I have two modes: Bite and avoid."
** Arguably the catalyst for the series, since Doyle pressures Angel to get more involved in his clients' lives. As is seen in later episodes, Angel [[Go Mad From the Isolation|does not cope well under solitude]].
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Angel is fond of playing this role, often as a [[Hawaiian -Shirted Tourist]]. On set, the shorthand for this became "Herb Saunders" (Angel's alias in "Sense & Sensitivity")
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: An ancient scroll prophesied that Angel is doomed to do this. {{spoiler|It's half-correct; Angel slays Connor in one timeline, but he survives in another reality.}}
* [[Omniglot]]: He's had a lot of time to practice, and after a while places run out of people to murder, so you move to the next one and learn another language there.
* [[Open -Heart Dentistry]]: Angel has shown himself able to dig bullets out of his own body when pressed for time.
* [[Open Says Me]]: Angel fights the good fight -- against doors.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Towards Connor.
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* [[Scarily Competent Tracker]]: Not only can Angel [[The Nose Knows|sniff the air]] and tell if the soil beneath him has been disturbed, he can glance at a spot of blood and immediately determine ''who it belongs to''.
** This sort of blood hyper-analysis appears to be common to vamps. Spike mentions that you can tell if someone's evil by [[Sniff Sniff Nom|tasting their blood]] (it tastes like pennies).
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]: "My parents were great. [[Bait and Switch Comment|Tasted a lot like chicken]]."
* [[Sink -or -Swim Fatherhood]]
* [[Spiky Hair]]: Lampshaded on more than one occasion. Angel seems shocked when he views his reflection for the first time in Pylea, implying that his hairstyle is some sort of tragic accident.
{{quote| (''examining head'') "Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"}}
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* [[Weakness Turns Her On]]: The possibility of intimacy doesn't comes up until Cordelia glimpses a world in which she never joined the agency. This results in Angel inheriting Doyle's visions instead, causing him to go mad.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Possibly caught the condition living in Sunnydale.
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]: While under {{spoiler|Jasmine's control}}.
** [[Woman in White]]: After being ascended.
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* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: To Cordelia.
* [[Fainting Seer]]
* [[Foot -Dragging Divorcee]]: Inverted; Doyle finally comes around to blessing the new union, only for Harry's fiancee to try to [[Brain Food|eat his brains]].
* [[Freak -Out]]: He didn't take the news of his demonic heritage well, and ended up boarding himself up in an aprtment and [[Cigarette of Anxiety|chain-smoking]] all day.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]/[[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: "As it happens, I'm very ''much'' human... (''[[Hypocritical Humor|sneezes and turns blue with spikes]]'') ...on my mother's side."
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He used to be a school teacher. Lampshaded by Cordelia.
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** {{spoiler|[[Obi-Wan Moment]]}}: "'[[Arc Words|You never know your strength until you're tested.]]' I get that now."
* [[Oireland]]
* [[Oops, I Forgot I Was Married]]: To Harriet Doyle, a demonologist. They eventually [[Amicably Divorced|parted ways amicably]], through Harry called off her new engagement.
* [[Percussive Prevention]]: When he {{spoiler|knocked Angel off a platform so that Angel wouldn't have to sacrifice himself}} to disarm The Scourge's weapon.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
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** Subverted: {{spoiler|He was looking for Angel the whole time.}}
** Double Subverted: {{spoiler|After he finds him, he still stays the hell away.}}
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]
=== Charles Gunn (J. August Richards) ===
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Orphaned at a young age, Gunn finds himself living on the streets of LA and fighting vampires to survive, eventually forming his own crew of youths from similar backgrounds. After Angel helps the crew out in a turf war against a gang of vampires, Gunn in turn helps Angel and co. in a number of situations, slowly moving away from the streets and becoming a part of Angel Investigations. Street-wise and an accomplished fighter, Gunn nevertheless harbours insecurities that he is nothing more than 'dumb muscle.'
* [[Ninety Percent90% of Your Brain]]: Gunn clarifies that his mental capacity wasn't "enhanced" when Wolfram & Hart made him a lawyer; the Senior Partners just "revved up some idling brain cells."
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: His trademark weapon in the early seasons is a makeshift axe built out of a sharpened hubcap. Ghetto fabulous.
* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}: {{spoiler|Transformed into a vampire}} sometime between the TV series finale and ''After the Fall''. A [[Reset Button Ending]] restores Gunn to human form - but he retains the memories of {{spoiler|the murders he committed as a vampire}}.
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* [[Justified Criminal]]: Before the show begins, Gunn has formulated a gang of homeless youths who swipe food and defend their ghetto from intruding vampires.
* [[Last-Name Basis]]: Only Fred calls him "Charles." Others address him by that name during [[Full Name Ultimatum|serious moments]].
* [[Let Me Get This Straight...]]
* [[Men Are Uncultured]]: [[I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham|Gets dragged kicking and screaming to the ballet... then discovers he absolutely adores it]]. Meanwhile, [[Inverted Trope|Cordelia is snoring]].
** As part of his legal upgrade, Gunn has complete mastery of [[Gilbert and Sullivan]] (to help with diction).
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* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Gunn from the Skipverse has a prominent facial scar.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Most of the time, he's friendly and loveable. But if You threaten Fred...
* [[Screw Learning, I Have Phlebotinum]]: Instantly upgraded to über-lawyer thanks for Wolfram & Hart's surgeon. The procedure makes him an expert on human and demonic law within a few hours.
* [[Street Smart]]
* [[Teeth -Clenched Teamwork]]: When pressed, Gunn confesses he can never be friends with Angel, his natural enemy.
* [[Token Minority]]
* [[The Watson]]: Gunn and Fred juggle between this role, with Gunn showing irritation whenever he meets another vampire he's not allowed to kill.
* [[What a Piece of Junk!]]: His pickup truck. "Don't you be dissin' my girl!"
{{quote| '''Fred:''' Oh, Charles. Your soul wasn't worth air conditioning?}}
* [[Where Da White Women At?]]: Went steady with Fred for a year, followed by a brief (but very satisfactory) dalliance with Gwen Raiden.
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* [[Ill Girl]]: "A Hole in the World".
* [[The Ingenue]]
* [[Is This What Anger Feels Like?]]
* [[Meganekko]]: Whenever she dons the glasses.
* [[Minored in Asskicking]]
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* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Demonic Possession]]: She not only {{spoiler|took over Fred's body, but consumed her soul, too}}.
* [[De -Power]]: She's less powerful than she was in her original form. {{spoiler|When Fred's body proves unable to contain her power, she gets depowered even further, and even after that she's still quite powerful.}}
* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: "[[Tempting Fate|Take your best shot, little girl.]]"
* [[Doomy Dooms of Doom]]: Armies of Doom. She used to have them.
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* [[Emotionless Girl]]: Though she seems to have a firm grasp on 'Consternation'.
* [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]]
* [[Flight, Strength, Heart]]: She has [[Super Strength]], can [[Time Master|manipulate time]], and ''can [[Talking to Plants|talk to plants]]''.
** {{spoiler|Talking to plants was actually seemingly one of ''Fred'''s own abilities, as she appeared to do it in early Season 3 episodes.}}
*** Although in that case, they probably didn't answer back.
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* [[Only I Can Kill Him]]: Which is why {{spoiler|Sahjhan}} is so anxious to be rid of him.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: The reason he defended Angel from Linwood's commandos in "Tomorrow".
* [[Plot -Relevant Age -Up]]
* [[Psycho Supporter]]: To the Jasmaniacs.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: With every emotional disaster dumped on him, his stability goes down a tick.
* [[Scarily Competent Tracker]]: You can thank Holtz for tying Connor to a tree in the middle of nowhere, then leaving him to [[Training From Hell|escape his ropes and find his way home]] all on his own. "One time, it only took me five days."
* [[Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome]]: After already getting a [[Plot -Relevant Age -Up]], Connor was later also a victim of [[Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome]] when they changed his age from sixteen to eighteen to make his relationship with 22-year-old Cordelia less squicky.
** This is especially amusing considering that, due to the [[Year Inside, Hour Outside|circumstances]] of Connor's rapid aging, nobody, including Connor himself, can really be sure of exactly how old he is. That doesn't stop several characters from explicitly stating that he's "eighteen", for the first time, in that very same episode, all apparently just to keep the [[Media Watchdog|media watchdogs]] at bay.
** Given that he's stated to be sixteen the previous season they could simply have made Connor seventeen, the same age Buffy was when she lost her virginity with 243-year old Angel, [[Double Standard|but well...]]
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* [[Tyke Bomb]]: Angel spends the end of season three and all of season four trying in vain to [[Defusing the Tykebomb|defuse]] him.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: With Holtz, not Angel.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]
* [[Wild Child]]
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* [[Psychic Powers]]: He can read people's futures. Allegedly only when they sing, but there have been plenty of occasions when he's read people who aren't singing. Each time he brushes it off as them broadcasting unusually strongly because of their emotional state. It happens frequently, however. He can also mystically sense when Cordelia is about to receive a vision and has the ability to surf her connection to the Powers That Be and tap into her visions as a result. He needs to be touching Cordelia to do this latter but he's even able to tell when Cordelia's being sent fake visions from an earth-based psychic and indicates that it requires genuine skill to be able to work that out as the fakes were very convincing.
* [[Red Baron]]: Ends up becoming one the more benign demon "lords" of L.A. after it is {{spoiler|banished to Hell}}. Lorne is elected the Lord of Silver Lake, and does his very best to make his territory "a Heaven in Hell". (''After the Fall'')
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: He's got red eyes because he's a demon, but in an [[Averted Trope|aversion]], he's actually a gentle soul who's pretty sweet and fun company.
* [[Sad Clown]]: His perpetual comic persona starts turning into this in Season Five, mostly after {{spoiler|Fred dies}}. He even gets a whole scene talking about this in "Underneath."
* [[Sensor Character]]
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* [[Made of Evil]]: ''Nuclear'' evil.
* [[Missing Floor]]: The White Room is opened by hitting a specific sequence of elevator buttons.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: On Gunn.
* [[Panthera Awesome]]: The "Big Cat" form.
* [[Readings Are Off the Scale]]: Gunn borrowing a 'whisker.'
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** Lindsey resigns for good in Season Two, ironically after having earned a top position and a replacement hand to boot; he leaves Los Angeles, burying the hatchet with Angel for good. ...Or not. Actually, he was studying for years on how to join the elite Circle of the Black Thorn.
* [[It's Personal]]: Develops this for Angel.
* [[Look What I Can Do Now!]]: Returns from Nepal with some cool martial arts tricks, [[Hammerspace|materializing swords out of thin air]], and using The Force to...well, close doors. But the point is it ''looks'' cool.
** Lorne makes an offhand reference to Lindsey's "demon-strength", though it isn't elaborated on. This would explain how he's able to keep up with Angel.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Appears to have picked up a couple of Holland Manners' tricks.
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* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: It's suggested at a few points that she's fallen in love with Wesley. This is ironic, since the whole point of Lilah's seduction was to lure Wesley over to Wolfram & Hart. Their liaisons end up transforming him into a bone fide Ice King, while Lilah's true feelings go unreciprocated.
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: Linwood manages to ride out the humiliating defeats of Season Three, even threatening to throw Lilah to the wolves if it comes to that. Lilah knows a good example when she sees it and, once Linwood pops up again in Season Four, she finks on him to a Senior Partner, who {{spoiler|orders him killed}}.
* [[Emotionally Tongue -Tied]]: She never does manage to blurt out her feelings. {{spoiler|Her 'ghost' tries to, but Wesley cuts her off by decapitating her corpse}}.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Joins with Angel Investigations {{spoiler|in Season 4 to help fight against The Beast/Angelus/Jasmine.}}
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|Even Lawyers Love Their Mamas]]: She has mentioned that her mother has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home; in one episode they have a phone conversation, during which the mother apparently starts crying when she's told Lilah can't visit that day.
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* [[Foil]]: To Angel.
* [[Heel Face Door Slam]]: Her short-lived alliance with Angel Investigations.
* [[Hello, Attorney!]]
* [[Klingon Promotion]]: Elevates herself to senior management by {{spoiler|beheading Linwood}}.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Decapitating {{spoiler|Linwood}} during a board meeting, therby assuming his position. In due course, Lilah is {{spoiler|stabbed in the neck by Cordelia who leaves her body behind for Angelus to feed on}}, obliging Wesley to {{spoiler|chop off her head due to the gang not realising Angelus didn't kill her}} rather than risk her coming back as a vampire.
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* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[The Corrupter]]: Very arguable, but his interaction with Lindsay does sometimes give this vibe.
* [[Magically -Binding Contract]]: With him is that we first see the effects of how truly binding working with Wolfram and Hart can be.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: In Season 1.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Tempts Lindsey with power and succeeds triumphantly.
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* [[Everything's Deader With Zombies]]: What he becomes after he is killed by The Beast.
* [[Professional Butt -Kisser]]
* [[No Honor Among Thieves]]: If Gavin and Lilah can be said to cooperate ''at all'', as both are vying for Linwood's approval. Once Lilah takes over the firm, Gavin is downgraded to her lickspittle.
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: His insidious plan to destroy Angel: Drown him in red tape! (No one else is impressed.)
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* {{spoiler|[[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]}}
* [[Consummate Liar]]
* [[How Do You Like Them Apples?]]: Eve's entrance (given her name, it's practically obligatory).
* [[Kissing Under the Influence]]: With Angel in "Life of the Party."
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Hinted at. Eve also enjoys using condescending terms like "kid" and "princess" to refer to Angel and co.
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* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Played with. Angel and Darla were always afraid of him but still didn't think of him as that much of a threat. When Holtz reappears, Angel and Darla realize just how scary he is.
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]
* [[Plot -Relevant Age -Up]]: In conjunction with Connor, Holtz ages into a ghastly, traumatized old man - a shell of his former self.
** Though his mind is still as sharp as ever, as Angel discovers horribly.
* [[The Power of Hate]]: Attributes it to his own longevity inside a Hell dimension.
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* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[Hero -Killer]]: [[Run or Die|Toodles]].
* [[Hoist By Their Own Petard]]: A knife carved from his "unworthy flesh" as a gift to his Master. Should've gotten a toaster.
* [[In a Single Bound]]
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* [[The Mole]]: He is working with Jasmine, the [[Big Bad]] of the 4th season.
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Subtle, but he is able to determine Angel works for TPTB by sniffing the air.
* [[Pop -Cultured Badass]]
* [[Professional Killer]]: "I'm [[Nothing Personal|just a merc]]. I go where the deal is."
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: He commutes.
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* [[Spell My Name With a "The"]]: On Bugworld, she is candidly known as The Devourer.
* [[Starbucks Skin Scale]]: Angel once described Jasmine as "mocha".
* [["Take That!" Kiss]]: Plants one on Angel during their final confrontation. Considering all those oozing pustules... ew.
{{quote| '''Connor:''' Always the same, Dad. I get a girl, you gotta [[Not What It Looks Like|make a play for her]].}}
* [[Terms of Endangerment]]: Jasmine tends to call her minions things like 'sweet boy' and 'my love,' something she may have inherited from her grandmother Darla (who called both Angel and Conner 'my darling boy').
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* [[The Scapegoat]]
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]
* [[Sound -Only Death]]
=== Groosalugg (Mark Lutz) ===
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* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Reluctant Ruler]]: About the only thing Groo fails at is running a country; He became bored with the committees, and was deposed pretty quick.
* [[Shout -Out]]: A mighty, good-hearted and rather dumb warrior nicknamed [[Groo the Wanderer|Groo]]?
* [[Spock Speak]]: "Hail, potential client!"
** [[Eloquent in My Native Tongue|Subverted]] in one (unfortunately cut) scene, where he's trying to record a message for the team's answering machine.
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* [[Fake American]]: Alexa Davalos is French.
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: Definitely invoked during Gwen's [[Sexy Walk|entrance]].
** This behavior is, however, Freudian, given that her powers ensure that she is a virgin - as she admits in "Players".
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
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* [[Perky Goth]]: Used to be a regular at The Sunset Club, a gothic night club for vampire poseurs and wannabes. However, most members had never actually seen a real vampire, and thus they naively believed them to be [[Not Evil, Just Misunderstood|gentle, misunderstood beings]], referring to them as the "Lonely Ones."
* [[The Runaway]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: When Angel examines her driver's license, Anne's address is listed as "Willoughby Ave." Anne Steele and John Willoughby are characters in ''[[Sense and Sensibility (Literature)|Sense and Sensibility]]''.
* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]