Animal Jingoism: Difference between revisions

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Sometimes, different species, such as cats and dogs, are written so that they have a built-in and unquestioned animosity for no other reason than that they are stereotypically considered to be adversaries. A dog that doesn't chase cats will be considered 'weird', even if they were raised together from birth. On the other hand, those same dogs will almost never chase after mice unless provoked.
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* Subverted in George Herriman's comic strip, ''[[Krazy Kat]],'' as noted under [[Cats Are Mean]].
* According to Stephen Notley's comic strip, ''[[Bob the Angry Flower]]'', robots and bears are natural enemies. This makes as much sense as anything else in ''Bob the Angry Flower.''
* In a parody of [[Marvel Comics]]' ''House of M'' and [[DC Comics]]' ''Identity Crisis'', which both ended with the revelation that a female character had undergone a [[Face Heel Turn]] for [[Dork Age|flimsy reasons]], an issue of ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'' shows the [[Funny Animal]] [[Superhero|Superheroes]]es of ''[[Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew]]'' learning that feline former teammate Alley-Kat-Abra is responsible for various crimes, including the murder of Little Cheese, the micro-mouse. The reason given is "I'm a ''cat''! Cats ''hate'' mice!"
** The trope is [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] in ''Captain Carrot and the Final Arc''; the ''real'' murderer is revealed to be Alley's magically created [[Evil Twin]], and the true Alley vows to resurrect Little Cheese.
*** Interestingly, the story of Little Cheese' murder by Alley Kat Abra was apparently written under [[Executive Meddling|editorial fiat]]- Scott Shaw! (yes, the exclamation point is part of his name), the creator of the characters, when encountered at a Con, said that he was strongly opposed to the story idea, but pretty much told he had to do it anyway. The 'evil twin' retcon was his just revenge upon those editors after they'd gotten the boot.
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* Parodied in ''[[Rocko's Modern Life]]'':
** Heffer's grandpa hates wallabies. The good news is, his eyesight isn't so good and he mistakes Rocko for a beaver. The bad news is, he's not too keen on beavers either. Cats and turtles are said to be mutual enemies, without much explanation, in the episode "The Big Question"/"The Big Answer." This rivalry exists [[Rule of Drama|solely for the purpose of creating tension]] leading up to the marriage of recurring characters Filburt (a turtle) and Dr. Hutchinson (a cat).
** One episode shows Heffer (a steer) -- who was literally [[Raised by Wolves]] -- being—being sent out to hunt a deer. He ends up dating one.
* The [[Lion King]] features a lion/hyena rivalry, which actually reflects the reality of the African savannahs, to a certain extent.
** Though The Lion King inverts it, based on the old misunderstanding of their interactions. Newer research suggests that its the Hyenas who do the hunting and the Lions who muscle them away from their kills. Even newer research suggest that both sides play both roles when it suits their purposes.
