Animal Superheroes: Difference between revisions

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[[File:cow_flyingcow flying.gif|link=Cow and Chicken|frame| Supercow [[Gratuitous Spanish|al rescate!!]]]]
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And the last type, possibly the best known, are straight-up superheroes who just happen to be animals, often [[Petting Zoo People|of the very anthropomorphic type]]. You can thank the ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' for this type being so ubiquitous.
Will often have [[Alliterative Name|Alliterative Names]]s. Not to be confused with an [[Animal-Themed Superbeing]].
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* Rex, The Wonder Dog. He killed dinosaurs with atom bombs.
** And he wasn't even anthropomorphic!!
* ''[[The Inhumans|Lockjaw]] and the [[Pet Avengers]]'', in which [[Team Pet|Team Pets]]s from across the [[Marvel Universe]] band together without their humans getting in the way.
* The DC version of this (in the [[Silver Age]], at least) was the Legion of Super-Pets, set up in the 30th century (even though most of the members came from the ''20th'' century!) as an adjunct to the [[Legion of Super-Heroes]]. The LSP consisted of Krypto the super-dog, Streaky the (sometimes) super-cat, Comet the super-horse, Beppo the super-monkey, and Proty, a shape-shifting blob of protoplasm that the similarly-powered Chameleon Boy had as a pet. Proty (and his successor Proty II) was the only Super-Pet native to the 30th century; just as well all those super-animals could travel through time, wasn't it?
** And then there was the Space Canine Patrol Agency, an LSH-like team of super-powered dogs that Krypto encountered on one of his romps through space and joined, sharing a few adventures. They don't quite qualify for this trope, though, as all the members were depicted as life-like dogs rather than anthropomorphic animals; that was left for the villains! We will mercifully pass over the Space ''Cat'' Patrol Agency, who also appeared in one panel of the first SCPA story...
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* ''[[Swat Kats]]''
* Plucky Duck of ''[[Tiny Toon Adventures]]'' took on a few superhero alter-egos, most notably as The Toxic Revenger and as [[Batman]] parody Batduck, with Hamton as sidekick Decoy. The latter set-up spun off a segment where all the major animal characters appear as [[Justice League]] members. Babs also parodied Supergirl once.
** Plucky and Hampton also once tried to join an in universe [[Animal Superhero]] team. The [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|Radioactive Immature Samurai Slugs]]. They named themselves after painters as well--Earlwell—Earl Schieb and Sherwin Williams.
* ''[[Underdog (animation)|Underdog]]''
* Monkey from ''[[Dexter's Laboratory]]''.
