Apocalypse How/Class 2: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'', in which the Gate Disaster takes out half the moon and makes Earth uninhabitable for all but the hardiest of humans. It should, however, be noted that the rest of the [[Terraform|terraformedterraform]]ed planets and moons in the system are okay; Earth is still in contact with the greater solar community, but is regarded as a backwater. This makes this Class 2 ''in theory'', but it's really more a large-scale Class 0.
* ''[[Blue Gender]]'', in which giant bugs ravage the human population of Earth, forcing the humans into space. Admittedly, humans as a species are allowed to survive as small hunter gatherer tribes, but that still necessitates all modern civilization's knowledge and technology to be wiped out lest [[Gaia's Vengeance]] do an encore.
* Although the [[Canon]] information is so vague as to be useless, it can be inferred that this was the result of the fall of the Silver Millennium in the [[Backstory]] of ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' -- humanity—humanity died out completely everywhere in the Solar System other than Earth, and on Earth the fall was so [[Egregious]] that the Silver Millennium and its interplanetary civilization were both completely forgotten. Exactly when this happened is uncertain, although the "thousand years ago" figure frequently bandied about is both historically improbable ''and'' the invention of the [[Cut and Paste Translation|North American dub]].
* ''[[Scrapped Princess]]'' has humanity defeated and imprisoned in a medieval tech level for 5000 years. The guardian AIs have a reset option of killing off 90% if the humans get troublesome.
* ''[[Stellvia of the Universe]]'' back-story falls half-way between this and Class 1: 99% of humans dead, global civilization mostly wiped out, yet they get right back on their feet in less then two centuries, advancing from the Stone Age to space-faring civilization. That the near-Class 2 event (the electromagnetic radiation blast from the explosion of a nearby star) is a harbinger of a Class 4 event (the arrival of the much slower physical shockwave from the same explosion) helped ensure that [[The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best In People]]. Stellvia is one of the enormous space stations built to prevent that event.
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' begins centuries after a Class 2, with humanity confined to isolated and impoverished underground villages. The nature of the cataclysm, and the surprising reasons for it, are revealed as the show goes on.
* The world created by [[Tsutomu Nihei]]. Let's list it out:
** In [[Biomega]] The world undergoes a large [[The Virus|viral plague]] which results in [[Zombie Apocalypse|odd zombification]]. To make matters worse, the only people left are being killed off by cyborgs and mutants, with only [[Artificial Human|Artificial Humans]]s left to protect them.
** After that. In [[NOiSE]]. [[Cult Colony|Religious fanatics]] are trying to [[For the Evulz|bring out the chaos of the Netsphere]] and are doing so by doing [[Nightmare Fuel|less than humane things to people]]. Against them.....is a single police women who ends up not being able to stop them, and thus the [[Bizarrchitecture]] (built around the earth) begins to expand rapidly and increase the chaos. [[Downer Ending]].
** ''After that...'' The protagonist of [[Blame]]! is searching the the ginormous sphere for people with genes to turn off the chaos. He must deal with all the preceding crazy things mentioned (and more). Thankfully he succeeds in his mission (though the series ends right before it is directly shown).
** After that in "Net Sphere Engineer" the last remnants of humanity are unfortunately not as safe as they would have hoped. But they have another protagonist to deal with the problems this time.
* About 500 years prior to the beginning of ''[[Dragon Ball]]'', a violent storm raged across the planet Namek, leaving only one Namekian on the ground and another escaped to somewhere in space. Even centuries later with asexual Namekian reproduction, there are only a few hundred Namekians left. During the Frieza saga, Frieza, his henchmen and Vegeta almost completely eradicate the Namekian race, aside from the Nameless Namekian who fled all those centuries ago, separated into the light side of Kami and the dark side of Piccolo. Piccolo becomes the only living Namekian on the surface alive prior to most of the race being resurrected by the Namekian Dragon Balls and transported by the Earth Dragon Balls, followed shortly thereafter by Namek's explosion.
* In ''[[Heat Guy J]]'', after humans appropriated the technology of the [[Superior Species|Celestials]] in [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|their conquest for power]], there were apparently large-scale wars. The result? Earth's human population is reduced to ''seven'' city-states (with some small towns and [[Space Amish]] villages surrounding them), who are mistrustful of one another and do not trade, communicate, etc. with one another.
* In ''[[Uchuu Senkan Yamato]]'' humanity is reduced to survival in underground cites that are rapidly becoming uninhabitable due to radiation thanks to the Gamilas' continual bombing of Earth.
* ''[[Turn A Gundam (Anime)|Turn a Gundam]]'': This was the end result of the Turn A using the Moonlight Butterfly across all of the Earth's surface. The ability works by spreading nanomachines around that attack technology, turning it into sand. 2,000 years later, Earthborn humanity is barely up to early 1900s technology levels. {{spoiler|The final battle of the series is trying to stop Ghingnham and the Turn X from doing this ''again''.}}
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== Literature ==
* In [[The Bible]], The Great Tribulation. Exact numbers are unknown, but the description "Mortals will be rarer than the gold of Ophir," combined with Revelation detailing the fact that over half of the population will die from the war, famine, plagues and various other disasters, and most of the Christians will be beheaded, burned or starved to death, while none of the unbelievers survive Armageddon means that you could expect maybe one out of a thousand people who enter the Tribulation to come out alive, perhaps a bit more.
* ''Dies The Fire'' and the other [[Emberverse]] books by [[S.M. Stirling]], where a mysterious event causes all recent power sources to stop working at all (electricity, steam engines of any useful efficiency, gunpowder, etc.). About 95% of humanity dies off in the first year from starvation and lack of knowledge on how to survive in primitive conditions. Another large percentage of what's left dies off once cannibalism is no longer an option due to lack of other humans. By the end of the first book it's clear humanity is going to survive -- mostsurvive—most remaining threat comes from would-be warlords and despots, who want to enslave rather than kill -- butkill—but the cultures that are springing up aren't precisely what you'd expect.
** Then there's the reborn Kingdom of Britain that shows up in later volumes. It seems the U.K. military evacuated the Royals, a solid selection of reference materials, a few thousand lucky/skilled souls, etc. to the Isle of Wright and is steadily recolonizing a Britain occupied by "Brushwood Men" (and dealing with [[Royally Screwed-Up|Mad King Charles and his Icelandic Queen]], but that is beside the point).
** Stirling's ''Peshawar Lancers'' accomplishes much the same thing with a series of cometary impacts that destroy industrial Europe and the eastern United States in the late 19th century, setting the stage for a [[Steampunk]] 21st century where the British Raj in India, an ascendant Japanese Empire, and the Empire of Brazil are the dominant world powers. France is a shadow of its former self and Russia {{spoiler|is controlled by a [[Eldritch Abomination]]-worshipping death cult}}.
* George R. Stewart's novel ''[[Earth Abides]]'' depicts the near extinction of humanity from a pandemic disease. Although there are survivors, the population is too low to maintain technological advancements of modern civilization and within two or three generations humans are living as hunter-gatherers. Actually it's not as pessimistic as it sounds. Acknowledged as one of the inspirations for King's ''[[The Stand]].''
* Kurt Vonnegut's ''[[Galapagos]]''. Okay, technically the human race does survive in the end, but you can't really consider them human anymore by the time they do get back on their feet. {{spoiler|Their brains have atrophied and their limbs evolved into flippers. The ghostly narrator sees this as a good thing.}}
* ''[[The Zombie Survival Guide]]'' dubs this a "Class 4 Outbreak" of the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] -- when—when there are so many zombies that humanity is overwhelmed.
* ''[[Cell]]'', by [[Stephen King]]. We see only US residents, and the book doesn't really address other places, but there's really no reason to think any place with cell phones was spared.
** And of course, ''[[The Stand]]'' by the same author. King does regret not showing what the rest of the world faced, but it's clear that Captain Trips goes worldwide, especially since the US military released it into other countries so they wouldn't be able to attack us.
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* ''[[The Day of the Triffids]]'' by John Wyndham. The light from a meteor shower renders most of the human race blind, leaving them vulnerable to carnivorous walking plants that sting you to death and eat your corpse, and reproduce rapidly. Don't bother watching the 1962 film which conveniently has a [[Happy Ending]] when they suddenly discover that the Triffids {{spoiler|can be killed with sea water}}.
* [[John Varley]]'s ''<s>Eight</s> Nine Worlds'' stories, where an invasion of aliens had come to Earth and literally plowed human civilization out of existence, supposedly to benefit Earth's true higher life forms: dolphins, sperm whales and other cetaceans. At that time, humanity had one single developed colony on the moon. They were warned - once - never to land on Earth again. Four hundred years later, humanity had settled all the other 'junk' planets in the solar system. What continues to happen on Earth is a sweet mystery.
* Nick Sagan [[Lampshade|lampshadeslampshade]]s this in ''Everfree'', saying that it wasn't really the end of the world, because insects survived and thrived. The event itself could probably be called a 2.9 (10 surviving humans.)
** not to mention several thousand cryogenicaly frozen people.
* In [[Isaac Asimov]]'s classic short story, "Nightfall", a planet with six suns experiences night only once every 2048 years. Each time, the darkness drives almost everyone insane and they destroy civilization. At the end the scientists are unable to convince the people of the danger and it all happens again, but they're able to save their data about the event so that the next cycle might avoid the same fate. (Of course, given that this has happened nine or ten times before, it's very much implied that all this might be for naught, as by the time the next cycle's civilization is advanced enough to understand the data, it may well have degenerated into myth.) This is the exact situation in the novel version; one of the reasons the scientists aren't believed is because it's revealed that their prediction ''exactly'' matches the apocalyptic prophecy of an ancient cult.
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* In a [[Bad Future]] of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', the immortal Adam Munroe unleashes the Shanti virus, wiping out most of the world's population so they can build anew.
* In the ''[[Babylon 5]]'' episode "Deconstruction of Falling Stars", its shown that humanity all but wiped itself out in a massive civil war. It takes quite a while and the aid of the Rangers to fix that mess.
* The plot of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Classic|Battlestar Galactica]]'' -- [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|both series]] -- is—is based on a multiple Class 2, the Cylons all but wiping out humanity's twelve planetary colonies and pursuing the pathetically small number of survivors through space.
* With 40 missile tubes each capable of delivering eight 20-megaton kinetic kill missiles a second, the [[Andromeda|Andromeda Ascendant]] can destroy every population center of a Tarn Vedra (read: Earth like) class planet in under six minutes.
* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'' episode "A Taste of Armageddon", Kirk threatens to use "General Order 24" which is this caused by [[Death From Above|Orbital]] [[Nuke'Em|Bombardment]].