Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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Take general series tropes to [[Ace Attorney/YMMV|Ace Attorney]], and take tropes specific to [[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/YMMV|the Phoenix arc]], or ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth/YMMV|Investigations]]'' to those pages, please.
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* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: The whole incident about Phoenix Wright getting hit by a car and flung into a pole and only suffered a sprained ankle. With his inclusion in ''Ultimate [[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'', he had to contend with a variety of attacks, such as [[She Hulk]]'s Level 3 Hyper, which involves getting hit by a car (Sunday Driver, according to her), and her new attack in Ultimate swinging a pole. The best part is that the hit and run incident in the game took place on a Sunday.
* [[Ho Yay]]: [[Ace Attorney/Ho Yay|Has a page for it.]]
* [[Idiot Plot]]: Many people think this about case 4-3, which has all the characters think it's perfectly feasible for a prepubescent boy to use an incredibly powerful revolver without injury, carry a 250lbs man across an arena, and even for the boy to be a '' secret Interpol agent''. Even Apollo doesn't dispute the feasibility of the accusations, just that Machi was the one who did it. Shu Takumi has since admitted to the flaws in the case's storyline, and revealed that he was working on the assumption that {{spoiler|Daryan was using his position in the police to manipulate the investigation and throw Machi under the bus for his own crimes}}, but forgot to make this clear in the dialogue.
** Even worse was the fact that everyone assumed Machi was an Interpol agent based on the bloody writing. Given how many times something's been written in blood and turned out to be a false lead, you'd think everyone would pick up on that (especially since Apollo claimed that he's read over some of Phoenix's old case files, and Ema {{spoiler|had the same kind of thing happen to her in the SL-9 case}}.)
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: Klavier Gavin was the former Page Image.
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** Do NOT perceive Spark Brushel while he's smiling widely.
* [[Player Punch]]: Mixes with [[But Thou Must!]] in the {{spoiler|flashback trial}}. Phoenix is blissfully unaware that he's about to {{spoiler|present forged evidence, thinking he's riding the easy train to victory}}. Both the circumstances and the context of the rest of the game already make the player aware this will not end well but they are dragged kicking and screaming into {{spoiler|presenting the evidence}} to move the plot forward. Really makes the player feel like they're responsible for Phoenix's {{spoiler|disbarment}}.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]: Apollo, to some.
* [[Squick]]: Shut up about your panties! ("Panties!")
* [[Viewers Are Goldfish]]: This is true of all the ''Ace Attorney'' games, but ''Apollo Justice'' was especially [[Egregious]] about it.