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== Live Action TV ==
* In the first episode of ''[[Andromeda]]'', Captain Hunt's Nietzchean crewmate (who practices the species-wide belief of self-interest) sees that Hunt is at an disadvantage. He stands up, apologizes for his impending treachery, and then attacks the captain.
* The ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|M* A* S* H]]'' episode "Dear Sis" centered around Father Mulcahy feeling guilty for punching out a delirious guy so that he could be operated on. Mulcahy's actions would be reasonably justified by the regular morals of planet Earth, especially since the other guy punched him first and Mulcahy decked him in self-defense. And the guy might have died if Mulcahy did nothing. Did the guy, perhaps, feel grateful for this afterward? Of course not.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]:
** In the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before", Kirk pauses to apologize to Gary Mitchell before smashing him with a rock. Mitchell just happens to get back his super-powers in that instant.
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** Sir Zeliek - a great Paladin turned into a marionette of the [[Big Bad|Lich King]], trapped inside his own body as the Lich King uses his own holy powers to commit atrocities.
{{quote|'''[[People Puppets|Sir Zeliek]]:''' Forgive me! I- I have no choice but to obey!}}
* Most of the Splicers in ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]]'' are pretty out of it, but the Pigskin occasionally realizes that you're not, in fact, his hated father. He apologizes, but keeps hunting you, because the Saturnine would do horrible things to him if he let you go.
* In ''[[Fallout 3]]'', the [[Robo Brain]] enemy sometimes acts like this.
* [[An Ice Person|Freudia Neuwahl]] and Liebea Palesch in ''[[Rosenkreuzstilette]]''. One can only predict the results when they go up against each other in the sequel.