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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* ''[[Fables (Comic Book)|Fables]]'' portrays the free European fables as being stuck in the modern world after the adversary took over. When they ally with the Arabian Fables they expect them to be living in hiding in the middle east. Instead it turns out they are still living in their own traditional lands, complete with flying carpets, since the Adversary has only recently started targeting them and they are actually a cohesive force that can fight him unlike the Europeans (when they were conquered they had a very medieval mindset with each own fief and principality on its own).
* One story in ''[[The Sandman|Sandman]]'' features this version of Bagdad, whose emperor finds it so wonderful that he becomes utterly obsessed with the worry that it might end. He calls on Morpheus to preserve it forever, {{spoiler|and he obliges by [[Reality Warper|changing it]] into [[The Magic Goes Away|a more mundane version of the city]], but causing the [[Arabian Nights Days]] version to live on in stories and dreams}}.
* ''[[Iznogoud]]''