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The '''''Arcia Chronicles''''' (''Хроники Арции'') is a [[High Fantasy]] novel series by Russian author Vera Kamsha. They haven't been translated to any other language than the original yet, but seeing how they are among the best Russian fantasy series of [[The 2000s]], they have good chances to be translated to English.
The series is set in a [[Constructed World]] of ''Tarra'', which itself is a part of [[The Multiverse]]. What makes Tarra stand out is that unlike other worlds, it doesn't have [[God|gods]]: some nine thousand years ago, the "Seven Lightbringers" conquered Tarra, [[Death of the Old Gods|slaughtered the native Old Gods]] and whatever worshipers they had, and ruled Tarra for seven thousand years in the name of the "[[Light Is Not Good|Light]]". After that, the "Light" called them back, leaving Tarra [[Gods Hands Are Tied|effectively defenseless against cosmic threats]]. Therefore, it is up to local humans and a handful of [[Our Elves Are Better|Elves]] (left behind by two renegade Lightbringers) to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|punch out cosmic monstrosities]] eying Tarra. The books are mostly set in Arcia (hence the title), a [[Vestigial Empire]] (later, [[The Kingdom]]) in what is likely the most densely populated region of the world.
The series consists of six novels as of 2011, with the final tome in planning:
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* [[Big Badass Wolf]]: Not only is the wolf a symbol of Anges, God (Lightbringer) of War, but it is also on the personal coats of arms of both René ''and'' Alexander.
* [[Big Brother Complex]]: Raphael and Dariolo Kerna.
* [[Big Screwed -Up Family]]: All Elves are basically interrelated somehow. Also, the royalty and aristocracy of Arcia and nearby countries.
* [[Blue Blood]]: Lots and lots of blue blood. About 90% of all recurring characters are aristocrats or related. The other 10% are supernatural creatures.
* [[Born Lucky]]: René, while not completely immune to misfortune, is by far the luckiest character in the books. Even though he gets screwed up pretty badly every so often, most notably, in the end of the second novel.
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* [[Death of the Old Gods]]: Part of the backstory of includes the Seven [[Light Is Not Good|Lightbringers]] physically destroying all the Old Gods of Tarra. This returns to bite Tarra mightily in the ass nine thousand years later when the Lightbringers leave and a bunch of cosmic monstrosities show up to devour the now completely defenseless world.
* [[Dramatic Wind]]: One of abilities Rene acquired after {{spoiler|returning back from the dead}} seems to be conjuring wind to dramatically ruffle his hair even indoors.
* [[EverybodysEverybody's Dead, Dave]]: {{spoiler|Of the Wolf Cubs, only Alexander, Raphael, and Louis Truelle survive the Battle of Graza in the beginning of ''Black Poppies''}}.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: Starting from the third novel, Arcia becomes very much like the England during the the [[Wars of the Roses]]. Ifrana is France (King Joseph is obviously Louis XI), Miria is Spain, Darnian Union is Germany, Er-Atev is generic Muslim world, Tayana is Russia, Frontera is Ukraine, Escota is Scotland, etc. Original Eland from the first duology is Viking Scandinavia.
* [[Fantasy Gun Control]]: Subverted in the Deer duology, where pistols were common among rich nobles, but played straight after the [[Time Skip]]. It was justified in-story by {{spoiler|[[The Church]] discovering a magic that'd make gunpowder explode prematurely, rendering guns useless since they could explode in your hands at any moment}}.
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** Also the entire country of Tayana was accused of heresy, when they refused to follow through with [[The Church]]'s [[Writtenbythe Winners|rewriting of the official history]] of the War of the Deer.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: {{spoiler|Erasti suffers one after discovering that his beloved Ciala betrayed him for fun and profit.}}
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Too many examples to list. Perhaps the most touching example happens in ''Incomparable Right'' with the sacrifice of {{spoiler|Faithful, Gerika's ''[[Non -Human Sidekick|lynx]]'', who willingly throws himself into magical fire to let her escape Tarra. Actually, for that particular sacrifice, nothing short of an Elven sacrifice would have worked (originally, Roman was to be sacrificed), but Faithful's sheer devotion and intelligence apparently sufficed}}.
** In fact, the very title of the second novel comes from a [[Heavy Mithril]] song and refers to the "incomparable right to [[Choosing Death|choose one's own death]]".
* [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]: Appear in ''Tower of Fury'', albeit without horses (yet?). In a twist, each of them is a reincarnation of a human who committed a terrible treachery in his life.
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* [[In the Blood]]: Only humans descended from Elves, Old Gods, or St. Erasti's family seem to have prominent magic talents.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: {{spoiler|Roman [[The Matchmaker|effectively manipulates]] Kriza (his love interest) and Urrik (his [[Worthy Opponent]]) into falling in love with each other.}}
* [[Immortality]]: Elves are Type II. Gods border Type I [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|but not quite]].
* [[Just Before the End]]: The later books emanate this feel. Also, the visions on the dead world that Roman and company visit.
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: Upon their meeting, {{spoiler|Greditara}} cannot help but give a speech explaining his evil plans to Roman, whom he believes he can kill at any moment. Justified somewhat by the fact that Roman is the first person he has spoken to in centuries.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Nearly each book comes with a five to ten pages names list appendix.
* [[Mary Tzu]]: [[In Universe]], Alexander Tagere's tactical skills are acknowledged as supernatural (by actual supernaturals, no less).
* [[Mayfly -December Romance]]: Roman and Kriza. Bonus points for [[Interspecies Romance|him being an Elf and her, an Orc]]. Also, Alexander and Gerika: this time, with the roles the other way around.
* [[Multiple Narrative Modes]]: The books are written predominantly in third person but, starting from book two, switch to first-person whenever Gerika becomes the POV character.
* [[My Sister Is Off Limits]]: Subverted with Raphael who actively encourages Alexander and Dariolo's extramarital affair despite their doubts about his reaction. However, he also (violently) rejects {{spoiler|Dariolo when she is later manipulated into marrying Arthur Barrot by the Cialians}}.
* [[Non -Human Sidekick]]: René's Jan-Florentine (a toad who doubles as a living Philosopher's Stone) and Gib. Gerika's "pet" lynx Faithful, who was passed down to her after {{spoiler|his original master Stefan, Crown-Prince of Tayana and her love interest, died}}.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Dwarves never appear in the novels but are alluded to as the most skilled smiths in Tarra on many occasions. Word of mouth is, they hide in the mountains of Er-Atev.
* [[Our Elves Are Better]]: Belief of some Elves in their superiority over other races causes a lot of evil, most notably, Roman's sister ?nke who {{spoiler|[[Oedipus Complex|murders her own father Asten]], one of the strongest opponents of "Elven superiority"}}. It is also subverted soon thereafter with ?nke's mother Nanniel, who shares much of her views but {{spoiler|dies by [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrificing herself]] to save human victims of a Roigian cult}}. After that, the idea of Elven superiority slowly withers and dies, until {{spoiler|an ''entire Elven clan'' sacrifices themselves to protect Tarra}}.
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* [[The Soulless]]: Orcs.
* [[Speak of the Devil]]: The Damned One, the greatest heretic of all times, is only known by this nickname, when, in fact, {{spoiler|he is the same person as St. Erasti Cerna, one of the most revered saints of [[The Church]], Emperor Anhel's most trusted henchman, Lunar King Laren's disciple, and the first True Mage of Tarra}}.
* [[Star -Crossed Lovers]]: Gerika and René.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: Gerika, to a certain degree.
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: The ''O'' card deck is the local variation of Tarot. The symbolism isn't helped ''any'' when Elven artist Clare takes real heroes of the War of the Deer (many of whom are still alive in one way or another) as models for card images on his deck... which becomes the most imitated version in Arcia.
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* [[Time Skip]]: ''Blood of Sunset'' takes place ca. 600 years after ''Incomparable Right''. The second duology is prone to many-year skips, too.
* [[Trilogy Creep]]: And [[Kudzu Plot]]. And [[Doorstopper]]. Not ''quite'' as bad as ''[[The Wheel of Time (Literature)|The Wheel of Time]]'' in this department, but by the middle of ''Wind's Harvest'' it became apparent that the plot is not going to be resolved any time soon.
* [[True Companions]]: The "Wolf Cubs", Alexander's personal merry gang comprised of youngest children of aristocratic families loyal to Tagere, which eventually evolves into the most feared regiment of Arcia {{spoiler|and is [[EverybodysEverybody's Dead, Dave|slaughtered almost completely]] in the beginning of the fifth book}}.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: When ?nke {{spoiler|kills Asten}}, Gerika taps into [[The Dark Side]] for the first time. Let's just say that all that's left of both ?nke and her escort afterwards can be put into a small box. A very small box.
* [[Vestigial Empire]]: Anhel's Arcia, briefly resurrected under René only to fall apart for good later.
* [[Writtenbythe Winners]]: The [[Corrupt Church]] is particularly guilty of this. After the War of the Deer, they overwrite its history, e.g. making Mikhai the righteous king and René, the bad guy, who seduced Mikhai's innocent daughter Gerika to get his throne. They attempt to do it even more blatantly after Alexander's defeat, presenting him as a [[Card -Carrying Villain]] and Pierre Tartue, as the rightful heir. They even employ a playwright... a slight poke of [[Shakespeare]]'s ''[[Richard III]]''.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: In his personal [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], [[Idiot Hero|Arthur Barrot]] stays back to hold off an entire enemy army on a narrow bridge while his [[True Companions]] are bringing the reinforcements. {{spoiler|And he survives.}}