Aristocrats Are Evil: Difference between revisions

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* Baron and Baroness von Uberwald - Angua's parents and morally myopic werewolves in the ''[[Discworld]]'' novels. Their son and Angua's brother, [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Wolfgang von Uberwald]] was truly evil though.
* Baron Harparin in ''[[The Elenium]]'' trilogy by [[David Eddings]]—evil. Allies himself to the evil churchman and the evil prince, and is a noted pederast besides.
* In ''[[Vorkosigan Saga]]'', all of the barons of Jackson's Whole are evil: the worst is [[Complete Monster]] Baron Ryoval, who is in the sexual slavery business and is an enthusiastic practitioner of [[Cold-Blooded Torture]], employing a number of [[Torture Technician|technicians]] to aid his hobby; his brother, Baron Fell, is a notorious arms dealer specializing in biological weapons, and Baron Bharaputra has a genetics clinic specializing in a procedure for the wealthy but aged, in which a young clone of them is produced, and then the clone's brain is ripped out and the original person's implanted instead).
**House Arqua [[Even Evil Has Standards|by comparison]] is almost respectable. They are certainly amoral in a properly Jacksonian way but they specialized in the fairly normal trade of running a port, the seemy but not precisely evil activity of knowledge brokering and the reasonably honest trade of hostage negotiation(helped by all the contacts made in less honest dealings of course).
* Baron Bela Stoke from ''[[Mithgar]]''- ''very'' evil. Think "expy of Vlad the Impaler if Vlad was also a shapeshifting necromancer" evil.