Aristocrats Are Evil: Difference between revisions

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* The very existence of aristocracy is based on oligopoly of violence. The concept of nobility is the elite of violence—be they knights, samurai, sipahis, rajputs, narts or savaran—that is, elite soldiers who are stronger than the oppressed masses and are able to subjugate them and live off their work. The alternative for aristocracy is usually either [[plutocracy]] (domination of elite of economy), theocracy (rule by the clergy), or [[Anarchy Is Chaos]].
**Every state is based on an oligopoly of violence. More to the point, no one can help their ancestry and it is not unknown for any given aristocrat to be harmless or even useful in the present. What is closer to making this [[Truth in Television]] is that aristocracies tend to reflect conquests or robberies in the past. In other words aristocrats are hardly automatically evil but a good many of their ancestors were.
*A lot of the problem that created the abuses of aristocracy in the past stemmed from combining proprietary, familial, political, military, and ceremonial authority in the same persons causing them to be [[Drunk with Power]]. Later when the ceremonial aspect was emphasized more and other aspects downgraded the ugly side grew less. In other words a queen whose portrait is on your wall is better then a queen who can [[Off with His Head|cut off your head.]]
[[Category:Royalty and Nobility Tropes]]