Aristocrats Are Evil: Difference between revisions

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**At the same time they are as likely as anyone to be found on the front lines either fighting well, or if they can't do that, getting blown up [[Family Honor|to prove a point.]] Pavel Young(one of the series' most distasteful villains) of course is an exception and not only is he a miserable person he does not even have the grace to get killed in a gentlemanly way.
* In [[Belisarius Series]] there are a number of aristocrats some of whom are sadistic to the point of stupidity and others of whom are attractive enough. As this is the Middle Ages no one is to squeemish about ruthless behavior.
**Neither aristocrats nor commoners are particularly gentle though not all of them are precisely cruel. But the villain is a demon robot from the future. Making normal earthly class and tribal rivalries petty.
=== [[Live-Action TV]] ===