• Non Sequitur Scene - The famous "all the world's a stage" speech (which actually has little to do with the meaning the quote is given) is a very morose speech delivered by the resident Eeyore and talks about the frailties of life and inevitability of death—very out of place in a sitcom-type comedy like As You Like It.
  • Ho Yay: Orlando courts Rosalind while he thinks she's a man. Even in the productions that don't play this as him falling for "Ganymede,"[1] the implications are pretty overt.
    • Also a Les Yay: Rosalind and Celia.
  • Less Disturbing in Context: The "seven ages of man" speech is less disturbing when one realizes who is saying it and why.
  1. That name, by the by, originally belonged to Zeus' male lover in Greek Mythology and thus was used to denote an object of male homosexual affection in Renaissance England