Assassin Outclassin': Difference between revisions

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** Also, Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully, who by virtue of his position is a prime target for [[Klingon Promotion]]. He rarely kills attempted assassins, but always at least breaks a limb. Much like Vetinari and Vimes, the other wizards realized it was simply too much trouble to try and kill him and have since largely given up the "Pointy Shoes" tradition.
** Moist von Lipwig in ''Making Money'' discovers another side to the Assassins and might have finessed them into keeping him alive. He is under a suspended Guild contract that will only be activated if he fails to keep the dog Mr Fusspot alive and healthy. If the dog, who has become chairman of the Royal Bank and thus a highly important player of the game, dies, so does Moist. Therefore to allow Moist to keep the dog alive and to allow a Guild member a chance to earn the money if he doesn't, Moist - and dog - need to be bodyguarded and kept alive by the Guild.... and this dog is politically important, don't forget...
* Another Pratchett example: This is a great part of ''[[The Dark Side of the Sun]]'': Dom Sabalos survives countless assassination attempts, mostly due to 'probability maths' that grant him fate-like, epic luck by allowing him to instinctively "navigate" to countless [[Alternate Universe|Alternate Universes]]s where he survives those attacks.
** [[Fridge Horror|Doesn't that mean he's effectively murdering]] [[Alternate Universe]] [[Fridge Horror|versions of himself who otherwise would have survived?]]
* Steven Brust's ''[[Dragaera]]'' novel ''Yendi''. During a turf war Vlad Taltos survives multiple assassination attempts. He finally realizes that he shouldn't have been able to survive them that easily and realizes that there's something deeper going on.
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* In ''[[Clonk]]'' a player-made scenario called Faffnir is an assassination mission. According to the guards, your character is nowhere near the first person they've had to deal with.
* Sissel's first few jobs in ''[[Ghost Trick]]'' are to protect Lynne and her associates from blue-skinned assassins. In some instances they actually succeed, but Sissel goes back and changes events to thwart them.
* ''[[Exit Fate]]''. Daniel does it only once,<ref>The assassin comments "You are... stronger than I", but in fact, Daniel just had healing spells.</ref>, but afterwards, he manages to convince the assassin (who wanted to avenge his [[Dead Little Sister|dead sister]]) that he is innocent in the case of aforementioned sister's death, what makes the assassin [[Defeat Means Friendship|join him]].
* Kaguya from ''[[Touhou]]'' is always doing this to Mokou and vice-versa. Both are immortals.
* Zevran in ''[[Dragon Age]]'' will try to assassinate the PC. Obviously you have to survive the battle to continue the game. Afterward, you have the choice to recruit or kill him. Recruiting him means you'll face more assassins a little later in the game. If you get his approval high enough, he'll confess that he only went for a head on assault because he [[Death Seeker|wanted you to kill him]]. Otherwise, he would have tried a sneakier method.
