Atop the Fourth Wall/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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*** "I'm back, baby!"
**** The whole thing could be a real-world crowner for Lewis, utilizing <s>[[Double Vision|Double]]</s> ''[[Double Vision|Triple]]'' [[Double Vision|Vision]] as well as some other, truly [[Badass]] special effects, and managing to make convincing scenes where he technically ''beats up himself''. Quite an achievement by [[Web Original]] standards.
* Pollo pwning Dr. Linksano towards the end of ''[[JLA: Act of God (Comic Book)|JLA: Act of God]]''.
* Quoting a long passage from the third canto of ''[[The Divine Comedy]]'' (the "All hope abandon, ye who enter in" bit), then saying, "Read a book, people!"
* Yes it was pretty damn hilarious, but the 'Insano-War' was nothing but win. Like a condensed Team Brawl, except with Dr. Insano, which automatically makes it even more awesome!
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** And this is after Linkara does an entire review in the Harvey Finevoice persona. The next week he does an entire review as [[The Nineties|'90s Kid]].
*** And when Finevoice protests, Pollo reveals that not only has he found a message revealing Linkara's successor, but he'll have Linkara back in about two weeks.
* The entire battle with the Shades from the Ewoks #9 review. Iron Liz shows her [[Action Girl|proficiency with a sword,]] Pollo takes out one with a single lazer beam, and Linkara even takes one out ''before'' he powers up again. Once powered up, he uses a [[Doctor Who (TV)|sonic screwdriver.]]
** Also, Liz's swords are [[Forgotten Realms|Twinkle and Icingdeath]].
** "Hello. [[We Need a Distraction|I'm distracting you]] so she can stab you!"
* Even the man's dreams are awesome; while reviewing ''Hardcore Station'' he mentions one where he was fighting alongside the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Seventh Doctor]] on the [[Star Trek (Franchise)|Enterprise]].
* ''Brute Force'', all on its own. How can a single comic issue contain so much [[Crazy Awesome]]?
** Linkara said it best: [[Cool vs. Awesome|ROBO BEAR VS. CYBER GORILLA!]]
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* Linkara quoting ''[[The Divine Comedy]]'' during his ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|TMNT]] Meet [[Archie]]'' review, ending with "READ A BOOK, PEOPLE!"
** He specifically recites a portion of the third canto ("All hope abandon, ye who enter in"). And quite well, too.
* Punching Film Brain in retaliation for making him watch [[The Spirit]], scored with the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Eleventh Doctor's]] [[Crowning Music of Awesome|action theme]].
{{quote| ''"Yes well, just a little message to whoever is behind this little flim flam operation of yours. If you value your continued existence, if you have any hope of seeing tomorrow, let me tell you. There's one thing you never, EVER put in a trap. ME!"''}}
* Avoiding an [[Author Filibuster]] about the distastefulness of using rape as a plot device, instead directing viewers to someone he thinks is much better than him at discussing the issue.
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{{quote| ''There are forces in [[The Multiverse]] far beyond anything you've ever dealt with. Ancient, mindless evils that fill in the cracks and eat dimensions just for a ''snack''. Monstrous deities and empires spanning Universe after Universe have risen and fallen in the span of forever! But there is still one individual, one being that they are all horrified of! When I saw him coming near my universe, I fled. [[Evil Laugh|Muhahahhahahha]]. Weep for your Universe, Linkara! Weep for all Universes! For Lord Vyce is coming! Hihihi. And ''all that he sees, he conquers!'' HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!''}}
* From the first part of his October 2010 Halloween review, "Ash Williams vs. [[Silent Hill]]: Dead/Alive." Winner: Ash.
** Earlier-him managing to make ''[[Wham! Line|a single line]]'' more creepy than ''the comic itself''.
** The very ending of the ''Dead/Alive'' videos: {{spoiler|Linkara's [[Badass Boast]] scored with [[Ennio Morricone|The Ecstasy of Gold]], taking down the ghosts with his [[Chekhov's Gun|Pyramid Head]], the full reveal of Lord Vyce's appearance, and Dr. Linksano returning to give Mechakara some upgrades for the final battle.}} Holy crap.
*** We also have to give one to the girl from the opening story in each video, who was only born so her parents could torture her and create a weapon to kill anyone who didn't believe in their god. {{spoiler|She instead creates the Magic Gun that eventually would fall into Linkara's hands, which kills her parents using their own logic against them. And then she snaps Linkara out of the [[Gaslighting]] Mechakara was putting him through.}}
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** Made more awesome by the [[Chekhov's Gun]] from last week's review {{spoiler|the plan to make the giant symbiote monster self-destruct from a mental breakdown was good, but could've been better executed. Which he then demonstrates.}}
** The episode really deserves kudos for its editing alone, with all the split second distortions of the Entity being such a complex job that Lewis missed his usual update time for the first time in three years.
* [ Cosplaying] as the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Seventh Doctor]] (the one he first saw as a kid) for his second live show.
* Linkara seems to have started a habit of destroying his villains' motivations, getting Linksano to do a [[Heel Face Turn]] by pointing out how much ''work'' ruling the world would be. And then he still threatens to send him to Lord Vyce if he goes back to his old ways, and is darn intimidating while doing it.
* Gushing over the first issue of [[Captain America]], especially the iconic cover of Cap punching Hitler (in fact, his only real issue with the comic is that this never actually happens in any of the stories). And finishing it off with the USO montage from ''[[Captain America the First Avenger]]'', which he calls one of the greatest sequences in movie history.
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* "Superman #701" sees him give a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] to the Man of Steel even more furious than the last one, when he decides he's done enough by pushing a street gang into another neighborhood, and even sends a little kid to tell the extremely pissed off gang to go away.
* His response to a quite mean-spirited anti-cop joke in "Marville #2," a [[Tranquil Fury]] reminder of how many cops are killed in the line of duty, then telling the writer to go to hell.
* The Magic Gun responding to Linkara starting to go a bit [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E16 The Waters of Mars|Time Lord Victorious]] by ''turning herself off''.
** [[Fridge Horror|Which also doubles as]] [[Nightmare Fuel]].
** Just prior, Linkara fighting back against the Gunslinger while declaring that after everything he's been through, he really can't be arsed to care about this random new villain.
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