Atop the Fourth Wall/Tropes Q To Z: Difference between revisions

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** The evil of Ancient Egypt *cue [[Star Wars|Imperial March]]* has become one.
** Him having a meltdown to [[The Wurzels]] "Combine Harvester".
** A [[Doctor Who (TV)|Cyberman]] saying "There is... logic in what he says" when a character reaches a conclusion through a deduction [[Insane Troll Logic|that makes no sense whatsoever]].
** Youngblood's Disease: The curious disease that plagues superheroes where their musculature becomes implausibly disproportionate and their eyes dissolve into featureless white voids.
** Sometimes when a character does something stupid, he has [[Patton]] say " [[Magnificent Bastard]], I read your book!"
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* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]: Linkara arrives 30 years into his own future and is horrified to discover that his future self ''still'' reviews bad comics, ''still'' lives in his parents' basement, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|has lost his hat]]. Linkara proclaims that he will go back and change everything, and when he leaves the timeline does indeed change... {{spoiler|but the only real change is that he has his hat back.}}
* [[Shameless Self Promoter]]: Linkara occasionally does this in his reviews to promote his own comic, Revolution of the Mask. However, at Power Morphicon he was trying not to draw any attention away from the actual stars of the convention and when someone else in the crowd at the ''Time Force'' panel drew attention to him he was mortified.
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Linkara says the worst moment of Countdown is the entirety of Countdown. Also, "[[JLA: Act of God (Comic Book)|Steel is dead, ergo, he is dead]]."
* [[Ship Tease]]: With [[Marz Gurl (Web Video)|Marz Gurl]]. A lot. Only between their ''characters'', mind you; the possibility of such a pairing in [[Real Life]] has basically been [[Ship Sinking|sunk]] with the introduction of Iron Liz, since confirmed to be Linkara's girlfriend, in the Warrior #2 and #3 video.
* [[Shocking Swerve]]: Who is the master mind behind ''Amazons Attack''? [[Memetic Mutation|GRANNY GOODNESS!!!]]
* [[Shoe Phone]]: Linkara parodies ''U.S. 1's'' silver dollar remote control by mentioning he will show us how to stick a TV remote inside of a quarter and a gun inside of a nickel. The ''[[James Bond Jr (Animation)|James Bond Jr]].'' review had some gadgets that stretched one's [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]], the most important of which was the gold detector, of which there are real-life variants, but nowhere near the fictional depiction.
* [[Shout -Out]]: [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)/Shout Out|Has its own page.]]
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Quite evident when discussing comic history, or when he points out an egregious error made by the writers of a certain issue. In his [[Captain Planet and The Planeteers]] #3 Review he notes that just launching a Nuclear Bomb into space just does not work, citing that there are several problems with this, mainly that in doing it it would cause an [[Inferred Holocaust]]. He has, in response to internet responses to the errors in some of his works, given lectures on [[Schrodingers Cat]] and the effects of a [[Space Is Cold|vacuum environment on a liquid]]; capped by the admission [[One of Us|that we are all nerds]].
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]:
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* [[Stealth Pun]]: "Pollo" is Spanish for "chicken" in other words Linkara's [[Robot Buddy]] is a [[Robot Chicken]].
* [[The Stinger]]: A usual feature in his videos.
* [[Strangled By the Red String]]: Linkara was extremely critical in-universe of the relationship between [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]] and [[Wonder Woman]] in ''[[JLA: Act of God (Comic Book)|JLA Act of God]]''.
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: He was NOT happy about this happening to Lian Harper in ''[[Cry for Justice]]''.
* [[Stupidest Thing IveI've Ever Heard]]: Some variant on this phrase has been uttered several times, especially when discussing ''X-Men'''s "Holy War" storyline:
{{quote| "This is quite possibly the dumbest plan I've ever heard in my life, and I've seen someone deciding to make twin clones of Hitler!"}}
** "Holy War" is then topped by the goal of the villain in ''Future Five'', whose goal is essentially to stop kids from going to college by planting agents to stay stuff about how college is not necessary, making himself the smartest man in the world.
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* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]]: Several in-universe invocations of comics he believes are better in theory than practice.
** Linkara provides the page quote in reference to ''Bearded Idiot: At Earth's End'', which is a story about how Superman fought clones of [[Adolf Hitler]] in the future. Despite the interesting conflict that this idea presented the final result was the first comic to actually be [[Kill It With Fire|burned]] on the show.
** In his review of ''[[JLA: Act of God (Comic Book)|JLA Act of God]]'' Linkara remarks that the underlying plot of the story, namely every superhero in the DC universe [[Brought Down to Normal|losing their powers]], is actually a very good idea and showed great promise as a story premise. However, the execution of the idea was so atrocious that this three-part series became one of the comics he decided to actually destroy on the show, shooting it with his magic gun after he finished the review.
** In his review of "Law and Order'' he mentioned that, upon hearing the title, he thought it should have been about "Zombie Lenny Briscoe and Detective Goren. [[They Fight Crime]]!"
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]:
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* [[Unpleasable Fanbase]]: [[In-Universe|He stated]] [ in a Youmacon Q&A panel] that part of why he had not done any of the [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Book)|Archie Sonic comics]] at that point was because he was afraid of what the fans would do if he screwed it up.
** However, by picking Sonic Live! as his target, he did the only thing that ''could'' please them: Tear apart one of the few things in the franchise that gets universal hatred.
* [[The Un-Reveal]]: [[Todd in The Shadows (Web Video)|Todd in The Shadows]] makes an appearance in the [["Previously On..."]] in the [[Action Comics]] #593 review. He wants to kill Linkara since he has seen his face, and just as he flips up his hoodie the scene cuts to That Jewish Guy.
* [[Unsound Effect]]: Notes the "Run" sound effect in ''Archie Meets the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles''.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Linkara becomes so frustrated with the video game ''Wolverine: Adamantium Rage'' that he starts shouting "Adamantium Rage!" and punching various objects including [[The Spoony Experiment|Spoony]], a [[Kirby]] doll, a pillow and a can of soda...but ends up getting punched himself by [[The Angry Video Game Nerd (Web Video)|The Angry Video Game Nerd]].
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** [[Dual-Wielding]]/[[Sword and Gun]]: He occasionally mixes things up by having the pistol in one hand and the [[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers|Green Ranger's]] Dragon Dagger in the other; when using the dagger on its own he can play it like a flute, making it shoot green lightning. He later starts using Saba instead of the Dragon Dagger on occasion when fighting Silent Hill a second time. 
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Linkara's house prior to the 100th episode.
* [[Wham! Line]]: Linkara gives one to those who have not read ''[[Cry for Justice]]'': 
{{quote| "Meet Lian Harper... Or rather... {{spoiler|Lian Harper's ''corpse.''}}"}}
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Linkara points out in-universe that the best solution two scientists can think of to restrain an easily manipulable, [[Nigh Invulnerable]] super robot is to chain him up rather than disassembling him or fortifying him against enemy radio signals.
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* [[A Wizard Did It]]: "What part of 'it's magic' don't you understand?!?"
** Also complained about in Superman: Distant Fires review. There's "Magic as a Wonderful Force", and "Narrative Magic." Linkara likes the former, hates the latter. As the latter is often just used for lazy writing. 
* [[Wolverine Publicity]]: Outside of the Brawl and even his [["Previously On..."]] segments, Linkara has cameoed with the Nostalgia Critic, the Spoony One, Benzaie, Bennett the Sage, MarzGurl, Lee and so on. [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] appears to be making a [[Running Gag]] out of reacting negatively to his appearances. Played with and lampshaded in the ''Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes'' #2 review with the appearance of {{spoiler|Mechakara}}, despite said character having been defeated more than a month ago.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Mechakara}}:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|I was a popular character and villain. Seeing me again should drive up the viewers]].}}
** Invoked with [ his co-review with The Last Angry Geek], where he basically states that he's popular and [[The Last Angry Geek]] isn't.
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* [[Writer On Board]]:
** His ''Batman: Fortunate Son'' review is half a review and half a pro-capitalism rant in response to the comic's [[You Fail Economics Forever|idiotic idea of what constitutes "selling out"]].
** Later, his review of ''[[JLA: Act of God (Comic Book)|JLA Act of God]]'' calls out the story's author Doug Moench for [[Idiot Plot|having every DC hero act like an idiot]] and [[Anvilicious|muse on how their powers made them arrogant]] ([[Did Not Do the Research|which they most certainly are NOT]]) just so he can fanboy over how awesome [[Batman]] is for being a [[Badass Normal]].
* [[Xtreme Kool Letterz]]: Linkara frequently bashes this practice in comics. "Because poor literacy is kewl!"
* [[You Are Fat]]: {{spoiler|This makes up roughly half of the (cursed) ''Mightily Murdered Power Ringers'' comic's insults toward Linkara. Linkara doesn't deny it, but he's not fazed by it, either.}}