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* In ''[[Misery]]'', Annie cuts off Paul's thumb, uses it as a candle on a birthday cake, and threatens to make him eat it.
* When injured in battle, the perpetually hungry Taxxons from ''[[Animorphs]]'' may begin to consume themselves.
* The [[Shel Silverstein]] poem "Hungry Mungry" ends this way.
* In ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'', the leader of [[Psycho for Hire|the Brave Companions]], Vargo Hoat, gets hacked to pieces one part at a time by Gregor Clegane while he is imprisoned. The flesh is then fed to Hoat and the rest of the prisoners.
** Earlier, a minor character is locked in a tower and left to starve. She is found dead with her fingers chewed off.
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== Mythology and Religion ==
* The [[Ouroboros]] is a snake that eats its tail; it represents eternity and perfection and shows up as symbolism in a lot of works.
* Classical Mythology also has a story of a mortal king punished by the gods with [[Horror Hunger|an insatable hunger]] that drove him to poverty, and forced him to wander the lands with just his daughter to help him scam money out of people for food until she finally left him. He then [[Rage Against the Heavens|raised his shaking fist to the sky curse the gods]], prompting him to notice how plump, meaty, and juicy his hand looked. The curse then placed on him by the gods then evidently made it possible for him to consume his entire body, including his own mouth which of course had to be eaten last.
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Zork]]'', the command "eat self" [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|returns the message]] "Autocannibalism is not the answer."
* From ''[[Amnesia: The Dark Descent|Amnesia: Justine]]'', we get Malo, one of Justine's suitors {{spoiler|who was forced to eat his own flesh to survive. He then takes a liking to it, and when he sees another human...}}
* In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', Javik mentions that the punishment for traitors in his time was to rip their limbs off and give them a choice between eating their own flesh or starvation. And then killing them anyway if they do eat.
* ''[[Dead Island]]'' features the Butcher enemy, rabidly aggressive zombies that have their forearms ending in chewed bone. It's implied that they chewed off their own hands as the virus set in.
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== Web Originals ==
* The [[SCP Foundation]] has [ SCP-524], an [[Extreme Omnivore]] rabbit who is ''so'' extreme that his diet includes himself. When the only remaining parts of his body are parts that he can't reach with his mouth, [[Alien Geometries|his mouth flips inside out]], swallowing himself whole in one final gulp. Half an hour later he'll re-appear, whole and unharmed.
* Happens in an episode of ''[[SaladfingersSalad Fingers]]''. [[Mind Screw|Or not]]. Its not very clear just what is going on only that Salad Fingers likes his doppelganger's [[Brain Food|brains]].
* The [[Christmas Episode]] of ''[[Retarded Animal Babies]]'' had Puppy recieve a [[Gag Penis]] for Christmas as a present from Satan Claus, and as a result he sucks on it until he explodes.
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* Lizards whose tails drop off when grabbed as an anti-predator defense mechanism will sometimes eat the dropped-off bit of tail if the predator doesn't do so, reclaiming its protein for their bodies.
* Some mammals will eat their own placenta after a birth.
* Ant queens consume their own wings once their mating flight is done, and they are ready to start a hive.
* People who bite their cuticles. Especially those who bite so much they start to bleed.
* [ Snakes can eat themselves.]
* As stated above, in the latest stages of starvation the body will practice this, breaking down itself in order to keep it running. The proccess is called [[wikipedia:Catabolysis|Catabolysis]] and involves first the use of body's fat and later the breakup of -especially- muscles. The end arrives after the body's machinery to build proteins -made of that- has been recycled.