Avatar: The Last Airbender/Characters/The Fire Nation: Difference between revisions

→‎Fire Lord Sozin: Adding trope.
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== Prince Zuko ==
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Dante Basco]]}}
{{quote|"''I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight, and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.''"}}
Even as the prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko has always struggled in life, particularly in matching his prodigy sister Azula and getting his father's acknowledgement. This came to a head when Ozai punished him for a percievedperceived slight by horrifically burning his face and sending him into exile, refusing to let him return until he had captured the Avatar. (This was intended as a [[Snipe Hunt]], since Aang had been missing for a century.) Determined to prove his worth to his father, Zuko hunted Aang across the world for the first season while trying to find his own destiny.
{{spoiler|Eventually, Zuko betrays Iroh and helps Azula take over Ba Sing Se. Granted amnesty for his actions, Zuko is finally allowed to come home. He has his honor restored, the adoration of a nation, the love of his life, and the respect of his father. And he finds himself lacking. After some soul-searching, Zuko finally realizes what Iroh had always tried to teach him. After giving Ozai an epic and well-deserved [[Calling the Old Man Out]], Zuko defects to join the Gaang as Aang's Firebending teacher. Though initially mistrusted, grudges dissolve into friendships and Zuko soon becomes a core member of the group. At the end of the series, Zuko becomes the new Fire Lord and strives to rebuild the world into an era of peace. And hopefully find his mother.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Zuko include:}}
* [[Adorkable]]: All of his attempts to be normal. "Hello! Zuko here!"
** {{spoiler|"Why am I so bad at being good!"}}
* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: Zuko is the first antagonist, but is given enough sympathy points through out the first season that it is more than a bit hazy on which side of the fence he'll wind up. {{spoiler|After trying to be evil he decides it's not for him.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Necessarily Evil]]: In [[Interquel]] [[Graphic Novel]] trilogy ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise]]''}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV or V ---> Type III on the [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes]].}}
** {{spoiler|He becomes Type IV or V again in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type I-II]] in Season 1.
** {{spoiler|1=Arguably [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type III and/or IV]] in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''}}.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: Part of his character arc in Seasons 1 and especially 2 is Zuko growing past his sense of aristocratic entitlement, personified in his {{spoiler|treasonous Blue Spirit persona}}. He steals not only for basic necessities, but basically whenever he sees something shiny. Zuko's aristocratic nature eventually becomes a positive motivator for him, to the point where {{spoiler|he vows to see Ozai overthrown and the Fire Nation redeemed}}.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: Mostly in Season 1.
* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]: After his [[Heel Face Turn]] he tries to make up for two and a half seasons of being an asshat.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Like his predecessors in the throne, in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]}}
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: {{spoiler|With Aang as they face the Firebending Masters.}} Also with {{spoiler|Katara}} when they're training during the finale.
* [[Badass]]: Through being [[The Determinator]].
* [[Bad Liar]]: Another trait that makes Azula and him [[Sibling Yin-Yang]].
* [[Bald of Evil]]: At first, before he cuts off his ponytail and starts to grow his hair out normally.
** [[Big Bad Duumvirate]]: In season one, with Zhao.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Brother Mentor]]}}
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: With Mai. And in a non-romantic sense, with Katara.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Before his banishment, he was an eager and happy young prince who wanted to learn everything he could to prepare himself to rule. After having a fourth of his face burned off by [[Abusive Parents|Ozai]] and being banished, he becomes a brooding teenager who can barely find anything to be happy about.
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* [[Byronic Hero]]
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Abel To Azula's Cain.
* {{spoiler|[[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Calls his father, Ozai, out for the monster and [[Abusive Parents|horrible father]] that he is and tells him that he's going [[Heel Face Turn|join the Avatar to defeat him.]] [[Offing the Offspring|Ozai does not take kindly to this.]]}}
* [[Cannot Tell a Joke]]: His jokes are so bad they're made ''into jokes'' by other characters.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Has ''almost'' as much onscreen romance as Sokka, plus a fan club and a bunch of random girls that swoon over him at the beach. And a massive [[Estrogen Brigade]]. However, he's sort of lacking in the charm department...[[Adorkable|which is his charm, come to think of it]].
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: He's so sure he's this he shouts [[Smite Me, OhO Mighty Smiter!]] during a thunder storm. Given all the crap he's put up with, he just might be right.
* [[Crazy Jealous Guy]]: In ''The Beach'' all it takes for Zuko to lose his cool is seeing some guy talking to ''his'' girlfriend. To be fair, the guy had been eyeing Mai all evening.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
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** A not-quite-evil antagonist that seeks the approva of a parent figure
** Desperately clings to a birthrate duty in contrast to the protagonist who runs away from his own.
** {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}
** {{spoiler|becomes great friends with the protagonist via [[The Power of Friendship]].}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* {{spoiler|[[Defrosting Ice King]]: It takes two and a half seasons but he thaws with [[The Power of Friendship]].}}
* [[Determinator]]: He chases a ''flying bison'' on foot from the South Pole to the North Pole after three years of no leads at all.
* [[Deuteragonist]]: Or Tritagonist if you consider Katara the Deuteragonist.
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* [[Dual-Wielding]]: He's quite skilled with double broadswords. And there are those twin fire-knives that he tries (unsuccessfully) to battle Azula with.
* [[Dueling Scar]]: His burn scar isn't quite the iconic version, but as a facial scar received in a duel fought in a militaristic culture, it's a pretty clear reference.
* {{spoiler|[[Easily Forgiven]]: Averted with the Gaang, but [[Up to Eleven]] with Iroh, who will always forgive him.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: He spoke out against [[We Have Reserves|intentionally sending lines of inexperienced troops to die]] simply to wear down the enemy's defenses for their more experienced forces.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
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* [[Facial Horror]]: However, that scar certainly doesn't affect him being the series' most famous [[Mr. Fanservice]] one bit.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Zudork, Failko, Dorko, and Prince Zuko: The Master Cockblocker.
* [[Fan Service Pack]]: His [[Character Development]] and gradual transformation into {{spoiler|a good guy}} also makes him more attractive.
* [[Fan Service with a Smile]]
* [[The Fettered]]: Season 1. And then it all sort of starts to crumble in Season 2.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]
* {{spoiler|[[Good Is Not Nice]]}}
* [[Good Eyes, Evil Eyes]]: His eyes indicate moral ambiguity and inner conflict right from the beginning, as [[Good Scars, Evil Scars|one is narrower than the other.]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Good King]]: He eventually becomes Fire Lord.}}
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: His most distinctive physical trait, although the story of how he got it makes him much more sympathetic.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Happily Adopted]]: As of {{spoiler|his [[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: {{spoiler|[[Wham! Episode|Famously failed to make a]] [[Heel Face Turn]] [[Wham! Episode|in season 2]]}}, and then {{spoiler|finally settled on the Face side in Season 3.}}
** {{spoiler|And he comes back to this in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
*** {{spoiler|He doesn't really go ''evil'' in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''; he simply discovers that doing a decision as a ruler to help one group of people can seriously hurt another, and tries to set up some sort of stable status quo instead of uprooting innocent colonists from their homes. Like always, he could be much more tactful about it, though.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Realization]]}}
* [[Hidden Heart of Gold]]: Well, from the heroes' point of view, {{spoiler|until his [[Heel Face Turn]], that is.}}
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]/[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Has the power to inflict this on opponents using [[Shock and Awe|Lightning-redirecting]], and the only one to use this ability in the manner this trope describes. Learned from Iroh, taught to {{spoiler|Aang.}}
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: [[Memetic Mutation|"HONOOOOOOOOORRRRR!!!!!"]]
* [[Honorable Enemy Ace]]: One could easily mistake Zuko for being a [[Royal Brat]] and a bully before his [[Heel Face Turn]], given how he invades the Southern Pole village and pettily pokes Sokka with his own war staff before demanding the Avatar's location. Episode two, however, reveals that Zuko is actually more honorable than most of the Fire Lord commanding officers: he will not land a cheap shot at a defenseless opponent in an Agni Kai, which Iroh commends him for in the challenge, and doesn't like burning down villages [[For the Evulz]]. The crew also notes that Zuko is a bully but will pull his own weight during an emergency on the boat. A lot of the series features Zuko struggling with that he thinks honor is, and how he eventually regains it.
* [[Hot-Blooded]] ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|* facepalm*]]''
** Yeah, we went there.
* {{spoiler|[[Hurting Hero]]: Post-[[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Am Not Left-Handed]]: When it seems he's lost to his opponent in "Zuko Alone". Then he starts Firebending.}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Am Not My Father]]: In Season 3.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Not So Different]]: In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
* [[Important Haircut]]: When declared a traitor to the Fire Nation at the beginning of season 2.
** [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: Every time something significant happens to him, his hair seems to change.
*** {{spoiler|This happens again in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]'', where his hairstyle becomes similar to Ozai}}.
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]]: Only for being an essentially decent person and not a sadistic monster.
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: It pretty much runs in the Fire Nation [[Badass Family|royal family]].
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]
* [[Duty First, Love Second]]: {{spoiler|Mai is ''pissed'' that he runs off in the middle of the night to 'fulfill his destiny''.}}
* [[Love Martyr]]
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: "Your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku!"}}
* [[Magic Knight]]: He's about equally good(as in, nigh-unequaled at sixteen) with firebending and swordsmanship, in a world where benders [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards|generally are too arrogant to bother with secondary fighting styles]].
* [[Mad Dictators Handsome Son]]: More [[Abusive Parents|Horrifically Abused Son]], {{spoiler|as he doesn't defect for love--in fact, his [[Heel Face Turn]] ''interferes'' with his relationship with Mai (until ''her'' [[Heel Face Turn]]). But it still boils down to "Screw you, Dad! I'mma join the heroes!"}}
* [[Mark of Shame]]: That big thing over his eye.
* [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya|My Name Is Zuko!]] [[I Am X, Son of Y|Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai! Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne!]]
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Adored his mom. {{spoiler|Asking what happened to her is his last line in the original series.}}
* [[Mood Swinger]]
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: The infamous shirtless Agni Kai in the third episode. Lampshaded in the beach episode with a [[Disturbed Doves|flock of birds]].
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Originally, he believed it to be failing in his father's eyes and being banished. Eventually, he realizes that it was {{spoiler|betraying Iroh in Ba Sing Se}}.
* [[Nerd in Evil's Helmet]]: He genuinely is good-looking and a true [[Badass]], and he's skilled at fighting, giving orders, and anything that doesn't involve social interaction. But sit down and have a conversation with the guy and you'll discover his [[Adorkable]] side pretty quickly.
* [[Nice to the Waiter]]: In Book Two and onward.
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* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: "[[Tear Jerker|Zuko Alone]]" and "[[Nightmare Fuel|The Storm]]" are the most notable.
* [[Not So Different]]: Two fold, one with Aang as they're both boys with a troubled past and lots of pressure put on them despite coming from different sides. And Azula where both worked to make their own way and try to get the respect of their father. It was just he was more morally grounded.
* [[Noble Demon]]: Character development for him in Season 1. He goes from burning down the {{spoiler|Kyoshi Warrior's village}} in his pursuit of Aang to abandoning a later pursuit {{spoiler|to keep his soldiers safe.}}
* [[The One Guy]]: When hanging out with Mai, Azula and Ty Lee.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: Since the Avatar is his only shot at restoring his honor, he's not about to let anyone else take him in.
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* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: "I'm never happy."
* [[Playing with Fire]]
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: {{spoiler|A lot of [[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise's]] plot relies on Zuko's [[Could Have Avoided This Plot|poor communication skills]].}}
* [[Pretty Boy]]: In [http://piandao.org/screencaps/ep12/ep12-503.png a flashback]{{Dead link}} at age thirteen.
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red to his sister's blue, {{spoiler|though it's reversed after her [[Villainous Breakdown]]}}.
** {{spoiler|The red to Aang's blue (during their training).}}
* [[Redemption Quest]]
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: For Iroh's son Lu Ten. However, Iroh loves Zuko just the way he is and doesn't try to mold him in Lu Ten's image. And since Iroh is Zuko's [[Parental Substitute]], it works out.
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** [[Justified Trope|Although in this case,]] [[Fridge Brilliance|Zuko has a good reason.]] He only started acting like a royal brat after his "lesson on respect" from his father—the flashback implies he was more upbeat and cheerful and not interested in being put up on a pedestal. Which makes sense: given his banishment came because he wasn't showing due respect to his father, respect would become a big deal in his mind.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Enforced upon him by Ozai but he already eager to learn how to be one of these.
* {{spoiler|[[Reformed but Rejected]]: For one episode... or four with Katara.}}
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Lampshaded in the series.
* [[Scarily Competent Tracker]]: Lampshaded later, as when Aang goes missing, everyone looks to him.
* {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger]]}}
* [[Smite Me, OhO Mighty Smiter!]]: Complete with rain and yelling at the sky.
* [[Speech Impediment]]: He has a distinct lisp that [[Vocal Evolution|gets less pronounced as the series progresses,]] but never really goes away.
{{quote|"It's like a thilver thandwich!"}}
* [[Stranger in a Familiar Land]]: {{spoiler|Returning home to the Fire Nation in the beginning of season 3 was everything he hoped for and yet he was still angry.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Supporting Leader]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet]]: Rather, lightning, for Katara.}}
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: Though only taller than his peers, [[Teens Are Short|adults tower over him]].
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* {{spoiler|[[Team Dad]]: [http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii175/Eternal_Light55/Bumi%20Vs%20Toph%20Comic/BvsT8.jpg Especially] in the [http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii175/Eternal_Light55/Bumi%20Vs%20Toph%20Comic/BvsT10.jpg comics].}}
* [[Teens Are Short]]: A bit [[Fridge Logic]]-inducing because he appears about [http://piandao.org/screencaps/ep9/ep9-694.png a head shorter than average-sized men]{{Dead link}}, but tall enough around the other Gaang members and Iroh to indicate that he should be at ''least'' the same height as said average-sized men.
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Remember in the first episode of Book: Earth, when he wasn't even able to land a hit on Azula? {{spoiler|After seeing the dragons Ran and Shaw with Aang, his firebending went up to par with Azula's, holding his own pretty well until he takes a lightning bolt shot at Katara}}.
** Actually most of it took place when he was on his own in Book 2, by the finale he's pretty much on par with Aang, Azula and Katara and he actually has the upper hand on Aang a few times.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]
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* [[The Unfavorite]]: To his father, at least.
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: The day his mother left was the day things got bad for Zuko....
* [[Victorious Childhood Friend]]: {{spoiler|Mai's had a crush on him since they were small.}}
* [[Villain Ball Magnet]]: Season 2 through the first half of Season 3. Whenever he tries to do something good, it goes horribly wrong and paints him as a villain once again. Case in point: accidentally burning Toph's feet when she was the only member of the Gaang to trust him.
** {{spoiler|This happens again in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
* [[Warrior Prince]]
* [[Warrior Therapist]]: {{spoiler|Plays [[The Lancer]] to Sokka and Katara when they need to sort out their problems (after Aang does the same to him) but the brand of therapy he gives to Katara skirted the line of a [[Poisonous Friend]] (albeit unintentionally). [[Lampshaded Trope|Mocked]] when Toph points out that everyone else got to go on a life-changing field trip with Zuko, [[Ship Tease|grabs his arm]], and proceeds to take him for a walk-and-talk... and he tells her that they need to focus on finding Aang.}}
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Earning his father's approval is his driving force. {{spoiler|Later on it's his uncle's.}}
* [[What Would X Do?|What Would Uncle Iroh Do ?]]
* [[The Worf Effect]]
** [[Worf Had the Flu]]: [[Word of God]] has actually stated that he was impeded during his fight with Katara during the Siege Of the North by the fatigue and exposure from infiltrating the Water Tribe fortress. Had he been in good shape he would have won much more decisively.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]
== Uncle Iroh ==
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Zuko's and Azula's uncle and Ozai's brother, Iroh was once the heir to the Fire Nation throne a mighty general known as the Dragon Of the West. After the death of his beloved son Lu Ten, Iroh lost his thirst for conquest and retired. Afterwards, Iroh came to think of Zuko as his own son. When Zuko was exiled, Iroh went along with him to mentor and protect him. While he tends to act very silly most of the time, he is actually one of the most capable of the cast, and likely a match for Ozai himself. {{spoiler|Also the Grand Master of the Order of the White Lotus.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Iroh include:}}
* [[Acrofatic]]: Season 1 and 2
* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type IV]].
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* [[Actor Existence Failure|Voice Actor Existence Failure]]: Averted in regards to the role. Mako passed away between the second and third seasons, but luckily Greg Baldwin took up Iroh's character.
* [[Warrior Therapist]]: Odd in that he doesn't fight at the same time. He'll sit you down and talk over your problems with tea.
== Princess Azula ==
[[File:azula 1.jpg|framethumb|200px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Grey DeLisle]]}}
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Zuko's younger sister and princess of the Fire Nation. As a Firebending prodigy, her father Ozai favored her over Zuko, though the two had an opposite relationship to their mother Ursa. Azula uses her position and power to torment Zuko and anyone else in her way. A skilled tactician, master manipulator, and brilliant fighter, she's easily one of the Gaang's deadliest foes. She describes herself as "a people person," but she really is only skilled in manipulating people through fear. Normal interaction eludes and bewilders her more often than not.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Azula include:}}
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: True, she may have done awful things, but her fall is so catastrophic and heartbreaking it's near impossible not to pity her.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: She has this opinion of herself but her interactions with opponents are more psychological.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Keeps it in check for most of the series, but lets it all loose during her [[Villainous Breakdown]].
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* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]/[[The Chains of Commanding]]: When {{spoiler|Ozai gives her the title of Fire Lord when he ascends to Phoenix King}}, Azula is initially pleased at the authority she now wields... But the burden of being supreme leader starts eating at her sanity, her becoming more paranoid and psychotic as the days pass. By the time {{spoiler|Zuko and Katara}} show up to face her in the grand finale, she's a total wreck.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Never imply that she is less than perfect. Also, if you want to die in a painful and humiliating manner, say Zuko is better than her in any context.
** The word "monster" is her personal [[Trigger]], due to perceiving her mother considered her this. As such, she despises being thought as one. The tragic part is that ''no one'' has called or even thought of her as a monster, but her delusions won't let her see this.
* [[Big Bad]]: Season 2 and most of 3, with Ozai functioning as the [[Bigger Bad]].
* [[Broken Ace]]: She's held as [[The Ace]] throughout the Fire Nation for being a Firebending prodigy and a [[The Chessmaster|master planner]] and [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulator]], ''at the age of 14''. She, however, has serious issues with perfection, and {{spoiler|she gets even more [[Villainous Breakdown|broken]] in Book 3}}.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Good lord...
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Cain To Zuko's Abel.
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* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Can't understand why her mother would love despite her cruel personality, {{spoiler|or why Mai would betray her for Zuko or Ty Lee to follow after Mai had been captured.}}
* [[Evil Is Burning Hot]]
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: {{spoiler|To Long Feng, at least in screen time and supplemental works. All in all, she seems to had been a more ''humane'' ruler, which is saying something.}}
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: She just enjoys messing with people. [[Especially Zoidberg|Especially Zuko]]. If she can do something, she will go the extra mile to [[Kick the Dog|screw with somebody]] while doing it. She is considerate like that. {{spoiler|Her motives are actually much more than that, though.}}
* [[The Fighting Narcissist]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: An unloved (to her) mother and, a unpleasable, emotional abusive Father and an screwed-up social system led her to become the twisted person she is.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: {{spoiler|Literally... though Aang got better.}}
* [[Hot Guys Are Bastards|Hot Girls Are Bitches]]: Holy crap, are they ever...
* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: During "The Beach"; after realizing she can't interact with other teens in a regular setting, helping her comrades work through their various nuerotic traits, and admitting to some [[Mommy Issues]], her final course of action is to shrug it off and give people more reason to believe the worst in her. {{spoiler|This trope bites her in the ass '''HARD''' in the finale.}}
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'''Ty Lee:''' ''(laughs)'' "But you probably ''would'' do something horrible to them." }}
** Her scary [[Large Ham]] tendencies around boys don't help her cause.
* [[No Social Skills]]: [[Word of God]] says that until The Beach episode, Azula seems evil, but perfect. But inIn a social setting, away from battle, she can't function.
* [[Not So Different]]: With Zuko as both worked hard to make their way and try to gain the respect of their father. She was just more ruthless about it.
* [[Not-So-Innocent Whistle|Not So Innocent Smile]]: [http://images.wikia.com/avatar/images/4/49/Young_Azula.png When she was younger].
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* [[The Perfectionist]]: See that little lock of hair dangling over her forehead in her character picture? "One hair out of place" while practicing Lightning bending and she gets worked up over it.
* [[The Plan]]: Azula is fond of using plans to achieve her ends. Many of them are [[Batman Gambit|based on what her mark is invested in and would reliably do.]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Power of Friendship]]: What eventually defeated her.}}
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: She never kills or harms [[The Charmer|when diplomacy and sweet words are enough]] and plays very, very dirty.
* [[Psycho Electro]]: Especially after her [[Villainous Breakdown]]
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]
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* [["Wake-Up Call" Boss]]: Although Zuko improved over the series he was not the same level of threat even with a troupe of soldiers in Book 1 to Aang as Azula was alone season 2.
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: She actually tried this as a pick-up line on a guy at a party. She also used this on {{spoiler|Zuko}}, [[The Corrupter|and was one of the few occasions where it]] ''[[The Corrupter|worked.]]''
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|"Well Done, Daughter" Gal]]: Not just to her father, but to her mother as well. She sought the approval of both parents by being cruel to others due to what Ozai taught her. While Ozai was pleased with the result, {{spoiler|at least up til the point where this even meant she'd lie to him,}} Ursa got worried about her daughter's mental instability., And sheand mistook that for Ursa's fearing her as a monster.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: She and Toph were both originally planned as boys.
* [[Worf Had the Flu]]: Azula was virtually unbeatable when she was on her game. {{spoiler|It took [[Villainous Breakdown|her brain breaking]] for Katara to bring her down. Her sanity slippage gave Zuko an advantage, which he noted before their Agni Kai began. After a certain point Katara doesn't even try to attack the crazed and comet-powered girl, instead waiting until she could disable Azula by chaining her up.}}
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]: You'd be suprised. When her slight [[Les Yay]] moments with Mai and Ty Lee and her creepy [[Incest Subtext]] with Zuko are taken into account along with her [[Villainous Breakdown]], her behaviour in the finale begins to resemble this trope. [[No Yay|Which makes the whole thing even harder to watch.]]
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Yep. She's fourteen.
== Mai ==
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* [[Large Ham]]: In the series finale as ''The Phoenix King!''
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Plays on Zuko's emotions right until the kid [[Calling the Old Man Out]].
** {{spoiler|He's manipulating Zuko yet again in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]''.}}
* [[Might Makes Right]]: Firmly believes that the Fire Lord's will is right by way of being the Fire Lord.
* [[Misery Builds Character]]: He believes '''hardly''' in this as way of upbringing to his children.
* {{spoiler|[[Necessarily Evil]]: According to him in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise|The Promise]]'' to govern a empire like the Fire Nation}}.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: {{spoiler|He tried to smash Aang's earth shield only to hit the chakra that Azula had blocked, opening it, and immediately gets his ass kicked.}}
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: {{Spoiler|His final solution to the Earth Kingdom is a ''literal'' [[Adolph Hitler|Holocaust]]. To make the similarities even more obvious, it's based on an earlier genocide (Hitler mentioned the Armenian genocide before initiating the Jewish one by saying there would be no consequences for attempting it), and just like Hitler, his predecessor which barely could stand him suddenly died just after negating him supreme power (Hindenburg wins the presidential election, Azulon negates to give Ozai's precedence over his older brother Iroh)}}.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: {{spoiler|Was planning on doing this to Zuko when he was about 8-10 to appease his father. Attempted to do it again when Zuko announced his intentions [[Heel Face Turn|to join the Avatar to help him defeat him]].}}
* [[Oh Crap]] {{spoiler|He actually has his first moment of panic even before this when it looks like Aang is going to redirect his lightning right back at him. He doesn't use lightning for the fight after this. He didn't take it well when Zuko threw his lightning back, either.}}
Line 580 ⟶ 581:
Even as Ozai's wife, Ursa was a caring mother to their children. (Though she had considerable problems dealing with [[Creepy Child|Azula.]]) She was one of the few people who consistently supported Zuko, and it came as a hard blow to him when she suddenly disappeared.
{{spoiler|The reason for her disappearance was part of a deal with her husband Ozai: in exchange for not killing Zuko, Ursa would kill Fire Lord Azulon and make it so Ozai could take the throne. Though Ozai claims that she is now banished, it's unknown what finally happened to her.}}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: See the above spoiler. Not surprising consider [[Badass Family|the rest of her family.]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Exile]]}}
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Hot Mom]]
Line 596 ⟶ 597:
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: The Fire Nation is more or less [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Japan with fire power]] and she is a demure and gentle mother who {{spoiler|murdered her father-in-law to save her son}}.
== Commander/Admiral Zhao ==
Line 602:
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Jason Isaacs]]}}
{{quote|''"I had a pupil once who had no interest in learning discipline. He was only concerned with the power of fire - how he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path."'' -'''Jeong Jeong'''}}
|'''Jeong Jeong'''}}
The power-hungry and glory-seeking Admiral of the Fire Nation. With his greater resources and army, he served as Zuko's rival to capture Aang in the first season. However, he considered the capture of the Avatar to be a minor project compared to his dream of KILLING THE MOON! {{spoiler|While he did succeed, his actions were quickly undone by Yue, and he was killed by the vengeful Ocean Spirit.}}
Line 637 ⟶ 638:
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Well, he ''did'' {{spoiler|kill a force of nature}}. Like that's ever been a good idea.
== Combustion Man ==
[[File:Combustion 001.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|''"I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do. And even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar is alive. I want you to find him. And end him."'' - '''Zuko'''
A mysterious assasin hired by Zuko to hunt down and kill the Avatar. Relentless in his pursuit of Aang and seemingly unstoppable, he uses a unique form of Firebending by shooting laser beams that cause [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. Also known as Sparky Sparky Boom Man.
Line 674 ⟶ 675:
* [[The Voiceless]]: Nothing aside some grunts when he's mad.
== Fire Lord Sozin ==
Line 695:
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Karma Houdini]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]], rather surprisingly. He doesn't physically suffer for his actions, but he ultimately comes to realize that he crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]], betrayed his best friend and wasted his life on a wild goose chase to find the next Avatar. At the end of his life, Sozin dies a rather somber man, unable to enjoy his success or attempt to undo the damage he's done. The world let Sozin off, but his conscience didn't.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: His genocide of the Air Nation is highly reminiscent of communist China's genocide of the Tibetans in the 50s; in other words, he is Mao-Tsé-Tung.
* [[Posthumous Character]]: We learned of his backstory through a flashback-like episode, particularly by word-of-mouth from Roku and Zuko's history scrolls. Azula pitched in on the basics of Sozin's impact on the world at the beginning, too.
* [[Predecessor Villain]]
Line 731 ⟶ 732:
Lo and Li are a pair of elderly twins, who serve the Fire Nation Royal Family as Azula's advisors and Firebending mentors, despite not being Firebenders themselves. Every scene of theirs is with Azula.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Lo and Li include:}}
* [[Badass Normal]]: While Lo and Li are never actually seen fighting, it's clear that when you consider the attitude of the Fire Nation royals, being an advisor must mean you're pretty good at what you do. [[Word of God]] also states that they were driving the machine in "The Chase", meaning they have some proficiency with machines.
* [[Creepy Twins]]: At first. In their last few appearances, they seem to become comic relief.
Line 745 ⟶ 747:
** Alternatively, they both stayed but just stayed away from each other so Azula wouldn't notice.
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