Avatar: The Last Airbender/Characters/The Fire Nation: Difference between revisions

clean up, replaced: Yandere (disambiguation)Yandere
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m (clean up, replaced: Yandere (disambiguation)Yandere)
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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]/[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Has the power to inflict this on opponents using [[Shock and Awe|Lightning-redirecting]], and the only one to use this ability in the manner this trope describes. Learned from Iroh, taught to {{spoiler|Aang.}}
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: [[Memetic Mutation|"HONOOOOOOOOORRRRR!!!!!"]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]] ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|* facepalm* ]]''
** Yeah, we went there.
* {{spoiler|[[Hurting Hero]]: Post-[[Heel Face Turn]].}}
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* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: For Iroh's son Lu Ten. However, Iroh loves Zuko just the way he is and doesn't try to mold him in Lu Ten's image. And since Iroh is Zuko's [[Parental Substitute]], it works out.
* [[Royal Brat]]: Interestingly despite being banished he acts like one but unfortunately for his ego, no one treats him with the respect he feels he is entitled too. Learns [[An Aesop]] in the [[Whole-Episode Flashback]] but he still has shades of it.
** [[Justified Trope|Although in this case,]] [[Fridge Brilliance|Zuko has a good reason.]] He only started acting like a royal brat after his "lesson on respect" from his father--thefather—the flashback implies he was more upbeat and cheerful and not interested in being put up on a pedestal. Which makes sense: given his banishment came because he wasn't showing due respect to his father, respect would become a big deal in his mind.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Enforced upon him by Ozai but he already eager to learn how to be one of these.
* {{spoiler|[[Reformed but Rejected]]: For one episode... or four with Katara.}}
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* [[Breakout Character]]
* [[Breath Weapon]]: [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|"Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname Dragon of the West?"]] While he's not the only Firebender who can do this, this is his signature move.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: He is one of the greatest Firebenders in the world and {{spoiler|the leader of an organization of [[Badass Grandpa|Badass Grandpas]]s who have all dedicated their lives to mastering their art/fighting style.}} He would much rather drink tea and play Paisho.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Abel To Ozai's Cain, though the two never fought directly. When he was given the chance, Iroh declined, as it was Aang's job.
* [[The Caretaker]]: To Zuko.
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* [[Mysterious Past]]: We just know the footnote version.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Dragon of the West.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Admit it, at first glance he looks like a slovenly [[Dirty Old Man]]. You'd never know he's {{spoiler|The grand master of a club for [[Cool Old Guy|Cool Old Guys]]s.}}
** Then, {{spoiler|when imprisoned under the Fire Nation, he pretends [[Obfuscating Insanity|to have gone mad and weak to cover up his exercise activities]]}}.
* [[Older Sidekick]]: Old enough to be Zuko's dad.
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== Princess Azula ==
[[File:azula_1azula 1.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Grey DeLisle]]}}
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* [[What Could Have Been]]: She and Toph were both originally planned as boys.
* [[Worf Had the Flu]]: Azula was virtually unbeatable when she was on her game. {{spoiler|It took [[Villainous Breakdown|her brain breaking]] for Katara to bring her down. Her sanity slippage gave Zuko an advantage, which he noted before their Agni Kai began. After a certain point Katara doesn't even try to attack the crazed and comet-powered girl, instead waiting until she could disable Azula by chaining her up.}}
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere (disambiguation)]]: You'd be suprised. When her slight [[Les Yay]] moments with Mai and Ty Lee and her creepy [[Incest Subtext]] with Zuko are taken into account along with her [[Villainous Breakdown]], her behaviour in the finale begins to resemble this trope. [[No Yay|Which makes the whole thing even harder to watch.]]
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Yep. She's fourteen.
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== Mai ==
[[File:maiavatar_6567maiavatar 6567.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Cricket Leigh}}
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== Ty Lee ==
[[File:Ty_LeeTy Lee.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Olivia Hack}}
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== Fire Lord Ozai ==
[[File:fire-lord-ozai_largeozai large.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mark Hamill]]}}
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* [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Father]]: You see that scar on Zuko's face? That's just the most visible mark.
** On top of his neglect and physical and emotional abusive on [[The Unfavorite|Zuko]], he's indirectly emotionally abusive of Azula as well-- herwell—her perfectionism and {{spoiler|eventual breakdown}} can be traced back to the knowledge that if she ever slips up, [[Disproportionate Retribution|what happened to Zuko]] could just as easily happen to her.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Does it ''ever.'' The only benders in the world who have a chance of beating him in a straight fight are Aang and Iroh, meaning that Ozai is at worst the third most powerful bender in the world. {{spoiler|Though that's a moot point after he loses his bending.}}
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== Princess Ursa ==
[[File:princess-ursa_largeursa large.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Jen Cohn}}
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== Commander/Admiral Zhao ==
[[File:Commander_ZhaoCommander Zhao.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Jason Isaacs]]}}
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== Combustion Man ==
[[File:Combustion_001Combustion 001.jpg|frame]]
''"I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do. And even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar is alive. I want you to find him. And end him."'' - '''Zuko'''
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== Fire Lord Sozin ==
[[File:Sozin_ProfileSozin Profile.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ron Perlman]]}}
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== Fire Lord Azulon ==
[[File:Azulon_001Azulon 001.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Walker Edmiston}}
