Avatar: The Last Airbender/Characters/The Fire Nation: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: Competes with Toph for the most [[Badbutt]] on the show.
** [[Badass Princess]]
* [[The Baroness]]: sexpotSexpot variety.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]/[[The Chains of Commanding]]: When {{spoiler|Ozai gives her the title of Fire Lord when he ascends to Phoenix King}}, Azula is initially pleased at the authority she now wields... But the burden of being supreme leader starts eating at her sanity, her becoming more paranoid and psychotic as the days pass. By the time {{spoiler|Zuko and Katara}} show up to face her in the grand finale, she's a total wreck emotionally.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Never imply that she is less than perfect. Also, if you want to die in a painful and humiliating manner, say Zuko is better than her in any context.
* [[Big Bad]]: Season 2 and most of 3, with Ozai functioning as the [[Bigger Bad]].
* [[Broken Ace]]: She's held as [[The Ace]] throughout the Fire Nation for being a Firebending prodigy and a [[The Chessmaster|master planner]] and [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulator]], ''at the age of 14''. She, however has serious issues with perfection, and {{spoiler|she gets even more [[Villainous Breakdown|broken]] in Book 3}}.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Good lord...
* [[Cain and Abel]]: Cain To Zuko's Abel.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]:
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* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: {{spoiler|Her [[Villainous Breakdown]] was partly brought about by Azula recieving this from her father. "You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like Zuko!"}}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: In the flashback showing how Zuko got his scar, she can be seen in the crowd near Iroh and Zhao looking disturbingly pleased. Also, during Katara's opening narration Azula is the firebender.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: A twisted and tragic example. She genuinely wants [[Well Done Daughter Girl|her dad's approval]] as much as Zuko, has a [[Understatement|complicated relationship]] with her [[Missing Mom]] and, as evident by her [[Villainous Breakdown]], she did love Mai and Ty Lee, but was too twisted to show it properly.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Can't understand why her mother would love despite her cruel personality, {{spoiler|or why Mai would betray her for Zuko or Ty Lee to follow after Mai had been captured.}}
** In fact, this is the main difference between her and her father. She tries to emulate her father as much as possible, but fails to realize her father's ideology only works on him because he's an [[Lack of Empathy|uncaring]] [[The Sociopath|sociopath]]. Azula trying to imitate him only made her paranoid and obsessed with betrayal, and the contradiction is the major cause of her insanity.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Can't understand why her mother would love despite her cruel personality, {{spoiler|or why Mai would betray her for Zuko or Ty Lee to follow after Mai had been captured.}}
* [[Evil Is Burning Hot]]
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: {{spoiler|To Long Feng, at least in screen time and supplemental works. All in all, she seems to had been a more ''humane'' ruler, which is saying something.}}
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: She just enjoys messing with people. [[Especially Zoidberg|Especially Zuko]]. If she can do something, she will go the extra mile to [[Kick the Dog|screw with somebody]] while doing it. She is considerate like that. {{spoiler|Her motives are actually much more than that, though.}}
* [[The Fighting Narcissist]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: An unloved (to her) mother and a unpleasable, emotional abusive Father.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: {{spoiler|Literally... though Aang got better.}}
* [[Hot Guys Are Bastards|Hot Girls Are Bitches]]: Holy crap, are they ever...
* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: During "The Beach"; after realizing she can't interact with other teens in a regular setting, helping her comrades work through their various nuerotic traits, and admitting to some [[Mommy Issues]], her final course of action is to shrug it off and give people more reason to believe the worst in her. {{spoiler|This trope bites her in the ass '''HARD''' in the finale.}}
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: She's basically a coldblooded [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Asuka]] with the [[Attention Whore]] aspects replaced with manipulation and strong-arm tactics to ascertain worship from her peers. It doesn't play out that much better. In fact, it leads to her ''defeat''.
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: She looks alot like [[Grey DeLisle]], down to her hair colour and lipstick.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Frequently and potently. Azula doesn't merely kick the dog, she field-goals it into orbit.
** She literally kicked sand in a toddler's face in the [[Beach Episode]].
** [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: {{spoiler|Long Feng,}} however, totally had it coming.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Her first major appearance brought in a whole new villain competency level, as well as ensuring Book 2 exhibited the show's [[Darkest Hour]].
* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Large Ham]]: "The Beach"
** [[Memetic Mutation|"We have DEFEATED you for ALL TIME, you will NEVER rise from the ASHES of your SHAME and HUMILATION!!.. Well that was fun."]]
* {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Karma]]: {{spoiler|Karma served in the fact that the master manipulator who spent two seasons playing mind games to ultimately suffer a mental breakdown set off by the specific reason of NOT being able to manipulate effectively.}} [[Alas, Poor Villain|Doesn't mean it isn't tragic, though.]]
** {{spoiler|Also [[Hoist by His Own Petard|Hoist By Her Own Petard]], to an extent. If Azula hadn't set Mai and Zuko up on that date, then Zuko would have stayed in the Earth Kingdom, which would mean no Firebending teacher for Aang and no [[Heel Face Turn]] for Mai, Ty Lee, or perhaps even Zuko--no betrayal by her friends, no [[Sanity Slippage]].}}
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: If nothing else, she shares this with her brother and uncle.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]: She is capable of manipulate even to his own father until some point.
* [[Meaningful Name]] / [[Punny Name]]: "Azul" is Spanish for the "blue", which is the default color of her flames when firebending.
* [[Mommy Issues]]: Azula has this idea about her mother which is not really accurate. It revolves around the word "[[I Am a Monster|monster]]".
* [[Narcissist]]
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: See above.
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]:
{{quote|'''Azula:''' "For some reason, when I meet boys, they act as if I'm going to do something ''horrible'' to them."
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* [[Slipknot Ponytail]]
* [[Smug Super]]: Being a firebender with [[The Gift]] and lightening bending is just one reason she thinks she's better than everyone.
* [[The Social Expert]]: Played with. She's a freakin' demon when it comes to manipulation and power plays, but when she actually tries to act social and relate to others, she fails ''miserably''.
* [[The Social Expert]]: Plays everyone from her brother to foreign officials like fiddles. {{spoiler|Until her [[Villainous Breakdown]], at least.}}
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: She looks exactly like her mother Ursa, especially when she has her hair down.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
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* [[True Companions]]: Mai and Ty Lee, the only ones she ''actually'' trust {{spoiler|and what send her to the deep end when they betrayed her. [[Captain Obvious|Fear is, in fact, not a good way to make friends]].}}
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: In Universe and [[Fanon]], seems to take with stride that a 14 year old girl with other two teens managed to take Ba Sing Se, a city that the greatest generals in the Fire Nation couldn't conquer (including Iroh with dozens of thousands of soldiers and 600 days) in a 100-year war, bring down a dynasty, destroy the greatest dictatorship in the Verse so far, command the absolute loyalty of [[State Sec|the Dai Li]] and literally permanently cripple the Earth Kingdom (capturing the 5 generals), quite likely ending the war. And she did this in less than a month while [[Indy Ploy|pretty much making it up as she went]].
* [[Tyke Bomb]]: This is what she really is, despite her general competence. [[Villainous Breakdown|She takes this as well as you should expect]].
* [[The Unfavourite]]: [[Word of God]] says she perceives herself to be this when it {{spoiler|[http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll305/Maylene-Autumn/Sozins%20Comet%20Novel/scan0033.jpg comes to her mother.]}}
* [[The Vamp]]: Though she apparently does it without realizing it. The one time she tried to seduce someone, she failed miserably.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]:}} LeadingOne of the most famous in Western Animation to..history.
** [[Sanity Slippage]]
** [[The Caligula]]
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* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Yep. She's fourteen.
== Mai ==