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{{quote|"What was going through your head?"<br />
--|'''Grace Augustine'''<br />}}
{{quote|What the hell have you people been smoking out there? They're just [[Epileptic Trees|goddamn trees]]!|'''Parker Selfridge'''}}
|'''Parker Selfridge'''}}
== Shared Universe ==
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== Avatar takes place in the Watchmen Universe ==
{{spoiler|Ozymandias's}} peace lasted well into the 21st century. After {{spoiler|Dr. Manhattan left}} for Pandora, humanity continued to progress, eventually setting out for the stars themselves. It's no coincidence that they came upon the same moon- after all, it must be the best planet/moon to support life closest to Earth. Once there, Dr. Manhattan created the ecosphere of Pandora, which explains why almost all of the animals there look like animals from Earth. Dr. Manhattan set up a tribal society to skip all of the boring stuff and go straight to the point where they create technologies and such things. He took the form of a tree, and encoded a way for all the inhabitants of his planet to talk to him. That explains pretty much everything that everyone complained about this movie.
* That also explains why all the animals look sort of similar to animals on Earth. But there's no reason why Dr. Manhattan would head for the closest life-supporting planet/moon to Earth, since space means nothing to him.
* Also explains why the Na'vi are blue.
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== Avatar is set in the same universe as Aliens. And, by extension, Predator ==
* It seems quite obvious - human empire, giant faceless corporation only in it for the profit, giant stompy robot exo-suits, same director, same actor, explicit marines who conduct actions in much the same style - it seems likely that Avatar is set in a different time period, however - probably later on, would be my guess - the powerloader is after all, noticeably less sophisticated than the AMP suits.
** By the time of the Alien series, they have FTL travel, indicating that it's further in the future. The power loader looks less advanced because it's a glorified forklift.
*** The trip to Pandora takes several years, so even if it's in a fairly close system at a distance of 4.7 lightyears the trip isn't going to be conventional sublight. Still places it at a cruder tech level, but Aliens does still use cryo for long distance FTL.
** This might also explain the overall approach to extraterrestrial life, i.e. "It's all out to kill you." Frankly, if I lived in a world where the only other aliens I'd even encountered were giant [[Freud Was Right|penis-headed]] ubermonsters (or dreadlock-sporting ubermonsters), I think I'd bear a grudge that didn't come from good ol' Planet Earth.
** Which would mean, Pandora is really a Predator made hunting ground.
*** Pandora is the Predator homeworld. They just have an agreement with the Na'vi that their two civilizations stay out of each others way.
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** I don't know, but it aint Pandora. No biological similarities to anything we've seen. Assuming they evolved naturally we know their planet has abundant large animals to infect since their reproduction is limited by their hosts, and that there are things that are badass enough to try to eat them since they have the eats-anything acidic blood. Maybe the planet the Cloverfield beast was from?
*** Well we can't assume we saw all of Pandora in the movie. The bits we did see are enough to show that it's not a [[Single Biome Planet]]. Who knows what kind of nasty stuff lives beyond the range a Banshee can fly. Certainly it would be the kind of place the Na'vi would never go to (or even talk about) both because the Xenos themselves are dangerous, but also because you would tend to find Yautja living near their hives. If the Xenomorphs did come from Pandora, it's likely that there are natural predators to keep them in equilibrium with the environment. Or (as another troper suggested) perhaps Eywa's presence mellows them out to just normal predatory insect levels of aggression.
* By further extension (through Aliens) this is also the same universe as ''[[Blade Runner (Film)|Blade Runner]]''. The growing of Avatars is an offshoot of the same biological engineering that produced the replicants.
* This could also mean that ''[[Prometheus (Film)|Prometheus]]'' takes place within as well. Maybe the {{spoiler|Engineers}}made them and how they colonized Pandora.
== Avatar is the future of the [[Metal Gear]] universe ==
Well, for earth anyway. I mean come on, those AMP units? They're a form of Metal Gear. Technology has become rampant and overwhelming because of the Patriots going unchecked by the governments of the world. It would explain why earth has become some kind of [[Crapsack World]] that Jake doesn't like. Also, how do you think the whole Avatar project became such a success anyway? "Les Infantes Terribles" was basically the forerunner for what was thought to be used to build super-soldiers for wars, but instead became a diplomatic tool for planetary conquest.
* Are you sure they're not still building [[Colonel Badass|super-soldiers?]]
** Add the fact that Colonel Quaritch is a dead ringer for Revolver Ocelot...Don't believe me? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxRL0gTFJEU This]. Add long hair and a [[Badass Longcoat]] and that's him to a T.
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** Or how about this, the Prawns already know about the Na'vi during the events of District 9 and treat them as a martial race during their punitive expedition/rescue mission to earth. This is why earth is a [[Crapsack World]], humans know about Pandora and it gives them more time to study Na'vi and create Avatars before they even go to Pandora.
== [[In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It|James Cameron's]] ''[[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Avatar]]'' is an [[Alternate History|Alternate Future]] of ''[[District 9]]''. ==
Note: Not just an expanded version of the "District 9 is a prequel of Avatar" guess above.
In the ''District 9'' timeline, the [[All There in the Manual|poleepkwa]]/[[Fantastic Slur|prawns]]/[[Ender's Game|formica]] stay in their ship, and the government has enough time to organize a group and resources to "[[Animal Testing|stu]][[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name|dy]]" them before sticking a can opener in the ship. In the ''Avatar'' timeline, they try to leave the ship for help as soon as they arrive, the humans [[Unnecessary Roughness|neutralize]] them, find a couple of inhabited planets on the charts, and head for the nearest one. When they get there (or partway there), they find that the [[Phlebotinum|phluid]] couldn't get them back home, and only barely got them to Pandora. They find that the ships recognize the local [[Green Rocks]] that were kicked up by the crash as an alternative fuel source, head back to Earth at a slowed rate, then return once they've adapted the technology to run more efficiently on Unobtanium (still not as quick or efficient as the fluid, though) and drill for more [[Unobtanium|space-oil]]. The humans [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|don't care who they harm]] because they learned back in the 1980s that [[Broken Aesop|killing xenospecies for their resources results in consequence-free profit]]. Unfortunately for the Earth-Pandoran press, [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves|the Na'vi]] were [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?|too pretty]] to pin as a demonic race of human-eating, [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] pests.
== Miles Quaritch is the Sarge from [[Quake III Arena (Video Game)|Quake III Arena]]. ==
They look too similar for it to be a lie.
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2154: Humans get kicked of Pandora. They go to different planets that can support humans, setting up colonies, and start prospering. Also, the UNSC is formed, between 2160 and 2164, to prevent disasters like Pandora, and to clean up Earth.
2291: Shaw-Fujikawa Drive developed, allowing slipspace traveling, so stuff doesn't cost billions of dollars to ship.
Fast forward to 2512: Works of a powered exoskeleton armor, named "Mjolnir", begins, based on the bulky machines that were seen on Pandora.
Skip to 2525: First contact with an alien species since the Na'vi is found. Humans attempt to make peaceful communications, but everything goes to hell. Shortly thereafter, the human campaign to wipe out the aliens, that call themselves the "Covenant", begins, remembering Pandora, with the reasoning, "If we don't destroy them fast, they'll destroy us." Heightened with the discovery that Covenant tech is so much more advanced.
Other interesting similarities include:
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20190701001725/http://blogs.ft.com/techblog/files/2009/07/avatar-scorpion-gunship.jpg Scorpions] vs [http://www.greene.k12.ia.us/wpdevelopment/fall2009/edebner/finalproject/hornet.jpg Hornets]{{Dead link}}. Of the course of several hundred years, and their similar design, entirely possible.
* Calling enemy flying craft Banshees.
* As mentioned, the AMP Suits look suspiciously like ancestors of the Mjolnir armor.
Line 86 ⟶ 87:
* Add a [[Predator]] or three and you've got ''the'' [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]] in your hands.
*** That Idea is not at all helped by the fact that Aliens and Terminator are both also from [[James Cameron]]. I don't know about Predator, but it gets crossovered with the other two Cameron films, so why not.
* You know what, [[Actor Allusion|Grace Augustine's similarity to Ellen Ripley]] is pretty easy to explain. [[In the Blood|Grace is closely related to Ripley]] -- her—her sister, cousin or niece.
** Ripley had a daughter, so this is entirely feasable.
*** Original troper here. I actually checked [[The Other Wiki]]'s entries for ''Aliens'' and Ellen Ripley. It won't be the daughter, since the names and dates (Amanda Ripley McClaren, 2113-2195; ''Avatar'''s in 2154) don't fit, but other relatives should be fair game here.
== Eywa is [[Sid MeiersMeier's Alpha Centauri|Lady Deirdre Skye]] ==
The transcendent victory makes this just about possible, both the game and the movie involve an inhospitable [[Genius Loci]] as the main location. Humanity rebuilt from the ashes back on earth and went looking for stuff, finding "Pandora."
** Or perhaps Pandora is one of the lost Progenitor Manifolds.
** Pandora is definitely Planet. I don't care how pretty it all is, the trees form a possibly-sentient neural network, and those tendrils from the roots at the Tree of Souls are absolutely definitely goddamn MIND WORMS. But they never got to Transcendence; it's too soon, for a start. A colony ship from Earth reached Planet about a century ago, just as the ecosystem on Earth went into a collapse. The last signals from the ship indicated the death of the captain and anarchy among the crew. The surviving colonists split into their separate factions and settled the surface of Planet, building up a small sustainable colony and introducing Earth biodiversity to the ecosystem previously based entirely around fungus. They were engulfed by the xenofungus growth phase long before they could achieve the Ascent to Transcendence, but in its short lifespan the godlike Planetmind was able to assimilate the more diverse Earth lifeforms it found within the ruins of the Xenoempathy Dome at Gaia's Landing and adapt them to its toxic atmosphere, its fungal ecology and its planetary neural network. It made the best of what it found, it did what it could without the guidance of the humans' knowledge that the Voice of Planet project might have given it. Post growth-dream, Planet looks very different; hugely enlarged Earthlike trees form the nodes of the neural network, with fungus throughout their structure. Animal life has also been remodelled into forms far more sophisticated than the primitive mindworm boils and locust swarms of Planet's previous cycle, and the humans themselves have been... altered. All can now link into the planetary neural nets at the great tree nodes, and into each other. Planet, now Pandora, is working towards using the formerly human Na'vi to achieve true sentience and avoid the dieback of the growth cycle next time around. Meanwhile, Earth civilisation has rebuilt itself, written off its last expedition as lost in space, and launched more ships to scout the planet they found...
** We welcome you, earthdeidre and earthwheat and earthtree as honored guests, for you add great power to our ancient song -- planetfungussong—planetfungus and planetworm and planetmind sing and play here, and you are welcome among us.
* Oh, and watching the battle at the end, where the animals wipe out all that glorious hardware? Now I know how those filthy worms destroyed all the University of Planet's recon rovers, there at the end after the Planetbuster wars, when the factions lay in ruins and the fungal towers were sprouting everywhere... That species will be exterminated. I tell you. EXTERMINATED.
* Trudy (the Scorpion pilot) is Corazon Santiago. Similar looks, same spirit.
Line 112 ⟶ 113:
The Na'Vi have the same [[Noodle People]]-esque proportions as the Evas. Somewhere on Earth:
{{quote| "How big can we make an avatar, and can we shut off their pain receptors so we can bolt 'em into an exosuit?"<br />
"''Why?''"<br />
"[[For Science!]]... and the [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s that showed up last week."). }}
The Na'vi are practically naked. Their "goddess" is pale and glowing, and she allows sentient beings to share experiences and create close bonds even between species. Gendo Ikari wanted desperately to make a way for this to happen without turning everything into Tang; on this world, he got it mostly right.
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By extension, the Na'vi are so pure because of their natural ability to connect with this collective spirit, which gives them insight and understanding of all living things.
* Isn't this [[Canon]]?
* Note -- ifNote—if this is true, then letting a human (even one gone native) plug into this spirit is going to trigger the Law of Unintended Consequences more than it already has...
* This is canon.
Line 130 ⟶ 131:
Floating rocks, flying mounts, weird alien wildlife that would fit right at home in Zangarmarsh, [[Unobtainium]] (if you think that sounds silly, check the names of the metals actually found in Outland), and a race of tall blue-skinned humanoids with tails. The Na'vi are draenei, devolved to simple shamanistic traditions but in a different way than the Broken and Lost Ones. Obviously before the planet exploded, and presumably even before the orc warlocks turned Draenor into a [[Crapsack World]].
== Pandora will become the battleground for a conflict between the [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy|Vogons]] and the [[Battlefield Earth|Psychlos]]. ==
That's right, two of the most fickle, [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|bureaucratic]] and downright ugly alien races of all time (which make RDA look like a noble alien rights group by comparison) are duking it out for the rights to squander the planet of the Smurf People. The Psychlos arrive first, just in time to snag the retreating humans before they can depart for Earth, intending to use them as slave labor when they purge Pandora of all its precious Unobtanium. However, before they can start their attack, the Vogons arrive with the intention of vaporizing the planet to make way for yet another intergalactic expressway. Naturally, the two species come to blows, with Terl of the Psychlos ranting about how, when the Vogons were merely learning how to ''spell their names'', he was being trained to ''conquer galaxies!'' The Vogons respond with the assertion that they did not come halfway across the galaxy to be delayed by dreadlocked blowhards, and threaten to read their poetry to the Psychlos. Meanwhile, Jake and Co. are living peacefully on Pandora, completely oblivious to the coming chaos about to ravage their world. ''Who will win?''
** "Bloody apathetic Psychlos. I've no sympathy at all."
** However, according to [[The Movie]], most Vogons ''can't'' spell at all... perhaps a defence against the Psychlos?
** [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|That. Would. Be. The. Most. Awesome. Movie. Ever.]]
== The Na'vi are related to [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|another Navi]]. ==
It would explain the similar names, the mutual blue-ness, and the Na'vi live in, essentially, a giant magical forest where they can communicate with a nature spirit like the Great Deku Tree on a regular basis. Heck, maybe Eywa is a feminine successor to the Deku Tree, extended to running the whole planet instead of just that one forest, and decentralized from the tree to a network (or just the [[Unobtainium]]). The wildlife on Pandora would then be the Kokiri, changed into animal forms (just as they were changed into leaf creatures, the Koroks, in [[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|The Wind Waker]]), and still able to connect in some way to the "fairies"/Na'vi.
** Maybe but the only one running around shouting "HEY! LISTEN!" is Jake who isn't native.
The apostrophe is there to hide the truth. [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|That's why they sound]] [[Memetic Mutation|so damn annoying!]]
* And "I see you" comes from "Hey, listen".
* No. Besides, they're not NEARLY as annoying as that bloody fairy.
== This is all somehow related to the [[StarcraftStarCraft|Dark Templar Saga]]: ==
Ancient, highly mystical race with powers far beyond human norm: check. Improvised attempt to make a human (who is completely unprepared) more like them? Check. Jungle planets? Check. Amoral human leader, possibly nuts off his rocker? Check. (Mind you, Avatar is still missing the Zerg and the [[Melee a Trois|inevitable three-way battle]], but then DTS is a trilogy. Give it time.)
Line 150 ⟶ 151:
== Pandora was created by the Na'vi ==
A biological internet evolving naturally is next to impossible. The same goes for the convenient USB braids all Na'vi and the Pandoran wildlife sport. The only reasonable explanation is that the Na'vi are in fact, the creators of Pandora. They were, at one point, a technologically advanced race who designed Pandora as a paradise for themselves. After generations and generations, they have forgotten their origins, and the tales of their creating the planet are part of the Na'vi religion.
* And for supporting evidence... how does an exotic material like the Unobtanium develop naturally in our galactic backyard, when we've scanned the universe with spectrographs and found nothing but the familiar elements of the periodic table? Because it didn't develop naturally. Those "deposits" are the remains of the Na'vi's previous technological civilization.
** This is on a small moon, orbiting a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri system. We don't have telescopes with the resolution to do any kind of spectrographic analysis of planets that far out. We wouldn't even be able to determine the gas giant's make up, and that is probably at least the size of Saturn. The best we could do is guess based on the makeup of the star it's orbiting.
== Unobtainium? Well, the rest of the galaxy knows it as [[Mass Effect|Element Zero]]. ==
* Pandora is humanity's dark little secret, although the Citadel Council know of its existence. It's in a solar system without any Mass Relay nearby, but it contain fuckload of eezo, which explain the floating mountains: they float because of the mass effect. Furthermore, it's considered as a garden world by the Council rules, explaining why no one ever try of nuke cleaning the place (that would be illegal).
** It makes more sense to say that Avatar is a prequel to Mass Effect, before humans had discovered the Prothean ruins, and that by the time the games take place, one of three things had happened to Pandora:<br /><br />1. Being a garden world inhabited by a sapient(if primitve) species, it is protected by Citadel and/or Alliance law, and the Na'vi are left alone.<br /><br />2. With the extreme advances provided by mass effect technology, Unobtainium is no longer as valuable as it once was, or an alternative source is found, and again Pandora is left alone.
1. Being a garden world inhabited by a sapient(if primitve) species, it is protected by Citadel and/or Alliance law, and the Na'vi are left alone.
2. With the extreme advances provided by mass effect technology, Unobtainium is no longer as valuable as it once was, or an alternative source is found, and again Pandora is left alone.
** Does the fact that a Mass Effect 2 theatrical trailer was shown in the showing this troper has just seen change this? It just confirms it for this troper.
** (Writes down) Great Fanfic fodder.
*** Ewya is really Harbinger, how else can it '''Asumming direct control!''' the wild life.
**** A plant-based planet-wide consciousness that can mentally control and manipulate all forms of organic life? Eywa is the same species as the Thorian! Possibly its [[Evil Twin|Good Twin]]. And the Na'vi are its (far less disturbing) equivalent to Creepers.
**** Good news is, bring in an Asari Matriarch and one should be able to directly communicate with Eywa through Asari's mind melding thingie and negociate some stuff. Bad news is, [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves|Eywa will probably tell you to screw]], but, hey, you tried, harder than Jake and co.
== Eywa is [[The Silmarillion|Yavanna Kementari]]. ==
Line 167 ⟶ 172:
== Pandora is really an [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)40,000|Eldar exodite world]]. ==
* The "Unobtainium" is really Wraithbone and the Na'vi are just some Eldar school kid's class project.
** There are two options. First: The Unobtainium is Wraithbone. Eywa is clearly Infinity Circuit. Na'Vi are an Exodite Eldar tribe, but look different because of [[Unreliable Narrator]] or [[Hand Wave|something]]. Humans are actually lucky their ass is handed to them by the planet itself, because if it failed, Biel-Tan would come and sweep them. Second: It's a Maiden World. More possible than the first option, since, you know, it's third millenium, not fourtieth.
*** "Earth" is really just a starting up Hive world that just happens to be called Earth # (kinda like how [[Alexander the Great]] named a dozens cities after himself) that's either 1, a lost world, 2 a minor Warp Storm is stopping warp travel but without the daemons showing up (hey happen with Tau). The Na'vi arn't Eldar, they're more likly an uplifted race that the Eldar use as [[Cannon Fodder]] to protect their planet. Biel-Tan would probly kill both Humans and Na'vi, the humans well because, and the Na'vi for [[You Have Failed Me...|not doing their job]]
**** The planet Earth IS Earth and its just before the first galactic empire starts to get underway. The Na'avi help to cement in the human mind the fact that Aliens cannot be trusted and that they will not respond to covert tactics, so instead they turn their entire Earth into a warfactory, go back to Pandora and test their first Virus bomb on the planet, leading to the death of every single living thing on the world before stip mining it bare. From there on, the [[The Empire|Imperium ]] begins to grow. Personally? [[Moral Event Horizon|I think I'm going to ]][[Rooting for Thethe Empire|side with the virus bombers ]]
== Eywa is mind controlling the entire Pandoran biosphere for some reason. ==
Line 179 ⟶ 184:
So really, theres no surprise that you cant find a single descenting voice among the people. They were all killed off and bred out long ago.
== Pandora is an [[The NightsNight's Dawn Trilogy (Literature)|Edenist habitat]] ==
Pandora is an early Edenist bitek experiment in spherical, moon-sized habitats. For various reasons though, it still must orbit a gas giant like all habitats. It's a classified project and the Adamist humans of Earth's Govcentral know nothing about it. All the seemingly native species, including the Na'vi, are either heavily geneered specimens from other Confederation worlds, or bitek constructs. Eywa is the habitat personality, and for whatever reason the natives weren't engineered with wireless affinity, insteading needing to hardwire into the each other or the habitat's neural strata.
== The conflict between Earth and Pandora is an extension of the rivalry between [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)40,000|Nurgle and Tzeentch]] ==
Earth was established by Nurgle according to principals of non-interference with the growth of life, and by the time of the film, it shows - a single, voracious organism has spread over the planet's entire surface, consuming all other life in its quest for growth and producing a broad variety of toxins and cancerous buildups as a consequence of its existence. The main colors associated with it at this point are gray and light green, and as a signature, microbial disease runs rampant. Pandora, meanwhile, was the pet project of Tzeentch, being turned into a very complex, but also very well-organized, garden of organic life. True to form, Pandora displays a wide variety of colors, but particularly blue, and most disease is clamped down on by ad-hoc countervirals. The native sentients also refer frequently to "sight" or "the eye" as important spiritual aspects of their deity. The conflict almost ends in favor of Nurgle, with the dying species of Earth falling back on the overwhelming weight of their growth, but as usual, [[The Chessmaster|Tzeentch made sure to keep something special up his sleeve]].
Line 189 ⟶ 194:
== Quaritch's [[Misaimed Fandom]] is in for a rude awakening in [[The Sequel]]. ==
Quaritch, despite being a father to his men, is a psychopath who got kicked out of the legitimate military's of Earth. The RDA hired him to get him out of the US Military's, British Military's, etc. hair and given him the perfect area where he'd either die or be able to vent his psychopathic tendencies. We'll see Quaritch's old superiors in [[The Sequel]] arriving on Pandora for a mopping up operation, and see HOW MUCH he screwed the pooch.
* Even if they also said that he eats puppies, he sold his [[Deal Withwith the Devil|soul to the devil]], steals money from orphans, wears slippers made out of baby seal heads, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|jaywalks across every street he finds]]; I SERIOUSLY doubt many of his die-hard fans would like him any less ( Heck, it might make him even more [[Badass]] to the fans)
== The Na'vi are an [[Gurren Lagann|Anti-Spiral Race.]] ==
Let's analyze this for a second. They're xenophobic to the point of considering other civilisations insane (compare: "My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jakesully. We will see if your insanity can be cured" vs. "That's just the path that leads to extinction! Why do you not see the pathetic limitations of the Spiral Race?"), they hate progress, change and development in technology, they answer to a planet-wide collective intelligence, they can merge their conciousness with that of other organisms native to Pandora, their evolutionary ancestors are still around, so they could have cut off their evolution, they apparently have a method of birth control - why would a primitive race need birth control, if not as an early way to prevent Spiral Nemesis before deciding to seal off their Spiral Energy?, they use terrorism and scare tactics...hmm...
The entity the Na'vi know as "Eywa" is actually the collective conciousness of the Anti-Spirals, and Jake, Grace, Norm, and Max were persuaded into being brainwashed by the Na'vi, giving up their free will as humans to become part of the Anti-Spiral network that is Eywa. Quaritch is actually a [[Hero Antagonist]] Spiral Warrior - he shrugs off conditions that would have killed a lesser man through sheer determination, so there's no way he wasn't using Spiral Energy. His AMP Suit may even have been a predecessor of the Gunmen. Though he had come to Pandora to help set up a mining colony, when he learned that Jake had been taken over by the Anti-Spirals he decided to take action by wiping out the Na'vi, but failed. Eventually, the news that the humans on Pandora had been defeated by the Anti-Spirals reached Lord Genome, who, upon learning that one of the contributing factors to the hostility was the overpopulation of Earth, enacted his plan of commiting genocide of the humans on the surface.
Now fast-forward to the final battle. The giant black [[Humanoid Abomination]] faced by Team Dai-Gurren is actually Jake gone [[One-Winged Angel]] - he's mentioned as being a war hero on a mission of planetary conquest before he turned to the Anti-Spirals, his energy attacks are blue, much like everything on Pandora, and in the movie he rapes Nia using tentacle projections, an extention of him using his queue to take over other Pandoran organisms. Still believing that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] (note that, despite him being a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], the Anti-Spiral is a violent racist and often rants about the inferiority of humans and other Spiral Beings) and wanting to stop Spiral Nemesis, Jake fights back against humanity once more using the Grand Zamboza (the planet in its helmet looks nothing like Pandora because he was at a different Anti-Spiral world at the time.) However, with the help of Lord Genome's [[Heroic Sacrifice]], Simon and Team Dai-Gurren are able to destroy Jake once and for all and rebuild civilisation on Earth better than ever using Spiral Energy.
* Alternatively, Quaritch ''is'' Lord Genome. Note that they're both muscular, [[Ambiguously Brown]] [[Rated "M" for Manly|manly]] badasses who pilot mecha and have survived being on (self-inflicted, in Genome's case) fire. He managed to survive his impalement (which is backed up by his actor, and Lord Genome has been through worse) through his sheer reserves of Spiral Energy, but was taken back to Earth, where he, realising how powerful the Anti-Spirals were and how they responded to Earth's conditions, decided that the only way to save Earth from an Anti-Spiral attack from some of the more developed Anti-Spirals was to force everyone underground and establish himself as sole ruler of the surface, making sure to keep the population low enough to not trigger the Anti-Spirals' ire. Since his mastery of Spiral Energy made him immortal, his scars faded from a combination of old age and Spiral Energy, and somewhere along the line he shaved his head and grew a beard. RDA didn't let him bring the Lazengann to Pandora because it wasn't theirs, but if he did, he'd probably have won.
== Pandora is how Earth was ''supposed'' to turn out in [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]. ==
The entire biosphere effectively is an organic version of cloud computing, and someone is still trying to find out what question "42" answers. The introduction of humans has, of course, thrown a spanner in the works, just as happened on Earth, but as the program may have run a good deal longer, the correct question might still be able to form.
** Alternately, Pandora ''is'' the Earth Mark 2, just with some upgrades thrown in. (the original Earth was reinstated by the dolphins, keep in mind.) It's quite likely their version of Africa is full of fjords and a sculpture of Slartibartfast.
Line 206 ⟶ 211:
Specifically, the "Aisha", a cat-like critter whose long antanne looks a lot like the wild animals' "ports".
== Earth has been united under the [[StarcraftStarCraft|Terran Dominion]] ==
Look at the helicopter gunships and tell me those aren't Banshees from Starcraft II.
** Technonarrator agrees, as he personally thought that the [[AM Ps]] share similarities with the terran marines.....downsize them, add armor....theres already a biofeedback thing going on there so the heavy armor wont be a problem.... Though Banshees don't have AA capabilities.
Line 214 ⟶ 219:
*** So, are the Mech suits cheaper, lighter versions of Thors (Or a more expensive Marauder)?
**** Neither. They're old Goliaths, before they decided to mount the autocannon and add on missiles.
* Before the started fighting the Zerg and Protoss, the Terrans did,'t have anything stopping them and were just strip mining everywhere they go. Pandora is one of those planets they visited.
** The Na'Vi are related to the Protoss, but more primitive.
** Also, the Zerg developed their creatures by taking local wildlife and mutating them. Since Pandora has so many dangerous creatures, they went there for a lot of them and that's why so many of the Zerg troops look like Pandora wildlife(and also wildlife found in Starcraft). Furthermore, Eywa is like a primitive Overmind.
** The human military stuff resemble prototypes of Terran forces. Human soldiers are Marines, Mechs are Goliaths, those fighters/transports are Valkyrie/transport hybrids that were later split into two different ships, etc.
Line 222 ⟶ 227:
== Unobtanium is naquadah ==
Come on, they're both "superconductive" elements that are essential for super technology!
My guess is that the RDA is working without knowing of the Stargate program (still a secret after all these years, perhaps due to an ongoing war with another race), and that's why they call it Unobtanium and don't realize that the real FTL travel will be via stargates.
See, the SGC needs more naquadah after having depleted every source in this galaxy (they can't go to Pegasus because of a similar problem on Atlantis or to the Asgard's galaxy), so they set their sights on Alpha Centauri. They send off the RDA with military assistance and task them with getting the "unobtanium". The reason why they prohibited nukes is because they know it'd just set off the naquadah and destroy they only chance of obtaining it.
* And the RDA is actually named after Richard Dean Anderson.
Line 238 ⟶ 243:
An intelligent being residing in a far-flung data network who can pull someone's intelligence out of one body and put it into a new one?
== ''Avatar'' takes place ~600 years before ''[[Wall WALL-E]]'' ==
After the earth has been ruined but just before BNL completed the star-liners. After RDA's bad behavior reaches earth, everyone chooses the star-liners and RDA ceases to exist. Being kicked out by the Na'Vi causes the Earthicans to consider allowing their own planet to heal before invading other worlds again. Hell Gate doesn't have any of those nifty robots, uh, just because RDA isn't BNL and they probably would've been jerks to their robots anyway.
* Actually, the robodozers used by RDA seem to have more than a passing resemblance to the WALL-class robots...
Line 244 ⟶ 249:
== The Company in Avatar is the same as The Company in [[Aliens]] ==
In other words, Weyland-Yutani. They use similar technology -- perhapstechnology—perhaps a bit further into the future -- forfuture—for example the Power Loader in Aliens looks like the forerunner of the military power suits in Avatar. Plus, they refer to it as "The Company" just like in Aliens, and they seem to pursue the same nihilistic, bottom-line-first policies, and there's even a similar "corporate goon" character.
** Or, Weyland-Yutani is RDA's parent corporation.
** And Grace is Ripley's clone?
Line 253 ⟶ 258:
== Pandora/Eywa is the collective spirit(s) of spacefaring [[The Lord of the Rings|Entwives]] ==
The reason the Ents can't find them on Middle Earth is because the Entwives -- whoEntwives—who if I recall correctly were all "domesicated" trees such as apples and pears -- leftpears—left for a place without an agarian society where they would be "enslaved". They were able to travel in space by [[A Wizard Did It|* cough cough cough* ]].
* But Pandora is all about wild, untamed nature, while the Entwives loved to put nature under their control. They didn't want to speak with plants, but for the plants to listen and obey to them. They were the ones who taught humans farming. The philosophy of Pandora and the Entwives couldn't be more opposite. Pandora is more appealing to the Ents.
* Maybe the Ents banished the Entwives and then forgot (if they can't remember what they look like it's possible they can't remember they're the reason they're gone), or maybe they went to another, less-lush moon where they sapient species had to create an agrarian society.
** In the books the Ents remember quite well how the Entwives looked. Treebeard does a fairly lengthy description of the appearance of the love of his life.
== [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]] will be zapped to the future by events in the Avengers movie, and decide to rebuild the Earth. ==
He'll start a company to rival RDA, and take on the responsibility to rebuild the Earth back to its' former glory. Only he's going to need funding, and [[Unobtainium]] still appears to be the best source. So, he launches a campaign to succeed where RDA failed, taking a more diplomatic approach, though he'll still be willing to fight if he finds it necessary. Ultimately, his irresistible charm and snarky attitude will lead to a peaceful settlement, but not before he exchanges a few blows with Eywa in his spanking-new [[Rage Against the Heavens|Gaia-Buster]] armor (being the [[Screw You, Elves|hater of gods and magic]] that he is).
== RDA grew to be incredibly powerful due to a possible merger with [[The Dark Knight|Wayne Enterprises]] somewhere down the line. ==
According to the Avatar wiki, the RDA is ''the largest single non-governmental organization in human space. Its power is such that it outmatches most Earth governments in wealth, political influence, and military capability. The RDA has monopoly rights to all products shipped, derived, or developed from Pandora and any other off-Earth location.'' Wayne Industries was also a powerful conglomerant, possibly amongst the most, which also dabbled in military technology. At some point, whoever Bruce might've left in charge of his company might have decided to merge with the existing RDA to help strengthen it and help it expand with their resources.
== Pandora was created by [[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Foaly]]. ==
As the pollution seeps into the Lower Elements, Foaly decides that the only way for the Fairies to survive is to escape the planet altogether. As it is impossible for him to test spaceships, the demon warlocks decide to transport everything through time, to a moment so far back that Pandora was placed where Earth is then (magnetic fields act as a beacon). A giant housing unit is made, as they do not know what are they going to find, and the fleeing fairies are sent off into space.
Foaly's first step is to make Eywa, to be able to calmly watch over everything, and designes it in such way it shall spread on its own. As the enviroment does not allow for the Ritual, and is harmful to fairies, he designes scouts that can upload into the network, to search for information and as experiments to make a fairy body that can survive in the outside.
Of course, after being chased away from your home by creatures who are twice your height, it makes sense that Foaly would make the Na'vi as intimidating to humans as humans are to fairies.
== Quaritch is a [[Doctor Who|Time Lord]] ==
Line 276 ⟶ 281:
* Oh, god, that's hilarious. I can just imagine Neytiri or Jake picking him up by the scruff of the neck and going, "What ARE you?"
== Avatar is a prequel to [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Warhammer 4000040,000]] ==
In Avatar, humans [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|value their own survival more than that of aliens]], In the grim dark future, this will have progressed to outright genocidal madness (because they were almost driven to extinction without [[Unobtainium]] because of aliens).
Line 285 ⟶ 290:
The animals of Pandora, usually maintained by Eywa, will find themselves neglected, and in her/his absence, develop their own [[Hive Mind]]. Almost all of them being predatory, the soul focus of their [[Hive Mind]] becomes hunger. After literally devouring the planet, they take to the stars, and become the Tyranids.
After millennia of warfare, everybody who knows the true history of the universe is dead, and the next best theory is... the [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Warhammer 4000040,000]] fluff. {{spoiler|Also, Colonel Quaritch's DNA is used to create the Space Marines, his most notable descendant being Ursakar Creed.}}
== Halo tiem ==
The colonel's genetically modified clone clone shall return, in green power armor. We salute you Master Chief Petty Officer Quaritch.
Line 303 ⟶ 308:
== The Na'vi are not native to Pandora. ==
All the fauna on the planet have six limbs and a pair of small eyes behind the larger ones. The Na'vi have four limbs and two eyes. The Na'vi colonised Pandora millions of years ago, and got rid of all their technology (To tie in with the Mass Effect WMG above, maybe to hide from the Reapers?). But before they got rid of it all, they genetically engineered themselves to have USB hair.
== Pandora is somehow a future Earth. ==
Line 312 ⟶ 317:
== Pandora was created by a race of [[Precursors]] ==
* The Unobtainium is used to power the [[Genius Loci]], and if their is a real need (for instance if the [[Gaia's Vengeance]] failed, Pandora's [[Superweapon Surprise]] would activate and kill all the invaders
** I was thinking a race of precursors as well, due to the fact that the Na'vi could form a biological link with completely separate species; the possibilities of such inter-species connections occurring through evolution would be beyond astronomical. I was thinking either an incredibly advanced early form of the Na'vi who successfully utilized biotech in a transhumanistic manner on themselves, then genetically modified the local flora and fauna judged to be useful, or possibly the sentient planet modified the creatures to be somewhat entwined with each other to prevent extinctions from callous and uncaring hunters. I lean toward the Precursor Na'vi civilization, due to the concentric ring structures surrounding their sacred grove in the floaty mountains. Although this IS a sentient planet, and it is impossible to discount the possibility that it could form those rings somehow, I find it easier to believe that they were Na'vimade structures.
*** Those are fallen giant trees that have fossilized or otherwise hardened into permanent arcs. Natural, not technological in origin. Though their large concentration in one place would indicate that they indeed are connected to the Tree of Souls in some way.
== The Na'vi are descendants of a profoundly powerful genetic engineering empire. Eywa is the planet-wide AI who now runs the show. ==
Line 319 ⟶ 324:
** You mean Eywa is ''GLaDOS''?
** Considering that the Na'vi were an alien race, and considering that our only knowledge of their culture is filtered through the language they were taught (and the cultural preconceptions of their teacher) they could be fully aware that they are a genetically engineered post Singularity species. No AI mucky muck required.
* Alternately, the Na'vi used to have a post-humanesque Utopian society. And they were incredibly bored. So they released their food animals into the wild, erased their memories, and became a hunter-gatherer society.
== Pandora and the other moons were created by [[Watchmen (Comic Bookcomics)|Dr. Manhattan]]. ==
He might ''be'' Blue Jupiter, keeping an eye on his creations.
Line 330 ⟶ 335:
== Eywa and the habitat of Pandora was build by the Na'vi ancestors along ago as giant computer and utopia complex much like Earth had built a mega city with the same intent. It was so long ago however that the Na'vi past has been romantized and altered into what it is now along with the Na'vi slowly forgetting the truth. ==
Basically, long ago, the Na'vi were technologically advanced to the point of almost reaching the technological singularity. They created Eywa, a planet wide computer system made from biological parts, as a means of connecting everyone and everything. In doing so, they altered life on the planet to support and protect the computer system including themselves; the queue everything has was created by them as sort of a natural universal connection. The ability of Eywa to give them everything they needed in relative leisure resulted in a long slow conversion to their present society. Their tribal legends are a combination of truth and myth making. Their values for Eywa are simply the rules of their user access spun differently as well as why the rules of maintaining the system. Banshee and Toruk Makto are relatively important 'somethings' to the system - the Na'vi hijacking overly aggressive animals of those types is them bughunting potentially dangerous anomolies... as well as providing unique identifiers for Eywa to identify such things later on after the Na'vi share their memories.
== The Na'vi are Eywa's [[Designer Babies]] ==
There is no way those [[Star Trek (Franchise)|mind-meld]] braids were evolved independently on so many species, Eywa has been using them to direct the evolution of every species by subtly or overtly controlling natural selection. Possibly even designing the first vertebrates to have the mind-meld braid. It's no coincidence there are no lame, blind, mute, or otherwise physically imperfect Na'vi, they simply don't have any recessive genes that can cause defects because Eywa has weeded them out. With this all in play, it's no surprise at all live in perfect harmony with nature: they have been made to perfectly fit their ecological niche. This is also why they have no needs that a hunter-gatherer lifestyle can't meet: they have no sick or weak to care for, and no need of medicine.
== All of the Na'vi are Avatars. ==
Line 347 ⟶ 352:
== We are the na'vi. (We migrated to Pandora and well...) ==
Look at them. Minus the tail, braid, height, and skin, we're [[Not So Different]]. We can look nearly the same.
* On [https://web.archive.org/web/20120422113316/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5797378/1/Future_Tense this fanfic] : [https://web.archive.org/web/20120422113319/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5797378/32/Future_Tense Chapter 32 has more details to explain]:
{{quote| As near as I can figure it, about four thousand years ago someone or something brought a proto-Polynesian tribe here from Earth, genetically engineering their bodies to survive on this world, made them known to Eywa, and released them. That is why the Na'vi seem so familiar to us – their appearance, their culture, their language. The Na'vi were human once. That is why it was relatively easy for our technology to build Avatars. The original genetic modifications made the Na'vi genotype readily adaptable to the changes required for the Avatar program. I've spent the last two years deciphering the technology that they used. It hasn't been easy – it is hundreds of years in advance of where Earth is right now, and somehow they linked it with Eywa. If not for that I could never have learnt what I have. (Shows amino pods.)}}
== Pandora was created by [[Precursors]] to [[Evilutionary Biologist|Conquer]] [[Meaningful Name|The]] [[Dune|Universe]] ==
Line 375 ⟶ 380:
Her plans hit a snag when humans came to Pandora. Here was a sentient species with technology to reach the stars and the science to figure out what she really is. These people obviously had to be gotten rid of before they could spill the big secret to the Na'vi. But she had to do it in such a way that no curious Na'vi would consider talking to or learning from the humans should they return, which ruled out a simple [[Zerg Rush]] of wildlife (which would also have risked the humans attacking from orbit).
She finds out that they are here for the [[Unobtanium]], which is the perfect source for the conflict she needs.
Eywa, in her role as Na'vi goddess, tells her people to be as uncooperative as possible. She has them spurn all offers of technology or science, and tells them to ignore the desperate need the humans have for the stuff that they're sitting on. As per her orders, some engage in low-level guerrilla warfare (such as the arrows on the truck tires). They expel the school from their village, which raises tension.
When Jake Sully arrive on the planet and becomes an Avatar, she senses in him someone bitter with humanity and fascinated by the lushness of Pandora. As a bonus, he is ''not'' a scientist. She decides that these things make him valuable as a pawn, which is why she called off Neytiri's attacking him and orders him let into the Hometree. She has him bond with animals of Pandora, perhaps subtly messing with his brain ''via'' her control of them, until he comes to feel more Na'vi than human. This has the bonus effect of distracting him from his diplomatic mission. She needs atrocities to be sure that the Na'vi remain anti-human and anti-science.
She allows the destruction of the Hometree in order to galvanize the anti-human sentiments of both her pawn Jake and the Na'vi. The naive chumps make it even easier for her by bringing her Dr. Grace to heal. Grace is the top scientist on the planet, who had been actively hunting for her secret and who would have loved to reveal it if she found it; that would have caused Eywa's whole charade to crumble. And she gets to heal her? Perfect! As a bonus, Grace was shot by a human, so Jake's anti-human sentiments were raised even further. Dr. Grace took wounds in the chest, which shouldn't affect her mind -- butmind—but they do give Eywa the perfect excuse after she absorbs the poor woman's mind. "Her wounds were too great"? Likely story. She was still alive, and her mind was intact. Nothing stopped the transfer but the fact that she would be far more useful to Eywa dead than alive. Also, to be sure that Jake further reveres her, she has Grace's hollow shell say, "I'm with her, Jake. She's real." A planetary brain that can control thousands of animals at once can control one more body (even a human one) for a minute.
Then, to ensure that all the tribes of Na'vi remember the humans only as bringers of death, she gave Jake the Toruk to gain power over them. He led them into battle, where the humans' superior technology easily slaughters them. Eywa wanted this. She needed plenty of death to get the Na'vi to hate and distrust humans forever after.
Line 387 ⟶ 392:
After she judged the slaughter to be sufficient, she commanded her mindless herd of slave-beasts to charge and overwhelm the humans. She could have done ''that'' at any time.
After that, she has the Na'vi "escort" the humans offworld. Note her insidious effect on her pawn Jake Sully: by then, he referred to his own species as "aliens". Then she transferred Jake Sully's mind to his avatar form permanently, probably performing any remaining necessary mind rearranging as well.
The plan worked like a charm. The humans are gone. The Na'vi are led by a firmly anti-human leader who deifies her. The Navi are embittered towards the humans. There is no more risk of the Navi realizing that they've been played for fools. That's right, [[The Bad Guy Wins|the true villain won]]. You just didn't see it.
* ...That is awesome.
* There should be a fanfic based on this theory.
** It would go something [httphttps://web.archive.org/web/20190701001726/https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6035126/1/bEywa_b_is_ba_b_bMother_b like this.]
* Amusingly, this great entry not as much ''challenges'' the Avatar plot, but rather places a matrix of a realistic conflict over it. Think, every faction in every war had perfectly good reasons to fight (only in the last few centuries anyone even expressed the doubt that war wasn't just a honorable job for males). If you read into literature concerning real-life conflicts, you'll find that from the ideological standpoint the factions were opposed, but from utilitarian perspective they'd just pursue their practical agenda (not to be confused with conscious war-mongering for profit). So a spiritual, good-willing nation can be described as striving for living space and resources (and it really is, if just to remain a nation); and a vile, chauvinist, expansionist one can be described as maintaining its security (because «lesser» nations are theoretically able to become more advanced and challenge it etc.).
** The basic plot is pretty realistic already, unfortunately. "Advanced civilization first-world tries to trample over smaller, less advanced one to get at some resource, after a few half-measure attempts at diplomacy." There are tons of examples.
Line 403 ⟶ 408:
* Why, why, WHY is this not the 'official' position? This is brilliant man. Just brilliant.
* As a corollary to the above: why does this theory make Eywa evil? Ok, so she's the mastermind behind the whole planet and movie, but why is this a bad thing? From what we've seen, humans sticking their scientificy noses into happy spiritual business never ends well. Maybe Eywa knew that in the long run keeping the Na'vi in technological stasis would maintain the lush utopia we see on Pandora. Let spiritual catpeople pray.
** Because A) it results in the na'vi becoming almost xenophobic, and b) because they're essentially brainwashed.
** They're not xenophobic. There's a long history of bad relations with humanity which, in general, doesn't have any respect for ''them'' either.
* This should totally be explored in the sequel, with Jake Sully attempting to [[Rage Against the Heavens|Rage Against the Rainforest]] in response.
* This makes sense especially if one has seen [[Blue Gender]]. Plus these lines from ''[[Babylon 5]]'' explain why staying like the Na'vi is a bad thing.
{{quote| Reporter: I have to ask you the same question people back home are asking about space these days. Is it worth it? Should we just pull back? Forget the whole thing as a bad idea, and take care of our own problems, at home. <br />
Cmdr. Sinclair: No. We have to stay here. And there's a simple reason why. Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics, and you'll get ten different answers, but there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe, and Lao-Tzu, and Einstein, and Morobuto, and Buddy Holly, and Aristophanes, and - all of this - all of this - was for nothing. Unless we go to the stars. }}
* ... In this troper's mind, this WMG is canon.
* ...except that it's based on multiple misconceptions (such as claims of direct communication, or lack of free will)
* I spent the afternoon chewing over this topic (he'd been entertaining a similar theory, only less developed) and came to the following realization: if true, it makes Eywa morally ambiguous ''and'' more sympathetic at the same time. Think of her as a more limited [[Magic: theThe Gathering|Nicol Bolas]] from the Shards of Alara storyline: vastly intelligent and powerful, but suddenly mortal (Bolas had recently become mortal, Eywa had recently become aware of her mortality) and determined to preserve him/herself at all costs. As a result, she's willing to go to any lengths to preserve herself, including [[Mind Rape|brainwashing]] the aliens who've uplinked with her into becoming her stooges and compelling the fauna to kill and die on her behalf. If the Tree of Souls was what both Quaritch and the Na'Vi thought it was, it was the center of a good deal of Eywa's mental activity; destroying it could well have lobotomized her, and she had no intention of letting that happen. This ultimately makes Eywa and the humans [[Not So Different]]- each has their agenda, and are willing to pursue it to the bitter end, all for the sake of their planet. Ultimately, the conflict between her and Quaritch/RDA was inevitable due to fundamentally conflicting goals, and she won for the same reasons Bolas won: not simply being more powerful and more intelligent than the opposing player, but also by having the advantage of knowing the game was even being played.
* I stupidly added just one more variation of this interpretation, except now the Na'vi and Eywa are essentially the Yuuzan-Vong/EYWA IS THE OVERMIND. It's sitting at the bottom of the discussion of the Avatar Just Bugs Me page.
* Another thing to consider is the Navi's history. It is mentioned in the film itself that in the past there was a great war between all the tribes of the Navi until they were unified by one person riding a Toruk. How much do you want to bet Eywa was the one who gave that person the Toruk and that 'unifying the tribes' meant unifying them under a religion devoted to the worship of Eywa and instilling in them practices that would allow Eywa to alter their minds such as bonding with the Tree of voices, a place where the Navi were told they would be able to hear the voices of their 'Ancestors' who conveniently dont have anything bad to say about Eywa or good to say about Technology.
** Actually, it was a time of great sorrow, which is fairly nonspecific. Inter-clan conflicts were more likely on a small scale, since there is very little for them to even be over (lack of scarcity or overpopulation, primarily). Ascribing human motivation to a very different people just doesn't work.
Line 425 ⟶ 430:
== Eywa is an [[Eldritch Abomination]] in the form of a planet. ==
How could a group of hunter-gatherer tribes defeat a highly advanced civilization armed with planes, spaceships, and guns? Eywa [[Reality Warping|warped the reality around herself]], providing the much needed energy to the Na'vi, deflecting bullet trajectories, [[Mind Rape|sending disturbing messages to the invaders]] to confuse and distract them, disconnected human computers and machinery implanted in her with her immense [[Psychic Powers]], and god knows what else. Furthermore, she has already sowed the seed of comprehension-defeating depression and despair into the human psyche, making them [[Heroic BSOD|catatonic]], [[Insane Equals Violent|pointlessly violent and warlike]], and [[Cloudcuckoolander|schizophrenic.]] The human race implodes from mental problems and resource scarcity.
== Eywa is serving as a central power grid to the Na'vi, much like the sun to us. ==
Probably why the Na'vi manage to defeat their advanced enemies.
== Eywa has been making Pandora into [[Dune|Arrakis]] ==
She is breeding a race of supersoldiers with a warrior race mentality.
The biosphere of Pandora is a single organism, and it wants to reproduce. In layman's terms, it wants to conquer the universe.
Line 454 ⟶ 459:
== Pandora is the Internet ==
Self-explanatory. Also, Eywa is the server.
* Does that mean there are Na'vi tropers calling us egrarious examples of evil aliens? Do they have lol-thanator pictures? Jakesully facts? Do Na'vi /b/tards troll other villagers by using the neural network to send fuck-huge creatures smashing through their homes?
** Oh God, [https://web.archive.org/web/20151105204733/http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=6387298&x=4chan+Avatar+crossover Na'vi 4chan]...we're doomed.
** Your link wins the internet. Forever.
Line 476 ⟶ 481:
== What's gonna be in the (nigh-inevitable, given the critical acclaim) sequel? ==
I've got a couple of insane suggestions:
* ''Dying Earth''. In a couple of years, Earth's resources are completely depleted and humans are faced with a need to relocate somewhere... fast. They invade Pandora once again, with a HUGE force, but this time it's no mere profiteering -- itprofiteering—it's their last and desperate attempt to escape extinction. Jake is going to have some very uneasy choices -- ifchoices—if he has any humanity left in him by the point.
** My money's on this one.
** If this happens, I bet ten bucks that any humans that survive will all be transferred into Na'Vi or Avatar bodies.
Line 485 ⟶ 490:
** No One remembers [[Battle for Terra]] right?
*** See Clifford D. Simak's ''The City'' series. Well, humans there didn't all move to Jupiter because the Earth was dying -- quitedying—quite the contrary, Earth is still thriving, and they simply left it to their successor species -- aspecies—a genetically engineered sentient ''dogs''. No, people moved to Jup because they got ''bored'' being ''people'' -- and—and jupiterian natives were [[Mary Sue|so much cooler]], and being one was so much ''fun'', that hardly anybody could resist.
* ''Sprout Of Life''. The Navi's, guided by Jake and his human pals (including {{spoiler|Grace's spirit}}), build a spaceship and travel to Earth, driven by a desire to Pandora-morph it and thus restore its ruined ecology. They establish an outpost in a remote corner of the world and use Avatar technology to create human replicas of themselves. Could be used in conjunction with the first option.
** The journey is set off by someone finding a copy of ''Planet Earth'' (US version) in Hell Gate. It's like Dr. Grace is telling them to de-crapsack-ify the planet from beyond!
* ''Metal of Discord''. By tapping Pandora's collective consciousness, Jake learns that Unobtainium is the source of the moon's future demise. He thinks that the prophecy refers to human encroachment, and prepares to repel another human attempt to establish a mining base. But in reality, Unobtainium, a mysterious metal of alien origin, is slowly destroying Pandora's unique ecology -- andecology—and it turns out that extracting it and shipping away from the moon is actually SAVING it from destruction. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** What a tweest!
** Now that would be an interesting story. Both the humans and the Na'Vi need to work together to survive, but there seems to be too much bad blood between them. Jake, being both Na'Vi and human, has the best chance to bridge the gap between the two cultures. It would also be a good opportunity to see some [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|non-bastard humans]].
** Even better, Unobtanium is a rare form of slow spreading Tiberium, and the fighting accidentally sets off a liquid-T explosion...
*** What if it is poisonous to most forms of life but is actually helpful to Ewya so the characters have to fight with most of the planet itself(also ties into the theory of Edwya being evil, and explains why a good Ewya would chase off the humans curing it.)
** What about that: Humans return to Pandora but are forced to leave as what is practically the self-destruction of a whole moon sets in. All life on Pandora, including Jake, dies a slow and creeping death (sorry, I don`t really like the movie).
* People, people, you're forgetting there's other moons around Blue Jupiter with life on 'em, and Cameron's stated the reason they exist is for sequel fodder. The question is, who'd go to those moons and why?
Line 499 ⟶ 504:
** Jake (now Jaysulli) and the other Avatars use a modified shuttle to explore the moons due to Grace's spirit making everyone curious. Maybe the Na'Vi already have a ''[[Gummi Bears]]''-style light Morse-code style of communication with the ones that face Pandora.
** The same time as the movie on another, unobtanium and sapient-species-free moon with a friendlier atmosphere, a colony of humans is forced to absorb the injured and really pissed-off marines from Pandora and.... um, I got nothing.
* No, you fools, clearly one of those other moons will have beings even larger bastards than the [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humans]], and so we'll get [[James Cameron]]'s [[Enemy Mine]].
** You can't be talking about Predators or Xenomorphs. No effing way.
*** [[Cool vs. Awesome|Oh,]] [[Just Here for Godzilla|hell yeah.]]
Line 513 ⟶ 518:
*** '''Spanish''': The Spanish simply try to use the Na'vi as native labor to collect unobtainium (''hacienda system''). I remember reading that this was an idea in the Project 880 draft. Like the Chinese, they would probably would use genocidal policies.
*** '''French''': The French would send settlers over to colonize strategic areas (''Quebec, Acadia, Louisiana''), with only miners, explorers (''voyageurs and coureurs des bois'') and researchers (''missionaries'') travelling into the hinterland. They would probably treat the Na'vi the most friendly like how the French treated the American Indians. Heck, the Na'vi might even ''ally'' with them.
*** '''Japanese''':
**** ''For an anti-Japanese POV'': They would probably take their lands and kill them all like [[Imperial Japan]] (seeing the infamous Nanking Massacre).
**** ''For a pro-Japanese POV'': Corporate businesses will invest with unobtainium and would have little interest with the Na'vi. The Japanese would probably be the most tolerant of the Asian nations when dealing with the Na'vi and would even be willing to establish cultural exchange with them. [[Truth In Televsion]], while Japan isn't really multicutural as per say, there are some young Japanese who have taken interests in different foreign subcultures, particularly [[wikipedia:Japanese hip hop|African-American music]] according to [[The Other Wiki]].
Line 523 ⟶ 528:
**** As an Aussie, I can honestly say I would prefer to live on a planet that has giant panther things then one that has all the evil shit Aus has.
***** I'd have to disagree on the American idea you had. We've had quite a bit of a collective character development about that sort of thing. At worst we'd try a nicer version of what rda started with and keep it that way. Also, we have enogh military force to take over at least 2/3 of the other earth colonies.
* Given the utterly rampant [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], and Jake's grim statements about them spreading to destroy everything, the next movie will have the Na'Vi developing space travel, so they can destroy Earth before the Humans find another world less defended than Pandora to attack.
* The Na'Vi will gain the ability to control the unobtainium from the native animals, using movements that appear to be based on forms of martial arts. Without anything to name this new ability, they will be forced to call it Bending. Then Bryke can threaten to sue James's Cameron's ass.
* [[media:Good_EndGood End.jpg|This]]
** Whoever you are, I can tell you, that's what I wished for too. With antimatter bombs! From orbit!! Or better yet, a [[Colony Drop]]!!!
* From fake trailer maker Blood Runs Clear, we get [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-LcCHYuFMI this.]
* Another possibility - going with the idea that a race of Precursors deliberately created Pandora, perhaps the Precursors were very similar to humanity in what they did to their home system, and Pandora was and is an ongoing experiment in balancing an ecology with a native, sentient species, the second movie involves the human return to Pandora, but things get complicated when the Precursors return and show a third side to the largely binary human/Na'vi conflict, perhaps working towards a goal of changing ''both'' races' attitudes - humans to soften and become more eco-aware and friendly, but also the Na'vi to become more technologically inventive and curious about how and why the world works.
Line 536 ⟶ 541:
* ''Use the force, Jake...''
== In the sequel, RDA will lose their rights to two other, recently-converted mining companies: [[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|RED and BLU]]. ==
Because Heavy vs. Na'vi '''needs to happen.'''
* I think all the RED Na'Vi would get confused ([[Who's Onon First?|"But we're all blue!" "No, they're BLU not blue!" "HUH?"]])
== Quaritch will return in one of the sequels ==
As an Avatar. Imagine, a 12' or 14' version of Col. Badass who doesn't need to worry about holding his breath! Maybe he'll get a [[Redemption Equals Death|redemption]]. [[Word of God|Cameron: As long as they have his DNA.... ]]; [[Implacable Man|Lang: You think two arrows is going to stop me?]]
* who'd drive Quaritch's avatar?
** His next of kin, who will look suspiciously like [[Aliens|Michael]] [[Terminator|Biehn]].
* This possibility is [[So Bad It's Good|"explored"]] in the sequels of the fanfic ''[[Avatars II: When Qwaritch Takes Revenge (Fanfic)|Avatars II When Qwaritch Takes Revenge]]''.
* He'll come back leading an army of Red Dog people, the natural enemy of the Na'vi
** He's gonna be a 12-foot-tall [[Final Fantasy|Red XIII]]?! <ref>I know he's not a dog but the Na'Vi aren't cats, they're monkeys/lemurs and despite what you seen in ''[[The Lion King]]'' lions ''hate'' monkeys.</ref>
Line 562 ⟶ 567:
It will have a quote along the lines of
* [[Hello]]
** [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya]]
** [[You Killed My Father]]
** [[Prepare to Die]]
*** Quaritch Jr. will have his revenge. [[Rooting for Thethe Empire|And it will be awesome.]]
== Somewhere in the sequels, Earth will have a [[Apocalypse How|Class 3]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79XKeJtY63E Terminator 3-style ending] ==
* Think Terminator 3. Somebody sabotages a returning ISV, overloads, crashes into the moon, causes [[Death From Above]] and...extermination. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120422113331/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6074313/30/Oversway Read this fanfic chapter.]
** To this troper, this is a [[Poison Oak Epileptic Trees]]. <ref>[[Better to Die Than Be Killed|I'd rather suicide than have to go through that.]]</ref> <ref>[[Alternate Character Interpretation|for showing the true potential evil of the na'vi.]]</ref>
*** I challenge you to read the chapter with the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upHOVfgYG_A T3 ending music playing]. If this is not at least a partial [[Tear Jerker]] for you, you are a ''soulless, misanthropic, genocidal, suicidal, extremely depressed na'vi.''
**** Waitaminnit. The humans killed a few hundred Na'vi. Eywa retaliates by ''wiping out all life on Earth.'' And this is even after Earth stops sending ships to Pandora. [[Disproportionate Retribution]] much? The real kicker? Eywa has decided that it's time to reach for the stars. That's right, the Na'vi are going to take this show on the road! Anybody get the feeling that any alien culture they come across is going to get "an offer they can't refuse?" If this isn't proof that Eywa is actually a time-shifted [[System Shock|Shodan]], I don't know what is.
**** (WMG Author): For reference, the main character of the series was driven to Insanity early in the fanfic. The ending or even the character in the story can give off a strong sense of instability. What ''[[Kick the Dog|kicked]]'' me about the ending was that ''the Na'vi were happy about that'' and in the [https://web.archive.org/web/20120422113334/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6196051/1/Last_of_the_Uniltiranyu epilogue], they become ''more technological than us''. The idea of na'vi astronauts would make sense in that fanfic, but otherwise, no. I do not see any purpose of it.
**** Two words: Palulukan Sensei. RAEG does not even begin to describe my reaction.
**** As a side note, anyone find it ironic that the Na'vi develop spaceships and computers, albeit organic-based in construction? And through the Avatars intermingling with the Na'vi population, the genepool of Pandora's dominant species now contains human DNA? As much as the main character wanted to wipe out the tawtute to protect Pandora, the tawtute end up forever influencing and altering Na'vi culture from the moment the two species first met. I mean, until the humans cruised by in their [[IS Vs]], the Na'vi had no concern about the stars beyond "As long as they stay lit, we're cool." I suspect this may have been a gambit on Gaia's part to spread her existence beyond Earth by infiltrating Eywa's infrastructure, piece by piece, until the main character joins her ancestors and completes the process, overwriting Eywa's conscience and leaving Gaia in charge of a new world with amazing terraforming capabilities...one with interstellar capabilities. And it all started with Quaritch as her pawn...
Line 580 ⟶ 585:
== In the 3rd movie we see a different use for the avatar technology ==
Like in surrogates the avatar Technology will be used by the population because the it became cheap and reliable. The bodies of these 2nd Gen avatars will range from the perfect supermodel to furries. Prior to that earth has developed a eywa like Spirit which is based on technologys like wifi, glasfiber networks, wikis and bots. Said digital spirit has developed the avatars in a attempt to get a body for itself and is the the secret head of the RDA.
== Miscellaneous ==
== The Na'Vi have/will have "Bogeyman" tales of Skypeople who returned from the dead ==
As far as I can recall, it's never stated that if a reckless/irresponsible driver dies while in his Avatar body, the driver will be killed as well. Therefore, the scientists can simply grow another Avatar and the driver can return, looking exactly the same and being well able to prove that he is the Skyperson who the Na'Vi were sure had died.
* It's not guaranteed they will or won't die, but it could still be enough to kill them. Don't assume the Na'vi are stupid though, you could EASILY argue they are more intelligent than humans. They know what avatars are, if not the exact detail of their functioning.
** Plus, it takes years and billions of dollars to grow a new Avatar. I get the feeling that the company wouldn't throw good money after bad to replace one that a reckless driver wrecked.
Line 594 ⟶ 599:
== The Valkyrie at the end of the movie isn't going anywhere. Its coming back. ==
The ISV Venture Star is 1 part of a gigantic chain of 12 cargo freighters that operate a supply loop heading to and fro from Earth to Pandora. Now think about it. In the beginning of the movie, Jake was given 3 months to learn the Omaticaya's ways and convince them to scram from Hometree. He succeeds completing part 1, but screw up part 2 when they come in too early. Eventually shit happens, and the humans are evicted from Pandora. But wait! Every 1.2 years, another ISV comes to Pandora. It has only been 3-43–4 months! Where is the Valkyrie carrying all the evicted humans going? The next ISV isnt here!
* The ISV hasn't left yet, of course. The loiter time around Earth and Pandora is around one year, for maintenance, refueling, unloaidng and loading of cargo and passengers. A shuttle can not survive in space for 9 months anyway, especially not with 200 humans on board.
Line 602 ⟶ 607:
== James Cameron actually has the technology to turn people into Avatars. ==
Think about it. All that time he spent on the planning of this movie? He was actually working with a group of elite scientists to create the technology to have people transfer their minds into Na'Vi avatars. After releasing Avatar and its subsequent sequels, and enough people wish they could become like the Na'Vi (like they don't already) he'll release the technology for the price of a few million dollars per person. Little do we know that he's also replicated the technology that makes Eywa so powerful, and has injected it into himself...making him the source of all the connections between the Na'Vi. With millions of people as slaves to his ideals, and all their money...Cameron will truly be King of the World, as he prophesied so long ago.
* That... is awesome. Sign me up, please.
Line 609 ⟶ 614:
** Pandora orbits around a gas gient slightly smaller than Jupiter. Extended night and day cycles are expected. The markings are used for identification between individuals, rudimentary communication in some animals, and ironically allow an organism to blend in better at night than a dark shape against everything else being bioluminescent.
Tying into that, Na'Vi are extremely long lived--whenlived—when Neytiri mentions that her grandfather united the clans in "a time of darkness," she meant that it was dark out all the time back then.
* Would this also explain the floating islands? (to some extent) They got thrown up in the air and never came down...
* That was Neytiri's great-great-grandfather. And it's unlikely that the formations could be that new. [[All There in the Manual|The Manual]] says that the various rock formations, including the floating mountains were born when the planet's surface was still entirely molten, and the the magnetic fields of the Unobtanium shaped them. A good theory, but wrong timeframe.
** That was a 'time of great sorrow' actually ( [[Lost in Translation]] to a foreign language version maybe? ). The mountains float due to containing unobtainium (superconductors float on magnetic fields, Pandora's being several tims stronger than Earth's). This effect is observable with low-temperature superconductors on Earth today.
Line 625 ⟶ 630:
== Humans ''are'' still allowed on Pandora, so long as they are National Geographic types ==
* Look at the end: who's getting walked away to go back to the Sol System? The Military and Corporate people. Who's allowed to stay? The Scientists and Anthropology types. Clearly Humanity will be allowed to keep at least a small cultural/science post on Pandora. Expect such a station to be used in plenty of [[Fanfic|Fan Fics]] ("[[The Nth Doctor]] arrives at the last Human station on Pandora!")
** This troper was under the impression that the only people who got to stay were those who helped Jake and the crew out in some capacity.
*** Which would be all the aforementioned Scientists and Anthropology types.
== It's all a computer simulation! ==
All of it. ALL OF IT. Made by the usual suspects.
* So Pandora is [[Tron]] / [[Re BootReBoot|Mainframe]]? And the Na'Vi are sprites and the humans are... ''[[The Virus|viruses]]?!''
** What? Of course Pandora isn't [[Tron]] / [[Re BootReBoot|Mainframe]], IT'S [[Metal Gear|THE PATRIOTS]].
* It's all a training simulation for Marines.
== There is a Jarhead Clan somewhere on Pandora, albeit with a different spelling ==
Due to the Na'Vi being part of a mental network, this likely means that if there's a Jarhead Clan, they'd know it, and if there wasn't, they'd know that and realize that "Jakesully" is lying and/or making things up.
* They know that he is a "dreamwalker" - they understand that the Avatars are not real Na'vi, but related to the Skypeople. There are visible physical differences, they speak the same language as humans, and use the same equipment, after all. Also, Grace probably explained them the basics when she set up her school. They assume that the Jarhead Clan is a clan of the Skypeople - and are not entirely wrong about it.
** Meta-WMG: Jakesulley will father the Jarhead Clan. Either as an offshoot of Omaticaya, or through renaming.
== ''Avatar'' is an allegory for [[World of Warcraft]] / MMORPGs. ==
All credit goes to the troper who originally wrote it. This was deleted from the [[Alternative Character Interpretation]] example on the film's page, but it's too interesting to ignore especially in light of the fact that Cameron's first idea for a tie-in videogame was an ''Enter [[The Matrix]]''-style MMORPG (there wasn't enough time or money). If I recall that troper's idea correctly, Jake is a newbie player to an MMORPG, let's call it "Pandora" (not to be confused with the movie ''Pandor'''um'''''). By good luck he lands in one of the best guilds (the Na'Vi), who are nice enough to guide him through the game and beef him up a bit so that [[Everything Trying to Kill You|everything doesn't kill him]]. While his video game avatar (har) is thriving, his [[Real Life]] body begins to suffer: his sleep schedule is shot, he's hardly eating, barely keeping track of his personal hygiene, and is [[The Tetris Effect|becoming obsessive to the point of reality blurring]]. Eventually it all comes crashing down on him. Obviously, the flaw in this interpretation is that the Na'Vi and Pandora are very real, and Jake's actions in that world have very real consequences.
* I got the same idea some times ago. And you're right, it's incredibly easy to think of this movie as an allegory of a massive MORPG addiction. It gets especially creepy with the ending: Jake sorta commit suicide because he can no longer live out in the "real world", thus he leave his human body (already not in the best of shape) to dies out. Furthermore, by immersing himself too much in "the game" (ie:being a Na'vi), he completely forgot his "homework", that he need to convince the Na'vi to move on. Really, the more you dig in, the easier it become to find interesting parallels.
** Jake's homework was to either convince the Na'vi to move (which he couldn't until he was fully accepted) or find weaknesses to exploit, but yeah that too: who hasn't had the experience of playing something for hours while thinking "I really, ''really'' have something more important to do... in an hour..."
* Confirmed-ish in a [http://www.docstoc.com/docs/14294813/Avatar-Scriptment-by--James-Cameron "scriptment"] (around pg. 28) where the avatar drivers are described as looking like internet addicts and that one of the many dangers of Pandora for a wilderness-starved avatar driver is "loving it too much" (said scriptment also describes the leopard-things as "more vicious then the [[Alien]]").
* I always thought of it as an allegory for 4chan and the cancer that's killing /b/, with the company being [[Gaia Online]] and unobtanium being memes and all kinds of things.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20100119174417/http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/playback/playback-99/1385116 Even James Cameron agrees.] When ''Avatar'' was shot down by many people for portraying smoking by Grace, he defended his movie by saying that Grace's smoking is supposed to be a message / [[Take That]] at gamers with what some might call "Avatar Abuse": Those who spend too much time gaming and abuse their real-life bodies. Anybody notice that Grace is a smoking [[The Stoic|Stoic]] as a human, but apparently happier in her Avatar?
** You know what? It's not just Grace smoking, this is the entire point of the movie. Funny, before I saw Avatar, I always thought it was a movie about a videogame.
== The death of Tom Sully, and Jake's being sent in his place is a [[Xanatos Gambit]] on the part of Quaritch, that [[Gone Horribly Right|went horribly right]]. ==
Quaritch is going through the personnel files of the new arrivals, as it's his job as chief of Security to keep them alive. He notices that one of them-Tom Sully- has a twin brother who was a former marine, with a lot of combat experience. He also knows that a twin could drive an Avatar, and that RDA would rather put a twin in to drive the body than waste their investment, and the fact that Jake can't use his legs gives Quaritch leverage. So, he has Tom's death staged to look like a mugging, and hey presto, he has a [[The Mole|specialised recon element]] that can go where the rest of his men can't. Jake getting inside the Na'vi tribe may have been a happy coincidence, or he knew that, as a hunter-gatherer society, they would be more likely to let a 'warrior of the clan Jarhead' in than some scientist. However, Jake [[Going Native|goes native]], which obviously throws a [[Spanner in Thethe Works|spanner in the works]].
== Quaritch (henceforth "Kernell Ba'Dass" since Na'Vi doesn't have the "ch" sound) will become a [[Memetic Badass]] Bogeyman to all young Na'Vi ==
Line 664 ⟶ 669:
* The only things that live where he fell are the "Slynths" (those black leopard things) because they're as vicious as he was.
** In fact he killed all but two "Slynths". He would have finished even them if Jake hadn't got in the way.
* [[He's Just Hiding|He's just hiding]] ''''' {{spoiler|RIGHT BEHIND YOU!}}'''''
** 7 feet tall he'd still be rather tiny compared to the Na'vi - 9-109–10 feet tall on average.
** By my estimate, that's about as tall as a human can get before it causes health problems that would've gotten him rejected from the Marines in the first place (the world's tallest woman was, at 8' or 9', also the world's tallest disabled person because her body was so heavy she could barely move without causing severe strain on her heart). It's also an echo to ''[[The Hobbit]]'': Bilbo's uncle was so tall (for a Hobbit) that he rode a horse into battle; likewise Bogyman!Quaritch was so tall (comparatively) he could've ridden the Na'Vi's mounts.
*** Which he did, just to see if it was possible to ride one without a bond (it's possible, but only for badasses).
Line 684 ⟶ 689:
== Jake Sully [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping|slips between American and Australian accents]] because everyone is an [[Futurama|Earthican]]. ==
Someone who did the research said that Earth is now one big [[Crapsack World|crapsack city]], which could make it easy for someone to move from one country to the next. Jake (and Tom) could've been given "American" citizenship for joining the military and the Avatar program, respectively, and have been living in America/with Americans for so long that their accents have become iffy.
* Or even better, the national borders have become a minor formality, or a thing of the past, and two-ways cultural influence between different areas through future Internet and pop-culture ensures that accents are one big mishmash.
* Sam, this is the second WMG I've used to excuse your acting (the other is [[Terminator (Filmfranchise)/WMG|"Why Marcus has lousy chemistry with Moon Bloodgood"]])...
== Neytiri's parents hoped that she and Jake would become mated. ==
They show remarkably little concern over having their daughter care for and intimately teach a stranger over the course of several months, and when the relationship is finally outed, their sole reaction is "Is this true?" It's possible that they hoped that an intermarriage would bring mutual understanding and respect between the Skypeople and Omaticaya - surely the humans would leave the Na'vi territories alone if one of them was a member of the tribe, by their reasoning. They didn't make their desires public knowledge because Tsu'tey already had a claim on Neytiri, and many of the tribe wouldn't appreciate such union, either. Unfortunately they wrongly assumed that humans would make decisions in the same communal way that the Na'vi do, and overestimated Jake's influence. They undoubtedly feel doubly betrayed when the humans attack anyway.
* While getting Jake on the side of the Na'Vi was the plan, they didn't expect Neytiri to fall for him; likewise Jake didn't plan on falling for her either, and letting it slip that the Na'Vi can't be negotiated with scuttled his diplomacy plan. Her parents didn't have a lot of time to react to the news because their sacred grove had been bulldozed and then Jake and Grace fell unconcsious; the next time Jake meets them there isn't time to talk about it because Hometree is about to be attacked. However, since they they're now soul-bonded for life there's not a whole lot they can do.
** Considering that they expected them to spend time together intimately for months, as well as for Neytiri to teach Jake all there is to know about the ways of the People, culminating to choosing a mate, they were either very dense or unexpectedly clever. I would prefer the latter interpretation.
== The way Jake tamed the Toruk would be considered cheating. ==
Namely, he abandoned his Ikran mid-air to get a chance to surprise Toruk. Not only did he miss the bit where the steed and the rider must choose each other, but he also abandoned the one he was supposed to be bonded with for life. The reason why Toruk Macto is so rare occurrence is that no true Na'vi would do either of these things.
* Alternately, what Jake did was the ''only way'' to tame the Toruk, and the reason it doesn't happen more often is that a Na'vi has to be truly desparate to try something that goes against the way they normally interact with their [[Bond Creatures]] (or, in Jake's case, simply not be raised in the culture to begin with and not have inborn prejudices against that sort of thing).
** It probably ''is'' the only way. However, most of those who contemplate it end up thinking better of it...and most of those who get so far as ''trying'' don't live to tell the tale.
* The Toruc ''did'' attack Jake earlier.
* Except that being bonded for life to an Ikran doesn't prevent the Na'vi from riding the horse-things. Presumably the bond only counts among Ikrans, and not other species.
** Toruk and Ikran are pretty similar creatures, and both have a profound cultural and religious significance to the Na'vi.
* The Toruk/Turok/Toruc/whatever isn't actually that hard to tame. It's just that it's been hyped to insanity by the Na'vi in order to serve as a symbol for the people. Since only someone utterly desperate will attempt to tame it, it ensures that the ability to unite the clans will only be called upon when there is great need. Those who tame it are prevented from revealing the secret because it would undermine their own cause.
** You would think the thing would learn from experience after being attacked the same way five times. But since the Na'vi can talk to animals, they tell the Toruc to fall just as easily for the next Na'vi who attempts to tame it before they release it. Thus the symbol is preserved for the next time of trouble.
*** Not very viable, since we don't know the average lifespan of a Toruk. The previous Toruk Makto was anywhere between 100 to 175 years in the past (''grandfather's grandfather'', and depends on average conceiving age for Na'vi) to Jake's encounter. And back on topic: considering how the Na'vi wrestle the banshees to submission during their rite of passage, it's likely they simply have culture glasses that make them view the only way to connect with a Toruk is by wrestling with it, and thus not thinking about possible alternatives. Jake just had the interesting idea to simply jump onto its back instead of taking it head-on. It would ''technically'' be cheating (if there were rules for this stuff), but Jake's ingenuity in taming the Toruk just shows he's worthy of being Toruk Makto regardless.
* Let's face it, if Toruk can't be bothered to look up then anything that wants to parasitise him is going to be on his upper surface. The reason nobody bothers to be Toruk Macto is because they don't enjoy the attendant Toruk Louse Trouser Carnival every time they get on the stupid thing.
Line 710 ⟶ 715:
** I was checking for black people the whole movie. The only time I saw any was during the safety briefing, and it seemed 50% white, 50% black.
== Avatar bodies aren't exactly a remotely controlled plaything. ==
Nobody realises that when the link is on, human commands the Avatar, but the Avatar body affects the driver's personality as well. It's much like being thrusted into Avatar's brain and trying to fit into it. This is why Avatar!Jake is childishly stupid, and Avatar!Grace is more emotional.
Line 721 ⟶ 726:
== Even if the Na'vi lost to the invaders... ==
...It would be all for nothing. Twelve years is a very long turnaround in terms of communication. Corporate and financial realms, being the ficklest things to be created by man, and man is a ''very'' fickle thing, the twist ending had the result gone the other way: They get back to Earth to find the price of Unobtainium has fallen through the floor. They were only conducting an exersise in futillity, all the while pissing the company's and it's shareholder's money up a tree.
* [[Word of God]] says they have [[Subspace Ansible|FTL communications]].
** FTL communations that cost $7,000 per one ''byte!'' If the company collapses, nobody might be interested in sending any notes about the new situation.
** If a company collapses, it's generally a good idea to, you know, let the employees know that.
Line 727 ⟶ 732:
== Humans "killed their mother" because she was a psychotic bitch. ==
Y'know, we can't link to other creatures and without tools we are weaker than pretty much every other species on the planet. You can moralize with us about how [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], but since humanity's homeworld screws its native species so much unlike on Pandora (red in tooth and claw and all), I can't help but think she had it coming.
* ...So this means Mr. Burns ran RDA? "Mother Nature started the fight, and now she wants to quit because she's LOSING?"
** It's kind of a psychotic abusive mother with a child not ready to be independent. Humanity needs its mother because she does provide for us, but being chained to the radiator or strangled or whatever abuse metaphors you can think of has really put humanity on edge.
* For that matter, Pandora's Nature-God doesn't really seem a whole lot more sane. While Earth's Gaia is psychotic and trying to kill us, Eywah goes for the other end of the Insane spectrum. It want's to control everything it's people do, down to having them literally link up with it. If it can control Pandoran Space Rhino's and the like, it can almost certainly control the Na'vi in the same way.
* Somehow this troper has the feeling that the above tropers have never left a city...Nature isn't and isn't supposed to be ''nice''. It's supposed to ''work''. Human morality doesn't enter into it. There's no point in anthropomorphizing Eywa either, even though she's more literally sentient than Earth's nature. She's a balancing agent and a memory-storage, not a nice, cuddly deity. And she doesn't control any of the creatures except in the direst need - she clearly could control any of her creatures at any time, yet doesn't.
** Doesn't control them as far as you ''know''. What if in the future the Na'vi started looking into technology and developing? Would Eywha happily go along with it or would it mindcontrol any thoughts along those lines out of their heads. The only people who've told us Eywa is actually good are people ''Eywa could be controlling.''
** Eywa doesn't control the Na'Vi? If that's so, how come they only have one language, one religion? How come there seems that there are no political or cultural differences between the tribes that we know about? Is their mother robbing them from their individuality, in order to protect them as a whole?
Line 744 ⟶ 749:
== The Na'Vi and Avatars will become future [[Ancient Astronauts]] ==
Eventually all the humans left on Pandora will have avatar bodies and intermarry with the Na'Vi. They'll go back to earth and repopulate it, starting with the smilar-looking Pandoran plants. The [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Na'Vi-gators]] who settle on Earth will lose their blue coloring and become primate-like (again), and millions of years later the whole thing starts up again. Maybe the Na'Vi Sapiens become elves, like in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' or in a worst-case scenario, [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)40,000|The Eldar]].
* [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|All this has happened before, but it doesn't have to happen again?]]
== Pandora was inspired by [[Strugatsky Brothers]]' books ==
In Strugatskys' ''Noon Universe'' cycle (1962-861962–86), there is a planet called Pandora, which is a dense, ever-shifting jungle where [[Everything Trying to Kill You]], from the microorganisms (read: the atmosphere itself) to enormous predators (e.g. takhorgs). ''Disquiet'' (1965, later reimagined as standalone 1968 novel ''Snail on the Slope'') in particular is set on Pandora, where a Terran researcher is by chance separated from other humans, has to survive in a hostile environment, and is eventually taken into the local tribe. There, he discovers that these locals live in unison with the flora and fauna of Pandora, but have their own share of problems, and he is eventually even given a local wife named Nava. Notice the similarities? The only major difference is that there is no unobtainium to be mined on Strugatskys' Pandora, so the humans' presence is mostly scientific research and extreme tourism, therefore there is no violent conflict between the locals and the humans.
** I'd add in Poul Anderson's "Call Me Joe". We have an enviroment hostile to humans (Jupiter), a mind-link between an artificially made living being and an cripple who used to be a fighter. The "artificial" being is blue.
== Jake's betrayal of the human race is a side effect of Avatar usage. ==
Initially, he's a hardass Marine who isn't totally enthralled with this treehugging thing. Months later, he's calling his own race "aliens" and killing his comrades. Grace had been noting that, the more hours he logged in, the more he became disconnected to his humanity. (Or... something like that.) After all, he does note that when he's linked, ''that's'' real.
* This is usually what happens when you spend months gradually becoming part of a peaceful, edenic society, and are then given orders to burn it to the ground. It's called a perspective shift.
** Apparently, being warned of that fact before hand and simply living with a peaceful society causes you to reject your own humanity.
*** The Na'vi are hardly inhuman, either physically or psychologically, genetics be damned. What Jake rejects is a rather crappy society where he has no social ties in favour of a veritable paradise and the new love of his life. Just for the record, this happens almost every time two technologically unequal societies clash, though normally it goes both ways.
*** Jake was looking forward to getting his legs back on [[Independence Day|Earf]]... er, Earth, and doesn't think much of the society, until halfway through his time with them.
*** You kind of missed the part where Jake fell in love with the Na'vi culture in general and Neytiri in particular, it would seem. That tends to be a gradual process, and you know, just the main character development arc in the movie!
*** There's a difference between "loving a culture" and "rejecting your own".
*** When your culture utterly sucks, and you have no human connections in it, adapting into another that offers better deal in every way isn't that unbelieavable. Remember, the Earth in ''Avatar'' is not a modern day Western society where most people have a decent lifestyle - it's a [[Crapsack World]] more akin to the worst urban nightmares in the Third World. The pollution is rampant, most people get nothing but algae to eat (with various seasonings), and psychologically people are isolated and afraid. It's not a culture difficult to reject, especially to a depressed loner like Jake.
**** This may come as a surprise, but people have friends and family even in the 3rd world. I'd say relationships are even more important when living in those environments, though I can't quantify this. Jake possibly has some psychological issues that aren't due to environmental factors.
***** People do. Jake doesn't. Jake has no family besides his brother who is now dead, and no friends on the account of being a socially repressed due to his injury.
***** Also, Jake's rejected his humanity, not just his culture - he could have still identified with humans after months of living with the Na'vi, but he's calling them "aliens" and killing comrades... even when he said himself that he never lost the ex-Marine attitude.
* If Enwa/Pandora can control all of the animals, there's no reason she/it can't control the Na'vi or avatars that can connect with her/it the same way they do. Jake may not have changed his perspective so much as ''had'' his perspective changed for him.
Line 775 ⟶ 780:
== Ewya will eat/upload Quaritch's brain, resulting in him taking over the planetary mind. ==
You know he's [[Badass]] enough to do it.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120415111244/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6250072/1/Too_Spicy_For_Eywa Part two] of the fanfic example under "Eywa's Xanatos Gambit" WMG at the top of the page
== The Toruk is the previous Toruk Macto. ==
We know that the Na'vi can put sprits into new bodies...perhaps the Toruk actually contains the spirit of the last one who rode it. They won't let anyone else ride them unless they've got a reeeally good reason.
== Most Omaticaya know the weakness of the toruk. The requirements for a Toruk Macto are such: ==
Strength+ Experience+ Stupidity. You've got to be strong enough to hold on long enough to bond with it, experienced enough to jump on its back from fifteen feet up (minimum, at full stealth-dive speed) ''and'' beat its mind into submission, and stupid enough to try (since even an incredibly dedesperate Na'vi wouldn't bother, unless they were experienced enough to have lost most of the stupidity and probably some of the strength). The young Na'vi who try get killed because they lack the experience, and sometimes the strength. The older Na'vi are wise enough not to try in the first place. I fully expected there to be a sort of "I left out one thing for the purposes of keeping my ancestor's legend... legendary, where Neytiri says to Jake, "My grandfather was the strongest, most skilled, bravest of his generation... But he was also the stupidest." Or even some sort of "your people have two words for 'broken in the head'; one is 'stupid', the other is 'brave'" speech, if they wanted to play up the cultural differences even more.
== In order to maintain good PR, the RDA will make Jake Sully a hero on Earth and blame everything on Quaritch. ==
At one point Selfridge states "If there's one thing that our investors hate more than bad PR it's a bad quarterly statement." Therfore, now that it's kinda late for making a profit off of Pandora, it's time for the RDA to do damage control in making themselves look good. The story that they'll choose to sell will go something like this:
After arriving, Quaritch went crazy, took over Hell's Gate and became obsessed with destroying the Na'vi. All of the crimes commited against the Na'vi people (including {{spoiler|the destruction of Hometree}}) were solely the orders of the insane Quaritch, and would never have been condoned by the RDA. Since they couldn't shut him down outright (Quaritch had several years worth of shipments of troops and weapons), the RDA sent Jake Sully in order to covertly rescue their operations from Quaritch, bring him and his military goons to justice ({{spoiler|hence the sending all the non-scientists back to Earth}}), and show the Na'vi that humanity isn't all bad.
Of course, none of this is true, but it sounds good and the public will buy it.
* Alternately, they will make better use of their control of all information coming from pandora, and make the Na'vi seem like the [[Mayincatec]], with buckets of [[Gorn]]-filled propaganda about their love of [[Human Sacrifice]]. With the Na'Vi thrown past the [[Moral Event Horizon]], and the humans that remained painted [[The Mole|even worse]], [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|they'll never have to worry about PR again]], and can try again next time with [[Kill Sat|Killsats]], making it a [[Hopeless War]] for the Na'Vi. Like it should have been to start with, since guys with bows and arrows were going up against people with [[Kill It Withwith Fire|napalm]], [[Macross Missile Massacre|guided missiles]], [[More Dakka|machineguns]] and [[Humongous Mecha|mecha]].
** That might be easier said than done as [[All There in the Manual|according to ]] [[Universe Compendium|the "Activist's Survival Guide"]] there's at least one [[Subspace Ansible|superluminal transmitter/receiver]] setup connected to Pandora not under the control of the RDA. It can probably be assumed that whoever was operating that on the Pandora side would've stayed behind. One way communications from researchers on Pandora to Earth could actually continue and be able to counteract that kind of RDA propaganda. [[Firefly (TV series)|Can't stop the signal.]]
== One of Pandora's sister moons will be a [[Shifting Sand Land|desert world.]] ==
Line 808 ⟶ 813:
** ... This happened in the movie, you realize.
** Unless it's a deleted scene, no, it didn't. Hmm.
** Yes it did.
*** There needs to be more research on this. I swear that when I saw Avatar in the theater, they linked head tentacles, but that is clearly absent from the DVD version and other people I talked to who saw the theatrical version didn't see it either. Two versions in theaters?
*** Avatar was re-released some time in August 2010 for roughly a month. There were 9 minutes of additional footage, including the 15-ish seconds of Na'vi 'foreplay'.
Line 819 ⟶ 824:
* So, will they become an [[Friend to All Living Things|Ecologist]] race or a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Trader]] race do you suppose? [[Perverse Sexual Lust|Neytiri would look good in either of the groups' captain's parts...]]
== [[Avatar]] is actually a [[Gender Flip|gender-reversed]] story about [[The Smurfs]] set [[Recycled in Space|in another world.]] ==
* Quaritch is Gargamel.
* Mo'at is Papa Smurf.
Line 826 ⟶ 831:
* Think about it too much and [[Your Head Asplode|brain will explode.]]
== Humans do return to Pandora and pretty much destory the wildlife, resulting in the desert Pandora of ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]''. ==
This being Earth's first attempt at space travel, when they do return to Pandora, they strip-mine the place into a wasteland. Some of the wildlife is badass enough to survive, but with 'Eywa' dead evolve past needing an uplink. With the resources depleted, the corporations pack up and leave, paving the way for the game to begin some centuries later.
** Explicitly a planet.
Line 848 ⟶ 853:
The Society of Jesus tried their darndest to always send someone to new lands, wherever they may be. They are also well known for having many famous scientists, particularly in the areas of biology and cosmology. He would further be an excellent candidate for such a mission, having only minimal earthly ties.
== The Na'vi's population control is [[Three Hundred|300]] style infanticide ==
[[All There in the Manual|In Pandorapedia or whatever the hell it's called]], while gushing about the [[Mary Suetopia|Na'vi]] and saying how [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|eeeeviiiiil humans are]], it mentions how the Na'vi have a form of population control but don't specify ''what'' it is. Given how the Na'vi seem to have no disabled people amongst their ranks and know how to handle themselves fairly well against the wildlife thus not getting eaten in enough numbers to count, this might suggest that they "discard" those seen as weak. Older people are probably exempt since they have wisdom and whatnot, but the newborns who have yet to contribute to society... not so lucky.
"We Na'vi are descended from Eywa herself..."
Line 862 ⟶ 867:
== Pandora is a reverse Earth. Eg. Civilization ==
Pandora is a sci-fi version of our early Earth, so Earth in the movie could be the early Pandora. If that's true, maybe we're [[Not So Different]], after all. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120429084406/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5720324/7/Lifestone This fanfic] (Start from Jake) really supports the theory and even some of the fans have that idea.
== [[AlternateAlternative Character InterpretationsInterpretation]]s: Is Jake Sully a [[Manipulative Bastard]]? ==
Jake managed to train and become one of the people, but who is he helping, himself? Did he trick Neytiri into mating with him? Did he gather the clans against the RDA intending to be left alone? Did he just come to get new legs?
== Pandora's atmosphere is heavy in xenon. ==
Xenon is a powerful anesthetic for humans, which explains Jake's passing out. It also returns your consciousness fast, which explains how it took only seconds for the mask to revive him. When the general went outside, he didn't pass out because the base is at a higher elevation, and xenon is so dense of a gas that it would collect at the very bottom of the atmosphere--andatmosphere—and the foliage is keeping it there, too. When two avatars were hanging out from the open helicopter, the pilot didn't pass out because the group was too high up to worry.
* According to [[Word of God]] it is.
== Jake was in love with ''Eywa''. ==
Line 879 ⟶ 884:
== RDA will come back... ==
But instead of Nuking the site from orbit They'll send in new combat units that [[The Terminator|look familiar]]. They'll be taller than the human shaped model, and have Na'Vi flesh on them, sneak into their tribes, then reveal themselves to shock the Na'Vi, and will be led by one who looks like [[Colonel Badass|Quaritch]] and has his brain uploaded into it.
== The movie is actually a stealth [[Take That]] at extreme environmentalists. ==
Notice how similar "Na'vi" is to "naive". The movie isn't supposed to glorify the Na'vi and their ways, it's showing us how stupid people who act like that are. It sure seems that Jake joins the Na'vi more out of [[Distracted Byby the Sexy]] than any more intelligent reasons, and Quaritch is clearly too [[Badass]] for James Cameron to write in and ''not'' expect people to root for him. In truth, the RDA supporters are expressing the very message that was intended, and the Na'vi fans ''are'' the [[Misaimed Fandom]]!
* Can I hug you?
** [[F Orget]] asking permission *Uberglomps original poster.*
Line 910 ⟶ 915:
== The truth of the matter is... James Cameron is in fact, a Na'vi avatar unit sent from the Na'vi empire, who's planning on invading earth on 2012... ==
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Just think about it for a moment]]... He's got a whole lot of detail in this movie, he's allowed a wiki containing a whole lot information about every animal, vehicle, and who knows what else to be created. It seems sort of fishy that people would suddenly "click" [[Daydream Believer|into thinking they're a Na'vi of some kind]] after this movie was released. He's also got a really bad attitude, doesn't like humans that much in order to make them villains in a good chunk of his movies... And he's obsessed with the ocean... Obviously, the Na'vi empire has been looking at our planet for sometime, and realized that we have some special mineral or resource that's under the waters of the ocean... Something that can make them lots of money with some of their alien allies... and some of the highest deposits are located in some pretty weird places... Like the Bermuda triangle, the realms of the [[Titanic]], and somewhere off the Californian coast. They have ultimately planned a massive invasion for earth on the year 2012, since at this point, humans will think that they're just a bunch of eco-friendly pushovers, when in reality, they're a bunch of almost cold-hearted merchant marines who seem to enjoy watching their ikrans tear up other non-Pandorian wildlife and want to have some "little men and women" for company... [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|No, I just sat down and thought about it all and it made sense]]...
** It's entries like these that show just how far we as humans can stretch "probable cause" to absurd lengths.
** To be honest, I couldn't facepalm enough at the above WMG. It's called worldbuilding. Look it up. Srsly what sort of disturbing form of logic do you run on? Should we speculate whether or not Tolkien was an elf or if JK Rowling is secretly a wizard? We can have our "out there" theories, but it would be beneficial to us all if you at least think them through.
Line 924 ⟶ 929:
Several years ago, Mo'at and Eytukan have a daughter, and they name her Neytiri. She grows up, and eventually starts her learning the lessons to become the next matriarch of the clan. And so as part of the process, they have to choose the strongest (male) warrior within the clan to become the patriarch. Tsu'tey fits the bill, and he's chosen. However, there's a problem: the parents of the two ''chosen ones'' '''hate''' each other. In fact, Tsu'tey's father was purposely training his son to more extreme lengths just to get the position and to spite Eytukan by removing his bloodline from the clan leader list. And so prior to the movie's events, Mo'at and Eytukan start planning.
They needed three things:
{{quote| 1. Neytiri had to fall in love with someone else<br />
2. That ''someone else'' can kick Tsu'tey's ass completely<br />
3. Tsu'tey has to be rendered unable to take the position of clan leader (by death or otherwise) }}
Line 957 ⟶ 962:
With all the hopping around the forest the Na'vi do, with all the ''flying around'' they can do, you would ''think'' that maybe - just maybe - they may have noticed the armada of bulldozers closing in on their memory trees. After all, they've only been closing in for ''three months''.
{{quote| '''Quaritch:''' "You have three months - that's how long it will take the bulldozers to get there."}}
* What he ACTUALLY said was 'that's when the dozers get there' - meaning availability, not a travel time.
Line 966 ⟶ 971:
== ''Quaritch'' is an avatar. ==
Somewhere on the base is Quaritch's real person. He's a badass because his ''actual'' body is never in any danger. That's why he marches right out a door into the Pandoran atmosphere without a care. Why he doesn't care about the scar on his head - it's not on his ''own'' body. He knows exactly how to turn off the avatar units when they pull Jake and the rest of the team.
* So if Quaritch's avatar is a human, then what is Quaritch really? Is he even human? Is he even a man? Is he really some alien octopus? Is he a machine? Is he a house cat? So many possibilities. So many fan-fics.....[[Brain Bleach|Oh NO!]] [[Rule 34|I think I just gave someone ideas!]]
** Ooo - maybe he's Eywa, trying to keep the humans against the Navi!
Line 979 ⟶ 984:
When the film came out, there were reports of people being depressed that such a place doesn't exist. The whole film is meant to invoke this, as it is symbolic of the resentment people have toward their urban and suburban environments. People always regret the things they don't have. First of all, the humans in the film not only lack any spirituality, they have no care for nature, and they live in a high-tech environment. This symbolizes how the audience feels we are today. Second, Pandora is on a distant planet, far, far away and impossible for most to get to. Untouched wilderness with amazing wildlife DOES exist on Earth, but to most Americans, the rainforests and icy mountains are things only on TV, so they have the illusion that those things really don't exist. The wilderness being on a distant planet represents how people feel that such wilderness is some otherworldly thing that doesn't exist on Earth. Third, the people who respect nature aren't even human. The audience feels like humanity itself has lost a connection with nature, and the Na'vi represent their feeling that humans inherently no longer have respect for nature and only a non-human race and their ways can show love for nature.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Film]]