Avengers: Age of Ultron/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Captain America's death will be changed to that of someone else through [[Retcon]]. ==
In a few years, the Captain who died will be posthumously revealed as a low-level mutant who used the identity. Around the same time, the ''real'' Captain America will be thawed out, and the mess of his life and death before will be given an unsatisfying [[Hand Wave]].
* Nope. This is very similar to an earlier explanation of how Captain America was active after his apparent death near the end of [[WW 2]], but they went a different route with his most recent death.
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== Captain America will be resurrected by use of a Cosmic Cube. ==
It makes sense to end it as it started. And it will make it have all the good things about being "set up" while avoiding all the pitfalls.
* Nope.
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== Iron Man never left the Skrull ship in New Avengers: Illuminati. ==
Civil War and Secret Invasion have [[All Just a Dream|all happened in his head]].
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== [[Everybody Is Jesus in Purgatory|Everything that Happened since Avengers: Diasassembled is metaphor of comics' history]] ==
Avengers: Disassembled was a shattering event that almost destroyed Earth's mightiest heroes. So was publication of “Seduction Of The Innocent”. Scarlet Witch went mad, just as Wertham was claiming kids reading comics may. This was the end of [[Golden Age]] of Avengers.
New Avengers was beginning of the [[Silver Age]]. Looks at first Avengers rooster (after adding Cap) – four greatest heroes of that days – [[Captain America (comics)]], [[Iron Man]], [[The Mighty Thor]], [[The Incredible Hulk]], and two additional heroes – Ant-Man and Wasp. New Avengers? [[Captain America (comics)]], [[Iron Man]], [[Wolverine]], [[Spider-Man]] – four most popular heroes, Luke Cage and Spider-Woman – additional male and female members. Next upgrade of classic Avengers were Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch – [[Badass Normal]] and at last one very powerful person. New Avengers got [[Badass Normal|Ronin]] and [[Person of Mass Destruction|Sentry]].
Everything that happened from [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]] to [[Secret Invasion]] was a metaphor od [[Bronze Age]], where far more serious themes were introduced in comics, including pollitical commentary. So we got commentary on 9/100 and Patriot Act and terrorism. Sure, it was done poorly, but still.
[[Dark Reign (comics)|Dark Reign]] is [[Dark Age]] in this equation. Suddenly people starts to love the villain and wants to give their safety in his hands, just like comics fans wanted more “dark” and “edgy” superheroes in the 90's. [[Dark Avengers]] roster contains Sentry, who serves as a [[Deconstruction]] of classic superheo and symbol of superheroes taking darker routes, four psychopaths in heroes' costumes, as symbol of very much loved back then [[Anti-Hero Substitute]], Ares, who shares many traits of [[Nineties Anti-Hero]], and Noh-Varr – who is a symbol of all those naïve, young superheroes who were hanging out with all those jerks and run away, when they realized who's they're dealing with. Siege and Osborn's downfall is an end of [[Dark Age]] and start of [[Modern Age]], which will be [[Heroic Age (comics)|Heroic Age]].
== Madeline Berry is a mutant. ==
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* '''[[She Hulk]]''', if only to pad out the team's female characters, or to act as an upbeat foil for Bruce Banner.
* '''[[Doctor Strange]]''' will introduce elements of magic into the mostly sci-fi themed [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]], and will ultimately use a spell to help turn the tide against {{spoiler|Thanos}}.
* Disney's movie wiki states that a [[Doctor Strange]] movie is being planed. No release year is set though.
* '''[[Black Panther]]''' will be introduced as a powerful African monarch who will become the team's ally when they (inevitably) get involved in some kind of international intrigue. Midway through, they'll discover that he's a powerful warrior in his own right.
* '''[[Spider-Man]]''', if [[The Amazing Spider-Man|The Amazing Spider Man]] is part of the [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]]. This is the real reason the franchise was rebooted.
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== At one point, the Villains will have basically won- New York will be a occupied territory, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. Military will be on the run, the President will have been sent to a undisclosed location, countries around the world will be surrendering in fears they will be next, etc. The climax will be the Avengers' last-ditch effort, intended to either save the world or take out Loki trying. ==
* Hence why Tony says that while the team might not be able to save the world, they'll be sure to avenge it.
** Jossed. {{spoiler|They win in the end, and even though Nick Fury's higher-ups question how dangerous a team like the Avengers will be, it is not fully explored in the end.}}
== In the film, Thor will arrive via Arc Reactor. ==
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** I think they would use {{spoiler|[[Nicki Minaj]]}} as Wasp.
*** You disgust me.
** Jossed
== [[Spider-Man]] will have a cameo in the film ==
Think about it logically. Granted, Spidey wasn't in the original line up for the Avengers...but [[The Avengers (film)|The Avengers]] is out in 2012, and so is ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man]]''; it makes sense that they ask [[Andrew Garfield]] to do a spot of filming alongside [[Robert Downey, Jr.|RDJ]] and [[Chris Evans]]; they could have Spidey act like a fanboy around Tony and Steve; Tony cause he's a technological genius, and Steve cause he's... Well [[Captain America (comics)]]. He could even phone Gwen after and say "[Hey Gwen, guess what? I just met CAPTAIN AMERICA!" And for one more tip of the hat, if the Avengers takes place after the events of TASM, then Spidey could have his original red and blue costume on.
** Wouldn't work. Marvel Studios doesn't have the rights to Spider-Man or X-Men, which kinda puts a wrench into the works.
** ''X-Men First Class'' may or may not be in continuity with these films (they sure as hell aren't in continuity with the other X-men films), but it's not outright stated. It's possible that future Spider-Man and X-Men films will make reference to the Avengers or the the events of this film without the characters actually showing up, at least not until Marvel can get the rights to them back.
** Jossed
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[[Off the Wagon|Stark]] is a connoisseur of spirits and [[Iron Man (film)|near]]-[[The Alcoholic|alcoholic]]. Thor is a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] given to the celebratory tub of meed. Widow is [[Vodka Drunkenski|Russian]]. Cap [[Never Gets Drunk|doesn't get drunk]]. I mean, come on!
** What about [[The Hulk]]? When his pulse rises, no one is [[You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry|likely to like him]]. Of course, he could be the designated [[Drunk Driver|driver]].
*** Technically, that should be Cap, but maybe [[Captain America (comics)|he]] still gets a high blood-alcohol level despite never getting drunk.
** They definitely should! And maybe do something [[Kissing Under the Influence|stupid]], too?
** "Whoa, whoa Hulk-- whiskey's probably not the best thing for you. You know, I bet that temper of yours would qualify for medical marijuana..."
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== [[Joss Whedon]] is going to [[Troll]] the audience ==
Every [[Genre Savvy]] viewer is well-aware of Joss's love for killing off one of the main character, especially in Film franchises. [[I Know You Know I Know|And Joss is well-aware that most viewers are aware of this]], so he's going to screw with the audience and have someone killed off before the mid-way point...only for it turn out to be [[Disney Death]]. Then he's going to "[[Like You Would Really Do It|kill off]]" someone who can't die, because they'll be future movies, but then it will look like they really are dead... only for them to turn up in a [[Big Damn Heroes]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|moment]].
* If this does happen then my money is on {{spoiler|Nick Fury.}}
* [http://fuckyeahitstheavengers.tumblr.com/post/19404919213/i-find-superhero-movies-to-be-a-little-too-neat This does not bode well].
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* Respond he did. {{spoiler|He knew men with none of that worth ten of Tony.}}
== Thor vs. Steve happens because... ==
* A classic superhero [[Let's You and Him Fight|misunderstanding]] on the part of Cap, who's tasked with dealing with the supposed threat by Nick Fury.
* {{spoiler|If Skrulls are indeed involved, the scene possibly involves either Cap or Thor being a Skrull, thus the fight.}}
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== The giant dragon thing at the end of the latest trailer is... ==
* Fin Fang Foom?
* Midgardian Serpent, given that it's Loki heading up the attack...
* The enemy invaders' warship/weapon of mass destruction.
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== Part of why this movie was made is to create a universe for all future Marvel Studios movies. ==
Because why not?
* Pretty sure that was the first ''[[Iron Man]]'''s job.
** ''Iron Man 1'' started it, and ''The Avengers'' will expand upon it even more.
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**** Yeah, he's a dick. If anything, Steve seems to treat Banner better, shaking hands with him and rebuking Stark's antics. Could be that Hulk is saving Tony because it's what Cap would want, thereby teaching Tony to get his head out of his ass.
***** In ''The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes'', there's one episode where we see Cap telling the Hulk that he is indeed a hero, so maybe we'll have something to that effect in the movie, which leads to that scene Hulk saving Iron Man?
* Confirmed {{spoiler|Tony well respects Bruce for his scientific breakthroughs, and even helps in the development of Banner for accepting that the Hulk is a part of him, much like how he and his Arc Reactor chest piece are one.}}
== {{spoiler|Loki was under the influence of the Tesseract}} ==
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** {{spoiler|Not necessarily... I personally think that it wasn't really mind control that he was under. Remember when the Avengers were all arguing and it was implied that the staff had some hand in their argument? It's my suspicion that just being around it can perhaps intensify negative emotions. If that is so, then think of what it would have done to Loki. He has some major negative emotions going on towards just about everything and carrying that staff with the stone in it around all the time would probably have a huge effect on him. It would explain the rather out of character-ness he had in the movie.}}
*** {{spoiler|How in the world was he out of character? He's less sympathetic but I didn't see anything out of character. And Loki is much more in control of himself in Avengers then he was at the end of Thor when his emotions were out of control which contradicts your theory.}}
*** {{spoiler|The thing to remember about Loki and why he's a little more vicious in Avengers than in Thor is because 1. The Other makes it very clear good things are not in his future if he fails and 2. In Thor, he's on Asgard, with people he considers equals, and in Avengers he's on Earth, with people he views as far, far beneath him. In his own words, "An ant has no quarrel with a boot." Plus, sympathetic or no, he tried to kill a whole planet in Thor. So, yeah ... everything in Avengers made sense for Loki's character.}}
== Black Panther will appear in the Captain America Sequel , and Doctor Strange will appear in the Thor sequel to set up appearances in Avengers 2 ==
Stan ' the man' Lee would love those 2 in the sequel. And we know how good Marvel films are in seamlessly introducing characters even in cameos. Of course Black Panther would have a Ultimate like version with claws and Doctor Strange would have to be played by Johnny Depp.
* No. Please no. Get someone else. Depp is permanently stuck in the role of Jack Sparrow.
** Oded Fehr as Dr Strange. Isaiah Mustafa as Black Panther. Deal sealed.
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* In the Avengers, Loki's Staff/spear {{spoiler|is obviously used to mess with and control minds. It also glows blue... the same color as the Mind Gem of the Infinity Gems. This is intentional, and the future movies will have subtle influences of themes such as Time, Reality, Space, Souls &/or Power. This will all be done subtly, but set up for a moment when Thanos is revealed to have been subtly messing with the heroes via the gems before he got the Infinity Gauntlet. }}
** {{spoiler|Except we see the Infinity Gauntlet with all the gems inside Odin's treasure room in Thor. Plus Loki's staff is stated to be powered by the Tesseract.}}
*** Were those the true gems? Maybe like some artifacts placed in a museum, the Asgardians just put fake gems in the gauntlet for display purposes. And about the staff, it is speculated to use the same type of energy used by the Tesseract, not necessarily powered by the Tesseract itself. Captain America says it's like one of Hydra's energy weapons more than anything.
**** Except they weren't in a display, they were in a weapons vault guarded by the Destroyer and the other artifacts in there are real. And Selvig says the control rod is powered by the Tesseract to the Black Widow. And Hydra's weapons were powered by the Tesseract.
** {{spoiler|I'm working on the theory the other things in the trophy room were more just 'fandom nods' than 'it's true continuity'. Even if so, if you compare the [http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/5618/thorinfinitygauntlet.jpg comic-con Marvel prop images of the Gauntlet ] [http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8947/odinsvaultthor550x508.jpg to the movie version] .... a large blue gem on the back of the palm is missing. }}
**** Except that's not the version actually in the movie, the version in Thor has the big blue gem in it [http://www.10mfh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Thor-Movie-Infinity-Gauntlet-Hi-Res.png\].
**** To my knowledge, there has been no specific indication of how much time has passed between ''Thor'' and ''The Avengers''. But clearly, some time has passed. In the meantime, the Gauntlet has been sitting in Odin's vault, a vault that has recently been robbed of its primary guardian after Thor trashed the Destroyer. And the guy who would want the Gauntlet happens to have as his minion, a trickster god who knows several back doors into Asgard that could get him in and out without being noticed. Keep in mind, we have no idea what is going on in Asgard after Thor's movie ends. There's a very good chance that something happened in the meantime.
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== The next move of {{spoiler|Thanos will be to strike at Asgard.}} ==
* Very basic reasoning. The Tesseract can open a door to {{spoiler|Thanos'}} area of space, from either end. At the end of the Avengers, both the Tesseract and {{spoiler|Thanos'}} Infinity Gauntlet are sitting ''in Asgard'', he's got an obvious motivation to get his hands on both objects, and Earth has just shown it's not an easy target, so {{spoiler|Thanos}} is unlikely to strike it again soon without his cosmic toys. What do you want to bet the plot of Thor 2 or Avengers 2 involves an invasion of Asgard by {{spoiler|Thanos'}} minions?
** {{spoiler|It probably won't be ''Thor 2'' as [http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00050369.html Kevin Feige says that it will be 'very singular' . ] of course it's possible that could be used as [[The Stinger]] for ''Thor 2''. }}
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Yes, there's deleted scenes from the movie that show said waitress was flirtatious towards Cap, and I'm going to assume that she'll be a romantic foil or a supporting character for Steve, to go along with Sharon Carter being his SHIELD partner. Or something.
** As I recall her name tag said Beth on it. Are there any continuity savants around to tell us whether or not there were any Cap supporting characters with that name? I can't find any in the MCD. The movie focused on her three times which makes me think this WMG has some substance to it.
** The only close one from the comics I can think of is Elizabeth "Betsy" Ross, and she was around in [[WW 2]] not modern era. (IIRC some retcon places her as grandma of Hulk's GF Betty Ross). But of course the movies have combined characters before (Whiplash/Crimson Dynamo & I'd say movie Red Skull is a combo of RS & Zemo. So it could be Betsy combined with some modern love interest of Cap)
== [[The Red Stapler|Shawarma]] will become incredibly popular thanks to this movie. ==
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== You-Know-Who is not dead and ''will'' return. ==
Plain and simple. No Vision, no LMD; He's either in a coma, or simply being ordered to remain underground for an indeterminate amount of time.
** The powers that be would be incredibly remiss to ignore the [[Internet Backlash|shitstorm]] of massive proportions that has erupted from the whole affair and not do something to fix it.
** {{spoiler|It seems this is true. Clark Gregg is signed on for more films.}}
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== Loki let himself be captured again in the end. ==
It looks like he chose to stay down when the Hulk smacked him down. But then the Hulk left....He could have at least turned invisible. But he had just failed {{spoiler|Thanos}}. The Other did say there was no place he could hide. Well, the safest place would be in an Asgard Prison.
* I think Loki not moving after the Hulk beat the tar out of him really had more to do with the fact that ''the Hulk just beat the tar out of him''. He also seemed surprised when he saw the team was behind him, so he probably thought that he had more time before he got there.
** In the end he probably did surrender with that in mind, choosing the lesser of two evils.
== The Tesseract is [[Mass Effect|Reaper technology.]] ==
* Its teleportation effect, like that of the Bifrost Gate, is very similar to that of a mass relay. The bio-synthetic Chitauri are using their conquest of Earth as a smokescreen for the ''real'' reason they want the Tesseract: they are the Cinematic Universe's version of Collectors, and intend to open the way for the Reaper fleet.
* Additionally, Loki is indeed controlling people's minds through the technology given him, but not in the manner he suspects: everyone touched by the spear is Indoctrinated, and only following him because it coincides with the Reapers' plans (to paraphrase some lines in the film: "The Tesseract... ''showed'' me things; I have clarity now"). Also, note how their eyes turn electric blue, and briefly acquire glowing facial scars: they are in the initial stages of being transformed into a.) Husks, or b.) Reaper emissaries, such as Saren and {{spoiler|the Illusive Man}}.
** This WMG certainly makes the "Space Magic!" meme funnier.
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== The Stinger at the end of Avengers sets up the Deadpool movie. ==
I mean c'mon, some people do know that Deadpool and Death have a thing. And the only who stands between them is {{spoiler|Thanos}}
It could turn out that Deadpool was cursed with immortality, and we get to see Death on screen.
== The Tesseract originally belonged to {{spoiler|Thanos}} ==
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== Deadpool exists in the same universe as Avengers. ==
If his movie will come out before any other, and if {{spoiler|Thanos}} will make an appearence.
== The entire invasion was a massive Xanatos Gambit for Loki and {{spoiler|Thanos.}} ==
[http://maskofreason.wordpress.com/2012/05/23/very-good-writing-why-loki-won-in-the-avengers/ The full theory is spelled out here,] but the short version is basically this: while Loki may [[Blatant Lies|(or may not)]] have wanted control of the Earth as revenge against Thor, the whole thing was basically a means for {{spoiler|Thanos}} to get Loki back into Asgard under reasonable pretenses so that Laufreyson could somehow deliver the Infinity Gauntlet.
* I had a similar thought. Considering how risky the invasion plan was to begin with (YMMV on that, but see the Headscratchers page for a long, long discussion of its flaws), Unless Loki [[Villain Ball|got dumber between movies]], he was probably aware all along that his plan could easily fail and even if it succeeded he'd just be a vassal to a [[Bigger Bad]] that was strong and getting even stronger. But directly due to Loki's attack in this movie, a confrontation between {{spoiler|Thanos}} and the Avengers is likely. If the Avengers win, then the force that traumatized Loki in unspecified ways between movies has been punished and there's a cosmic [[Evil Power Vacuum]] he can step into. If {{spoiler|Thanos}} wins, Earth is really, really doomed, so Loki would have [[Revenge by Proxy]] on Thor for the events of [[Thor (film)|Thor]]. Either way, Loki arguably winds up ''better off'' than if his invasion had won.
== The Other is a Time Lord ==
This can't be a WMG page without saying that someone is a Time Lord and there's a character called The Other in Doctor Who.
* He's on his last regeneration so his appearance is unattractive (like Crispy!Master).
== Coulson is still alive and now has an Arc Reactor in his chest. ==