Avengers: Age of Ultron: Difference between revisions

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* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: Klaue loses an arm for taunting Ultron about his similarities to Iron Man.
* [[Artificial Intelligence]]: Both J.A.R.V.I.S. and Ultron.
* [[Artistic License Biology]]: Klaue's description of a cuttlefish fitfits more an angler-fish.
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: {{Spoiler|Ultron's artificial meteor is too small and it will fall at a speed too slow to cause a mass extinction event}}.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Hawkeye and Black Widow, turned out that {{spoiler|Clint Barton was [[Happily Married|married]] with a wife and kids in a farm. Whereas Nathasha was trained to be one of Russia's most ruthless spy, before her [[Heel Face Turn]] and becoming an Avenger}}.