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{{quote|''[[Hilarious in Hindsight|"The Avengers gotta get to the assembly."]]''|'''Xander''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''}}
A [[Dream Team]] is needed for [[The Con]] or [[The Caper]]. [[How to Gather Characters|Each teammember is contacted]] in a short scene revealing their specialty. This sequence culminates with all the members being in the same room together. c.f. ''[[OceansOcean's Eleven (Film)|Oceans Eleven]]'', ''[[Mission Impossible (TV)|Mission Impossible]]''.
Compare [[A -Team Montage]], [[Intro Dump]], [[Lock and Load Montage]], [[Putting the Band Back Together]], [[Everyone Meets Everyone]].
[[I Thought It Meant|Not to be confused]] with a [[Web Original]] parody video series [http://avengersassembletheseries.com/ of the same name], or the UK title of [[The Avengers (Film)|The Avengers]].
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== Film ==
* ''[[Armageddon (Film)|Armageddon]]'' has an awesome one. [[The Hero|Bruce Willis]] needs to assemble his [[The Magnificent Seven Samurai|Magnificent Team]] of [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|Ragtag Roughnecks]], but "once they get off the rig, [[Let's Split Up, Gang!|they scatter]]." The ensuing montage shows FBI agents tracking each member to his natural habitat:
** [[The Big Guy|Michael Clarke Duncan]] is on a motorcycle in South Dakota.
** [[Comic Relief|Ken Hudson Campbell]] is in a tattoo parlor with his mama.
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* The failed pilot for a parody of ''[[Mission Impossible (TV)|Mission Impossible]]'', ''Inside O.U.T.'' had a such a sequence for members of the [[Fun With Acronyms|Office of Unusual Tasks]]. The most memorable was the agent whose cover was as a civilian flying instructor. When he got the call, he told his student something along the lines of, "You're going to solo a bit ahead of schedule," and bailed out of the plane.
* The ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "The Magnificent Ferengi", complete with holding up fingers as each new member joins the team (referencing ''[[The Magnificent Seven]]'').
* The ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E7 A Good Man Goes to War|"A Good Man Goes to War"]] has a sequence of the Doctor rounding up his allies for a mission. There are quick scenes of them all going about their business (nursing soldiers on a battlefield, {{spoiler|KILLING JACK THE RIPPER}}, etc.), only to come home and discover a big blue box on their doorstep. [[Recap/Doctor Who S 32 E 3 Day Of The Moon|"The second episode of the same season"]] begins with 3 of the main characters being killed one-by-one by another character. Only afterwards do we find out this was all an elaborate plan to gather the team together.
* ''[[Black Adder]]'': The episode "The Black Seal" parodies the sequence from ''[[The Magnificent Seven]]'' when Prince Edmund rounds up the most evil men in the kingdom.
* ''[[The West Wing]]'' does this in the very first episode. Toby, C.J., Josh and Sam each appears in a short character-establishing scene, receiving a text message at the end that says, "POTUS in a bicycle accident." The final scene reveals that POTUS stands for "President of the United States," and that the characters we've just seen all work for him.
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[[Category:Avengers Assemble]]