Awesome Bosses/World of Warcraft: Difference between revisions

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* Yogg-Saron in Wrath of the Lich King takes this to a whole new level, featuring all the epicness of C'thun and more (such as a Sanity Meter. If this runs out, the player will be mind controlled and see his entire party as servants of Yogg'saron.)
** Yogg-Saron's voice acting is a big case of YMMV, and in particular, Yogg-Saron's laughter. In Phase 3, as you DPS Yogg himself, Yogg-Saron casts Lunatic Gaze. All players must turn their backs to Yogg when this happens because staring at him during Lunatic Gaze is staring into the maw of madness itself and destroys your Sanity (reducing it by 4% ''every second'' you look at him). To add to this, during Lunatic Gaze, Yogg-Saron [[Evil Laugh|laughs maniacally at your raid.]] This is either so awesome that it's actually [[Nightmare Fuel|terrifying]] or just [[Narm]] at its best/worst. The transition into Phase 2 features one of the best introduction emotes yet, complete with a case of [[Voice of the Legion]] between Sara and Yogg-Saron with Yogg's voice slowly overtaking Sara's voice until it's all Yogg's voice in the final line.
{{quote| "I am the lucid dream. The monster in your nightmares. The fiend of a thousand faces. Cower before my true form. BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!"}}
* Arthas Menethil, the Lich King. Even leaving aside the fact that he's the current end-game boss, the fight itself is awesome. ''Six'' distinct phases, even if two are transition phases and the last {{spoiler|is just beating up Arthas while he's unable to fight back}}. Everyone in the raid has to be on the ball and paying attention, as he is constantly throwing out abilities that will cause a wipe if they're not managed properly, such as Necrotic Plague (a disease that ticks for 50K a time and jumps to another target while getting more powerful if it kills what it's currently on), Infest (a DoT that does more damage per tick until everyone in the raid is healed past 90% health) and Defile (damages anyone standing on it, plus it gets bigger every time it deals damage until it potentially fills the entire area). He also, at different points during the fight, summons Val'kyr Guardians (to pick up a random person, carry them to the edge of the area and... just drop them) and Vile Spirits (which come in swarms and blow up when they get close enough). Then, during the third non-transition phase, he uses an ability called Harvest Soul, which sucks one person into Frostmourne where they have to help {{spoiler|Arthas' father, Terenas II Menethil}} beat the Spirit Warden to escape. After all that, after he's reduced to 10% of his seventeen million starting health (actually he only has 17.4million in 10man regular, on 10man heroic he has 29.5million, on 25regular he has 63.1million and on 25man heroic he has ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN MILLION HEALTH!!!)... that's when the true awesome begins. {{spoiler|He then says, "You gnats actually hurt me! Perhaps I've toyed with you long enough, now taste the vengeance of the grave!" and unleashes the Fury of Frostmourne, doing one million damage to everyone in the raid. Next comes [[The Reveal]] that your progress through Icecrown Citadel, even quite possibly ''everything you'd done against the Scourge since your first arrival in Northrend'', had been part of a [[Xanatos Gambit]] by the Lich King to draw in Azeroth's greatest champions. In short, he needs new generals, since his previous ones are now scattered in small pieces throughout Icecrown Citadel. Oh, look - here are the 10/25 people that did it! He starts to resurrect the raid with the intent of making you his new generals, and this is when Tirion Fordring simply ''awesomes'' his way out of the ice block he'd been in since the fight started and shatters Frostmourne. The souls that had been imprisoned within the blade are freed, and grab Arthas. Terenas Menethil then resurrects the raid, and it's simply a matter of finishing Arthas off.}} Roll cinematic. The feeling of satisfaction that you get the first time you kill the Lich King? ''Priceless''. Next stop: Icecrown Citadel Heroic modes!
** Arthas is also noteworthy because his emotes are some of the best ever, especially his Hard Enrage (which can multiply the already staggering amount of awesome if you have one of those infamous scenarios where the enrage hits ''mere inches away from the deathblow''). Combined with the great voice acting by Michael [[Mc Connohie]], it's simply one of the greatest lines ever uttered. *ahem* '''''FACE NOW YOUR TRAGIC END!!!!'''''