Axis Powers Hetalia/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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'''Finland''': Oh, but don't you worry that [[Those Wacky Nazis|he might throw you in jail]] [[Beleaguered Assistant|if you complain too much about him?]]<br />
'''Germany''': [[Moral Event Horizon|In what world do bosses imprison their own countries]], [[Like You Would Really Do It|I ask?]]<br />
'''Finland''': Honestly, though, I ''do'' think [[If I Can't Have You|your boss]] [[You Have Failed Me...|could find it in him]]. }}
* This troper was learning about essential minerals and stuff in biology know that water faucet that Russia always carries around? Symptoms of lead poisoning include: irritability, lack of or late mental development, delirium or hallucinations (remember when he escaped from reality while building the canal?)and behavioural problems. Wow. No wonder he's a [[Ax Crazy|Psychopathic]] [[Psychopathic Manchild|ManCHILD]].
** Except we see Russia get the pipe- he steals it from Germany's house, and he's already plenty [[Psychopathic Manchild|crazy]] then.
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