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* In ''Part II'', why did Biff never get suspicous about the flying DeLorean he saw in 1985? Because at some point after that, flying cars become widespread, so he must have assumed it was a prototype.
** Also, the car accident that messed up Marty's life happens as a direct consequence of him fixing his family in the first movie, because in the unchanged timeline Biff wrecked the car, so Marty couldn't have drag raced anyone. The sudden appearance of Marty's chicken problem may also be directly linked to him now trying to live up to the high standard set by his overachiever father, instead of struggling with the poor self-confidence learned from his unaltered father.
** I agree with the theory about him not really being suspicous about the flying Delorean. He even acknowledges that memory in 2015: "A flying [[De Lorean]]DeLorean! I haven't seen one of those in...30 years"
** I always assumed that he WAS suspicious, but had no idea what could possibly have caused it. Eventually just filed it away in his mind as a memory that had occurred AFTER flying cars became common.
* In the second and third movies Marty suddenly seems to have a problem with being called "chicken" (or "yellow, whatever). Although it ''seems'' to come out of nowhere, but in the first film no one calls him chicken, they may call him a lot of things but no one really questions his bravery.
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*** [[Word of God]] suggested that Biff of the alternate 1985 ended up pushing Lorraine a little too far, and she shot him dead some time in the 90s, hence his disappearance when he returns to 2015. The test audiences could hardly be expected to guess this without further clarification, and without it the situation was too ambiguous, so they removed the scene.
*** Going back to the fact that Biff was erased much quicker than Marty, there's actually a simple answer to this too. The only reason Biff was erased so fast is because he went into the future past the point of no return. Marty still had time to save himself in 1955. If Marty had gone straight to 1985 without fixing his parents, he'd be gone in a blink just like Biff. My point being, Biff probably would've survived for the duration necessary to save himself, but instead opted to jump ahead giving himself no time and resulting in his immediate death.
** Also from ''[[Back to The Future]] Part II'': How is 2015 Biff able to use the [[De Lorean]]DeLorean Time Machine the way he does? Simple: He's a bit of a gear-head. In 1955, his '46 Model Ford has a special trick to starting it; a trick that only Biff knows. After Marty's changes to 1985, Biff has an auto detailing business set up - a business he still dabbles in by the year 2015. By then, I'm sure he's worked on a few cars with hover conversions. Combine that with the memories of seeing the flying [[De Lorean]]DeLorean in 1985 and his eavesdropping on Doc and Marty's conversation in the alley, then you get how he's able to operate (to the best of his abilities [he is old, you know]) the time machine. -what0080
** Also, here's the logic to why Biff disappears fast and Marty didn't. Marty was fading out of existence slowly mainly because he was still before the point in time that would've ensured his birth. If Marty didn't get his parents back together by that moment and just left for home he would've been erased just as fast as Biff was because like Biff he wouldn't have logically existed in the time he was in and time would've caught up with him. Take this into account, when Biff is in the past giving himself the almanac he's perfectly fine. This is because Biff (like Marty) is preceding his point of non-existence and therefore technically still had time to correct the mistake which would lead him to inevitable death. Honestly, it's surprising test audiences didn't get it cause it'd be pretty easy to figure out without anything having to be explained that what he did in the past erased his own personal future. Also, since the cane top and the bag had been left away from Biff's person they didn't fade with him, kinda like how the guitar didn't disappear with Marty. I hope that clears up a couple of things. - rockysamson
* Here's an example from the ''original'' [[Back to The Future]] I never thought of until I saw it for the umpteenth time: Marty's father's explanation for why he was in the street to get run over by Lorraine's father? Birdwatching. Well, he was packing binoculars, but that's not the only reason it's appropriate. He was there looking at Lorraine. What's 50's slang for an attractive young woman? A bird. He was, so to speak, literally bird watching.
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*** Fun Fact: The only reason this didn't even remotely happen in the film is that Disney was one of the film's main producers.
* O.K., here's a pretty good one I noticed after my 9000th viewing of ''[[Back to The Future]]''. You know how people ask if "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" when you swear? Well, early in the first movie when the Mcflys are eating dinner Marty's brother lets out a loud "Damn!" when he realized he was late for work. His mother then proceeded tell him not to swear and then asked him for a kiss on the cheek. --
* The "lithium mode on" scene in [[BTTF 2]]. Marty activates it and blames his kids for turning it off. From [[wikipedia:Lithium chr(28)medicationchr(29medication)|this article]] on [[The Other Wiki]], we can infer that "lithium mode" consisted in dissolving lithium salts into the household water supply, which Marty used to treat himself. His kids did not need it, but they were forced to drink lithiated water anyway, which affected their brain chemistry and turned their behavior into what we see in the movie. They deactivated lithium mode because they wanted to snap out of it and be normal, but their father won't let them because he only thinks about his own needs.
** Or its pumping lithium, an anti-depressant, through the air-conditioning. Given how crappy Future!Marty and Jennifer's lives are (Jennifer herself is often "tranqued") you can see they'd need it.
* In ''[[Back to The Future]]'', when Marty returns to 1985 a lot of things are different than when he felt, including his girlfriend's appearance. The meta explanation for this is a simple case of [[The Other Darrin]]. However, it becomes horrifying when you consider a possible in-universe explanation. What if his own parents weren't the only teenage couple who's meeting Marty disrupted? Maybe, during the [[Crowning Moment of Funny|chase with Biff]] or the [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Johnny B. Goode recital]], Jennifer's parents were in the crowd and were too busy watching Marty to meet each other? Than, at a later time, one parent or the other got married ''to someone else'' and had a daughter named Jennifer ''with them''. So the reason Jennifer looks different when Marty gets back is that she has one different parent than before, and is essentially a [[Nightmare Fuel|completely different person]].