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* [[Spartacus Blood and Sand]] has this in spades. The first season has Barca and Gnaeus, the prequel season has Barca and Auctus, and the third season has Agron. Aversions are Pietros and (arguably) Nazir.
* In ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]'', Captain Jack successfully asks his male co-worker Ianto out on a date while they are in the middle of saving the world together.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "Day of the Moon", Canton Everett Delaware III is shown to be a badass government agent who helps the Doctor defeat the Silence after getting kicked out of the FBI for "wanting to get married" in 1969. Right at the end of the arc, Nixon asks him if the person he wants to marry is black, because he would be willing to push to overturn that law. "Yes," says Delaware, "''he'' is."
* In one ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'', Jadzia Dax gets a girlfriend named Lenara Khan. When the mandatory [[Made of Explodium|technological disaster]] happens, Jadzia gets to be the [[Knight in Shining Armor]] and heroically save her beloved [[Damsel in Distress]] Lenara.
** Bonus points that neither the lovers themselves, their friends nor even their enemies even notice that Jadzia and Lenara are of the same gender, in spite of both of them being very feminine. They are, instead, persecuted because the symbiants whose memories they each carry were already married in previous hosts. "Reassociation", as it is known, with a past host's spouse is strictly forbidden and highly taboo in their culture. As a result the episode is full of [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]] conversations as the two first try to deny their feelings for each other (until Jadzia saves the day and wins the girl) then try to hide it from Lenara's well-meaning but judgmental brother in order to avoid persecution and exile (which would be an eventual death sentence for their symbiants).
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* And the first case [[Bio Ware]] put out of the closet: Juhani. Jedi Guardian (built for fighting). So hand a [[Catgirl]] a lightsaber and enough Force Powers to knock you across a room with a temper that's kept in check mostly by the Jedi Code. Sweet lady, but don't piss her off.
* All of the canonically non-heterosexual characters in [[Metal Gear]] (Big Boss, Ocelot, Volgin, Raikov, Scott Dolph and Vamp) qualify to some degree. Big Boss is the most indisputably badass, although his bisexuality is never explicit [[Word of Gay|in game]] and is a [[Bi the Way|very minor facet of his character.]]
* In ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'', the "Confirmed Bachelor" and "Cherchez La Femme" perks turn the male and female Courier into this. Curiously enough since both perks give a 10% damage bonus against enemies of the same gender as the Courier and the overwhelming majority of human enemies in the game are male, this means that the game ''encourages'' players who choose a male PC to make him gay for [[Min -Maxing]] purposes.
** Veronica is a lesbian, and she's quite comfortable in power armor and tends to punch things so hard they explode.
** Christine, all but stated to be Veronica's ex-girlfriend in the ''Dead Money'' expansion, is no [[Shrinking Violet]] either.
* {{spoiler|Makoto}} in ''[[Enchanted Arms]]''. At the beginning he is pretty [[Camp Gay|camp gay]]. {{spoiler|But when he reappears as the mysterious man he has changed... A lot. He still crushes on Toya though}}.
* Heather in ''[[Fire Emblem]]: [[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Radiant Dawn]]'' is a confident, competent rogue who joins the party only because she has eyes for Nephenee.
** Thanks to the support system of later games, [[Shipping Goggles|if viewed the right way]] anybody could be this. However, standouts from Gay males would include [[Sexy Priest|Lucius]] and [[Badass Longcoat|Raven]], [[Defector From Decadence|Lagault]] and Ike. Almost nobody thinks Soren is straight so (he is at least, ''very'' [[Single -Target Sexuality|Ikesexual]].
* Venom from ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' has been confirmed gay and is very capable of kicking ass.
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