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* ''[[Bitchy Butch]]'' is one... in her daydreams.
* Wallace Wells from ''[[Scott Pilgrim]]''. Bacon, anyone?
* [[The Authority]] has Midnighter. Who is gay. And quite quite badass:
{{quote|''Let me make this situation clear for you. I know what special abilities you have. I can see the enhancements. I can detect the increased electrical activity in your brain. I know what moves you're preparing to make. I've fought our fight already, in my head, in a million different ways. I can hit you without you even seeing me. I'm what soldiers dream of growing into. I'm what children see when they first imagine what death is like. I'm the Midnighter. Your Move.''}}
** His husband/love interest Apollo is quite badass as well.
* Rictor and Shatterstar from [[X-Men|X-Factor]], both of whom can kick plenty of ass with or without powers. While Shatterstar doesn't seem to think of love in terms of gender, Rictor recently came out as gay and not bi, as previously assumed (he had been in on-panel relationships with women, but apparently never found them fulfilling).
* The current [[Batwoman]] was ousted from the military after being caught in a relationship with a fellow female cadet. She fights shapeshifting animal henchmen with only her average strength and wits and has survived being stabbed in the chest.
* Wiccan and Hulkling from the ''[[Young Avengers]]''. Both are undeniably badass with one being a [[Reality Warper|reality-warping]] mutant and the other a [[Shapeshifting|shape-shifter]] {{spoiler|alien hybrid}}. They also happen to be in a happy relationship with each other and will do [[Beware the Nice Ones|unspeakable things to anyone that tries to hurt their boyfriend]].
== Film ==
* In the parody film ''Stripperland'', the badass Tallahassee parodied character, Frisco, is revealed to be gay.
* In the film version of ''[[Watchmen (film)|Watchmen]]'' (but not [[Watchmen (comics)|the comic]]), the lesbian "Silhouette" was arguably the coolest of the first generation of superheroes. In both versions, the homophobia against her from other superheroes is used as a narrative tool to portray the superhero subculture as being morally bankrupt.
* "Gay" Perry in ''[[Kiss Kiss Bang Bang]]'' is a very tough [[Private Detective]]. In one scene, it turns out he's hidden a gun in his crotch, because if he's frisked by a man who knows he's gay it's the best hiding spot. When Perry uses it, Harry experiences a moment of confusion about whether there was a gun in there or it was "a gay thing".
* Though his sexual orientation is never spelled out for the audience, Wez from ''[[Mad Max|The Road Warrior]]'' is a terrifying mohawked berserker driven to murderous fury by the death of his younger, prettier companion, whom his boss, [[Evil Overlord|Lord Humongous]], explicity calls his "loved one." Of course the whole [[Mad Max]] series has a faint transgressive undercurrent, so it could just be part of the overall insanity.
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* Mercedes Lackey's ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]'' series has some gay, lesbian, and bi Herald characters, and as Heralds they're pretty much required to be badass, psychic soldier-rangers. Herald-Mage Vanyel was especially badass, being one of very, very few people to achieve the huge power of a mage adept, and almost single-handedly holding off an entire army that attacked his country. He was also pyrokinetic, telepathic, empathic, telekinetic, and clairvoyant, a skilled swordsman, an important advisor to the king, and able to predict the future.
* ''[[The Steel Remains]]'' by Richard Morgan has a number of [[Badass Gay]] characters, but the standouts are definitely Ringil and {{spoiler|Seethlaw}}.
* Dekka from ''[[Gone (novel)]]'' is a lesbian example, and, as of ''Fear'', {{spoiler|Edilio}} qualifies as well.
* Cnaiür urs Skiötha from R. Scott Bakker's ''[[Second Apocalypse]]''. He is an unparalleled murderer, strategist, and tactician, as well as being one of the only characters that can resist Kellhus' manipulation and eventual domination.
* [[The Mortal Instruments]] has [[Straight Gay]] Alec Lightwood, demon hunting Shadowhunter and protective older brother, as well as his boyfriend, [[Camp Gay]] (technically bisexual) Magnus Bane, an immortal warlock and one of the most powerful characters in the series. Sister series [[The Infernal Devices]] gives us Magnus's ex-boyfriend Woolsley Scott, eccentric leader of the werewolf pack. Head vampire [[De Quincey]] is also hinted at as being bi.
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{{quote|'''Oka:''' "Don't underestimate fags or else you'll pay for it!"}}
* ''[[Noah's Arc]]'': Wade, specifically after {{spoiler|Noah is gay bashed. Wade goes out and gets revenge}}.
* Richard Hatch, [[Ur Example|the very first]] winner of ''[[Survivor (TV series)|Survivor]]''. He did so by being a [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] [[Magnificent Bastard]].
* [[The Wire]]'s Omar Little.
* On [[The Good Wife]], Kalinda Sharma, who smashes car windows and beats mean with baseball bats and saves the day once an episode. More badass bisexual, though; she doesn't seem to subscribe to labels much.
* Micheletto on [[The Borgias]] takes this trope up to eleven.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[Bi the Way|Leliana]], of ''[[Dragon Age]]''. We really ought to invent a [[Badass]] French Person trope just for her. [[Tranquil Fury|For]] [[The Archer|many]] [[Game Breaker|reasons]].
** [[Latin Lover|Zevran]], as well, though he is a bit [[Depraved Bisexual|depraved]], he's still pretty badass.
* The ''[[Mass Effect]]'' series gives us the entire Asari race. All omnisexual, all biotics, all prepared to fling you across the room telekinetically if you piss them off.
** Worthy of mention: [[Adorkable|Liara]], [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|barely a hundred years old]] but already a more powerful biotic than most Matriarchs. If you [[Berserk Button|mess with Shepard]], [[Disproportionate Retribution|you will die. Your friends will die. Your allies will die. Everything you ever built will be torn down. And nobody will ever remember your name]]. Also, if you don't pay her back she will flay you alive. With her mind.
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** And of course, [[Player Character|FemShep]] romancing [[Discount Lesbians|Liara]], [[Bi the Way|Kelly]] or [[Gay Option|Samantha]] qualifies as well.
** Also, as of [[Mass Effect 3]], a [[Player Character|Male Shepard]] romancing Steve Cortez or Kaidan.
* And the first case [[BioWare]] put out of the closet: Juhani. Jedi Guardian (built for fighting). So hand a [[Catgirl]] a lightsaber and enough Force Powers to knock you across a room with a temper that's kept in check mostly by the Jedi Code. Sweet lady, but don't piss her off.
* All of the canonically non-heterosexual characters in [[Metal Gear]] (Big Boss, Ocelot, Volgin, Raikov, Scott Dolph and Vamp) qualify to some degree. Big Boss is the most indisputably badass, although his bisexuality is never explicit [[Word of Gay|in game]] and is a [[Bi the Way|very minor facet of his character.]]
* In ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', the "Confirmed Bachelor" and "Cherchez La Femme" perks turn the male and female Courier into this. Curiously enough since both perks give a 10% damage bonus against enemies of the same gender as the Courier and the overwhelming majority of human enemies in the game are male, this means that the game ''encourages'' players who choose a male PC to make him gay for [[Min-Maxing]] purposes.
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** Christine, all but stated to be Veronica's ex-girlfriend in the ''Dead Money'' expansion, is no [[Shrinking Violet]] either.
* {{spoiler|Makoto}} in ''[[Enchanted Arms]]''. At the beginning he is pretty [[Camp Gay]]. {{spoiler|But when he reappears as the mysterious man he has changed... A lot. He still crushes on Toya though}}.
* Heather in ''[[Fire Emblem]]: [[Fire Emblem Tellius|Radiant Dawn]]'' is a confident, competent rogue who joins the party only because she has eyes for Nephenee.
** Thanks to the support system of later games, [[Shipping Goggles|if viewed the right way]] anybody could be this. However, standouts from Gay males would include [[Sexy Priest|Lucius]] and [[Badass Longcoat|Raven]], [[Defector From Decadence|Lagault]] and Ike. Almost nobody thinks Soren is straight so (he is at least, ''very'' [[Single-Target Sexuality|Ikesexual]].
* Venom from ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' has been confirmed gay and is very capable of kicking ass.
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* Cwynhild of ''[[Cwynhild's Loom]]'' is a [[Cyborg]] [[Super Soldier]] who is openly lesbian. She typically dresses more like the male characters in the comic, and she has a bad habit of letting pretty girls talk her into doing things she probably shouldn't.
* Gabry and Liam both from ''[[This Is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had|This Is The Worst Idea You've Ever Had!]]'' Keeping the streets clean from asshole vampires by night, running an antique bookstore (that sells coffee!) by day...
* Adharia Kuvoe of ''[[Last Res0rt]]'' and her consort, Sedja. We should note that they already have a running body count on the show.