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*** [[Word of God]] is that the only reason Kid's bounty was higher than Luffy's is that Kid leaves a trail of corpses wherever he goes. When he said that he kills anybody who laughs at his dreams, he's not joking.
*** While all of his acts of horrific violence have been off screen, its becoming more and more obvious that Trafalgar Law himself isn't the mellow pretty boy he acts. This trope hasn't been played straight as of yet, but as of chapter 659 {{spoiler|he sent the hearts of 100 pirates to the world government to become a shichibukai.}} Its also worth noting that in his first appearance, the other supernovas were as wary of him as they were of Kidd.
* ''[[Darker Than Black]]'' does this in the new season with the team of Japanese agents. While immediately established as antagonist's to Hei, this isn't really a strike against them for sympathy points, given the [[Grey and Gray Morality]] of the series. Mina is a [[Badass]] fighter and provides [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot|lesbianism]] and Genma is highly [[Affably Evil|affable and funny]] and seems to be a [[Lovable Sex Maniac]]. Then, in the third episode, you have them ambushing a squad of Russian soldiers. Genma hijacks a train and as he uses it to kill, you see the mangled body of the conductor next to him. Then, after Mina shows up and slaughters several more soldiers, Gemna creates a gas explosion to kill the remainder and during this whole time, finds this carnage absolutely hilarious. This is shockingly violent, even for Contractors and conveys [[Lack of Empathy|total lack of empathy for human life]]. Finally, while Genma initially ''seems'' to be a [[Lovable Sex Maniac]], he's really more like a ''[[Shotacon|pedophile]]''.
** There's also the token human, Yoko. "Look at me, I'm all shy and glasses-y and [[Moe Moe]]! A girl kissed me and I liked it!" Then boom. {{spoiler|She [[De -Power|DePowers]] Hei PAINFULLY and seems [[For Science!|absolutely thrilled]] by it, like he's a guinea pig as opposed to a person.}} Not to mention Episode 6, when she starts pulling [[Scary Shiny Glasses]] and generally looking like Gendo Ikari was reincarnated as an early twenty-something year old girl.
* Izaya Orihara in ''[[Durarara]]'' is introduced acting like a nice guy and seems to be comforting a troubled girl named Rio Kamichika. Then, it turns out that he had persuaded Rio into a [[Suicide Pact]], and he tells her that all the nice things he said was just him screwing with her, which pushes poor Rio to ''really'' attempt suicide (she survives unharmed, but no thanks to him). After this scene, he is generally more [[Laughably Evil|comically evil]], but the show has moments once in a while to remind you what a creepy, sociopathic person Izaya is.
* [[Bleach|Aizen's]] a pretty nice guy right up until he {{spoiler|stabs Hinamori.}}
* [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica|Kyubey]]. He looked innocent and overall the typical mascot pet, though with something sinister about him, {{spoiler|until [[Wham! Episode|Episode 6]] reveals really nasty things about him.}}
* {{spoiler|Yukiteru's dad}} from ''[[Mirai Nikki]]''. At first, he looked like a genuinely nice person who was just trying to help {{spoiler|his son. Then it is revealed that he is trying to find and destroy Yukiteru's cellphone- Therefore killing him- To erase his debt.}}
** {{spoiler|Though in his defense, he was not aware that destroying his son's phone would kill him}}.
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* Mr. Teatime in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'' is introduced with a [[Badass]] sequence in which he sneaks into the head assassin's office, then turns out to be [[Psychopathic Manchild|a total psycho]].
** Of course, we only get a couple paragraphs of "what a badass" before "Oh my Om, what a psycho" sets in, because we first see him playing with some dogs; the character speaking to him expresses surprise, because on his last job he nailed one to the ceiling.
*** "He lost both parents at an early age. I think, on reflection, that we should have [[Self -Made Orphan|wondered a bit more about that]]."
* {{spoiler|Zakalwe}} from [[Use of Weapons|Use Of Weapons]] by Iain M. Banks. Initially he comes off being a cool, badass secret agent with a rather [[Black Comedy|dark]] [[Deadpan Snarker|sense of humour]], and though his handlers seem to think he's a dangerous psycho, they seem totally off base. It's not until the very end of the story that we find out that {{spoiler|he's an ex [[Evil Overlord]], with a penchant for [[Skinned Alive|flaying]] who was involved in a civil war with his brother. He ended that civil war by [[Moral Event Horizon|murdering their sister and his ex-girlfriend, making a chair out of her corpse, and then having it sent to his brother, who kills himself.]] He then steals his brother's identity, and uses it to escape his past.}}
* [[Wilkie Collins]] did this in his novel ''[[The Woman in White (Literature)|The Woman in White]]'' with [[Enigmatic Minion]] Count Fosco. Fosco is so friendly and charming that the heroines turn to him for help against the seemingly main villain, Sir Percival Glyde, who is a [[Dastardly Whiplash]] type. Turns out that Fosco is actually a master villain who is aiding Glyde. It's also shown that Fosco has cowed and abused his wife into becoming a [[Stepford Smiler]] and it has been argued by British critic John Sutherland that the discrepancies in time between {{spoiler|what Fosco says it took for Anne Catherick's death and what another character reports}} is meant to suggest that Fosco killed her after a prolonged period of [[Cold-Blooded Torture|torture]] and rape.
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* General Melchett in the fourth series of ''[[Black Adder]]'' initially seems like a comically eccentric [[Pointy-Haired Boss]], but his behavior in the second episode, in which Blackadder is court marshaled suggests that he is seriously mentally unstable. Although Melchett is at first a comic parody of the [[We Have Reserves]] habit of [[World War One]] generals, it's ultimately pretty clear that Melchett's not just incompetent- he's a [[Lack of Empathy|sociopath]] who couldn't give a damn about his troops.
* ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'' has Locke's father, Anthony Cooper. At first, he seems happy to finally meet Locke and starts giving him the family life he never had. Then it turns out all that was a con to steal Locke's kidney, after which he wants nothing more to do with his son. {{spoiler|Later, he [[Moral Event Horizon|tries to kill Locke by pushing him out a window]], which led to Locke ending up in a wheelchair.}}
* Happens a few times on the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]. First there's Cavil/#1, who's introduced as a [[Deadpan Snarker]] type and even seems to be one of the more sympathetic Cylons. As the story develops, we get to know Cavil for [[Complete Monster|what he]] [[Big Bad|really is.]] Then there's Tory, who {{spoiler|learns she's a Cylon, but manages to keep it together at first. When Cally has a breakdown upon realizing her husband Tyrol is a Cylon, she takes her infant son and prepares to toss herself and him out of an airlock. Tory shows up, talks Cally down-and then takes Cally's son before [[Moral Event Horizon|ejecting her into space anyway.]]}}
* In ''[[Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]]'', there's Fuwa Juzou, who is a half-Gedoushuu and sets himself up as [[The Hero|Takeru]]'s [[Worthy Opponent]], constantly seeking to fight him. With him not really getting along with the [[Big Bad|head honcho]] of Gedoushuu, Chimatsuri Doukokuu, plus building up some 'friendship' with [[Dark Chick|Usukawa Dayuu]] and the fact that he's half-human makes people think that since this is [[Super Sentai]], he'd at least be shown as either a [[Noble Demon]], or pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] later. Then, he foils Akumaro's plan... by revealing that he ''revels'' on his Gedoushuu lineage, preferring to be a full-blooded Gedoushuu (which he did), and his sword Uramasa turned out to be his parents begging him to stop killing, but he ''doesn't care one bit'', liking his profession as a [[Blood Knight]] to the max and wants nothing more than kill and more killing. At that point, any hopes of him as mentioned above are dashed forever and he places himself as one of [[Super Sentai]]'s [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]].
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