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Mizuki Himeji was forced to skip placement exams due to a fever, technically forcing the poor girl, who has the brains to become a Class A-caliber student, to end up in the woefully ill-equipped and ''moldy'' Class F. Among her classmates there are: Yuuji Sakamoto, the [[Brilliant but Lazy]] [[Class Representative]]; Minami Shimada, the only other girl in class and a violent tomboy; Hideyoshi Kinoshita, an extremely effeminate stage actor; Kouta Tsuchiya, the resident pervert; and Akihisa Yoshii, the "biggest idiot on campus", who out of sympathy for Mizuki, decides to start an ESB with Class A to help her climb up the ranks. It's a bunch of misfits against the world -- and the world is more than ready. It's time to see if they are... ''[[Pun|up to the test]]''.
Based on a popular series of [[Light Novels]] by Kenji Inoue(the translation of which can be found [ here]), an anime version aired in the winter of 2010. While it's not animated by [[Studio Shaft]], it ''is'' directed by Shin Ohnuma, and many Shaft-isms are prevalent in the series. The first season is 13 episodes and finished airing on March 31, 2010. A second season began airing in the [[Summer 2011 Anime]]. There are also two manga adaptations.
The series is also licensed by [[FUNimation]]. You can now watch the series on their video portal, [ here]. Find the character sheet [[Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu/Characters|here]]<ref>All character-specific tropes go there; multiple-character tropes can remain here</ref>.
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* [[Animation Bump]] -- Happens a couple times when enunciation is stressed for emotional emphasis. Shouko in Season 1 Episode 7, Minami in Season 2 Episode 8.
* [[Art Shift]] -- When situations become ridiculously over the top. Which happens a lot.
* [[Ascended Extra]] -- Kudou in second season.
* [[Attractive Bent Gender]] -- Hideyoshi, when dressed in any female clothing, which is to say most of the time.
** Especially in Episode 5, where Akihisa and several members the FFF try to confess to him (see [[Insane Troll Logic]]).
** In the [[OVA]] Akihisa does this to save Class F from two troublemakers. May include [[Badass Adorable]].
** Akihisa and Kouta in the [[Beauty Contest]] of Season 2 Episode 2.
* [[Baka]] -- It's in the title and everywhere else to boot. Episode 4 has Minami pronouncing the word throughout the episode with different emphasis for different situations. Some heartbreaking, some sweet, but mostly [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Balanced Harem]] -- Largely due to the fact that Akihisa is an [[Oblivious to Love|oblivious]] [[Idiot Hero|moron]], its very unclear as to who he will end up with.
* [[Banana Peel]] -- In episode 7 of Season 2, Akihisa receives a text message from one of his male classmates asking him why he was so obsessed with looking in the girl's bathroom during their study camp. He replied with "Isn't it obvious? I like what I like", but he accidentally sent it to Minami, making it look like a [[Love Confession]] to her. Then Yuuji slips on the banana peel, kicks the phone of out Akihisa's hand and steps on it before he can fix his mistake.
** And while it was entirely an accident, Akihisa gets back at Yuuji by sending a message to Shouko, who happens to be Yuuji's only cell phone contact address, and sends a message to her that he wants to propose to her.
* [[Batman Gambit]] -- Back in grade school Yuuji taught Shouko a wrong answer so that [[Crazy Prepared|he could beat her later]]... and lo, Shouko gets 97 points. {{spoiler|[[Subverted|Too bad Yuuji laid his own plans to waste when he scored a measly 53]].}}
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* [[Covert Pervert]] -- Who knew {{spoiler|the school principal}} was one?
* [[Cranial Eruption]] -- Typically, the aftermath of an [[Amusing Injury]].
* [[Up to Eleven|Cranked Up To Eleven]] -- Every. Single. Joke.
* [[Crash Into Hello]] -- [[Ho Yay|Akihisa and Toshimitsu]].
* [[Critical Existence Failure]] -- Part of the whole [[RPG Elements]] package.
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* [[Distracted by the Sexy]] -- Happens to Kouta and Akihisa a lot. Not as much to Yuuji, because anytime something sexy comes up, [[Yandere|Shouko]] tends to poke his eyes.
* [[Divide and Conquer]] -- Yuuji utilizes this in the 2nd fight against Class A in episode 12, either with favors gained from the other classes, or deception in the case of Class C, to do mock battles with Class A in an attempt to wear them down before they fight. It almost succeeds until the school starts to fall apart.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]] -- Whilst fleeing from Miharu's throwing forks and holding a plate with two bites of crepe on it, Akihisa runs into [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar|Toshimitsu]]. The crepes end up all over his face, and Yoshii's face ends up in his crotch. The latter gets up and says, "Yoshii... you've dirtied my face", before ''[[Yum Yum|licking up some of the cream]]''.
** In episode 5 of the first season, Kota's "camera" going limp after he finds out that there aren't any girls changing in the locker room.
* [[Domestic Abuser]] -- Shouko to Yuji.
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'''Akihisa:''' Er, that includes you sis. }}
** For much of the first season, Akihisa has a single cup of ramen noodles as his only food source simply because he never has any money to buy more. He believes that he can extend his food almost indefinitely by dividing the noodles in half, and then dividing those in half, and so on. By reading the nutrition label, his train of logic is that he can get the full bowl's worth of calories from each individual piece.
* [[Insecure Love Interest]] -- Despite how much he may [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|deny feelings for]] and [[Running Gag|run away from]] [[Yandere|Shouko]] and her [[Ship Tease|advances]] on a frequent basis, when Yuuji actually talks about his relationship with her, he makes it out like [[It's Not You, It's Me|it's all his fault that she's fallen in love with a worthless guy like him]].
{{quote|'''Yuuji:''' ''I want to set her free.''}}
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]] -- Kouta does this from time to time, complete with outfit, usually when Yuuji is planning a strategy against the other classes during their summoner battles. He will usually do intel with cameras/mics, and in one episode, does an "assassination" by forcefeeding one of the rival class student messenger [[Lethal Chef|Mizuki]]'s [[Screwball Serum|special Jello]].
* [[Instant Sedation]] -- During a card game in episode 4 of Season 2, [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|Hideyoshi]] is called on a card he placed down, and begins to strip his shirt. He immediately gets knocked out by a slightly drunken [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Himeji]], who claims [[Blatant Lies|he's simply "tired"]]. When Kouta attempts to mention the chloroform bottle laying nearby, she swipes her handkerchief at him, causing [[Blatant Lies|him to "get tired"]] as well.
* [[It's Personal]] -- After a student in class B uses Class F to break into the safe to steal a test in episode 10 of Season 1, he threatens to turn them in if they rat him out. Mizuki tries to defend them, but he just insults her and leaves. Yuuji and Akihisa both plot revenge against the student, first by breaking into the safe again, then distributing the tests to all the students. Both Yuuji and Akihisa then apologize profusely to Ironman, who's a little confused as to why they did it (they claim it was a prank, but in reality they just wanted to nullify the class B student's advantage without directly blaming him). Finally, they also plant [[Lethal Chef|Mizuki's cookies]] into the class B student's locker for some [[I Ate What?|tasty payback]].
** Akihisa does it again in episode 11 when the class B rep blackmails Mizuki into not fighting, although this time he gets help from more of his friends.
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** Shouko is ready to [[Yandere|bend Yuuji]] until he accepts her love. Other characters -- even ''Akihisa'' -- [[Shipper on Deck|approve of this relationship]].
** Miharu is [[Psycho Lesbian|crazily]] in love with Minami.
** Toshimitsu has become [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar|gay for]] Akihisa after a big misunderstanding.
** At one time, Akihisa thought Mizuki has fallen for Yuuji.
** Yuuko has shown [[Ship Tease|some friendlier overtones]] in her relationship with Akihisa.
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* [[Marilyn Maneuver]] -- Yuuji's [[We Need a Distraction|bright idea]] [ in Episode 10.] Akihisa thinks Hideyoshi is better for that job.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Yuuko to Masculine Girl to Hideyoshi to Feminine Boy. Yuuko is aggressive and competitive while Hideyoshi is calm. Ironically, Hideyoshi is more popular then Yuuko, possibly due to [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|his]] [[Attractive Bent Gender|looks]].
* [[Meaningful Name]]
** Yuuko: "superior child" (makes sense; she looks like Hideyoshi, but with more brains and athletic talent)
** Hideyoshi: "good esteem"/"good excellence" (given his antiquated speech pattern it's not that far off)
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* [[Nice Guy]] -- While Akihisa may be as [[Oblivious to Love|dense as lead regarding love]] and a total moron, he genuinely is a good guy at heart, and often goes out of his way to help others, such as when Hazuki wanted to buy a stuffed bear that was too expensive. He also tries to help Himeji out by trying to get better equipment for her to study with. And he was the first person to try and befriend Minami when she first moved back to Japan and had a language barrier issue (unfortunately he was trying to reach out to her in French instead of German). Hence one reason why both Himeji and Minami like him.
* [[Nosebleed]] -- [[Loveable Sex Maniac|Kouta]] and [[Idiot Hero|Akihisa]], reaching [[High-Pressure Blood]] and [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]] levels especially during the [[Pool Episode]]. But Kouta easily tops Akihisa in this department, so much so he even brings with him a blood bag. Nosebleeds are treated with a significant amount of lampshading throughout the whole series, to the point that they often play an impact on the scene itself.
* [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased]] -- One reason why Yuuji is so turned off by Shouko (in addition to her [[Yandere]] traits).
* [[Oblivious to Love]] -- No, Akihisa. Mizuki ''doesn't'' like Yuuji, and Minami ''doesn't'' beat you up [[Tsundere|for no reason at all]].
** Minami, when Miharu acts all mushy towards you and all violent towards the one guy you secretly like, you should know something's up.
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* [[Tsundere]]
** Minami shows her love for Akihisa with [[Wrestler in All of Us|wrestling locks]] like the figure four and head lock, to name a few. She practically fits this trope to a T, calling the guy an idiot and being unable to confess. Thus, her image song is aptly named "Tsundere Dou" -- "The Way of the Tsundere".
** Yuuji has moments of this toward Shouko after he saved her in Episode 12.
* [[Tranquil Fury]] -- Both Yuuji and Akihisa display this in the final battle of episode 13 in Season 2 after hearing Mizuki scream at the two class A students who were insulting the two guys and getting disqualified. Instead of getting [[Hot-Blooded]], they instead trick the two students into a wild goose chase, then lure them out of the physics field where they're strong, and instead force them to fight in the math field, where they were weakened from a previous fight, and thereby [[Curb Stomp Battle|defeating them pretty easily.]]
* [[Transformation Sequence]] -- Calling forth a summon has a lot of flash and flare to go with it, but only Hideyoshi gets a full transformation sequence, which he even lampshades.
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* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]] -- All over the place. Especially when Akihisa pulled off a climax by throwing a pencil in Episode 13. You'd probably study harder if it allowed you to win epic wars between chibi avatars.
** 80% of the drama in this show stems from prejudices formed among the different classes. Racism is treated very seriously for those people who....... get different grades?
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] -- {{spoiler|Miharu}} delivers one to {{spoiler|Yoshi}} about the way {{spoiler|he treats Minami}}.
* [[Which Restroom Dilemma]] -- Hideyoshi. [[Take a Third Option|The solution is rather creative.]]
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]