Baldur's Gate/Characters/Other Party Members: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]
* [[The Generic Guy]] - He's a fighter with nondescript stats and no special abilities.
** That said, his Constitution is very high and his Intelligence 15 is unusual (if useless) for a fighter. (Strangely his INT is only 12 if recruited at level 1 without a bugfix, due to a typo in the game engine.)
*** There is some evidence to suggest that Khalid was meant to be a Fighter/Mage. There are also mods that restore him to this status.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]] - Against Viconia, but to be fair, she ''is'' evil.
** Surface elves and Drow have a very antagonistic relationship, as seen in BG2.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Rob Paulsen, who has also done [[Pinky and The Brain|Pinky]]. Not that you could tell, though.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]] - Not surprising given his backstory, but he's never happy.
* [[Put on a Bus]] - Despite being a fairly popular character in the first game, he doesn't even make a cameo in the commercially released sequel. There are fan mods which put him back in however.
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* [[Rebellious Princess]] - Similar to Nalia in BG2, she's a noblewoman rather than a princess. Her rebelliousness isn't motivated as much by idealism as Nalia's is.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]
* [[True Neutral]]:
* [[Virginity Makes You Stupid]] - It's not clear whether the literal definition of this trope technically applies or not, but the setup between her and Eldoth is a classic case.
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* [[Nature Hero]] - Crosses the line into Nature [[Anti-Hero]] or worse in BG2 however.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - In BG1 she's a nondescript druid in gameplay terms and fairly even-tempered in personality despite her philosophy; in the sequel she's much more powerful, as well as much more ruthless.
* [[True Neutral]] -
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]] - She transforms into a panther when you fight her.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] - Of the eco-terrorist variety.
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** It's a bit more complicated than that. In most respects, an Elf of 25 is fully grown, although not considered emotionally mature until 100. However, since elves don't become fertile until around 100, it's still confusing.
* [[Insufferable Genius]] - What makes him truly insufferable is the fact that he's far from being the game's smartest character and comes off more as just a jerk.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Joke Character]] - About as close as any character in these games get. You get him late in the game and with poor ability scores and low HP he's one of the weakest spellcasters in the game.
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]] - Compared to Korgan and Kagain, he's really different, but Yeslick is probably the closest one you can get to classic Tolkien-style dwarves.
* [[Put on a Bus]] - Yeslick is not encountered, or even mentioned at all in BG2, so his fate after the first game is unknown.
* [[The Rival]]: Kagain. Yeslick remarks that while all dwarves are family, he refuses to see Kagain as such.
* [[Shout-Out]] - One of his annoyed quotes is him singing 'Lali Ho!' from ''[[Snow White (Disney film)|Snow White]]''.
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* [[The Rival]] - To Eldoth, whom he HATES.
* [[Spoony Bard]]: He's not all that useful a character. Lampshaded in the sequel, where he can admit that he's not a very good bard.
* [[Shout-Out]] - To [[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail|Brave Sir Robin!]]
** Not to mention the whole bit with the paladin and the gnome is a clear take on ''[[Cyrano De Bergerac]]''.
** When in a city, he may also spontaneously sing, "'Tis a beautiful day in the neighborhood!", similar to the opening song of ''Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood''. He will also recite part of ''Trees'' by Joyce Kilmer ("I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree") when he's in the woods with your party. His voice is really low, though, so it's hard to hear what he's saying without turning on the subtitles.
* [[Tenor Boy]] - A standard example. Actually, he and everybody related to him could easily be stock characters in a comic opera, including their voice types, so it was probably intentional.
* [[Walking the Earth]] - His approach to the adventuring life.
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* [[Back Stab]] - Like any self-respecting D&D thief.
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]] - Despite the fact that he's [[The Mole|secretly working for Irenicus]], he does come to care for the rest of the party and hate himself for betraying them. He's magically compelled to do so anyway, however.}}
* [[Booby Trap]] - As a bounty hunter, he specializes in setting them.
* [[The Charmer]] - In a game full of people as varied as ''Baldur's Gate'', the only person Yoshimo doesn't get along with is Haer'Dalis. {{spoiler|[[Fridge Brilliance|Mostly because Haer'dalis recognizes a fellow actor when he sees one.]]}}
* [[Crutch Character]] - The only single-class thief in the game, has no personality- or alignment conflicts with anyone, and comes with very good trap disarming abilities and bounty hunter traps. The game practically pushes for you to keep him, {{spoiler|but he leaves you at Spellhold no matter what you do and conveniently frees up a slot for Imoen to join.}}
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* [[Naive Newcomer]] - When you first meet her, she hasn't seen much of the world outside of Quayle's circus.
* [[Pregnant Badass]] - Strangely, given her [[Virginity Makes You Stupid|initial]] [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|characterization]], she can spend a good portion of ToB as this, before becoming an [[Action Mom]].
** It gets better. There's a good chance that she'll go into labor in the middle of a dungeon. After delivering the child, she takes a few moments to patch herself up with a few healing spells, then jumps right back to fighting/traveling alongside you with baby in tow.
* [[Sex as Rite-Of-Passage]] - A gender inversion. At the end of her initial romance arc, she will ask the PC to spend the night with her so that she can "become a woman". (It's not ''the'' reason, since she's an utter romantic, but it certainly comes up.) Needless to say, this is the ''wrong'' move, because she will decide in the morning that she's not ready for such a close relationship yet and puts it on hold. Telling her that there is more than that to love and that she should wait until she's more certain of her feelings is the right move. In the expansion pack, she and the PC {{spoiler|apparently get intimate quite a bit, as Jan will observe. She also becomes pregnant with the PC's child.}}
* [[Shrinking Violet]] - At first. She [[Took a Level In Badass|gets more assertive]] later on.
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* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] - He wants to go on one after Saerk murders his sister. You can convince him not to, however. {{spoiler|Saerk isn't guilty, either, which will only torment the poor guy more if Saerk's been murdered when he finds out.}}
** It's kinda worse than that. {{spoiler|Initially there's not enough evidence to determine whether Saerk killed Anomen's sister or not. If Anomen murders Saerk, later it turns out Saerk isn't guilty. But if Anomen doesn't go after Saerk... guess what, it turns out Saerk hired the men who killed her.}}
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]] - He boasts incessantly about both his status as a member of the Order of the Radiant Heart and the many battles in which he's fought, but he's still a squire and hasn't even been knighted at the time he's encountered.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] - Anomen has daddy issues up the ass.
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* [[Blood Knight]]... Sword... Errr..
* [[Catch Phrase]] - "So, are we gonna kill something now?"
* [[The Ditz]] - To the degree that his backstory reveals what he was best known for as a human was as an idiot.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]
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* [[Shout-Out]]: [[Wolverine|I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do ain't pretty.]]
** "My brother's a +12 [[Hackmaster]]!"
* [[Talking Weapon]]
* [[Was Once a Man]] - It's unclear whether it's the actual spirit of Lilarcor that lives on inside the weapon or if it's just a constructed personality modelled after the human. Or whether or not that would make any difference in the slightest.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]] - He ''really'' doesn't like forges.