Baldur's Gate/Characters/Other Party Members: Difference between revisions

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** He is hardly useless though. Even if he is gotten too late to adequately fill the party's needs for a thief, he handles the "Fighter" part of his Fighter/Thief multiclass very well. While his relatively low Strength (for a Fighter) means his decent sword skills will pretty much go to waste, his anomalistically high Dexterity and his bow skills make him the best archer in the game and he's still fairly useful all-around.
* [[Casanova]] - A relatively sympathetic one, in contrast to Eldoth.
** YMMV--whetherYMMV—whether you still hold this opinion once you take him into Baldur's Gate will vary depending on the person.
* [[Chaotic Good]]
* [[Chocolate Baby]] - His former lover is human, as is her husband. The fact that her child was a half-elf is what tipped him off that she was playing away from home.
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* [[Gaia's Vengeance]] - What she believes she's out to inflict.
* [[Green Thumb]] - Inverted in BG2; her drawing energy from the forest in order to "protect" it is actually killing it.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] - Her justification for her actions. Suffice it to say, Cernd and Jaheira both disagree with her.
* [[In Harmony with Nature]] - Subverted. Faldorn's obsession with protecting nature leads her to destroy it instead.
* [[Knight Templar]] - Or [[Nature Hero]] Templar.
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]] - Goes along with [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], above.
* [[Nature Hero]] - Crosses the line into Nature [[Anti-Hero]] or worse in BG2 however.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - In BG1 she's a nondescript druid in gameplay terms and fairly even-tempered in personality despite her philosophy; in the sequel she's much more powerful, as well as much more ruthless.
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Associated tropes:
* [[Abusive Parents]] - He has a drunkard father that abuses the hell out of him--thoughhim—though only verbally, now that he's extremely fit and strong.
* [[The Alcoholic]] - Or son of [[The Alcoholic]], as the case may be.
* [[Badass Boast]] - Anomen tends to brag about awesome, near-impossible battles he saw action in, though it's very debatable that he ever participated. There's a good chance he's rather intimidated by CHARNAME's resume and is just trying to measure up.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Particularly aggravating when directed at Mazzy, who is far nearer to the Paladin ideal than he could ever be, race restrictions or not.
* [[Feuding Families]] - His family has an ongoing feud with another noble family in Amn, which leads to his character-specific [[subquest]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]] - Much of his [[Jerkass|jerkasseryjerkass]]ery is suggested to be a result of his family background.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] - Anomen is deeply concerned with honor and the law, and wants to be a noble paladin. But because his alignment starts out as a variation of Neutral, the game engine will make him start complaining if you do too many good deeds.
** There's also the fact that he's a Fighter/Cleric dual-classed character with a WIS score of 12. It suits his character, but under the rules of the game it shouldn't be allowed.
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* [[Double Entendre]] - He drops a few of them, particularly if Mazzy's around.
{{quote|Just so's ye know, I have somethin' long, hard, and low to the ground yer free to touch and fondle if ye wish. No need to glare, girlie: I was talkin' about me axe!}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]] - One of the ''very'' few decent things you ever hear him say only occurs if you pursue Jan Jansen's personal quest to help his friend's child. When it comes to light that the little girl's catatonia stems from being physically abused by her father, Korgan -- whoKorgan—who we must remind you is an [[Ax Crazy]] murdering bastard -- condemnsbastard—condemns the actions leading to her condition:
{{quote|'''Korgan:''' Ehhh, there be many things I would do gladly. Harming children be not one of them. Her man be a cur and not worthy of the spittle on me boot.}}
* [[Evil Counterpart]] - To Minsc.
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* [[Luke, You Are My Father]] - Well, ancestor, but yeah, this is what Valygar tells Lavok.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]] - Bizarrely, it happens to him a few times.
* [[Nay Theist]] - He lives in a world where the gods are an inarguable fact of life--hecklife—heck, he's travelling around with the son of a dead god! But he also notes that many gods are psychotic [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]es, so he needs a better reason than their existence to worship them. Which is a pretty gutsy stance, considering the atheist afterlife in the Realms is to be shoved into a teeming wall of slowly-decaying souls for all eternity.
* [[Neutral Good]]:
* [[Odd Friendship]] - Valygar will, against his will, become Mazzy Fentan's squire, though he doesn't really resist and comes to enjoy it.
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'''Voiced by:''' Jennifer Hale }}
Mazzy is a halfling fighter who would be a paladin if 2nd edition allowed it. As it is, she's the closest thing to a halfling paladin possible. She's beyond good, among the goodest of [[NPC|NPCs]]s, and traveled with an adventuring party until its destruction. She follows you mostly because you saved her life.
Associated Tropes:
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* [[Green Thumb]] - The reason he's bent on investigating what's happening at the Druid Grove.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Jason Marsden does a lot of cartoon work these days, which may make it something of a weird experience if you pick up the game now.
* [[Ice Cream Koan]] - Cernd speaks almost entirely in [[Koan|koanskoan]]s, some of which are meaningful, some of which are meaningful but pointlessly elaborate, and some of which are [[Ice Cream Koan|just plain gibberish]].
** Sometimes he is called on it...
{{quote|Cernd: As the trees are buffeted and snapped in the face of the gale, I shall be as the bamboo and flex.
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* [[Insult to Rocks]] - In reference to Isaea:
{{quote|"He is a complete and total ''bastard'', and calling him that insults bastards everywhere!"}}
* [[Just Like Robin Hood]] - [[Lampshade|Lampshaded]]d by her quote above, not that we actually see her do much stealing.
* [[Neutral Good]] - In ToB, she mellows out and becomes [[Neutral Good]].
* [[Rebellious Princess]] - She's a noblewoman, not a princess, but yeah.