Baldur's Gate/Characters/Other Party Members: Difference between revisions

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* [[Psychopathic Manchild]] - At time he can come across as this.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]] - In the first game, his goals are noble, his methods and motivations anything but.
* [[Shout -Out]] - To Robert J. Oppenheimer, one of the creators of the atomic bomb, and indirectly to the ''Bhagavad Gita'':
{{quote| "I am become death, destroyer of worlds!"}}
** Also:
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* [[Those Two Bad Guys]] - With (who else?) Montaron.
* [[Whatevermancy]] - He's a necromancer.
* [[With Friends Like These...]] - He and Montaron.
:: '''Montaron'''
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* [[Psycho for Hire]] - How he ends up working for the Zhentarim.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]
* [[With Friends Like These...]] - He and Xzar.
:: '''Xan'''
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* [[The Fatalist]]
* [[Got Me Doing It]] - Indirectly: an extremely minor character in [[Icewind Dale]] named Erevain realizes that he's complaining so much that he's beginning to sound like his cousin Xan.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - [[Jeff Bennett]], who also does the voice of Cespenar and Jan.
* [[Lawful Neutral]]:
* [[The Mean Brit]] - Or 'the suicidally depressed brit'.
* [[Our Elves Are Better]] - A subversion in that Xan doesn't care and thinks every race is equal in the extent of how doomed they are.
* [[Shout -Out]] - There's an offhand mention to Xan, and through him Baldur'sGate, in Erevain's journal in [[Icewind Dale]].
* [[Sour Supporter]] - All the way.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]] - Against Viconia, but to be fair, she ''is'' evil.
** Surface elves and Drow have a very antagonistic relationship, as seen in BG2.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Rob Paulsen, who has also done [[Pinky and The Brain|Pinky]]. Not that you could tell, though.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]] - Not surprising given his backstory, but he's never happy.
* [[Put On a Bus]] - Despite being a fairly popular character in the first game, he doesn't even make a cameo in the commercially released sequel. There are fan mods which put him back in however.
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* [[Casanova]]
* [[Gold Digger]] - His method of supporting himself.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - When not being a womanizing jerk, Eldoth is [[Mass Effect|reciting entries from the galactic Codex]]. With Neil Ross on the cast, it almost makes you wonder why they chose [[Kevin Michael Richardson]] as the narrator instead of a man who is largely associated with those kinds of roles.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Love Triangle]] - between he, Garrick, and Skie.
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* [[Face Heel Turn]] - One of only a few characters to go from a playable character in the first game to a villain in the second.
* [[Facial Markings]]
* [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance]] - What she believes she's out to inflict.
* [[Green Thumb]] - Inverted in BG2; her drawing energy from the forest in order to "protect" it is actually killing it.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]] - Her justification for her actions. Suffice it to say, Cernd and Jaheira both disagree with her.
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* [[Retcon]] - And not a particularly smooth one. In the first game there's no mention of him running a circus or having an adopted elf daughter; see [[Fridge Logic]] above.
* [[The Rival]] - To Tiax, whom he absolutely despises in every way.
* [[Shout -Out]] - [[The Simpsons|Check the quote]].
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]] - The one thing that he and Tiax have in common.
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* [[Put On a Bus]] - Yeslick is not encountered, or even mentioned at all in BG2, so his fate after the first game is unknown.
* [[The Rival]]: Kagain. Yeslick remarks that while all dwarves are family, he refuses to see Kagain as such.
* [[Shout -Out]] - One of his annoyed quotes is him singing 'Lali Ho!' from ''[[Snow White (Disney)|Snow White]]''.
::'''Ajantis Ilvastarr'''
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* [[The Rival]] - To Eldoth, whom he HATES.
* [[Spoony Bard]]: He's not all that useful a character. Lampshaded in the sequel, where he can admit that he's not a very good bard.
* [[Shout -Out]] - To [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|Brave Sir Robin!]]
** Not to mention the whole bit with the paladin and the gnome is a clear take on ''[[Cyrano De Bergerac]]''.
** When in a city, he may also spontaneously sing, "'Tis a beautiful day in the neighborhood!", similar to the opening song of ''Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood''. He will also recite part of ''Trees'' by Joyce Kilmer ("I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree") when he's in the woods with your party. His voice is really low, though, so it's hard to hear what he's saying without turning on the subtitles.
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* [[Put On a Bus]] - Along with lots of others.
** Her character files appear in the sequel and she can be summoned with the console, so she was intended to be in the game at some point. That would have made her the only pure thief in the game besides Yoshimo.
* [[Shout -Out]] - To [[Ren and Stimpy]], of all things.
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* {{spoiler|[[Happily Married]] - The end of her romance arc with CHARNAME has her demanding him in marriage. You can accept the offer or not but it won't matter since you'll be married in the epilogue anyway.}}
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]] - Her epilogue if she's not romanced, as she goes on a vengeance spree against Sword Coast slaver rings. She eventually manages to calm down and returns to her home after springing some fellow Avariel from slavery.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Voiced by the ever-sweet-voiced Kath Soucie.
* [[The Ingenue]] - At first.
* [[Last Girl Wins]] - If you choose her over Jaheira and Viconia, who are both met during the events of the first game.
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** Furthermore, he has lines like "Point the sword and I shall strike!" but as a fighter/cleric, he can't use any type of sword.
*** [[Painting the Medium|It's because the mouse cursor becomes a sword when you hover over the enemy.]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - [[Pinky and The Brain|"NARF!"]] Sadly, his dialogue with Yoshimo contains no [[Actor Allusion]].
* [[I Have No Son]] - If he refuses to take revenge for his sister's death, his father disowns him.
* [[Impoverished Patrician]] - Not quite, as his family still has a rather posh estate in Athkatla, but his father is in financial trouble and they seem to be on their way to this.
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** He also gets quite lethal in ''Throne of Bhaal'' since he's the only one of two NPCs who can get thief High-Level Abilities, and has illusionist magic and mage HLAs on top of it.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]] - He's generally incapable of taking things seriously, but in the sidequest during which his former love and her child are endangered he credibly threatens to open up a can of whoopass on his antagonist.
* [[Meaningful Name]] - Shares the name of a [[Playground Song]] that plays out the same way as '[http://en.[ song that never ends|The Song That Never Ends]]' -- that is to say, ''[http://en.[ yonson|it never does]]''. Neither, of course, does his rambling.
* [[Motor Mouth]] - Talks more than just about any other character, usually just to tell another pointless story involving turnips. Luckily, most of them are [[Plucky Comic Relief|pretty]] [[Crowning Moment of Funny|amusing]].
* [[The Munchausen]] - And how.
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* [[Expy]]: Exotic, tattooed, bisexual, dual-wielding, rogue-esque elf with fatalist views and associated with birds? Are we talking about Haer'Dalis or [[Dragon Age|Zevran]] here?
** That should be the other way around- Our lovable Blade can't be the expy if he came 10-odd years before Zevran. Aside from aesthetics, they're actually quite different characters.
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]] - Bards were basically this in 2nd edition.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] - Averted as Haer'Dalis is a Blade, a specific type of Bard that specializes in theatrical, balletic fighting. By profession he's an actor who apparently specializes in action-oriented leading man roles.
* [[Gentleman Thief]] - He presents himself as such when first encountered. He becomes available after being rescued from a powerful wizard, who had caught Haer'Dalis in the act of burglarizing his home to steal a gem, and magically enslaved him. When you free him from this condition, Haer'Dalis admits that he'd come to acquire the gem but takes offense if you call him a thief.
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* [[Odd Friendship]] - Valygar will, against his will, become Mazzy Fentan's squire, though he doesn't really resist and comes to enjoy it.
* [[The Quiet One]] - He'll talk, but usually only when other characters talk to him first.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]] - Not that his parents gave him much of a choice.
* [[The Stoic]] - Valygar would prefer to be this, but he always has to voice his opinion.
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* [[For Great Justice]] - Though she tends to be a bit more subtle about it than Minsc or Keldorn.
* [[Healing Hands]] - One of her paladin-like powers.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Jennifer Hale also voices Dynaheir, [[Planescape Torment|Fall-from-Grace]], [[Knights of the Old Republic|Bastila Shan]], [[Mass Effect|(Female) Commander Shepard]], [[Metroid|Samus Aran]], [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar Kyoshi]], and (most ironically of all) [[Justice League|Giganta]].
* [[Hobbits]] - And a nice variation from the typical good-hearted-but-mischievous-rogue type.
* [[Hope Bringer]] - One of her unique special powers is the ability to inspire courage in allies.
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* [[Lawful Good]]: The most upright kind imaginable, without being [[Lawful Stupid]].
* [[Love Potion]] - Her main sidequest involves one of these.
* [[The Napoleon]] - She doesn't like it when people picks on her due to her size, but she doesn't overcompensate for it. When Minsc compliments her on being so powerful in spite of being so short, she accepts it as a compliment after realizing that Minsc is too earnest to use [[Double -Speak]] to insult people.
* [[No Fourth Wall]] - At one point, Aerie asks why Mazzy isn't officially a Paladin, to which Mazzy will reply that halflings can't become Paladins. Aerie comments that, not long ago, all halflings seemed to be thieves (like in first edition D&D) and that another paradigm shift might come along, and Mazzy's response is that the gods aren't just going to come out and make a 'third edition' of the world.
* [[Odd Friendship]] - She will, completely of her own accord, appoint Valygar as her squire.
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Associated Tropes:
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]] - Though Cernd's race is not clear, he does dress like a [[Magical Native American]], at least in his character portrait.
* [[Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You]] - Or at least thinks he did.
* [[Disappeared Dad]] - Not something you traditionally associate with druids, but that is in fact his subplot.
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* [[Glorified Sperm Donor]] - How his former wife and {{spoiler|his son}} end up feeling about him.
* [[Green Thumb]] - The reason he's bent on investigating what's happening at the Druid Grove.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Jason Marsden does a lot of cartoon work these days, which may make it something of a weird experience if you pick up the game now.
* [[Ice Cream Koan]] - Cernd speaks almost entirely in [[Koan|koans]], some of which are meaningful, some of which are meaningful but pointlessly elaborate, and some of which are [[Ice Cream Koan|just plain gibberish]].
** Sometimes he is called on it...
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* [[Heroes Want Redheads]] - Averted. Of the female NPCs who aren't either halflings or related to the main character by blood, she's the only one who can't be romanced.
** [[Fridge Brilliance]] - because she isn't a (half) elven divine caster!
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Averted. She is voiced by the same actress as Viconia, despite the fact that the two are near polar opposites in personality, but unless you know that you'd have a hard time telling.
* [[Insufferable Genius]] - Shows shades of it in ToB.
* [[Insult to Rocks]] - In reference to Isaea:
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* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Performed by the rather prolific VA, Jason Marsden, who also voices Ajantis and Cernd.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]] - If the player character talks to him, he will point out how odd it is that someone would actually initiate a conversation with a freaking weapon. Granted he's a [[Talking Weapon]], but still...
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: [[Wolverine|I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do ain't pretty.]]
** "My brother's a +12 [[Hackmaster]]!"
* [[Talking Weapon]]