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This woman is a [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|rapist]], [[Torture Technician|torturer]], or [[Domestic Abuse|Domestic Abuser]]. Her abusiveness [[Romanticized Abuse|makes her sexy]], just like her [[Bastard Boyfriend|male counterpart]]. Like him, she is based on the [[Rule of Sexy]].
She is more likely than her male counterpart to be a temporary sexual encounter rather than a long-term girlfriend. And while the victim of a [[Bastard Boyfriend]] tends to come across as a lovable [[The Woobie|Woobie]] or sexy [[Love Martyr]], some stories with a [[Bastard Girlfriend]] make her victims come across as [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|deserving whatever they get]], or that [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|sexual acts done by females don't really count]]. There's also sometimes a naive attitude that such a thing [[All Abusers Are Male|can never happen for real anyway]].
Abusively sexy women often come off as one of three character types that are distinct but [[The Same but More Specific|too specific]] to have pages of their own:
* An '''Abusively Sexy Lady''' is classy, high status, and often [[Wicked Cultured]] kind of [[Brains and Bondage]]. She is likely to be beautiful...and this can be part of the [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful|justification]] for her heinous acts.
* An '''Abusively Sexy Bitch''' is tacky and trashy, and may border on [[Abhorrent Admirer]]. This kind of character ''can'' be ugly, at least [[Hollywood Homely|by hollywood standards]].
* An '''Abusively Sexy Girl''' is a teenager rather than a mature adult. Ironically, her hotness is excused and made more socially acceptable by her abusiveness, [[Double Standard Abuse (Female On Male)|since it underscores that she is most definitely "not getting exploited".]] It may also mean that, [[Naive Newcomer|since the girl's very young and thus likely to be immature/unexperienced]], either [[Innocently Insensitive|she doesn't seem to truly understand]] the horrid psychological effects of her abuse, or she has been taught to believe that it's okay to treat men that way (Maybe [[Straw Feminist|by other women]]).
In any variation, she may be a [[Manipulative Bitch]] as well as a [[Magnificent Bitch]]. If she gets called out on her actions, don't be surprised if she pulls a [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]] to get "rescued" from her ''victim''.
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Also, it's not a matter of personal preference: when adding or editing examples that you personally don't consider sexy, please abstain from snarky comments about the authors/actors.
In many cases, also a subtrope of [[Double Standard Abuse (Female On Male)]]. Compare ''and'' contrast [[Casual Kink]] as well as [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual]], for characters who live out BDSM fantasies ''and'' show the kind of ethical restraint needed in [[Real Life]]. Fictional characters who do not show such restraint are usually not intended to send a message that [[Bondage Is Bad]].
Also compare to [[Dominatrix]], who keeps the "abuse" strictly in the bedroom. Contrast [[Domestic Abuser]] and [[Unsexy Sadist]]. Strongly related to [[All Women Areare Doms, All Men Areare Subs]].
As this is a rape trope, '''[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]!'''
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* Akane and Shampoo in ''[[Ranma One Half]]'' tend to fall into different variations of this. Shampoo often doesn't hesitate to transform herself into a cat while clearly knowing Ranma is deeply scared of cats, and seems to enjoy treating Mousse miserably. In regaqrds to Akane she's more of an explosive type, beating Ranma without mercy when he presses her [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]].
* Early ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]''. [ Using false incrimination as a means of blackmail for exclusively material gains] is [[Kick the Dog|pretty despicable]].
* Athena of ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler (Manga)|Hayate the Combat Butler]]'' used to [[Training From Hell|teach Hayate with kicks to the gut]] (he complained), when he had to be able to support her for the rest of her life when they were both around 6 years old. Athena is of the ASB variety, who ''does'' get better ''and'' shows [[Hidden Depths]] {{spoiler|(in her case, she's a girl driven into almost complete despair for being trapped in a [[Gilded Cage]], and later, is the victim of [[Demonic Possession]]).}}. But her haters [[Ron the Death Eater|love to ignore it]] [[Die for Our Ship|for the sake of]] [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]].
* Haruka Hasegawa from ''[[Moyashimon]]'' constantly pummels Misato and Kawahama for being slackers or otherwise annoying her. However, while Misato and Kawahama both consider her hot, they're turned off and intimidated by her bad temper.
* [[Dark Chick|Adiane the Elegant]] from ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' is horrendously abusive to [[Iron Woobie|Viral]] when he becomes her subordinate. This is treated like part of his [[Badass Decay]] and played for laughs.
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** Faith especially, who (at the absolute nadir of her sanity) holds a protesting Xander down in her bed, and seems entirely undecided about whether she's going to rape him, murder him, or both.
** Even Buffy herself with Spike in Season 6. Buffy actually breaks down crying when she discovers she didn't [[Came Back Wrong|come back wrong]], as it means that all the twisted things she's been doing for the past few months can't be blamed on some 'demon' part of her.
* [[Farscape (TV)|Grayza]] is an interesting case. Her treatment of Crichton is played as a major aversion of [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)]].
* On the season two episode of ''[[Titus]]'', Christopher goes to the funeral of his ex-girlfriend, Noelle, who, despite her verbal and physical abuse, he stayed with because "the booty was great".
* Lila in S2 of ''[[Dexter]]''. Completely abuses her position as addiction sponser with Dexter and even sets her own apartment on fire when she senses she's losing his attention in favour of Rita and the kids. Acts the doe-eyed damsel in distress when it suits her, but turns violent when thwarted, and is definitely the aggressor in any sexual relationships she indulges in. {{spoiler|After Dexter leaves her, she engages in rough sex with Angel, dopes herself with Rohypnol, and files rape charges, telling Dexter she'll drop the charges if he takes her back.}}
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== Web Comics ==
* PeeJee and Aubrey in ''[[Something Positive]]'' used to put their friends in hospital on a regular basis and sought out random strangers to assault when they got bored of that. Usually, they preferred to attack men, but they had no qualms against violence towards their fellow women. Both seem to have settled down somewhat recently, though. Rarely in the comic do men harm women, and [[Double Standard Abuse (Female On Male)|usually, they got called out for it]], but, admittedly, Davan did [[Grievous Harm With a Body|beat the two up with his cat]] once. Kim outdid them all, though, {{spoiler|when she raped an unconscious Davan. [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|He seemed remarkably calm about this]], but then Davan remains astonishingly detached in a lot of situations.}}
* ''[[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]]'':
** Vriska
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