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== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[NeedlessNEEDLESS]]'' is full of this. It can best be described as sort of a [[Fist of the North Star]] parody stuffed with [[Post Modernism]]. There is a story arc called the ''Bloody Rain Arc'', which is changed to the ''Mustache Arc'' after several characters notice how many characters with mustaches there are. Said arc is filled with [[Lampshade Hanging]] and mustache jokes. Then one of the said mustachioed characters proceeds to kill enough people to make it [[Title Drop|rain blood]].
== Film - Live Action ==
* ''[[The Host (Filmfilm)|The Host]]'' revels in this. The main characters rolling around on the floor and crying together at a funeral is either the saddest scene in the movie, or the funniest, or both. Another dramatic and climactic scene is "ruined" when it turns out that {{spoiler|the gun they were going to use to kill the monster is empty.}}
* A particularly funny example in [[Blazing Saddles]] has former gunslinger "Waco Kid" Jim telling a woeful story of the life of a gunfighter, involving a six-year-old kid challenging him, and ending with "little bastard shot me in the ass!"
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{{quote| Not louder Shrieks to pitying Heav'n are cast,<br />
When Husbands or when Lap-dogs breath their last, }}
* [[Douglas Adams]] was quite fond of this trope. From ''[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'':
{{quote| Why are people born? Why do they die? And why do they spend much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?}}
* Stand-up comedian and author Lewis Grizzard uses this trope extensively in his routines and writing. From his memorial column for his dog Catfish:
{{quote| I don’t know why I named him what I named him. He was all curled up in a blanket on my back seat. And I looked at him and it just came out. I called him, “Catfish.” I swear he raised up from the blanket and acknowledged. Then he severely fouled the blanket and my back seat.}}
* Common throughout ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)|The Dresden Files]]''. Top prize probably goes to asking a {{spoiler|faerie hit-''thing''}} for a donut.
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|Eldest Brother Gruff}}''': [[Ye Olde Butchered English|Likest thou jelly within thy donut]]?<br />
'''Harry''': Nay, but with sprinkles 'pon it, and frosting of white. }}
* Found throughout [[PGP. WodehouseG. (Creator)Wodehouse|PG Wodehouse]]'s work. A spectacular example is present in ''[[Jeeves and Wooster (Literaturenovel)|Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit]]'', with a florid poem describing a sunset that ends with "I say / Doesn't that sunset remind you / Of a slice / Of underdone roast beef?"
* While arguably having its moments of [[Narm]] also, ''[[Stationery Voyagers]]'' is not above intentionally including some dark humor by its juxtaposing of a serious situation with a [[Large Ham]]. Cindy has a [[Bond One-Liner]] in "Night of the Whiteout" that especially qualifies:
{{quote| "Happy Thanksgiving...[[Fantastic Slurs|turkey's]] [[Crosses the Line Twice|in the oven]]!"}}
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[One Foot in Thethe Grave]]'': Nearly every episode, a serious conversation was interrupted with something completely ludicrous, such as finding a wig in a loaf of bread, or Victor discovering that a workman planted a Yucca plant actually ''in'' the downstairs toilet.
* ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]'' delved into this from time to time. In "War Stories," Mal and Wash have a very domestic argument while being tortured, much to the bemusement of the torturer. In this particular example, Mal was ''deliberately'' antagonizing Wash to keep him from breaking.
* In ''[[Community (TV)|Community]]'', Abed gives a breathtaking monologue about appearing on an episode of [[Cougar Town]], in which he questions his entire identity and the point of being interested in popular culture. The entire speech culminates with him [[Bring My Brown Pants|"pooping"]] himself.
* ''[[Look Around You]]'' is a parody of 1970s [[BBC]] educational videos, using Bathos for most of its humor.
* ''[[Wilfred]]'', in both the Australian original and American remake.
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* The ''player'' can intentionally create Bathos in ''[[Resonance of Fate]]''. Thanks to its [[Virtual Paper Doll]]-like clothing and accessories, you can have your characters wearing almost clown-like attire during the most serious of scenes.
** You can extend that to any game where you can put on joke costumes, and the costumes show during cutscenes.
* Because ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island (Video Game)|The Secret of Monkey Island]]'' was originally planned as a serious game, all of the artwork is highly realistic and gritty. When the devs decided instead to go for comedy, providing both hilarious dialogue and absurd situations (such as the famous case of crossing a chasm by means of a rubber-chicken-with-a-pulley-in-the-middle, lovingly drawn in the highest style 8 bit graphics had to offer), this contrasted with the game's appearance to heighten the humour potential. The sequel continued in this style, but then creator Ron Gilbert left the company, and the games since have used a more overtly cartoony style. Fans are hotly divided over which is best.
* In ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', the Naughty Nightwear item boosts your Speech skill by ten points, leading to cases where you're trying to defuse a hostage situation, talk your way into a restricted area, or decide the fate of the entire Mojave Wasteland... while wearing a set of cheesy leopard-print pajamas or skimpy neglige, depending on your gender.
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]]'' uses this very frequently, often in conjunction with [[Mood Whiplash]]. John makes a dramatic and somewhat [[Mind Screw]]-y discovery about his and his best friends' parentage--and then he uses the event to reenact the ending scene of [[Con Air|one of his favorite movies]]. Scenes of well-loved characters dying are accompanied by shots of the dead body landing on a pile of bike horns, or references to [[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff|an intentionally-bad comic-within-the-comic]], or simply a blunt [[Unsound Effect]] "DEAD".
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* The [[Memetic Mutation|infamous]] [ pea scene] from ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]''. [[It Makes Sense in Context]].
* ''the Farnsworth Parabox'' in ''[[Futurama]]'' has Farnsworth warning near the end: "Everything that ever was, is, and will be is contained in this box, and the actual box is probably worth something as well."
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'': "Luna Eclipsed" sees the Mayor of Ponyville using a spooky voice... only for her clown costume to utterly kill the effect.
** In "It's About Time," Twilight Sparkle's dead-serious proclamation of incoming doom comes close to being ignored due to the Groucho Marx glasses she's wearing due to a collision with a metric ton of party-supplies