Batman/Characters/Arkham Series: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bad Boss]]: Threatens his men with death if they don't succeed at following his orders... and then muses that killing them would probably be fun anyway. Lampshaded, since after these announcements, many of his men can be heard grumbling about how much it sucks working for the Joker.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: The events of the first game could've been avoided entirely or drastically changed if someone had put proper handcuffs behind Joker's back, or simply left him in full restraints.
** Another possibility would be when he yells "boo" at the medic, while 4 or 5 guards are pointing rifles. If just one of those guards had [[Boom! Headshot!|overreacted...]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the first game.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Ensemble]]: With Hugo Strange in Arkham City.}}
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* [[Foreshadowing]]: He pretty much {{spoiler|spoils the ending of Arkham City}} if you choose not to jump out of the church immediately when he activates the bombs.
* [[For the Evulz]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: Pun aside, The Joker's last words were a weak, amused chuckle and claiming that Batman's statement that despite what he continuously does, he still would have saved Joker had he not attempted to knife Batman in the back, was actually pretty very funny.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Some of the Joker's finishers invoke this trope.
* [[Gross Up Close -Up]]: The first time Joker reveals his mangled face in ''Arkham City''.
* [[Happily Married]]: One of the Joker mooks will mention that he heard that Joker and Harley Quinn got married, whereas the other mentioned that he heard that he dumped her several months ago. Given the fact that she's present with the Joker, {{spoiler|not to mention that Quinn (might be) pregnant with what is implied to be Joker's child}}, it's implied that the former part was true, and more or less outright stated in '"Harley Quinn's Revenge" when Quinn calls herself {{spoiler|a widow}}.
** [[Unholy Matrimony]]
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* [[Too Soon]]: Invoked. See [[Kick the Dog]].
* [[Trojan Prisoner]]: Batman is convinced the Joker [[All Too Easy|went down too easily]], during his capture at the beginning of the first game. [[I Surrender, Suckers|Of course, he's right.]]
* [[Villainous WidowsWidow's Peak]]: Goes beyond "Male-pattern baldness" and into "impossibly exaggerated" territory, especially in ''Arkham City.''
* Wild Card: {{spoiler|Strange supplies him with a military arsenal, so that the he'll give Strange a very public reason to wipe him and Arkham City off the face of the earth. However, a Non Standard Game Over reveals that without Batman's intervention the plan fails, the Joker survives Protocol 10 and uses the weaponry to overthrow Gotham.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
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* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]
* [[Green Eyes]]: The game made them particularly striking.
* [[Moral Dilemma]] <--> [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]. While Batman isn't exactly her ''friend'', she does meet this trope twice. The first one, subtly, consisted of helping/saving him when he was confronting the Joker or getting into the vault. It wasn't difficult. The second one was much more grave, and she either had to save Batman from the verge of death or get out of Arkham City with the loot she recently gained. She placed more consideration for this decision.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[Murderous Thighs]]
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* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Batman from Ra's Al Ghul's assassins. Also {{spoiler|saves Batman from asphyxiation in "Harley Quinn's Revenge"}}.
* [[Brought to You By The Letter "S"|Brought To You By The Letter R]]: He also draws an R when spraying Explosive Gel.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Well, he has been trained by [[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]]. And he ''really'' likes whacking people with that staff of his.
* [[Composite Character]]: He ''is'' Tim Drake, but his character design is a combination of his original costume and Damian's. He also has a shaved head like Adult!Damian. His [["Well Done, Son" Guy|coping]] with Batman's [[Jerkass|tendencies towards callousness]] echoes Dick Grayson's own issues prior to making the shift to [[Nightwing]].
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* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]
* [[Woman Scorned]]: She's back in "Harley's Revenge," and she's definitely not fooling around this time around.
* [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]: None of the Joker's Mooks are happy that she has taken over. {{spoiler|Once Joker dies, they say she has become [[Beyond the Impossible|even crazier than he was]].}}
==== Killer Croc/Waylon Jones ====
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Well... formerly black (and from a certain point of view, formerly a man), but definitely scary.
* [[Serial Killer]]: He is responsible for the "disappearance" of hundreds of Gotham vagrants.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: He shows up in the VIP section of the Iceberg Lounge challenge map as a [[Funny Background Event]], [[Smoky GentlemensGentlemen's Club|drinking a glass of brandy and smoking a cigar]].
==== Victor Zsasz ====
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* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Covered With Scars]]: That he made himself.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: His behavior during the story of the first game definitely has shades of this, as he absolutely refuses to confront Batman physically on his own, opting to take a hostage during both of their encounters. Given that he seems capable of killing guards with relative ease, though, it's more likely that [[Know When to Fold 'Em|he's aware of his limitations]].
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: He starts [[The Immodest Orgasm|moaning in anticipation]] when {{spoiler|preparing to kill Dr. Young.}}
* [[Evil Phone]]: His [[Sidequest]] involves a number of them, through which he delivers his sick [[Motive Rant|Motive Rants]].
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* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]: To go along with his rougher look in this incarnation.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Once Batman solves all riddles, the Riddler puts bombs on hostages, which blow up if they stop moving at all, and forces them to walk around the room endlessly. After saving those hostages and subduing the Riddler, Batman puts the bombs on the Riddler and force him to walk around the room instead. Even though Batman and others know that the bombs are deactivated, they just let the Riddler suffer. It's immensely satisfying.}}
* [[Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance]]: Most people, in his [[Sarcasm Mode|humble]] opinion.
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* [[He's Just Hiding]]: In-universe, several of the inmates speculate that Scarecrow was killed by Killer Croc during the events of the first game, but there was evidence (such as [[The Stinger]] in the first game, as well as his gas mask being found near hay as part of a riddle by the Riddler in the second game) that he actually survived.
** {{spoiler|Batman can find a boat in the Arkham City harbor full of fear toxin, documents in Crane's name, and a near-catatonic inmate tied to a chair. Scarecrow definitely set up shop at some point. The numbers stations you can listen to via the cryptographic sequencer also hint at his return.}}
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]]: When Batman gets over a large dose of his Toxin, Crane wisely makes a break for it.
* [[Lean and Mean]]
* [[Level in Boss Clothing]]
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: She didn't support Joker's rebellion, and also {{spoiler|initially}} requested for Batman to stop Joker and his plans because of the negative affects on her plants.
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance]]
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]: Her eyes even seem to ''glow'' green for this incarnation. {{spoiler|Although that's a common effect of being infected with Titan}}.
* [[Green Thumb]]
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** Really, 50% of his dialogue towards Catwoman invokes this.
* [[The Man in The Mirror Talks Back]]: As noted above, his good and evil halves debate whether they should execute Catwoman immediately or hold a trial for her (the evil and good halves supporting the respective actions.)
* [[Two -Faced]]
==== Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot ====
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* [[Feuding Families]]: The Cobblepots and the Waynes apparently did not get along very well, and he also seems to blame the Waynes for his family being financially ruined.
* [[Groin Attack]] / [[Funny Background Event]]: If you look closely when Penguin says to the psychopathic inmates "Come on out, lads! It's initiation time!", you'll notice that while gesturing, he whacks one of his mooks in the family jewels with his umbrella.
* [[High -Class Glass]]: Subverted. See [[Eye Scream]].
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: "Enjoy the copsicle!" (referring to one of the cops frozen by the Ice Gun that Penguin stole from Mr. Freeze).
* [[Jabba Table Manners]]: In the prequel comic.
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* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He's very calm and polite when you speak to him. However, hearing about some of his crimes makes you wish you could break his other leg.
* [[Room Full of Crazy]]: His cell at Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]: It's implied that he killed his parents on their respective holidays.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: Some of his crimes have this angle.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Inverted, especially in comparison to his comics counterpart: All of his crimes were categorized under murder, murder, and murder alone.
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** Judging by Arkham City alone, he barely qualifies as a villain. Unlike others who go on the rampage, he was {{spoiler|kidnapped by Penguin and forced to create a Titan cure by Joker. He even let Batman borrow some of his technology and asks Batman to help his wife.}} Boss battle aside, which was only instigated because [[Poor Communication Kills]], he never went against Batman in this game.
* [[Beehive Barrier]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: If you smash one of the sculptures of Nora that are in the room during the boss fight with him, he loses the [[Creepy Monotone]] and threatens Batman in an ironically almost [[Hot -Blooded]] way.
* [[Body Horror]]: He can only survive in subzero temperatures, but at the same time it looks like the cold is taking its toll on his body.
** For example, his fingers and toes are pitch black from frostbite.
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* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: He has a history of this. He didn't tell his employer about Nora's disease, instead diverting company resources to finding a cure; when his work was discovered, he was accused of industrial espionage, Nora was taken from him, and the [[Freak Lab Accident]] occurred. Later, poor communication is what {{spoiler|causes his fight with Batman}}, though that was not ''entirely'' his fault.
* [[Powered Armor]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: His goggles go red when he's going to freeze things (or people).
* [[Stealth Based Mission]]: Oracle tells Batman when the fight begins not to take Freeze head-on, since Freeze can easily overpower him. The achievement for defeating him is even called "Hide and Seek".
* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]: His obsession with ice and preservation led him to freeze several of his neighbors' pets, an act that landed him in reform school.
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* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]: Wishes for either Hugo Strange or Batman to take his place as the Head of the Demon, and seems almost frightened of the idea of living longer.}}
* [[Disney Villain Death]]/[[Taking You With Me]]: {{spoiler|Batman tackles Ra's Al Ghul out of the tower before it explodes. Ra's attempts to kill Batman by stabbing himself when he grabs him, but Batman evades the blade at the last second, letting him continue to fall with the sword still impaled into him.}}
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]. In Asylum, you can find his corpse. If you go check again after beating the game, [[Sequel Hook|it's gone.]]
* [[Engagement Challenge]]: He actively ''wants'' Bruce with his daughter if it would mean he joins the League of Assassins.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: Though only after {{spoiler|bathing in the Lazarus Pit.}}
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* [[Evil Gloating]]: Seems to enjoy doing this.
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: "Have you ever considered that all of this is ''your'' fault? Your presence ''creates'' these animals..."
** "How does it feel, Wayne? To stand on the very stones that ran with your parents' blood? Do you feel sad? Full of rage? Or does that outfit help bury your feelings, hiding your true self?"
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