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== Helena Kyle traveled through time after being separated from her mother, eventually become the Huntress. ==
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* So... Batman is Tommy Elliot?
== Robin doesn't exist. ==
The Flying Graysons either didn't have a son, or that son died too. When Bruce saw the dying Graysons at the circus, he flashed back to that painful memory when his parents died. This led him to hallucinate a child who wanted revenge for his parents murder, just like young Bruce. Basically the Robin hallucination is what Wayne wishes he could have been when his parents died but couldn't due to lack of training and skills. That is "Robin" is a manifestation of a repressed element of his personality. The original Robin is Bruce's childhood happiness that was destroyed by the murder of his parents, as well as his belief that his parents could be quickly avenged. "Jason Todd" is a reflection of Bruce's early bratty personality and "Tim Drake" is an reflection of Bruce's innate intelligence. Together they paint a portrait of the Bruce Wayne who lost his parents all those years ago. He was a happy child, if occasionally moody/given to temper tantrums, and very bright. All of the other sidekicks are additionally either parts of Bruce's tortured personality, or remnants of memories of his lost parents.
* That would certainly explain why the Robins all look just like a young Bruce Wayne.
** Or why Dick Grayson was allowed to go live with some random rich guy. Apparently his family didn't have any friends in the circus?
** Or why a character like Batman, who relies heavily on stealth, has a partner who wears bright red, yellow, and green. It doesn't matter, because no one else can see Robin.
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== The current Jason Todd isn't the real one ==
His body maybe that of the original, but his spirit might not be the same. It's possible that it's a different soul who ''believes'' he's Jason.
== The real reason the 60s series hasn't been released on video? They can't afford it ==
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** Thank You.
* Well since Superboy Prime is supposedly from our universe it is possible.
== Batman is [[Furry Fandom|a Furry.]] ==
Note how the Detective has many qualities that are ascribed to the [[Furry Fandom]]. For example:
* He identifies himself closely with a particular animal.
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* He's generally reclusive except with others who share his interests.
** That last one describes almost everyone reading this page, regardless of fur.
*** Well, extroverted people tend to be interested in people in general, regardless of their specific interests, while introverts prefer to only associate with those with similar interests.
* This theory is supported by ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]''. When Batman is captured by Lex Luthor, he decides he needs create dissent among the villains and gain allies. He ends up making out with Cheetah (an anthropomorphic feline), and striking a deal with Ultra-Humanite (albino gorilla).
* The one person who goes out of his way to make Batman miserable more often than anyone else is The Joker. And come on, let's face it, the Joker pretty much does everything he does [[For the Evulz|just for shits and giggles]]. He's basically defined by his own sick brand of schadenfreude, deriving his pleasure from the misery of others. The Joker, in short, is a [[Troll]], and trolls often consider furries to be particularly favored targets.
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* Thomas Wayne got his MD at Miskatonic University.
* So what state would that make Gotham in? Rhode Island?
** Northeastern Massachusetts - Specifically Essex County.
== The Joker is Nyarlathotep's avatar. ==
Both seem to exist just to cause chaos for the sake of chaos, and both are good at manipulating people and pulling [[Xanatos Gambit|Xanatos Gambits]]. Joker's makeup is like a mask, reference to the thousand-masked god, perhaps?
* He's more likely a worshipper than an avatar - one who has made a contract of immortality with him for as long as he keeps spreading chaos around him.
* The Joker is ''Nyarlathotep''? Congratulations: you have just come up with a better identity for him than any comic book writer yet has. Although a bit of backstory would be required explaining how this "mask's" powers became diminished. Anyone care to take a shot?
** Easy- Nyarlathotep-as-Joker doesn't have any overt powers because he doesn't want to use powers; Nyarlathotep uses the Joker the same way we use Grand Theft Auto to relax. There is no higher plot; Nyarlathotep just wants to kick back, relax, and cause some chaos and misery on a large scale. The only power he uses is immortality, which is why the Joker has his [[Joker Immunity|immunity]].
*** Frankly, the Joker as a [[Humanoid Abomination]] explains quite a bit. His very blood is poisonous - a tiny bit once left Damian Wayne paralyzed. His ability to survive damage up to and including being shot in the head. His knack for hiding bombs absolutely anywhere, despite the difficulty blending in you'd expect with green hair and chalk white skin. His inhumanly tall teeth. His strength, which exceeds what he should capable of with his skinny frame. The inability of the world's greatest detective to find anything about his past. It would certainly explain what [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|happened]] to [[Mad Love|Dr. Harleen Quinzel]].
* If he isn't an avatar or Nyarlathotep, then he's a friend. I say this because I can image the Joker being [[Chaotic Evil|crazy]] and [[Laughably Evil|hilarious]] enough to be someone Nyarathotep would see as an equal, instead of a tool.
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== The entire DCU is a delusion Bruce is having while locked up at an insane asylum for the rich. ==
... Think about it. All the villains are based on his fellow inmates (it explains their own issues). Superman is the kindly idealistic male nurse father figure, while Wonder Woman is the motherly psychiatrist. The Flash is the resident chemist, and Green Lanterns are the guards. It started so optimistic because he was sent there as a child, but he is getting older. The crisis was him hitting puberty...
* Ironically, Ambush Bug ''is'' real.
** Wasn't there a comic once that hinted at this?
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*** Batman a ninja? What kind of weaponized hallucinogenic flowers are you smoking?
* Batman is a robot.
** No human could do those sorts of things, take and receive that level of punishment, Batman can't be human. Batman is a highly advanced experimental combat android able to withstand bullets, jump across buildings, and punch through walls.
** Once again, the animated series apparently [[media:BatmanIsARobot.jpg|supports this]].
* Next, you'll be saying that Clark Kent is Superman! What audacity!
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* Don't you mean [[Watchmen (comics)|Dan Dreiberg]]? Vigilantes got outlawed in ''one'' universe, so he just got Dr. M. to give him a lift to an alternate one where he could continue to fight crime. But Owlman was already a villain to the denizens of [[The DCU]], so he needed a new theme to avoid confusion...
* Oh, whatever. You're all sheeple. It's obvious Christian Bale is Batman - he's got the voice, he clearly knows his stuff and what better cover would there be for him than actually playing Batman in the movies? None. Exactly.
* Okay, I've lost you all, here. I just want to say that it's obvious that Bruce Wayne's butler, Alfred - the one you occasionally see in pictures with Wayne - is ''totally'' Batman. I mean, you never see him, and you'd ''have'' to be a superhero to keep all of the Wayne mansion tidy! That logically means Bruce Wayne was the first Robin.
* People, people, do the math! What do we know about Batman?
** He's very, very rich--to get all those wonderful toys
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*** Put it together! Who is very very rich, who loves himself terribly, who is very mean and ugly, and who keeps sinking money into Miss USA despite it losing money every year? He is... '''[ DONALD TRUMP!]'''
* You're all wrong...Adam West is Batman! And Christian Bale is actually...the first Robin.
** What are you talking about? Christian Bale couldn't be Robin (of which I suspect there have been at least two or three, possibly as many as five), he's Nightwing. Some paparazzo for the Gotham ''[[Hollywood Hype Machine|Hype Machine]]'' got pictures of him recently wearing a battle suit without a mask (some time after the whole deal with the evac ferries, with all the political stuff that was going down), and it's ''way'' too functional to be Batman. Batman can't even turn his head in that cowl! He doesn't even have a bright yellow "Batman" logo on, and Nightwing's chevron is almost invisible in the dark. I could easily see TV's Adam West as Batman, though. Playing him on TV is the perfect cover, especially since he ''also'' plays [[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents|Catman]], and everyone ''knows'' Catman is as much of an urban legend as Spider-Man.
* This troper is going to make a wild mass guess and say all of the above is the most epic string of comments ever. 'Nuff said.
* This troper thinks that you're all crazy! I'm Batman! * Is beaten up*
* And Batman's not a robot... although he might be [[Mobile Suit Human|a small alien wearing an android body]]. Wait, this means... ... [pause for drama]... Batman is a [[Doctor Who|Dalek]]!
* My theory was always that Kermit the Frog was Batman, and that Bruce Wayne was Cthulhu.
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== Batman is a [[Super Soldier]] ==
There's some evidence that Batman is using requisitioned military equipment. But what if it wasn't requisitioned? What if it was ''issued'' to him by the Government? He's clearly an experimental weapon in the War on Terror, surgically or chemically enhanced to superhuman levels (hence the superhuman feats). Five years from now, assuming the experiment is successful, every city will have its own Bat.
* Adding to this, the Robin's (except Damien, his son) are all variations in the super soldier design (and therefore Bruce's brothers).
** Bruce represented a [[Super Prototype|prototypical]] [[The Mario|all around]] type.
** Dick's "model" had more emphasis placed on [[Fragile Speedster|agility]] and Leadership skills.
** Jason's "model" was an "improved" all around type but his type was later discontinued due to it's [[Psycho Prototype|mental]] [[Gone Horribly Wrong|instability]].
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*** Perhaps this (and the above) theory could apply to Batwoman and Huntress as well.
== The Joker is not human. ==
The Joker is more than one person, both sequentially and simultaneously. The DC Universe is bordering on insane - normal people just can't cope with alien invasions, gods and demons, and superhuman battles on a daily basis - and it needs a safety valve. The Joker exists to bleed off insanity and is more of a psychic entity than anything else. Every time he "dies," a new manifestation emerges, either full-blown out of nowhere or, perhaps, possessing someone and transforming their body. This explains how he never stays dead for long and his wild variations in sanity, stated origin, methodology, purpose, appearance, motivation, and attitude. This also explains how sometimes, very different versions of him can appear simultaneously in different storylines in a short period of time. Either that, or it's just Gotham City that's insane, and the Joker is how ''that'' manifests.
* Close. [ More simply, he's a god, somewhere on the lines of Loki or Coyote.]
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* Both are obsessed with superiority, each one in a different way.
So, Edward Nigma, attempting to develop "the ultimate question/riddle", creates this other personality that's a superhero. He's so committed to the act that even his thoughts are always "in character." He probably has some devious plan; but what could it be?
* Oh, and if those two characters have already met in person, one was a robot or something.
** The Riddler was nearing sanity bey the time Vic entered the scene. [[Heel Face Turn|Hm...]]
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* No, he's a Timex watch. ([[Chirping Crickets]])I'm old.
== Batman is Patrick Bateman. ==
Come on! Just drop the "E" and that's "Batman!" Could he make it any more obvious? Bateman's wealth would allow him develop all kinds of devices. And why else would Bateman work out so much? Or wander the streets late at night? How else can we explain the mysterious bloodstains on his clothing and person, except that he is fighting criminals? The Batsuit is as exquisitely tailored as any of Bateman's Armani. And the Batmobile - sheer style. Bateman is regularly mistaken for other Wall Street men - useful if one has an identity to conceal.
* This is startlingly persuasive. Even if it is kind of a long commute from New York to Gotham.
* Close. He's JASON Bateman, from ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]''.
* [ Bateman Begins]
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Because we need to have at least one Purgatory theory. And because he's that morally ambiguous.
* Alternately, he was a former hero who either went Too Far and became a [[Knight Templar]] or who have up attempting to do good altogether, believing that if he gave up it wouldn't make a difference. Now he's in Purgatory, and whether or not he'll make it out depends on whether or not he can keep fighting despite Gotham City showing no real improvement despite his efforts.
* If Bruce Wayne had not seen his parents shot, he would have grown up to be Lex Luthor.
** And Superman would be dead.
** Alternately, if Bruce Wayne's parents had avoided being shot altogether, he would have turned out like [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]]. The Superman/Batman reality-hopping arc demonstrated this: In the world where Thomas and Martha lived, Bruce is a party-all-night playboy who scores the hotties while lounging poolside with Tommy Elliot, his BFF.
* Expanding on the supervillain in purgatory idea - his nemesis was a superhero version of Commissioner Gordon - hence why he has to suffer and feel guilty every time "Gordon's family" suffers in Purgatory. His sidekicks are the images of heroes he fought against - again, that's why he has to go through a tremendous amount of guilt every time something happens to one of them. His Rogues Gallery in Purgatory is composed of twisted, psychotic versions of his victims in real life who are now punishing him - The Joker was the Plucky Comic Relief that came out on the wrong side of a Sadistic Choice inflicted by whatever Batman's supervillain persona was, Two-Face was the crusading district attorney that he drove insane, the villainesses are love interests of the hero he fought, Scarecrow and Riddler were nerds he tormented in high school ... you get the idea. That's why "Batman" is partially responsible for "creating" some of them.
* Alfred is [[Life On Mars|Gene]] [[Ashes to Ashes|Hunt]]. Who is also a time lord.
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*** If so, then it's entirely possible that we could get {{spoiler|Zombie Batman vs. Caveman Batman.}}
**** [[Jossed]] by Blackest Night #1: {{spoiler|Black Hand only took his skull}}.
**** Also, and most definitively, [[Jossed]] in Blackest Night where Batman is just about the only supposedly dead hero not to be brought back as a Black Lantern {{spoiler|with just something that looks like him being created by Nekron to induce an emotional response from the other heroes}}.
== Simon Hurt was a reincarnated New God intentionally sent by Darkseid to break Batman. ==
The whole purpose of the Black Glove (or if you prefer, the Club of Villains) was to break Batman so that he could be taken in by Darkseid to become the new soldier template. Why was he chosen? Because of his actions when [[Supergirl]] was reintroduced in Superman/Batman: he ''may'' have frightened Darkseid with a threat. (Darkseid admitted that he believed that Batman ''could'' blow up Apokalips.) Impressed, Darkseid wanted Batman's qualities for his minions.
* Confirmed in a way - he gained his immortality by absorbing... something... from the Apokoliptian Hyper-Adapter and acted as Darkseid's instrument of revenge.
== Batman is a descendant of Sherlock Holmes. ==
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* Harley is his latest companion; his Regenerations explain his varying appearance and inconsistent personality traits.
* There are at least two incidents which may have been regenerations. In his first appearance, The Joker died by stabbing himself in the chest. Moments later it's declared he somehow survived, even after Batman himself, and everyone else involved had already declared him deceased. Only problem is, there really wasn't that much of a personality change between the First and second Joker, though The second Joker lacked some of the nigh invincible quality of the original. In a later appearance he get's himself executed, only to return campier and considerably less murderous.
== Joker is a servant of [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] god Tzeentch. ==
He practically spells it out in [[The Dark Knight]].
{{quote|'''Joker:''' I just ''do'' things. I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself... Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, then everything becomes... chaos. }}
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== Joker is Alfred ==
Both are thin and fit. Both super-smart. Both know Batman to his very core.
* ''[[Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?]]'' confirms this... happening to one version of Batman.
* In the old Batman TV series, Alfred always seemed to know exactly the device Batman could use to save the day or himself when stuck in a situation with no obvious way out. The Joker has also admitted he doesn't really want to kill the bat as Batman completes him.
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* I support this. Insanity runs in that family.
My guess is that the baby's going to show up in Gotham in about eighteen years to mess with her half-brother's "research" either as a violent borderline psychotic ant-heroine or as a very nasty villainess. Either way, there will be [[Slap Slap Kiss|borderline]] [[Brother-Sister Incest|creepy]] [[Sibling Rivalry]] [[It Got Worse|from Hell.]]
== The Joker, Rorshach, Nite-Owl, The Riddler, Alfred, V, Tony Stark, Doc Samson, and Batman are all the same person. ==
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== Batman is Malkavian. ==
Despite looking relatively young, he's been around since the thirties and he is never seen during the day, so chances are good he is a vampire. Now the Malkavian part...
* He has a well documented series of obsessions bordering on outright mania.
* He dresses in a silly outfit.
* His personality changed radically over the years multiple times.
* He's always prepared for everything. Most people just attribute it to his intelligence, but given his success rate, it seems to be far more likely that he is capable of outright precognition.
* He can deliberatly infect other people with his madness. He has chosen multiple people over the years to do this to, and thus created the Bat Family.
* And for the most convincing argument: He dresses in a silly outfit.
== Bruce Wayne Jr.'s mom is.... ==
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* Think of all the blatantly impossible stuff he does. The guy has to have at least Captain America level body alteration, plus a handful of random things like "the ability to know where guns are."
== The Joker has a daughter, who is Tsuruya from [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]]. ==
Same hair color. Chronic laugh. The mother could have been a vampire, which would explain Tsuruya's fang.
* No, Joker's daughter is Tsukuyomi from [[Mahou Sensei Negima]].
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I contend that the Scarecrow is not at all insane, just very evil. His knowledge of psychology allows him to put on a really good show for the state psychiatrists and private doctors who testify about his mental health and get him transferred to Arkham, but he is really stone cold sane.
Obviously, for this to work, you have to disregard Jeph Loeb's characterization - ''Hush'' Scarecrow is obviously bat guano insane, what with the nursery rhyme quoting and the switching to normal speech when Batman rips his mask off heavily implying dissociative identity disorder, and of course the [[A God Am I]] thing in Knightfall too. But most characterizations really aren't all that crazy - very obsessive and sinister, but not really crazy. In the Diniverse, it's worth noting that the only time we see Crane in a completely off-the-rocker rant, he's in Arkham Asylum with tons of patients and at least one doctor as witnesses - and stops himself to acknowledge Harley. And in Scarecrow: Year One, when he is about to kill the guy who got him fired, the speech bubbles beg you to picture either a stone cold killer or a [[Large Ham]] of Gary Oldman proportions - the fact the illustration shows him standing calmly suggests the former.
* Why on earth would anyone ''want'' to go to Arkham instead of a regular prison?!
** Because various curses and such make it easier for the inmates to make the staff insane rather than the other way 'round, meaning, apart from anything else, it's ''really'' easy to break out of.
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Think about it, who else could afford the training and gadgets? We also know that he traveled the world much of his early adulthood in which he could have been training in esoteric martial arts and skills. His parents being killed in front of him would have given him the perfect motivation to become a crime fighter as well as causing him to constantly seek out new sidekicks to create a sense of family for himself. The millionaire playboy act is all an elaborate ruse worthy of the DCU's greatest detective himself!
** And that means all his children, adopted or otherwise, are the Robins! His first adopted ward, Dick Grayson was obviously the first Robin, and when [[Dick]] grew up and moved out, that Robin just disappeared. And the hero Nightwing arrived in Bludhaven around the same time Grayson did! Later when Wayne adopted that street kid Jason Todd, a new Robin appeared. But notice that once Jason tragically died in a "freak accident," Robin was gone and Batman worked without one for quite some time. Later on, a new Robin showed up, but Bruce Wayne hadn't adopted any new kid. But later, he had adopted Tim Drake, who was about the same age as the new Robin and whose father had been killed by a supervillain. There must be hundreds of children who are orphaned due to supervillainy, so why did Wayne choose Grayson? Because Grayson was already Robin, obviously! The fourth Robin, the female one, is a mystery, however... Recently, it seems that Bruce Wayne has found his biological son Damien Wayne, who seems very similar to the newest Robin running around.
** But there is apparently a new Batman, as the original was said to have been killed by Darkseid, yet Bruce Wayne is confirmed still alive, but very busy in other parts of the world. Perhaps this is a coverup...
*** Bruce Wayne is Batman? Holy Secret Identities! And I never even saw that coming!
* You guys are nuts. Next you'll be saying [[Kamen Rider Fourze|that Ryusei Sakuta is Meteor]]. Or that Spiderman is really Peter Parker who revealed his identity during [[Civil War]] [[One More Day|then his Aunt May got shot with no one able to save her so he made a]] [[Deal with the Devil]] [[One More Day|and traded his marriage to the most beautiful woman he'd ever get to save a woman who probably would have died a few years or so later and take back the identity reveal]]... [[Brand New Day|why does this sound so familiar]]
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And so he couldn't stand the sight of the Joker. Clowns are inherently unreal: they are pure artifice, literally paintings come to life. They have no place in the natural world; they have no right to exist. Bruce was filled with fear and loathing of all clown-like creatures long before the Joker appeared on the scene: note his reaction of what is arguably disgust when several men appear to him on the street disguised as mimes, and this before he knows they're working for the Joker or is even yet aware of the Joker's existence. Then, when he saw the Joker's permanent smile, he naturally connected it to the smile on the face of the mugger who shot his parents. Only a clown-like creature - a figure thoroughly illogical and nihilistic - could have caused such a senseless tragedy.
Batman remained in this psychotic state throughout the first two movies. He was not a hero at all, but a murderous paranoid - one step above a [[Serial Killer]], really - who was prepared to unthinkingly slaughter anyone who was associated with clowns. (Note the [[Disproportionate Retribution]] he visits upon the members of Penguin's Red Triangle Circus Gang.) It took the Penguin's tragic demise for him to once again see the humanity in children's entertainers, and so in ''[[Batman Forever]]'' he can once again attend the circus - and take Dick Grayson in as his ward - without revulsion.
== Killer Croc will get even worse. ==
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== Adam West is not only Batman... ==
But every masked super hero ever. He has the power to clone himself much like Multiple Man, and tends to send his clones out into the world in hopes that they'll gain super powers. Some of them actually succeed at gaining powers; while others work as regular costumed vigilantes. Bruce Wayne actually died years ago, and was replaced by one of West's clones that got cosmetic surgery and brainwashed himself into thinking he was Wayne. All the others have undergone similar brainwashing. Also, the main west, or "West Prime" is actually... Commisioner Gordon.
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** Now to find out how crazy is carried. Since most of the Keeny's are female, crazy is either carried through mitochondrial DNA or the X-chromosome.
== Batman Deliberately Planned Wargames as a [[Xanatos Gambit]] ==
He lost Tim Drake. Stephanie Brown volunteers. He trains Stephanie. There are now 2 trained Robins, however, only 1 is active. He could easily sacrifice Steph to get back Tim, all he needs are the right circumstances. He fires Steph, allows a girl who only wants approval alone in the Batcave, and waits for her to do her thing. If she doesn't start a terrible gang war, she will likely get herself killed or crippled vigilantee-ing anyway, which would make Tim come back for revenge, and once back fighting crime, with such a terrible loss, would be unlikely to give up. If she does, he will come back when some other tragedy occurs for the benefit of Gotham, and knowing what happened through his enabling, would be unlikely to stop. Is Steph or some other vigilante were to die, then the guilt from allowing such a thing to happen will make him a far more efficient and colder vigilante, worth more than his old self and Steph. Any which way, Gotham benefits.
Batman doesn't deny to Alfred that Steph is just being used to draw back Tim anyway, and he didn't change the Bat PC passwords at any point, giving this theory credence. More to the point, he came up with this, or just did an [[Indy Ploy]], in about 2 seconds, after Steph demanded to become Robin.
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*** Was wondering about why Wonder Woman in particular would be the one to take an axe to him. Otherwise I completely see how much of a dick he is. And that someone needs to give him a [[What the Hell, Hero?]]. Steph slapped him in The Road Home, at least.
**** Cause she's the icon of feminism in the DCU. And if I were going to wager on people likely to be able to take Bruce down, she'd be in the top tier.
*** I would also argue sexism, but that, unfortunately, is completely canon.
== The Joker has [[Legacy Character|multiple backstories, because he's multiple people]] ==
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How you may ask? the blessed side of things means that it makes it so hard for authors to convey batman's humanity if the [[Fan Dumb]] assumes that batman is in fact a [[Showy Invincible Hero]] instead of a [[Broken Ace]]. It also makes it hard for newer heroes to breakout as the fans will just clamor for more Batman. The cursed with awesome side of things: Batman's supposedly cursed with a strong inability to feel genuine happiness, but the awesome part is that he does gain a great deal of affection for having his bat family to support him.
== The Michael Keaton Batman is really Damien Wayne's grandson. ==
Think about it. Damien Named one of his kids Thomas Wayne in honor of his own grandfather, whom gave his son the name Bruce in honor of one of the greatest heroes that ever lived. Both the real Bruce and Damien died at a time when Gotham was crime free and when news that Batman died reached the criminals, it became a crime city again. This Thomas decided to be a doctor like his great grandfather rather than take up the Bat Mantle, so he could escape from that life. Joker quit after Batman died and became a two bit thug who had a kid named Jack Napier. Who followed in his footsteps to become a criminal. He ends up killing Bruce Junior's parents and Bruce Junior decides to be Batman. Napier heard stories from his father about a giant bat terrorizing criminals but refused to believe them until he met Batman face to face. This along with being dropped into the chemicals made him Joker Junior.
The clues to this are as follows:
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[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Comics]]