Batman: The Animated Series/Radar: Difference between revisions

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[[File:harely_and_ivy_morning_after.jpg|link=Ho Yay|frame|[[Did You Just Have Sex?|Did those two...]] The censors actually let this through?]]
''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'' tended to use [[Censor Decoy|Censor Decoys]], and quite a bit ended up getting through (makes you wonder about the stuff that got cut). On top of that, the show got quite a bit of clout in its hey-day and was able to push through a number of visuals and dialogs that would normally throw up a red flag.
* [ Harley Quinn slowly emerges from a gigantic pastry, singing a Marilyn Monroe-esque Happy Anniversary song, and invites the Joker to "try some of [her] pie".] To top that off, during the song, she kicks the [[Lampshaded Double Entendre|cherry]] on top at the Joker's chest. Then Joker kicks her out and the hyenas start licking her, while she's on all fours.
** In the same episode "Beware the Creeper" the Creeper is very, ''very'' [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|interested in Harley]]. After he chases her through Gotham, she says, "You're agile, I'll give you that." His response. "What else are you going to give me?" Complete with suggestive eyebrow wiggling!
** "That's right, mama. Hurt me. I've been ''bad''."
** Then at the end, when {{spoiler|Batman sedates the Creeper, he collapses right on top of Harley, and his face lands right in her boobs. She is not amused.}}
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* In one episode involving Harvey Bullock having a murderous stalker after him, Batman and Bullock check out what is explicitly stated to be a crackhouse at a time when [[G-Rated Drug|explicit drug references were generally a no-no.]]
** In the same episode it's heavily implied that Bullock and Summer have had an affair.
* In the [[Superman: theThe Animated Series]]/Batman crossover episode "World's Finest", when asked by the Batman on where the Joker was, a henchman answered with, "I dunno, making ha-ha with Harley Quinn!"
** The same crossover has an extended sequence in what is clearly meant to be a strip club, complete with scantily-dressed dancing girls in cages. Seriously.
* In the episode "The Man Who Killed Batman", Harley poses as a lawyer for Sid the Squid in order to break him out. When Harvey Bullock says that she looks familiar, she replies, "I think I served you a subpoena once. It was a ''small'' subpoena."
* In the episode "Legends of the Dark Knight", a group of kids are relating their stories about Batman, all of which are alternate takes on the Dark Knight. As they walk along a sidewalk, they encounter a long-haired, effeminate boy in a violet shirt standing outside a ''shoe-maker'' shop, who is wrapping a mannequin's feather boa around himself. He mentions that his favorite things about Batman are his muscles and tight rubber armor, which he declares to be "Fabulous!" He also claims that the Batmobile can drive up walls. The other kids roundly dismiss his statements as silly, and they keep walking. The scene was a major [[Take That]] to ''[[Batman Forever (Film)|Batman Forever]]'' and ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]'' director Joel Schumacher, who was openly gay and infamous for putting nipples on the bat suit (which he has never heard the end of).
* The episode "The Ultimate Thrill" features the villain Roxy Rocket, a former stuntwoman who commits crimes for the thrill of the chase. During the final scene, she and Batman are playing chicken on a rocket racing for a canyon wall. All the while, she is gushing over how Batman is the perfect man for giving her so much [[Lampshaded Double Entendre|excitement]]. As the rocket crashes and they both seem to be plunging to their deaths, she screams out "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" in a manner very reminiscent of orgasm. According to [[Word of God]], this is ''exactly'' what it was. She makes similar cries through the chase. It doesn't help that her straddling her rocket while facing Batman [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|adds to the image.]] [ Seen here.]
** Earlier on Batgirl tells Batman, "now that she's had a taste of you, she's not going to settle for anything less".