Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Difference between revisions

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'''Bruce Wayne''': ''"It wasn't a popularity contest. He was a [[Ax Crazy|psychopath]], a [[Complete Monster|monster]]."'' }}
A [[The Movie|feature-length adaptation]] of ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]'', the [[DCAU]] series focusing on Terry McGinnis, [[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]] of a future Gotham who is being mentored by [[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|the original]]. Terry must battle the original Dark Knight's [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|newly-returned]] [[Arch Enemy]], [[The Joker]].
Puzzling both Terry and Bruce is the fact that Joker seems not to have aged at all over the years. As Terry strives to solve this new mystery, he is forced to dive into his predecessor's [[Dark and Troubled Past|dark past]], unraveling the long-kept secret of what exactly split apart the bat-family, and how the conclusion of the rivalry between Joker and the Dark Knight occurred all those years ago.
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* [[Alliterative Name|Alliterative Names]]: Delia and Deirdre Dennis (better known as Dee Dee).
* [[Animation Bump]]: The movie was done by [[T Ms]], one of the best animation studios in Japan and the results shine through. In the [[DVD Commentary]] they will occassionally just pause to watch the show, [[Bruce Timm (Creator)|Bruce Timm]] and the other [[DCAU]] regulars being unaccustomed to that kind of quality for most of their projects.
* [[Art Evolution]]: Aware of fan hatred and due to the crew's own unhappiness with his ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|The New Batman Adventures]]'' design, the movie features yet another redesign for the Joker, this one combining elements of his ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'' design (general appearance and details) and his ''TNBA'' one (the color scheme and triangular jawline). This design was reused for ''[[Static Shock (Animation)|Static Shock]]'' and ''[[Justice League (Animation)|Justice League]]''.
** For your education, you can compare yourself: [ Batman: The Animated Series Joker], [ The New Batman Adventures Joker], [ Batman Beyond (flashback sequence) Joker].
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|Harley Quinn}} is implied to be this in her brief appearance near the end. {{spoiler|She apparently settled down to start a family after her apparent death at Arkham, and she tried her hardest to keep her granddaughters from going down the same path that she did. It didn't work.}}
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* [[Cast As a Mask]]: Joker ([[Mark Hamill]]) is actually revealed to be {{spoiler|Tim Drake (Dean Stockwell) being [[Grand Theft Me|possessed by Joker]]}}. To make it more surprising, {{spoiler|there is a [[Red Herring]] suspect who both looks a lot like Joker and is also voiced by [[Mark Hamill]]}}.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: {{spoiler|Terry in his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]}}.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Commissioner Jim Gordon and Dick Grayson/Nightwing were mentioned, but not seen. Also, in the uncut version, Bruce was practicing his batarang-throwing against replica statues of some of his [[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|old]] [[Rogues Gallery]].
** Terry's affectionate nickname for Ace, "Good Bat Dog", came from an earlier episode also featuring Ace.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Jordan Pryce.
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* [[Evil Laugh]]: [[The Joker|One of the originals]].
* [[Flash Back]]: The sequence with what happened in Bruce's last confrontation with the Joker.
* [[The Family That Slays Together]]: Joker and Harley's intentions when they kidnap, [[Brainwashed]] and [[Cold -Blooded Torture|torture]] {{spoiler|Tim Drake}} for the sake of modeling him as their own son, dubbed "[[Overlord, Jr.|Joker, Jr.]]," would have allowed them to effectively become one of these families. {{spoiler|Only it didn't work.}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Or rather "Backshadowing." Joker's "that's how they did it in my day" and one of the Dee Dee's {{spoiler|almost dying the way her grandma supposedly died}}.
* [[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: {{spoiler|Joker, in both the cut and uncut versions.}}
* [[Famous Last Words]]: {{spoiler|The Joker's final words, as seen in the flashback, were: [[Irony|"That's not funny."]]}}
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Chucko
* [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: The Dee-Dee twins.
* [[Finishing Each OthersOther's Sentences]]: The Dee Dee twins do this occasionally.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: The edited version of {{spoiler|Joker's death involving water, wires, and a lot of electricity. Because the camera cuts away as he's dying, all we hear is his scream}}. For this reason, some people consider it worse than the uncut version, as it leaves more to the imagination.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: {{spoiler|How the Joker survived his death.}}
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** Terry pulls one on the Joker, the first sign that the Joker's drastically misjudged his new foe.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: "Don't play psychoanalyst with me, boy!" "Oh, I don't need a degree to figure ''you'' out..."
* [[Hell -Bent for Leather]]: The resurrected Joker.
* [[The Hyena]]: Woof actually ''is'' part hyena.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Terry at first assumes this when Bruce says that he's pretty sure the Joker is dead. {{spoiler|He's not wrong.}}
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'''Joker''': *laughs* Oh Batman, if you had the guts for ''that'' kind of fun you would have done it ''years ago''. I, on the other hand... }}
* [[Inferred Holocaust]]: On two occasions, Joker uses a gigantic military orbital laser to carve a swathe of destruction through Gotham. Civilian casualties are never mentioned on either occasion, but it's a ''giant military laser'' carving through a ''major city'', often going right through buildings. One can only imagine the death toll. The commentary track notes that the laser miraculously [[Sarcasm Mode|avoided hitting a single person.]]
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: Dean Stockwell as the 60-something Tim Drake.
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: Terry is probably one of the best examples out there.
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* [[Large Ham]]: Joker, as ever.
* [[Laughing Mad]]: It's ''The Joker''! What did you expect?
** Also, J.J. (a.k.a., {{spoiler|Robin/Tim Drake}}) suffered from it to the extent that the only vocabulary he could give was maniacal laughter. Given what he [[Cold -Blooded Torture|had]] [[Electric Torture|to]] [[Mind Rape|go through]], it's not surprising.
* [[Lean and Mean]]: Ghoul
* [[Made of Explodium]]: ''Everything'' explodes in this movie. In the opening battle Chuckles fired a laser at Terry, which at first melted the construction hook he was just sitting on and ''then'' it explodes. But there is nothing really to complain about since the explosions are animated ''[[Animation Bump|gorgeously]]''.
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* [[Papa Wolf]]: Seeing what Joker had done to Tim Drake was the one thing that seemed to convince Bruce to finally try and kill him in the flashback (course, being mocked over his parents' deaths probably didn't help either).
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: Woof
* [[Pre -Mortem One -Liner]]: "''Ha. Ha.''"
* [[Pretty Spry for A Dead Guy]]
* [[Pygmalion Snapback]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: A rather epic one, {{spoiler|delivered by Terry to The Joker.}}
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]: The Joker in both the future and the flashback.
* [[Red Herring]]: {{spoiler|Jordan Pryce's voice, physical features and motive against Bruce Wayne seem to exist to make you (and Batman) assume he's the "new" Joker.}}
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** Terry {{spoiler|saves one of the Dee-Dee twins from falling to her death}}.
** {{spoiler|Batgirl tries to save Harley from falling down the chasm at Arkham but fails. Harley survives anyway, [[Word of God|because of the serum Ivy gave her in "Harley & Ivy"]].}}
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]]: {{spoiler|Tim Drake}}. Considering ''[[Mind Rape|what]]'' ''happened'' to him, it's no wonder that he still has some effects 40 years later. [[It Got Worse]] when {{spoiler|Joker [[Hijacked By Ganon|hijacks him through an DNA chip on his neck]] and commits crimes through his body, while Drake's mind believes he is reliving a nightmare}}.
* [[Shout Out]]:
** [[Word of God]] explicitly states {{spoiler|the orbital satellite laser}} was inspired by ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]''.
** One of Terry's wild guesses on how the Joker survived is that he was [[Captain America|frozen in a block of ice for decades.]]
** [[Word of God]] admitted that as they talked about the novel, ''[[Hannibal]]'', one night, after the book came out but while the movie was being made, elements inspired by the novel description of Hannibal Lecter made their way into the Joker designs for the movie--the slicked-back hair on the future Joker and the [[Red Eyes Take Warning|red eyes]] on both the future and flashback/''[[Justice League]]''/''[[Static Shock]]'' Joker designs.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: "YOU'RE NOT BATMAN!" *[[Stuff Blowing Up|BOOM]]*
* [[Single -Minded Twins]]: Dee Dee (they provide the page image for the trope).
* [[Slasher Smile]]: With Joker and his venom around, this was pretty much inevitable. This time, they had made his smiles into horror [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Smug Snake]]: Joker every time he interacts with Terry. He regards Terry as nothing more than Bruce's lackey and takes constant amusement in taunting him, thinking him incapable of succeeding against him (oh, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|how]] [[Shut UP, Hannibal|wrong]] [[Berserk Button|he was]]). Perhaps the best example in the film, is after Joker reveals his [[Kill Sat]] plans to Terry.
{{quote| '''Joker''': "You're welcome to try and stop us, but I'm not taking bets on that happening anytime soon. Toodles."}}
* [[The Stool Pigeon]]: {{spoiler|Robin was of the Lacerated Larry type}}.
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* [[Watch Where You're Going]]: Terry gets the Dee Dees to knock each other out using this.
* [[When I Was Your Age]]: The Joker explains why he was not only superior to the current Jokerz, but he had a better Batman, too.
* [[WhosWho's Laughing Now?]]: Terry gives the revived Joker a taste of his own medicine.
* [[World of Cardboard Speech]]: Terry gets one in by understanding he has to be his own Batman, so he ''laughs at Joker.''
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: "I guess I should salute you as a 'worthy adversary' and all that, but the truth is I really did ''hate your guts''". * Raspberry*