Batman Grabs a Gun: Difference between revisions

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(He didn't use them that often, one use was a silver bullet on a vampire, and describing something that ended in 1940 as "1940's version" is misleading. Have you ever read those stories?)
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Faith from ''[[Mirror's Edge|Mirrors Edge]]'' applies to this<ref>Based on her personal politics and ignoring [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|player cruelty potential]]</ref>; considering her [[Death by Origin Story|parents were shot for protesting]], [[Thicker Than Water|her sister is a cop]] and the player is [[That One Achievement|generously awarded for not so much as]] ''[[That One Achievement|shooting]]'' [[That One Achievement|anyone]], you ''know'' Faith is pissed when she's pointing a gun at an officer.
* Played with in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]'', with Snake's rule not to use CQC (added to the series in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]'', a prequel, so presumably Snake knew it since before ''[[Metal Gear 1987]]''), because of Big Boss' betrayal of FOXHOUND. He uses it [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!|because his first response to someone using it on him is to respond in kind]]. While [[Enfant Terrible|Liquid]], [[Magnificent Bastard|Ocelot]], [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|Gray Fox]] and [[President Evil|Solidus]] might have known it, they all either had their own highly effective fighting styles, or were just never never in a situation where they would use it.
* Played brilliantly straight in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 3''. [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Dante and Virgil]] are twins who are the sons of the demon Sparda. Dante chose to fight against demons, despite being half-demon himself, while Virgil joined them. Dante uses his pistols, Ebony and Ivory, and his [[BFS|sword]]; Virgil only uses his [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana, Yamato]], [[Does Not Like Guns|hating guns]] because he believes them dishonorable. However, when push comes to shove, [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Virgil ends up taking one of Dante's guns and the pair shoot]] [[Big Bad|Arkham]] simultaneously, finishing him off.
* Sort of in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', in the [[Tear Jerker|Overlord DLC]]. Paragon!Shepard isn't completely averse to violence, but tends to keep it as a last resort. Later in the mission, there is a paragon interrupt to pistol whip a [[Complete Monster]] because of his [[Moral Event Horizon]], not in self-defence. And it's [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|awesome]].