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[[File:batman-year-2_2349.jpg|link=Batman (Franchise)|rightframe|You only went a year before you used a gun? Well, there's marriages that were shorter.]]
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Famously done in ''[[Magnum PI]]'' with Magnum shooting an unarmed man.
* In ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', the Doctor has had a few of these moments (at least as far as the ''taking up''; mostly he's never gone all the way through with the using it):
** In "The Invasion of Time", he not only takes up a gun after Gallifrey is invaded, it's an ancient Time Lord superweapon he builds from scratch for the express purpose. And he ''uses it'', after the leader of the invaders forces his hand.
** In "Revelation of the Daleks", the Doctor takes a gun and sets out to kill recurring villain Davros.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Faith from ''[[Mirrors Edge (Video Game)|Mirrors Edge]]'' applies to this<ref>Based on her personal politics and ignoring [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|player cruelty potential]]</ref>; considering her [[Death By Origin Story|parents were shot for protesting]], [[Thicker Than Water|her sister is a cop]] and the player is [[That One Achievement|generously awarded for not so much as]] ''[[That One Achievement|shooting]]'' [[That One Achievement|anyone]], you ''know'' Faith is pissed when she's pointing a gun at an officer.
* Played with in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots (Video Game)|Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots]]'', with Snake's rule not to use CQC (added to the series in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (Video Game)|Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]'', a prequel, so presumably Snake knew it since before ''[[Metal Gear 1987 (Video Game)|Metal Gear 1987]]''), because of Big Boss' betrayal of FOXHOUND. He uses it [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!|because his first response to someone using it on him is to respond in kind]]. While [[Enfant Terrible|Liquid]], [[Magnificent Bastard|Ocelot]], [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|Gray Fox]] and [[President Evil|Solidus]] might have known it, they all either had their own highly effective fighting styles, or were just never never in a situation where they would use it.
* Played brilliantly straight in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 3''. [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Dante and Virgil]] are twins who are the sons of the demon Sparda. Dante chose to fight against demons, despite being half-demon himself, while Virgil joined them. Dante uses his pistols, Ebony and Ivory, and his [[BFS|sword]]; Virgil only uses his [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana, Yamato]], [[Does Not Like Guns|hating guns]] because he believes them dishonorable. However, when push comes to shove, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Virgil ends up taking one of Dante's guns and the pair shoot]] [[Big Bad|Arkham]] simultaneously, finishing him off.
* Sort of in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', in the [[Tear Jerker|Overlord DLC]]. Paragon!Shepard isn't completely averse to violence, but tends to keep it as a last resort. Later in the mission, there is a paragon interrupt to pistol whip a [[Complete Monster]] because of his [[Moral Event Horizon]], not in self-defence. And it's [[Awesome Moments (Sugar Wiki)|awesome]].
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