Beauty Is Bad: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Shrek]]'', where the good guys are mostly ugly, the villains of the first three movies, Lord Farquaad and Prince Charming, are both handsome.
* Any part played by William Zabka during the late 1980s. He seemed to have made a career out of playing pretty-boy bullies who thought nothing of acting as crappily as possible to anyone not as handsome, rich, and self-important as himself. It should be noted that, by all accounts, the former-actor-turned-Oscar-nominated-director himself is anything but a [[Jerkass]]. The characters he played in ''[[The Karate Kid]]'' and ''[[Back to School]]'' especially.
* Heavily implied in the case of many supporting characters in ''[[Repo! theThe Genetic Opera]]''. (Not the ''named'' ones, but the extras- wanting to look or feel better automatically makes you a shallow, surgery addicted drug whore in this film.) It was implied in the extra material that there was a group of people who were addicted to plastic surgery. Original art for these people showed that they weren't attractive by any means.
* The Alpha Beta fraternity and thier associated sorority, Pi Delta Pi in ''[[Revenge of the Nerds]]''.
* Subverted in ''[[The Mask (Filmfilm)|The Mask]]'': The blonde hottie (played by [[Cameron Diaz]]) with whom the [[Big Bad]] is involved gets paired up with Stanley at the end.
** More a subversion of [[Evil Is Sexy]]. Played kind of straight in the mask, Stanly isn't exactly a sexy dude.
** Famously Inverted with {{spoiler|seemingly wholesome Peggy}}
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* [[The Lord of the Rings|Sauron]], being something akin to a fallen angel, was once very beautiful, and used this trait to ensnare humanity in his plots.
* Like Sauron above, and probably a [[Shout-Out]] to him, the [[Big Bad]] Torak in the ''[[Belgariad]]'' is described as being the most beautiful of the gods, with a vanity to match.
* Lord Voldemort, [[Big Bad]] of the ''[[Harry Potter (Literaturenovel)|Harry Potter]]'' series, was almost unbelievably handsome in his youth, and used it to manipulate those around him. Later on, not so much.
* Though there are plenty of characters in [[A Song of Ice and Fire]] who are both good-looking and good people, being attractive and [[Blond Guys Are Evil|blonde]] is one of the trademarks of the Lannister clan, who are generally speaking ''not'' nice people.
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* A classic [[Doctor Who]] example from very early in the show's run is the story "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S3 E1 Galaxy 4|Galaxy 4]]" - the Doctor and his companions find themselves trapped on a planet along with the beautiful female Drahvins and the hideous Rills.
* Any very attractive teenage girl or adult woman in a [[Lifetime Movie of the Week]].
* Played straight with Morgana and several one-off characters in ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]''.
* In the ''[[Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]'' episode "Mean", three mean, pretty and popular teenage girls kidnap and murder a fourth pretty and popular teenage girl.
* In the "Thank God It's Friday" episode of ''[[Growing Pains]]'', Mike, Boner and Eddie are invited to a party by a hip college dude. At the party, Mike's offered cocaine by a stunning blonde. [[Drugs Are Bad|Message: hot chicks do drugs and therefore are part of the wrong crowd.]]
* ''[[Alias (TV series)|Alias]]'' - {{spoiler|'''EVERY SINGLE RECURRING ATTRACTIVE FEMALE ON ALIAS WHO ISN'T SYDNEY IS A VILLAIN.'''. All of them. The only exceptions are Rachel, who starts off working for an evil organization and doesn't know it yet, and Francie; it wasn't her fault she was killed by her evil double.}}
* An episode of ''[[Joan of Arcadia]]'' has Joan believing God is trying to make her preach this, and she begins protesting her cosmetology class by not showering, washing her hair, or putting on deodorant or make up. God then tells her that isn't what he meant. But it kind of was. But not really. The Aesop of the episode was a little confusing.
* In the "Love Conquers Al" episode of ''[[Cold Case (TV)|Cold Case]]'', it's revealed that the head [[The Cheerleader|cheerleader]] encouraged her track star boyfriend to kill the female track star he had sex with.
* On soap operas, the super sexy characters engage in all kinds of immoral and unethical behavior.
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== Videogames ==
* In the ''[[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Ace Attorney]]'' series, nearly every female that other characters describe as "beautiful" turns out to be pure evil. Plenty of "good" female characters are considered attractive by the fandom - [[The Obi-Wan|Mia Fey]] [[Most Common Superpower|in particular]] - but it rarely comes up in the games themselves.
* One of the Hoenn-introduced Pokémon from ''[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Video Game)|Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]]'' versions is Beautifly. Despite its appearance of a seemingly innocent butterfly, it has a much darker side. It drains other Pokémon's body fluids to survive. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|Of course, this is not possible in game]].
** Also introduced in the same game, meet Gorebyss. Despite its elegant appearance, it aggressively chases its prey with its spear-shaped mouth into submission. After it catches its prey, it proceeds by draining the prey's bodily fluids with its mouth.
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*** Let's not forget that most people don't often take height into account--100 or less pounds is supermodel-thin for an ''average-height'' woman who are usually about 120lbs, but it's perfectly normal for anyone ''under'' that height (and 100-110 pound women generally are rather short).
** There's also Mo'Nique, whose ''entire act'' revolves around this trope. Less than 200 pounds? You're a skinny bitch who can't cook who is secretly trying to steal all of the good men from the bigger sistas.
** This seems to be the main point of Dove's [[True Beauty Is Onon the Inside|Campaign For Real Beauty]] as well. You'll notice that all the women in the commercials have ''very'' attractive faces and perfect hair; they just happen to weigh twenty pounds more than your average model (they're not even fat, either; just the larger end of average). [ They even Photoshopped them to be prettier.]
*** That seems more an attempt to get larger women to buy more beauty products than to make anyone feel better.
* Bullies of the Millennial Generation have been described as '''attractive''', athletic and academically accomplished by ''USA Today'' in this article, [ here].
* Some religions discourage (or outright ban) the use of makeup, the idea being that it leads those who view the enhanced person's face into sin [[Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny|(of lust, generally)]] and/or that the (usually women) who use it are trashy or [[Vain Sorceress|vain]].
* Back in [[The Dung Ages]], anyone who was "too anything" -- too rich, too beautiful/handsome, too smart -- was thought to have made a [[Deal Withwith the Devil]].
** Only if they didn't match their social station. Nobles and royals could be as pretty as they liked. Attractive peasants needed to tread carefully, however.
* [ The recommendation career coach Marty Nemko makes to employers is to hire ugly people.] The reasons he gives are that they're nicer, work harder and are more loyal.
* How many times have you heard the word [[Bishonen|pretty]] [[Mr. Fanservice|boy]] used as an insult? You can bet that any attractive man, especially a younger [[Teen Idol]] will get a lot of hate, and accusations of homosexuality ([[Sarcasm Mode|because anybody that's effeminate is obviously gay]]), from anybody outside their demographic, look at [[Leonardo Di CaprioDiCaprio]] (Titanic era), [[Johnny Depp]] (Pre-[[Tim Burton]]), Orlando Bloom (Still). The hate dries up when they <s>appear in action movies</s> mature as actors. Theoretically.
* Thanks to that whole [[Sarcasm Mode|lovely]] [[Double Standard]] business, in some ways a pretty woman is taken much less seriously than an attractive man. This is often rooted in the "pretty = "[[Alpha Bitch]]" idea, or the assumption that pretty women are [[Brainless Beauty|automatically stupid]] and anything they achieve is through use of their looks rather than any actual talent. Even attractive women who are nowhere near [[So Beautiful It's a Curse]] territory are, in many fields of work, far too often dismissed as having "slept their way to the top" or something equally demeaning. In a depressing number of situations they're more likely to be leered at than listened to. Attractive or muscular men can catch this, too, sometimes objectified to the point of being called a "beefcake" and also dismissed as [[Brainless Beauty|dumb]]. And all too often it doesn't matter how attractive or unattractive you are--if you're [[Dumb Blonde|blonde]], you might as well get used to being treated as though you're mentally deficient.
** Indeed, according to scientific studies, it's far harder for a beautiful woman to get work in the traditionally male professions, like the police, than her less attractive peers, and if by some fluke they get in, they can expect endless sexual harassment and are unlikely to ever be taken seriously. Beauty really is a curse (professionally) if your goals in life involve more than being pretty for a living.