Ben 10: Alien Force/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** He cheated on his human wife with a visiting Asbestonian. Mrs. Onfire never found out because he's a [[Mister Seahorse]].
** This troper has decided, for the sake of her own sanity, that it is all the result of some sort of weird genetics experiment. No idea why the genes of so many different species seem to combine so readily, though.
** This is my own [[Wild Mass Guessing]], but I am of the view that, since humans are the only sentient race without some kind of apparent superpower, as compensation, we can produce viable hybrids with other species. Sorta makes up the [[Jack of All Stats]] of the galaxy.
** Not to mention the ethical questions - is that bestiality / zoophilia ? Even if they are sentient, can we really force an unborn lifeform to be the first hybrid of its kind ? Even if the genetics combine readily - maybe the Ben 10 universe was populated by panspermia and the species simply evolved into different end products ? Also, most of the plumber kids were at least hybridized with the HUMANOID alien species (Stinkfly/Human OTP ?), and those who seem to have a comparable biochemistry (i.e. carbon based; please tell me there isn't a Petrosapien hybrid ((Diamondhead)) ) - so there should be a basic compatibility, assuming that the DNA structure is the same amongst all species (and since several million species on earth have the same basic DNA structure, it seems to be IRL.) Yeah, {{[[User|Zelnor]] this Troper}} has taken his biochemistry serious. [[Tropes Will Ruin Your Life|TVTropes have ruined his life]] sometimes, but he lives [[For Science!]] anyways. And questions cartoon ethics, biology, etc.
** Technically, Ben's been raped, too, since the implied blackout negated his ability to consent to whatever action led to the events of "Save The Last Dance."
*** That was asexual, and generally considering how Alien Force, despite saying that Ben "dramatically matured", screws everything over even worse then its source material. It's not really rape so much as having a wet dream.
*** ''That was asexual.'' only in [[Fanon]]. I'd love to see [[Word of God]] discuss ''that'' issue...
** For aliens ancestrey perhaps Pyronites can turn off there flames but we never saw Ben do that because there was no reson for him to do so.
* Why did the Omnitrix reset lock out the original aliens? Never mind it being a cheap excuse for Swampfire and EchoEcho to even exist...
** My guess? Five years of inactivity screwed it up. But not enough to render it useless. Azmuth probably knew that it was going to happen so he made the reset a feature. it's like pulling your old NES out of the closet and turning it on(Kinda)
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* How come Ben's parents didn't recognize Gwen at the fight scene in the street?
** It's possible they couldn't see her cause of darkness or smoke, or they were too distracted with the realization that Ben was turning into an alien.
* How could Gwen's parents ground her for "deceiving" her aunt and uncle? They knew about the alien fighting at least since the Verdona incident, so they've been deceiving them, too.
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***** Piss all over the laws of conservation of mass
***** Be cabbly of destryoing the entire UNIVERSE
***** Able to initiate some sort of rapid growth
***** AND to top it all of, it opertes under some kind of weird "programmed energy" If this shit ISN'T running on some type of super universe energy, I don't want to know what it is running on
*** Keep in mind, this is the same Azmuth who designed the original Omnitrix with a built-in "destroy the whole universe" feature, and then had to be begged into turning it back off when it got switched on by accident. It's crazy that a [[Transformation Trinket]] works that way, but it's consistent with the "Secret of the Omnitrix" movie, at least.
*** If this troper had to [[Fan Wank]] an explanation, maybe the Omnitrix uses a massively powerful quantum computer to store all the alien DNA information, and messing with the computer runs the risk of triggering a vacuum collapse that'll swallow up the universe.
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* So let me get this straight -- twice in the finale, Ben decides that they have to get into the Highbreed HQ -- first on Earth and then on their home world. Each time, they basically embark on a kamikaze run, first with Kevin's tricked-out car and then with Ship. Too bad they didn't have someone on their team who could move through time and space in the blink of an eye, without risking valuable equipment or someone's LIFE.
** Oh wait, they DID. For some reason, they decided he was of better use blasting hostages one at a time with the same device about 10 other people were using.
*** I see your point. Paradox is effectively a GOD. Not even a superman-esque [[Physical God]], I'm talking about a Doctor Manhattan on steroid ''with the ability to actually act'' i.e. a puppet that can see the strings, kick the puppeteer in the balls AND take over. In ANY other media, one would need a huge [[Deus Exit Machina]] to make the stories interesting. In ''Alien Force''? [[They Just Didn't Care]].
** [[They Just Didn't Care]], indeed. In his first appearance, it's suggested that, immortality aside, Paradox's only ability is a kind of mental map, showing him the exact place and time to be in order to transport himself to another place and time.
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*** Given that once his plan failed to take out Ben, he promptly ignored the legal requirement to never come back to Earth...yeah. Obviously Vilgax was playing by the rules only for as long as the rules benefited him.
** Knowing Vilgax, he's had so long to stew about the little earth boy who he coulnd't kill that he's decided to play along by these rules in order to make an example out of him rather than simply blow up his house (again?).
** Also why the hell did they got rid of his gas mask?
** Just think of it as "The Vengeance of Vilgax's Kid Brother," and all will be well.
** The way I see it Vilgax is playing these rules as the ultimate "Take that" to Ben and all who oppose him. By following the rules of conquest (not sure if that was the actual name of them) he is legally taking over planets and nobody can do jack to stop him. Remember Vilgax has been challenging only the strongest warrior of each planet, meaning it is a one on one fight as in no interference from friends. If he wins he gets to take ownership of the planet and it is all perfectly legit. There is nothing more humiliating for the heroes then to lose to your arch-nemesis in a perfectly legit match.
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** I agree. Vilgax wouldn't make a deal with Ben to prevent the universe from exploding in Secret of the Omnitrix, now we're expected to believe he cares about significantly less destruction? Or a little girl?
*** It may have been more about getting back at Z'Skayr than about ''just'' saving Vilgaxia; maybe about a 55/45 split, respectively. [[Pet the Dog]] moments along the way were just a plus, along with the fact that securing an entirely new planet is proboably pretty difficult.
** Well the way I look at it they know what he's like (weren't they of his species?) so they try not to piss him off. Seriously if some genocidal maniac took over your home, and you are vastly out powered would you really take the risk?
*** But they're not scared or intimidated by him in the slightest. A little squid-girl ''hugs'' him. What. The. Hell.
**** Think of Genghis Khan. Huge imperialist empire. Known and feared throughout Eurasia. [[Historical Villain Upgrade|Has a long standing reputation for being one of the most brutal conquerors ever]]. Loved and adored more and more the closer you got to home, where he made for damn sure conditions were optimal and nigh-utopian. It seems more of a case of him being a destructive dictator to the people he's trying to conquer and not to the people under his wing, or, more or less, Ben doesn't know the whole story.
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** I joked that they needed to use Kevin as a bludgeoning weapon to stop Hex, and his normal body wasn't sturdy enough to survive the many many impacts needed for victory.
** I imagine that the episode is a call-back to "In Charm's Way", where the Omnitrix broke for a while and it was up to Kevin and Gwen to fight Charmcaster, with the deviation being that Charmcaster would have won since Kevin wouldn't have been able to stall for time. The problem with that is that Hex isn't involved in that plot at all, and if Charmcaster got Gwen's powers, I doubt she'd cut Hex in on the deal.
** Another thing about that episode; why did Gwen go through all the trouble of breaking into Hex's place to steal his book of spells, if she wasn't even going to read it and already knew the spell off by heart? And if the chalk and candles were still in there in her room in the new time-line, why wasn't the book she stole in the old time-line there too?
* If Kevin's powers only create a shell of matter then why doesn't he chip away the stuff on him? If he is actually made out of the stuff then how can his wooden legs support stone, metal, and crystal?
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* It bugs me how that, though we never see him again, there were a number of occasions to that Ben could have used Alien X. I can understand that he doesn't want to use it again, but if he figured out how to cooperate with the Voices, he could have won not only the battle against the Highbreed but Vilgax as well. Seriously, Alien X haves the abilities to stop the Highbreed and could mop the floor with Vilgax, but Ben didn't use him for any of these events.
** And then it goes to say that if Ben does have access to Alien X, why didn't Vilgax use him when he had the Omnitrix? I could understand from "The Final Battle" that he could use him to demonstrate his power, but in "Primus" ... Seriously, he could have end Ben right then and there. But sadly, that never happened.
* Considering how the Omnitrix self-destructed in the last episode, does that mean Ghostfreak is dead?
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** [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Logically, they do it in a Fridge.]] [[Epileptic Trees|My personal theory]] has always been that all sentient races have some special ability, and humans' special ability is [[Boldly Coming|getting every other sentient race preggers]].
*** [[Incredibly Lame Pun|!]]
** The road trip in ''Alien Swarm''; if the cops {{spoiler|have been infected by the [[Hive Mind]]}} why haven't they had trouble with them? If they haven't, [[Cool Car|a tricked-out RX-8]] with blacked-out windows all around and no side mirrors, driven by a bunch of teenagers!?
* Why is Kevin so protective of his mom now? Either she sided with his father in kicking him out onto the streets when he was 11 years old, or he ran away and left her to live on the streets when he was 11 years old. Either way, their relationship should be stretched past the breaking point, not the close-ish relationship portrayed in the show.
** I always saw Kevin being 'kicked out' as more being threatened with being thrown out over his behavior and, like the child he was, decided this meant they didn't want him and ran away. Unlike other children he was able to protect himself and mentally unstable enough to delude himself into thinking that it was better on his own. He simply grew up and realized what had really been going on. If you went to wake up your son and he was gone, and you next saw him years later, would you be berating him and leaving the relationship 'stretched past the breaking point', or would you be grateful to have him back and be trying to be a family again?
* Why is Hex an adult again? In his last appearance, he was turned into a toddler by the Fountain of Youth.