Ben 10: Ultimate Alien/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Echo Echo bugs me. Everybody with [[Me's a Crowd|duplication powers]] should have weakness. Most common ones are feeling pain after death of clone, or having one real body that controls rest. Echo Echo doesnt seem to have those. Dwayne mentioned that he needs some energy to make them, so there is a limit, but its unnoticable. Of course there is a time limit Ben has before changing back, but regular Sonorosian wont have one. So is there is any way to stop him? Episode "Absolute Power" proved that Echo Echo is basically indestructible if he's prepared.
** Check the WMG that says Ben's aliens are the pinacles of their respective species. Only the fastest Kinecelerans can match [[XLR 8]]XLR8's speeds, most Piscciss Volann dry out even faster than Ripjaws does on dry land, and so on. According to this theory, Echo Echo could be thought of as the [[Naruto]] of Sonorosians; which is to say, [[Me's a Crowd|duplicating yourself]] takes a lot of energy, but our hero has so much energy to spare that he makes it look easy.
* Is Vilgaxia one of ten words conquered by Vilgax or is he actually owner of ten plus one? Because he mentioned having powers champions from ten worlds. But isnt he greatest warrior from his planet? Besides he couldt have to fight with champion considering he couldnt conquer that planet by fighting in "Conquerer's Challenge", cause said Challenge is between greatest warriors of attacking race and defending one.
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** [[They Just Didn't Care]]
* Can someone tell me where Matt Wayne is answering questions and giving out Words of God? Because I read on the Ben 10 wiki that Fasttrack (the new blue and black alien with superspeed) is more powerful than [[XLR 8]]XLR8 (the original blue and black alien with superspeed). If this is true, then this just seems like a giant slap in the face for fans of the original series. I mean, what's the point of [[XLR 8]]XLR8 then?
** Maybe [[Fast Tracks]] stronger but [[XLR 8]]XLR8'S faster.
* If Gwen has a spell that instantly brings about sleep, why not use it more often?
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** Thank you. Just one more question. I can understand the Ultimate Forms being upset about imprisonment in their own bodies, but whenever Ben was controlling them, he used them for good. True, he stole and forced his control on their bodies, but everytime he did it, it was to protect the lives of the innocent or to stop someone who was threatening others. While I can understand being angry about imprisonment, the fact that they were being used to save lives and fight for good should have made them a little more considerate towards Ben. Instead, they were cheering and screaming out 'BURN! BURN! BURN!'
** Again, [[Fake Memories]]. [[Death World]]. Ultimate Humongousaur talks about his mom trying to kill him before he'd even hatched, so presumably the rest of the Ultimate Five had similiarly antisocial [[Fake Memories|upbringings]]. They don't care what Ben's using them for.
** That makes sense...I wished they had made it more obvious, but I'll buy it. One last question. When Ben was trying to get away, he turned into Brainstorm. Isn't that one of the worst choices he could have made for running away? Wouldn't [[XLR 8]]XLR8, Jetray, or even Fasttrack (who annoys me greatly just by existing, but we'll ignore that) would have been better choice?
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*** And now Spidermonkey/Ultimate Spidermonkey can breathe in space and survive orbital reentry... at least it ALMOST made sense for Cannonbolt to be able to in the original.
** HE DIDNT BREATHE IN SPACE. That was the point. He fall off the ship, because they flew up and he couldnt breathe.
* During the Ben 10 generator rex heroes united crossover event why did Ben never go Nanomech? I mean that would of been a perfect opportunity for him to go Ultimate Nanomech! Not saying I didn't like the new alien or seeing some some of the old ones ([[XLR 8]]XLR8 and Upgrade) but seriously it was a perfect opportunity for it. Also why didn't he go Ultimate at all during that hole indecent? Though later on it wouldn't of helped.
** Well for the Ultimate thing, I have a theory. The Man of Action guys thought, like some fans, that the Ultimate Forms are ridiculous, so they refused to acknowledge it. Same reason why Ben doesn't announce his name, or use Fastrack, in my opinion. The Man Of Action writers preferred to ignore some things about the newer series. Something I'm not unhappy about, as that made the special better than the actual show for me.
*** (OP) I've come up with a couple of theories why Ben didn't go Nanomech. 1. Rex can't shrink so it would have just been Nanomech vs Alpha Nanite. Though that falls short because Rex could of still distracted him. 2.Ben though he would be possessed by Alpha if he went Nanomech(a Bio-mechanical creature) but that also falls flat due to the fact he can shrink down to that size and he used upgrade which is worse that Nanomech if it came to that. So I still got nothing on the why we had no Nanomech.